Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestResume()
            int           fileSizeInKB   = 100 * 1024;
            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);

            DMLibDataHelper.AddOneFile(sourceDataInfo.RootNode, DMLibTestBase.FileName, fileSizeInKB);

            CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            TransferItem transferItem = null;
            var          options      = new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>();

            options.LimitSpeed = true;
            var transferContext = new TransferContext();
            var progressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);

            transferContext.ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler();
            options.TransferItemModifier    = (fileName, item) =>
                item.CancellationToken = tokenSource.Token;
                item.TransferContext   = transferContext;
                transferItem           = item;

            TransferCheckpoint firstCheckpoint = null, secondCheckpoint = null;

            options.AfterAllItemAdded = () =>
                // Wait until there are data transferred

                // Store the first checkpoint
                firstCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

                // Cancel the transfer and store the second checkpoint

            // Cancel and store checkpoint for resume
            var result = this.ExecuteTestCase(sourceDataInfo, options);

            secondCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

            Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify job is cancelled");
            Exception exception = result.Exceptions[0];

            VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(exception, "A task was canceled.");

            TransferCheckpoint firstResumeCheckpoint = null, secondResumeCheckpoint = null;
            ProgressChecker    firstProgressChecker = null, secondProgressChecker = null;

            // DMLib doesn't support to resume transfer from a checkpoint which is inconsistent with
            // the actual transfer progress when the destination is an append blob.
            if (Helper.RandomBoolean() && (DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.AppendBlob || DMLibTestContext.IsAsync))
                Test.Info("Resume with the first checkpoint first.");
                firstResumeCheckpoint  = firstCheckpoint;
                secondResumeCheckpoint = secondCheckpoint;
                Test.Info("Resume with the second checkpoint first.");
                firstResumeCheckpoint  = secondCheckpoint;
                secondResumeCheckpoint = firstCheckpoint;

            // first progress checker
            if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream && DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.BlockBlob)
                // The destination is already created, will cause a transfer skip
                firstProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1 /* failed */, 1 /* skipped */, fileSizeInKB * 1024);
            else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream || (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream && DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.BlockBlob))
                firstProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1 /* transferred */, 1 /* failed */, 0, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                firstProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1, 0, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);

            // second progress checker
            if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                // The destination is already created, will cause a transfer skip
                secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1 /* failed */, 1 /* skipped */, fileSizeInKB * 1024);
            else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1 /* transferred */, 1 /* failed */, 0, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024);
            else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.AppendBlob && !DMLibTestContext.IsAsync)
                secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1 /* failed */, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1 /* transferred */, 0, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);

            // resume with firstResumeCheckpoint
            TransferItem    resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();
            TransferContext resumeContext = new TransferContext(
                IsStreamDirection() ? firstResumeCheckpoint : DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(firstResumeCheckpoint))
                ProgressHandler = firstProgressChecker.GetProgressHandler()

            resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

            result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
            }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

            if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream && DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.BlockBlob)
                Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify transfer is skipped when source is stream.");
                exception = result.Exceptions[0];
                VerificationHelper.VerifyTransferException(result.Exceptions[0], TransferErrorCode.NotOverwriteExistingDestination, "Skiped file");
                // For sync copy, recalculate md5 of destination by downloading the file to local.
                if (IsCloudService(DMLibTestContext.DestType) && !DMLibTestContext.IsAsync)
                    DMLibDataHelper.SetCalculatedFileMD5(result.DataInfo, DestAdaptor);

                VerificationHelper.VerifySingleObjectResumeResult(result, sourceDataInfo);

            // resume with secondResumeCheckpoint
            resumeItem    = transferItem.Clone();
            resumeContext = new TransferContext(
                IsStreamDirection() ? secondResumeCheckpoint : DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(secondResumeCheckpoint))
                ProgressHandler = secondProgressChecker.GetProgressHandler()
            resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

            result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
            }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

            if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify transfer is skipped when source is stream.");
                exception = result.Exceptions[0];
                VerificationHelper.VerifyTransferException(result.Exceptions[0], TransferErrorCode.NotOverwriteExistingDestination, "Skiped file");
            else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.AppendBlob && !DMLibTestContext.IsAsync)
                Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify reumse fails when checkpoint is inconsistent with the actual progress when destination is append blob.");
                exception = result.Exceptions[0];
                Test.Assert(exception is InvalidOperationException, "Verify reumse fails when checkpoint is inconsistent with the actual progress when destination is append blob.");
                VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(exception, "Destination might be changed by other process or application.");
                // For sync copy, recalculate md5 of destination by downloading the file to local.
                if (IsCloudService(DMLibTestContext.DestType) && !DMLibTestContext.IsAsync)
                    DMLibDataHelper.SetCalculatedFileMD5(result.DataInfo, DestAdaptor);

