Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void TestDDS()
            Image gradient = gradientImage();

            DDS.DDS dds = gradient;

            if (dds.width != (uint)(Math.Ceiling(gradient.width / 4f) * 4))
                Console.WriteLine("DDS file has an incorrent width!");

            if (dds.height != (uint)(Math.Ceiling(gradient.height / 4f) * 4))
                Console.WriteLine("DDS file has an incorrent height!");

            Image image2 = dds;

            Image.Color color0 = image2[5, 4];
            Image.Color color1 = gradient[5, 4];

            if (!color0.Equals(color1))
                Console.WriteLine("Image -> DDS -> Image fails pixel data!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void TestDDS2()
            Image image = null;

            DDS.DDS dss = null;
            BMP.BMP bmp = null;

            // Read BMP
            using (var fileStream = new FileStream("forest4.bmp", FileMode.Open))
                image = BMP.BMP.read(fileStream);


            // Write DDS
            using (var fileStream = new FileStream("forest4.dds", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                dss = image;


            // Read DDS
            using (var fileStream = new FileStream("forest4.dds", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                image = DDS.DDS.read(fileStream);


            // See what happened in a BMP
            using (var fileStream = new FileStream("forest5.bmp", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                bmp = image;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ContextCreated(object sender, NativeWindowEventArgs e)
            AttributeId[] attributes = null;

            _vao = new VertexArrayObject(true);
                var texture = new TQTexture(File.ReadAllBytes("texture.tex"));
                _texture = new Texture(TextureTarget.Texture2d);
                _texture.Parameteri(TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, TextureWrapMode.Repeat);
                _texture.Parameteri(TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, TextureWrapMode.Repeat);
                _texture.Parameteri(TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, TextureMinFilter.Linear);
                _texture.Parameteri(TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, TextureMagFilter.Linear);
                foreach (var frame in texture)
                    var            dds = new DDS.DDS(frame.Data);
                    InternalFormat internalFormat;
                    if (dds.Header.Capabilities.HasFlag(Capabilities.Complex))
                        switch (dds.Header.PixelFormat.FourCC)
                        case "DXT5": internalFormat = InternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext; break;

                        default: throw new NotImplementedException();
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                    _texture.Storage2D((int)dds.Header.MipmapCount, internalFormat, (int)dds.Header.Width, (int)dds.Header.Height);
                    foreach (var layer in dds)
                        int level = 0;
                        foreach (var mip in layer)
                                fixed(byte *ptr = mip.Data)
                                        xOffset: 0,
                                        yOffset: 0,
                                        width: (int)Math.Max(1, (dds.Header.Width * 2) >> level),
                                        height: (int)Math.Max(1, (dds.Header.Height * 2) >> level),
                                        data: mip.Data);
                        break; //TODO: Further layers.
                    break;     //TODO: Further frames.

            var mesh = new Mesh.Mesh(File.ReadAllBytes("mesh.msh"));

            foreach (var part in mesh)
                if (part.Is(out VertexBuffer vertexBuffer))
                    Console.Write("Loading VBO...");
                    var vbo = new Buffer(true);
                    vbo.BufferData(vertexBuffer.Buffer, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);
                    _vao.VertexBuffer(0, vbo, IntPtr.Zero, vertexBuffer.Header.Stride);
                    Console.Write(" OK!");
                    attributes = vertexBuffer.Attributes.ToArray();
                    Console.Write($" (also got {attributes.Length} attributes)");
                    _vertexCount = vertexBuffer.Header.VertexCount;
                    Console.WriteLine($" (also got vertex count {_vertexCount})");
                else if (part.Is(out Shaders shaders))
                    foreach (var shader in shaders)
                            Console.Write($"Sort of loading {shader.FileName}...");
                            using (var vertexShader = new Shader(ShaderType.VertexShader, File.ReadAllText($"{shader.FileName}.vertex.glsl")))
                                using (var fragmentShader = new Shader(ShaderType.FragmentShader, File.ReadAllText($"{shader.FileName}.fragment.glsl")))
                                { _program = new ShaderProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader); }
                            Console.WriteLine(" OK!");
                            Console.Write($"Setting up attibutes...");
                            var offset = 0u;
                            foreach (var attribute in attributes)
                                switch (attribute)
                                case AttributeId.Position: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "position", 3, VertexAttribType.Float, normalized: false, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;

                                case AttributeId.Normal: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "normal", 3, VertexAttribType.Float, normalized: true, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;

                                case AttributeId.Tangent: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "tangent", 3, VertexAttribType.Float, normalized: true, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;

                                case AttributeId.Bitangent: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "bitangent", 3, VertexAttribType.Float, normalized: true, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;

                                case AttributeId.UV: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "uv", 2, VertexAttribType.Float, normalized: false, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;

                                case AttributeId.Weights: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "weights", 4, VertexAttribType.Float, normalized: false, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;

                                case AttributeId.Bones: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "bones", 4, VertexAttribType.Byte, normalized: false, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;

