Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ExecPrintFromEditRichContract(int pConfirmId)
            TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal trcBlobDal = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal(sqlConnectionStr);
            TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto trcBlobData = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto();
            //Int64 confirmIdLong = Convert.ToInt64(pConfirmId);
            trcBlobData = trcBlobDal.Get(pConfirmId);
            DocumentFormat docFormat = Utils.GetDocumentFormat(trcBlobData.ImageFileExt);

            if (trcBlobData.DocBlob.Length > 0)
                //byte[] docBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(AContractBody);
                using (MemoryStream contractStream = new MemoryStream(trcBlobData.DocBlob))
                    editContractForm.richeditConfirm.LoadDocument(contractStream, docFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SendContractForCurrentRqmt(Int32 ATradeId)
                string cptySn = "";
                string tradeSysTicket = "";
                string filterStr = "TradeId = " + ATradeId.ToString();
                foreach (DataRow summaryRow in summaryDataTable.Select(filterStr))
                    cptySn = summaryRow["CptySn"].ToString();
                    tradeSysTicket = summaryRow["TradeSysTicket"].ToString();
                string ticketNo = ATradeId.ToString();
                string transMethodInd = "";
                string faxTelexNumber = "";
                string activeFlag = "";
                Int32 rqmtId = 0;
                Int32 confirmId = 0;
                //Int32 templateId = 0;

                string confirmLabel = "";
                string filterStr2 = "TradeId = " + ticketNo;
                foreach (DataRow row in confirmDataTable.Select(filterStr2))
                    confirmLabel = row["ConfirmLabel"].ToString();

                    //Israel 11/19/2015 -- Added active flag test to prevent GUI-driven errors
                    activeFlag = row["ActiveFlag"].ToString();
                    if (confirmLabel == CONFIRM_LABEL_CONFIRM && activeFlag == "Y")
                        confirmId = Int32.Parse(row["Id"].ToString());
                        rqmtId = Int32.Parse(row["RqmtId"].ToString());
                        //templateId = Int32.Parse(row["TemplateId"].ToString());
                        transMethodInd = row["FaxTelexInd"].ToString();
                        faxTelexNumber = row["FaxTelexNumber"].ToString();

                //string contractBody = GetContractFromVault(confirmId, 0);
                TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal trcBlobDal = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal(sqlConnectionStr);
                TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto trcBlobData = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto();
                //Int64 confirmIdLong = Convert.ToInt64(confirmId);
                trcBlobData = trcBlobDal.Get(confirmId);
                DocumentFormat docFormat = Utils.GetDocumentFormat(trcBlobData.ImageFileExt);

                using (var ts = new TransactionScope())
                    Vaulter vaulter = new Vaulter(sqlConnectionStr);
                    vaulter.VaultTradeRqmtConfirm(confirmId, null);

                    if (transMethodInd.Length > 0 && faxTelexNumber.Length > 2)
                        SendToFaxGateway(transMethodInd, faxTelexNumber, CONFIRM_LABEL_CONFIRM, trcBlobData.DocBlob, docFormat,
                              cptySn, ATradeId,tradeSysTicket, rqmtId, confirmId, false, "", "", "", false);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("An error occurred while preparing a Confirm to send to the fax gateway for the following Trade Id:" + ATradeId + Environment.NewLine +
                     "Error CNF-149 in " + FORM_NAME + ".SendContractForCurrentRqmt(): " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void DisplayContract(int ATradeRqmtConfirmId, bool AEMailEnabled)
                //Israel 9/21/2015
                //rtfContract.Rtf = AContractBody;
                //rtfContract.SelectionProtected = true;
                //rtfContract.Select(5, 0);

                TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal trcBlobDal = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal(sqlConnectionStr);
                TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto trcBlobData = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto();
                //Int64 confirmIdLong = Convert.ToInt64(ATradeRqmtConfirmId);
                trcBlobData = trcBlobDal.Get(ATradeRqmtConfirmId);
                DocumentFormat docFormat = Utils.GetDocumentFormat(trcBlobData.ImageFileExt);

                if (trcBlobData.DocBlob.Length > 0)
                    using (MemoryStream contractStream = new MemoryStream(trcBlobData.DocBlob))
                        richeditConfirmBrowser.LoadDocument(contractStream, docFormat);

                tabctrlBrowserApps.SelectedTabPage = tabpgContract;
                //barDockControl3.Visible = false;
                //barBrowserStatusBar.Visible = false;
                btnEmail.Enabled = AEMailEnabled;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("An error occurred while attempting to display a Confirm using the following values:" + Environment.NewLine +
                     "Confirm Id: " + ATradeRqmtConfirmId.ToString() + ", EMail Option enabled?: " + AEMailEnabled + Environment.NewLine +
                      "Error CNF-143 in " + FORM_NAME + ".DisplayContract(): " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void SendToFaxGateway(Int32 AConfirmId, string ACptySn, bool ARtf,
           string ATitle, string AMessage, bool ACoverPage)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                string faxTelexInd = "";
                string faxTelexNumber = "";
                string confirmLabel = "";
                Int32 tradeId = 0;
                string tradeSysTicket = "";
                Int32 rqmtId = 0;
                //Int32 templateId = 0;
                string cptySn = "";

                string filterStr = "Id = " + AConfirmId.ToString();
                foreach (DataRow row in confirmDataTable.Select(filterStr))
                    faxTelexInd = row["FaxTelexInd"].ToString();
                    faxTelexNumber = row["FaxTelexNumber"].ToString();
                    confirmLabel = row["ConfirmLabel"].ToString();
                    tradeId = Int32.Parse(row["TradeId"].ToString());
                    tradeSysTicket = GetTradeSummaryData(tradeId, "TradeSysTicket"); //row["TradeSysTicket"].ToString();
                    rqmtId = Int32.Parse(row["RqmtId"].ToString());
                    //templateId = Int32.Parse(row["TemplateId"].ToString());

                //contractBody = GetContractFromVault(AConfirmId, 0);
                TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal trcBlobDal = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal(sqlConnectionStr);
                TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto trcBlobData = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto();
                //Int64 confirmIdLong = Convert.ToInt64(AConfirmId);
                trcBlobData = trcBlobDal.Get(AConfirmId);
                DocumentFormat docFormat = Utils.GetDocumentFormat(trcBlobData.ImageFileExt);

                string title = "";
                string message = "";
                if (ACoverPage)
                    title = ATitle;
                    message = AMessage;

                SendToFaxGateway(faxTelexInd, faxTelexNumber, confirmLabel, trcBlobData.DocBlob, docFormat, ACptySn, tradeId, tradeSysTicket, rqmtId,
                    Convert.ToInt32(AConfirmId), ARtf, "", title, message, ACoverPage);               

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("An error occurred while attempting to prepare then request SendToFaxGateway([14 parms]) using the following values:" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Confirm Id: " + AConfirmId.ToString() + ", Counterparty Short Name: " + ACptySn + ", IsRtf?: " + ARtf + Environment.NewLine +
                    "Title: " + ATitle + ", Message: " + AMessage + ", IncludeCoverPage?: " + ACoverPage + Environment.NewLine +
                     "Error CNF-144 in " + FORM_NAME + ".SendToFaxGateway([6 parms]): " + ex.Message);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void GetAutoContract(GridView AGridView)
                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                CGMethod cgMethod = CGMethod.GetContract;
                string tradingSystem = "";
                string trdSysTicket = "";
                string tradeIdStr = "";
                string rqmtId = "";
                string contractType = "NEW";
                //string contractBody = "";
                byte[] contractBody = null;
                string templateName = "";
                string preparerCanSendFlag = "";
                string savedTransMethod = "FAX";
                string savedTransInd = "F";
                string savedFaxNumber = "";
                string cmt = "";
                string nextStatusCode = "";
                string statusCode = "";
                string activeFlag = "Y";
                //Int32 templateId = 0;
                Int32 rqmtConfirmId = 0;
                Int32 tradeId = 0;