                VerificationHelper.VerifySingleObjectResumeResult(result, sourceDataInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestDirectoryResume()
            int  bigFileSizeInKB   = 5 * 1024; // 5 MB
            int  smallFileSizeInKB = 1;        // 1 KB
            int  bigFileNum        = 5;
            int  smallFileNum      = 50;
            long totalSizeInBytes  = (bigFileSizeInKB * bigFileNum + smallFileSizeInKB * smallFileNum) * 1024;
            int  totalFileNum      = bigFileNum + smallFileNum;

            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo   = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);
            DirNode       bigFileDirNode   = new DirNode("big");
            DirNode       smallFileDirNode = new DirNode("small");


            DMLibDataHelper.AddMultipleFiles(bigFileDirNode, FileName, bigFileNum, bigFileSizeInKB);
            DMLibDataHelper.AddMultipleFiles(smallFileDirNode, FileName, smallFileNum, smallFileSizeInKB);

            CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            TransferItem transferItem = null;
            var          options      = new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>();

            options.LimitSpeed          = true;
            options.IsDirectoryTransfer = true;

            var transferContext = new TransferContext();
            var progressChecker = new ProgressChecker(totalFileNum, totalSizeInBytes, totalFileNum, null, 0, totalSizeInBytes);

            transferContext.ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler();
            var eventChecker = new TransferEventChecker();


            transferContext.FileFailed += (sender, e) =>
                Test.Assert(e.Exception.Message.Contains("cancel"), "Verify task is canceled: {0}", e.Exception.Message);

            options.TransferItemModifier = (fileName, item) =>
                dynamic dirOptions = DefaultTransferDirectoryOptions;
                dirOptions.Recursive = true;

                item.Options           = dirOptions;
                item.CancellationToken = tokenSource.Token;
                item.TransferContext   = transferContext;
                transferItem           = item;

            TransferCheckpoint firstCheckpoint = null, secondCheckpoint = null;

            options.AfterAllItemAdded = () =>
                // Wait until there are data transferred

                // Store the first checkpoint
                firstCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

                // Cancel the transfer and store the second checkpoint

            // Cancel and store checkpoint for resume
            var result = this.ExecuteTestCase(sourceDataInfo, options);

            secondCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

            if (progressChecker.FailedFilesNumber <= 0)
                Test.Error("Verify file number in progress. Failed: {0}", progressChecker.FailedFilesNumber);

            TransferCheckpoint firstResumeCheckpoint = null, secondResumeCheckpoint = null;

            Test.Info("Resume with the second checkpoint first.");
            firstResumeCheckpoint  = secondCheckpoint;
            secondResumeCheckpoint = firstCheckpoint;

            // resume with firstResumeCheckpoint
            TransferItem resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();

            TransferContext resumeContext = new TransferContext(DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(firstResumeCheckpoint))
                ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler()


            resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

            result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
            }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

            VerificationHelper.VerifyFinalProgress(progressChecker, totalFileNum, 0, 0);
            VerificationHelper.VerifySingleTransferStatus(result, totalFileNum, 0, 0, totalSizeInBytes);
            VerificationHelper.VerifyTransferSucceed(result, sourceDataInfo);

            // resume with secondResumeCheckpoint
            resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();

            resumeContext = new TransferContext(DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(secondResumeCheckpoint))
                ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler(),

                // Need this overwrite callback since some files is already transferred to destination
                OverwriteCallback = DMLibInputHelper.GetDefaultOverwiteCallbackY(),


            resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

            result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
            }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

            VerificationHelper.VerifyFinalProgress(progressChecker, totalFileNum, 0, 0);
            VerificationHelper.VerifySingleTransferStatus(result, totalFileNum, 0, 0, totalSizeInBytes);
            VerificationHelper.VerifyTransferSucceed(result, sourceDataInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestDirectoryResume()
            int  bigFileSizeInKB   = 5 * 1024; // 5 MB
            int  smallFileSizeInKB = 1;        // 1 KB
            int  bigFileNum        = 5;
            int  smallFileNum      = 50;
            long totalSizeInBytes  = (bigFileSizeInKB * bigFileNum + smallFileSizeInKB * smallFileNum) * 1024;
            int  totalFileNum      = bigFileNum + smallFileNum;

            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo   = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);
            DirNode       bigFileDirNode   = new DirNode("big");
            DirNode       smallFileDirNode = new DirNode("small");