                                case AttributeId.Bytes: SetUpAttribute(_vao, _program, "bytes", 4, VertexAttribType.UnsignedByte, normalized: false, offset, bindingIndex: 0); break;
                                offset += GetAttributeSize(attribute);
                            Console.WriteLine(" OK!");
                            Console.Write($"Setting up uniforms...");
                            if (_program.TryGetUniformLocation("transformation", out var transformationUniform))
                                var matrix = new Matrix4x4(
                                    .5f, 0, 0, 0,
                                    0, .5f, 0, 0,
                                    0, 0, .5f, 0,
                                    0, -.7f, 0, 1
                                _program.UniformMatrix4f(transformationUniform, transpose: false, in matrix);
                                throw new NotImplementedException();
                            Console.WriteLine(" OK!");
                else if (part.Is(out IndexBuffer indexBuffer))
                    Console.Write("Loading IBO...");
                    var ibo = new Buffer(true);
                    ibo.BufferData(indexBuffer.TriangleIndices, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);
                    Console.WriteLine(" OK!");

                    var drawRanges = new List <(int, int)>();
                    foreach (var drawCall in indexBuffer)
                        drawRanges.Add((drawCall.Common.StartFaceIndex, drawCall.Common.FaceCount));
                    _drawRanges = drawRanges.ToArray();
                else if (part.Is(out Bones bones))
                    _boneVao = new VertexArrayObject(true);
                    Console.Write("Loading Bones...");
                    _boneMatrices  = new Matrix4x4[bones.Count];
                    _bonePositions = new Vector3[bones.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < _boneMatrices.Length; i++)
                        _boneMatrices[i] = Matrix4x4.Identity;

                    foreach (var bone in bones)
                        var i            = bone.Index;
                        var position     = new Vector4(bone.Position, 1);
                        var bonePosition = Vector4.Transform(position, _boneMatrices[i]);
                        _bonePositions[i] = new Vector3(bonePosition.X, bonePosition.Y, bonePosition.Z);
                        var boneMatrix = new Matrix4x4(
                            bone.Axes[0], bone.Axes[1], bone.Axes[2], 0,
                            bone.Axes[3], bone.Axes[4], bone.Axes[5], 0,
                            bone.Axes[6], bone.Axes[7], bone.Axes[8], 0,
                            bone.Position.X, bone.Position.Y, bone.Position.Z, 1
                        _boneMatrices[i] = boneMatrix * _boneMatrices[i];
                        foreach (var childBone in bone)
                            _boneMatrices[childBone.Index] = _boneMatrices[i];

                    var            boneVbo     = new Buffer(true);
                    Span <Vector3> boneVboData = (from p in _bonePositions select new Vector3(p.X / 2, p.Y / 2 - .7f, p.Z / 2)).ToArray().AsSpan();
                    _boneVao.VertexBuffer(0, boneVbo, IntPtr.Zero, 3 * sizeof(float));
                    boneVbo.BufferData(boneVboData, BufferUsage.StaticDraw);

                    //TODO: LINQ it!
                    var boneIbo = new Buffer(true);
                    var boneIboEntries = new List <(int, int)>();
                    foreach (var parent in bones)
                        foreach (var child in parent)
                            boneIboEntries.Add((parent.Index, child.Index));
                    boneIbo.BufferData(boneIboEntries.SelectMany(x => new[] { (ushort)x.Item1, (ushort)x.Item2 }).ToArray().AsSpan(), BufferUsage.StaticDraw);
                    _boneLinkCount = boneIboEntries.Count;

                    using (var vertexShader = new Shader(ShaderType.VertexShader, File.ReadAllText("bones.vertex.glsl")))
                        using (var fragmentShader = new Shader(ShaderType.FragmentShader, File.ReadAllText("bones.fragment.glsl")))
                        { _boneProgram = new ShaderProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader); }
                    Console.WriteLine(" OK!");

                    SetUpAttribute(_boneVao, _boneProgram, "position", 3, VertexAttribType.Float, normalized: false, relativeOffset: 0, bindingIndex: 0);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void TestDDSBlock()
            // R5G6B5 lossless color
            var color = new Image.Color(248, 252, 248);

            // Image with a single block
            Image image = new Image(4, 4, color);

            // Image -> DDS
            DDS.DDS dds = image;

            if (dds.horizontalBlocks != 1 || dds.verticalBlocks != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("DDS file has an incorrent number of blocks!");

            if (!dds[0][0].Equals(color) || !dds[0][0].Equals(color))
                Console.WriteLine("DDS block has an incorrent color!");

            // Get serialized block struct
            DDS_DXT1Block structBlock = dds[0];

            Image.Color color2 = structBlock.color0;

            if (!color2.Equals(color) || (structBlock.indices & 0x3) != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("StructBlock contains incorrect colors!");

            // Set some colors to black and get the block again
            image[7]  = Image.Color.Black;
            image[15] = Image.Color.Black;
            // image -> dds -> block -> struct block -> block
            dds         = image;
            structBlock = dds[0];
            DXT1Block block = structBlock;

            var color3 = block[0];
            var color4 = block[7];
            var color5 = block[15];

            if (!color3.Equals(color) ||
                !color4.Equals(Image.Color.Black) ||
                Console.WriteLine("DDS failed saving/restoring 2 colors!");

            // Let's save the file and see what happens

            using (var fileStream = new FileStream("block.dds", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))


            DDS.DDS dds2;
            using (var fileStream = new FileStream("block.dds", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                dds2 = DDS.DDS.read(fileStream);

            block = dds2[0];

            color3 = block[0];
            color4 = block[7];
            color5 = block[15];

            if (!color3.Equals(color) ||
                !color4.Equals(Image.Color.Black) ||
                Console.WriteLine("DDS failed saving/restoring 2 colors!");