                int summaryRowHandle = GetGridViewFocusedRowHandle(gridViewSummary);
                tradingSystem = gridViewSummary.GetRowCellDisplayText(summaryRowHandle, "TrdSysCode").ToString();
                trdSysTicket = gridViewSummary.GetRowCellDisplayText(summaryRowHandle, "TradeSysTicket").ToString();
                tradeIdStr = gridViewSummary.GetRowCellDisplayText(summaryRowHandle, "TradeId").ToString();
                tradeId = Int32.Parse(tradeIdStr);
                //int tradeIdInt = int.Parse(ticketNo);

                //If adding a new confirm row, this will get the correct status. If the focus is on the confirm
                //row and the wrong rqmt row is focused, this bogus status will get replaced by the correct one below.
                statusCode = gridViewRqmt.GetRowCellDisplayText(gridViewRqmt.FocusedRowHandle, "Status").ToString();

                //If only one row they could be accessing it from the rqmt gid
                //If more then one access is only from the confirm grid so we know the focus.
                int rowHandle = 0;
                rowHandle = AGridView.FocusedRowHandle;

                //if (gridViewConfirm.RowCount == 1)
                //   rowHandle = gridViewConfirm.GetVisibleRowHandle(0);
                //   rowHandle = gridViewConfirm.FocusedRowHandle;

                //if (AGridView.Name == gridViewRqmt.Name)
                if (gridViewConfirm.RowCount > 0)
                    rqmtId = gridViewRqmt.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "Id").ToString();
                    rqmtConfirmId = GetContractRowId(tradeId);
                    savedTransInd = GetContractConfirmData(tradeId, "FaxTelexInd");
                    savedFaxNumber = GetContractConfirmData(tradeId, "FaxTelexNumber");
                    savedTransMethod = GetFaxMethodFromInd(savedTransInd);
                    templateName = GetContractConfirmData(tradeId, "TemplateName");
                    preparerCanSendFlag = GetContractConfirmData(tradeId, "PreparerCanSendFlag");
                    //templateId = GetContractTemplateId(tradeId);
                    cmt = GetContractConfirmData(tradeId, "ConfirmCmt");
                    nextStatusCode = GetContractConfirmData(tradeId, "NextStatusCode");
                    statusCode = gridViewRqmt.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "Status").ToString();
                else if (gridViewConfirm.RowCount > 0)
                    rqmtId = gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "RqmtId").ToString();
                    rqmtConfirmId = Int32.Parse(gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "Id").ToString());
                    savedTransInd = gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "FaxTelexInd").ToString();
                    savedFaxNumber = gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "FaxTelexNumber").ToString();
                    savedTransMethod = GetFaxMethodFromInd(savedTransInd);
                    templateName = gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "TemplateName").ToString();
                    preparerCanSendFlag = GetContractConfirmData(tradeId, "PreparerCanSendFlag");
                    //templateId = Int32.Parse(gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "TemplateId").ToString());
                    cmt = gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellDisplayText(rowHandle, "ConfirmCmt").ToString();
                    nextStatusCode = gridViewConfirm.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "NextStatusCode").ToString();

                    int iRqmtId = int.Parse(rqmtId);
                    statusCode = GetTradeRqmtData(iRqmtId, "Status");

                bool okToCallEditor = false;
                //bool contractExists = rqmtConfirmId > 0;

                string getDocumentUrl = Properties.Settings.Default.ExtSvcAPIBaseUrl;
                string svcUserName = Properties.Settings.Default.ExtSvcAPIUserName;
                string svcPassword = Properties.Settings.Default.ExtSvcAPIPassword;
                ConfirmDocsAPIDal confirmDocsDal = ConfirmDocsAPIDal.Instance(getDocumentUrl, svcUserName, svcPassword);