            DMLibDataHelper.AddMultipleFiles(bigFileDirNode, FileName, bigFileNum, bigFileSizeInKB);
            DMLibDataHelper.AddMultipleFiles(smallFileDirNode, FileName, smallFileNum, smallFileSizeInKB);

            CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            TransferItem transferItem = null;
            var          options      = new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>();

            options.LimitSpeed          = true;
            options.IsDirectoryTransfer = true;

            using (Stream journalStream = new MemoryStream())
                bool IsStreamJournal = random.Next(0, 2) == 0;
                var  transferContext = IsStreamJournal ? new DirectoryTransferContext(journalStream) : new DirectoryTransferContext();
                var  progressChecker = new ProgressChecker(totalFileNum, totalSizeInBytes, totalFileNum, null, 0, totalSizeInBytes);
                transferContext.ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler();
                var eventChecker = new TransferEventChecker();

                transferContext.FileFailed += (sender, e) =>

                options.TransferItemModifier = (fileName, item) =>
                    dynamic dirOptions = DefaultTransferDirectoryOptions;
                    dirOptions.Recursive = true;

                    if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile &&
                        DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile)
                        dirOptions.PreserveSMBAttributes  = true;
                        dirOptions.PreserveSMBPermissions = true;

                    item.Options           = dirOptions;
                    item.CancellationToken = tokenSource.Token;
                    item.TransferContext   = transferContext;
                    transferItem           = item;

                TransferCheckpoint firstCheckpoint = null, secondCheckpoint = null;
                options.AfterAllItemAdded = () =>
                    // Wait until there are data transferred

                    if (!IsStreamJournal)
                        // Store the first checkpoint
                        firstCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;


                    // Cancel the transfer and store the second checkpoint

                // Cancel and store checkpoint for resume
                var result = this.ExecuteTestCase(sourceDataInfo, options);

                if (progressChecker.FailedFilesNumber <= 0)
                    Test.Error("Verify file number in progress. Failed: {0}", progressChecker.FailedFilesNumber);

                TransferCheckpoint firstResumeCheckpoint = null, secondResumeCheckpoint = null;

                if (!IsStreamJournal)
                    secondCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

                    Test.Info("Resume with the second checkpoint first.");
                    firstResumeCheckpoint  = secondCheckpoint;
                    secondResumeCheckpoint = firstCheckpoint;

                // resume with firstResumeCheckpoint
                TransferItem resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();

                TransferContext resumeContext = null;

                if (IsStreamJournal)
                    resumeContext = new DirectoryTransferContext(journalStream)
                        ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler()
                    resumeContext = new DirectoryTransferContext(DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(firstResumeCheckpoint))
                        ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler()


                resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

                result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
                }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

                VerificationHelper.VerifyFinalProgress(progressChecker, totalFileNum, 0, 0);
                VerificationHelper.VerifySingleTransferStatus(result, totalFileNum, 0, 0, totalSizeInBytes);
                VerificationHelper.VerifyTransferSucceed(result, sourceDataInfo);

                if (!IsStreamJournal)
                    // resume with secondResumeCheckpoint
                    resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();

                    resumeContext = new DirectoryTransferContext(DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(secondResumeCheckpoint))
                        ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler(),

                        // Need this overwrite callback since some files is already transferred to destination
                        ShouldOverwriteCallbackAsync = DMLibInputHelper.GetDefaultOverwiteCallbackY(),


                    resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

                    result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
                    }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

                    VerificationHelper.VerifyFinalProgress(progressChecker, totalFileNum, 0, 0);
                    VerificationHelper.VerifySingleTransferStatus(result, totalFileNum, 0, 0, totalSizeInBytes);
                    VerificationHelper.VerifyTransferSucceed(result, sourceDataInfo);

                if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile &&
                    DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile)
                    Helper.CompareSMBProperties(sourceDataInfo.RootNode, result.DataInfo.RootNode, true);
                        PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestResume()
            int           fileSizeInKB   = 100 * 1024;
            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);

            DMLibDataHelper.AddOneFile(sourceDataInfo.RootNode, DMLibTestBase.FileName, fileSizeInKB);

            CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            TransferItem transferItem = null;
            var          options      = new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>();

            options.LimitSpeed = true;

            bool IsStreamJournal = random.Next(0, 2) == 0;

            using (Stream journalStream = new MemoryStream())
                TransferContext transferContext = IsStreamJournal ? new SingleTransferContext(journalStream) : new SingleTransferContext();
                var             progressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                transferContext.ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler();
                options.TransferItemModifier    = (fileName, item) =>
                    dynamic transferOptions = DefaultTransferOptions;

                    if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile &&
                        DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile)
                        transferOptions.PreserveSMBAttributes  = true;
                        transferOptions.PreserveSMBPermissions = true;

                    item.CancellationToken    = tokenSource.Token;
                    item.TransferContext      = transferContext;
                    transferItem              = item;
                    item.DisableStreamDispose = true;
                    item.Options              = transferOptions;

                TransferCheckpoint firstCheckpoint = null, secondCheckpoint = null;
                options.AfterAllItemAdded = () =>
                    if (IsStreamJournal &&
                        (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream ||
                         DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream))

                    // Wait until there are data transferred

                    // Store the first checkpoint
                    if (!IsStreamJournal)
                        firstCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

                    // Cancel the transfer and store the second checkpoint

                if ((DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream) || (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream))
                    options.DisableDestinationFetch = true;

                // Cancel and store checkpoint for resume
                var result = this.ExecuteTestCase(sourceDataInfo, options);

                if (!IsStreamJournal)
                    secondCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;
                    if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream || DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                        Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify job is failed");
                        Exception jobException = result.Exceptions[0];
                        Test.Info("{0}", jobException);
                        VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(jobException, "Cannot deserialize to TransferLocation when its TransferLocationType is Stream.");
                        transferItem.DisableStreamDispose = false;

                Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify job is cancelled");
                Exception exception = result.Exceptions[0];

                TransferCheckpoint firstResumeCheckpoint = null, secondResumeCheckpoint = null;
                ProgressChecker    firstProgressChecker = null, secondProgressChecker = null;

                if (!IsStreamJournal)
                    // DMLib doesn't support to resume transfer from a checkpoint which is inconsistent with
                    // the actual transfer progress when the destination is an append blob.
                    if (Helper.RandomBoolean() && (DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.AppendBlob || (DMLibTestContext.CopyMethod == DMLibCopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy)))
                        Test.Info("Resume with the first checkpoint first.");
                        firstResumeCheckpoint  = firstCheckpoint;
                        secondResumeCheckpoint = secondCheckpoint;
                        Test.Info("Resume with the second checkpoint first.");
                        firstResumeCheckpoint  = secondCheckpoint;
                        secondResumeCheckpoint = firstCheckpoint;

                // first progress checker
                if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream && DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.BlockBlob)
                    // The destination is already created, will cause a transfer skip
                    firstProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1 /* failed */, 1 /* skipped */, fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream || (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream && DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.BlockBlob))
                    firstProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1 /* transferred */, 1 /* failed */, 0, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                    firstProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1, 0, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);

                // second progress checker
                if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                    // The destination is already created, will cause a transfer skip
                    secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1 /* failed */, 1 /* skipped */, fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                    secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(2, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1 /* transferred */, 1 /* failed */, 0, 2 * fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.AppendBlob && (DMLibTestContext.CopyMethod != DMLibCopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy))
                    secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 0, 1 /* failed */, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);
                    secondProgressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024, 1 /* transferred */, 0, 0, fileSizeInKB * 1024);

                // resume with firstResumeCheckpoint
                TransferItem    resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();
                TransferContext resumeContext = null;

                if (IsStreamJournal)
                    Exception deserializeEX = null;
                        resumeContext = new SingleTransferContext(journalStream)
                            ProgressHandler = firstProgressChecker.GetProgressHandler()
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if ((DMLibTestContext.SourceType != DMLibDataType.Stream) &&
                            (DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.Stream))
                            Test.Error("Should no exception in deserialization when no target is stream.");

                        deserializeEX = ex;
                    resumeContext = new SingleTransferContext(IsStreamDirection() ? firstResumeCheckpoint : DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(firstResumeCheckpoint))
                        ProgressHandler = firstProgressChecker.GetProgressHandler()

                resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

                result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
                }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

                if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream || DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                    Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify error reported when source/destination is stream.");
                    exception = result.Exceptions[0];
                    VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(result.Exceptions[0], "Resuming transfer from or to a stream is not supported");
                    // For sync copy, recalculate md5 of destination by downloading the file to local.
                    if (IsCloudService(DMLibTestContext.DestType) && (DMLibTestContext.CopyMethod != DMLibCopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy))
                        DMLibDataHelper.SetCalculatedFileMD5(result.DataInfo, DestAdaptor);