                string docFileExt = "";
                DocumentFormat docFormat = DocumentFormat.Undefined;
                if (statusCode == "NEW")
                        //Israel 12/09/2015 -- Provide cancel when no template given.
                        bool okToCallServer = true;
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName))
                            DialogResult result = XtraMessageBox.Show("No template has been supplied for this trade. Continue with the request?" + Environment.NewLine +
                                "(If you choose 'No' you can retry by selecting a Manual Contract instead.)", "Missing Template",
                               MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
                            if (result == DialogResult.No)
                                okToCallServer = false;

                        if (okToCallServer)
                            contractBody = confirmDocsDal.GetConfirm(tradingSystem, trdSysTicket, templateName, out docFileExt);
                            okToCallEditor = true;
                            if (contractBody == null || contractBody.Length < 2)
                                if (editContractForm.richeditConfirm.Document.Length > 0)
                                    DocumentRange docRange = editContractForm.richeditConfirm.Document.CreateRange(0, editContractForm.richeditConfirm.Document.Length);
                                MessageBox.Show("The Confirmation Web Service call returned a blank document.", "Empty Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        okToCallEditor = false;
                        //string message = "An error occurred while requesting a Confirm from the GetConfirmations Web Service." + Environment.NewLine +
                        //    "Error CNF-282 in GetAutoContract: " + ex.Message;
                        //string caption = MAIN_FORM_ERROR_CAPTION;
                        //MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
                        //if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Confirm Web Service(s) not available") > -1)
                        //    message = "A Confirm Web Service is not available. Please contact ConfirmSupport." + Environment.NewLine;
                        //    message += "When it is available just try again-- no need to restart " + APP_NAME + ".";
                        //    caption = "Confirm Web Service Unavailable";
                        //    icon = MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation;
                        //XtraMessageBox.Show(message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, icon);
                        XtraMessageBox.Show("An error occurred while requesting a Confirm from the GetConfirmations Web Service." + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Error CNF-282 in " + FORM_NAME + ".GetAutoContract(): " + ex.Message,
                            MAIN_FORM_ERROR_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else //if (contractExists)
                    //Retrieve contract body from vault.
                    //contractBody = GetContractFromVault(rqmtConfirmId, 0);
                    TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto trcBlobData = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDto();
                    TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal trcBlobDal = new TradeRqmtConfirmBlobDal(sqlConnectionStr);
                    trcBlobData = trcBlobDal.Get(rqmtConfirmId);
                    contractBody = trcBlobData.DocBlob;
                    docFileExt = trcBlobData.ImageFileExt;
                    //Israel 11/20/2015 -- Broken rows caused an error when bringing up the screen.
                    if (contractBody != null)
                        okToCallEditor = true;
                //    XtraMessageBox.Show("Contract doesn't exist. Status must be NEW to add new contract");

                if (nextStatusCode == "")
                    nextStatusCode = "PREP";

                //Israel 11/20/2015 -- Broken rows caused an error when calling GetDocumentFormat.
                //docFormat = Utils.GetDocumentFormat(docFileExt);
                //docFormat = DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
                if (okToCallEditor)
                    docFormat = Utils.GetDocumentFormat(docFileExt);
                    CallEditContractForm(contractBody, docFormat, templateName, savedTransMethod,
                       savedFaxNumber, rqmtConfirmId, cmt, nextStatusCode, activeFlag,preparerCanSendFlag);
            catch (Exception ex)
                XtraMessageBox.Show("An error occurred while requesting a Confirm from the GetConfirmations Web Service." + Environment.NewLine +
                      "Error CNF-123 in " + FORM_NAME + ".GetAutoContract(): " + ex.Message,
                    MAIN_FORM_ERROR_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;