                    VerificationHelper.VerifySingleObjectResumeResult(result, sourceDataInfo);

                if (!IsStreamJournal)
                    // resume with secondResumeCheckpoint
                    resumeItem    = transferItem.Clone();
                    resumeContext = new SingleTransferContext(
                        IsStreamDirection() ? secondResumeCheckpoint : DMLibTestHelper.RandomReloadCheckpoint(secondResumeCheckpoint))
                        ProgressHandler = secondProgressChecker.GetProgressHandler()
                    resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

                    result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
                    }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

                    if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream || DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                        Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify error reported when source/destination is stream.");
                        exception = result.Exceptions[0];
                        VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(result.Exceptions[0], "Resuming transfer from or to a stream is not supported");
                    else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.AppendBlob && (DMLibTestContext.CopyMethod != DMLibCopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy))
                        Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify reumse fails when checkpoint is inconsistent with the actual progress when destination is append blob.");
                        exception = result.Exceptions[0];
                        Test.Assert(exception is InvalidOperationException, "Verify reumse fails when checkpoint is inconsistent with the actual progress when destination is append blob.");
                        VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(exception, "Destination might be changed by other process or application.");
                        // For sync copy, recalculate md5 of destination by downloading the file to local.
                        if (IsCloudService(DMLibTestContext.DestType) && (DMLibTestContext.CopyMethod != DMLibCopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy))
                            DMLibDataHelper.SetCalculatedFileMD5(result.DataInfo, DestAdaptor);

                        VerificationHelper.VerifySingleObjectResumeResult(result, sourceDataInfo);

                if (DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile &&
                    DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile)
                    Helper.CompareSMBProperties(sourceDataInfo.RootNode, result.DataInfo.RootNode, true);
                        PreserveSMBPermissions.Owner | PreserveSMBPermissions.Group | PreserveSMBPermissions.DACL | PreserveSMBPermissions.SACL);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TestResume()
            int           fileSizeInKB   = 100 * 1024;
            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);

            DMLibDataHelper.AddOneFile(sourceDataInfo.RootNode, DMLibTestBase.FileName, fileSizeInKB);

            CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            TransferItem transferItem = null;
            var          options      = new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>();

            options.LimitSpeed = true;
            var transferContext = new TransferContext();
            var progressChecker = new ProgressChecker(1, fileSizeInKB * 1024);

            transferContext.ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler();
            options.TransferItemModifier    = (fileName, item) =>
                item.CancellationToken = tokenSource.Token;
                item.TransferContext   = transferContext;
                transferItem           = item;

            TransferCheckpoint firstCheckpoint = null, secondCheckpoint = null;

            options.AfterAllItemAdded = () =>
                // Wait until there are data transferred

                // Store the first checkpoint
                firstCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

                // Cancel the transfer and store the second checkpoint
                secondCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;

            // Cancel and store checkpoint for resume
            var result = this.ExecuteTestCase(sourceDataInfo, options);

            Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify job is cancelled");
            Exception exception = result.Exceptions[0];

            VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(exception, "A task was canceled.");

            TransferCheckpoint firstResumeCheckpoint = null, secondResumeCheckpoint = null;

            // DMLib doesn't support to resume transfer from a checkpoint which is inconsistent with
            // the actual transfer progress when the destination is an append blob.
            if (Helper.RandomBoolean() && DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.AppendBlob)
                Test.Info("Resume with the first checkpoint first.");
                firstResumeCheckpoint  = firstCheckpoint;
                secondResumeCheckpoint = secondCheckpoint;
                Test.Info("Resume with the second checkpoint first.");
                firstResumeCheckpoint  = secondCheckpoint;
                secondResumeCheckpoint = firstCheckpoint;

            // resume with firstResumeCheckpoint
            TransferItem resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();

            TransferContext resumeContext = new TransferContext(firstResumeCheckpoint)
                ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler()

            resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

            result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
            }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

            VerificationHelper.VerifySingleObjectResumeResult(result, sourceDataInfo);

            // resume with secondResumeCheckpoint
            resumeItem = transferItem.Clone();
            resumeContext = new TransferContext(secondResumeCheckpoint)
                ProgressHandler = progressChecker.GetProgressHandler()
            resumeItem.TransferContext = resumeContext;

            result = this.RunTransferItems(new List <TransferItem>()
            }, new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>());

            if (DMLibTestContext.DestType != DMLibDataType.AppendBlob || DMLibTestContext.SourceType == DMLibDataType.Stream)
                VerificationHelper.VerifySingleObjectResumeResult(result, sourceDataInfo);
                Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1, "Verify reumse fails when checkpoint is inconsistent with the actual progress when destination is append blob.");
                exception = result.Exceptions[0];
                Test.Assert(exception is InvalidOperationException, "Verify reumse fails when checkpoint is inconsistent with the actual progress when destination is append blob.");
                VerificationHelper.VerifyExceptionErrorMessage(exception, "Destination might be changed by other process or application.");