Provides a convenient way of storing and passing server connection information to the library
        static void Main()
            // This is the LMS we will interact with
            var host = new HostSpec( "https", "", 443 );

            // The appId/appKey come from our app.config - it is good to seperate access keys from the code that uses them.
            // Ideally you wouldn't have production keys committed to source control.
            string appId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appId"];
            string appKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appKey"];

            // This is the port we will temporarily host a server on to intercept the user tokens after a successful login
            int port = int.Parse( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverPort"] );

            // Create url for the user to login. If they have already done so they will not actually have to type their password (maybe).
            var appContextFactory = new D2LAppContextFactory();
            var appContext = appContextFactory.Create( appId, appKey );
            var authUrl = appContext.CreateUrlForAuthentication( host, new Uri( "http://localhost:" + port + "/result/" ) );

            OpenBrowser( authUrl );

            // This call will block until we have a result
            // TODO: you'll want better control flow and error handling here
            var userContext = InterceptUserTokens( host, appContext );

            // Now we can call Valence
            DoApiStuff( host.Scheme + "://" + host.Host + ":" + host.Port, userContext );

            // Pause the terminal
        private static ID2LUserContext InterceptUserTokens( HostSpec host, ID2LAppContext appContext )
            // Start HTTP server and listen for the redirect after a successful auth
            var httpListener = new HttpListener();

            // This call blocks until we get a response
            var ctx = httpListener.GetContext();

            // The LMS returns the user tokens via query parameters to the value provided originally in x_target
            // TODO: deal with "failed to login" case
            var userContext = appContext.CreateUserContext( ctx.Request.Url, host );

            // Send some JavaScript to close the browser popup
            // This is not 100% effective: for example, Firefox will ignore this.
            const string RESPONSE = "<!doctype html><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><script>window.close();</script><h1>You may now close your window</h1><p>You may or may not see this message, depending on your browser</p>";
            byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( RESPONSE );
            ctx.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
            ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
            ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );

            return userContext;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Valence()
            var appFactory = new D2LAppContextFactory();
            m_valenceAppContext = appFactory.Create(m_appId, m_appKey);
            m_valenceHost = new HostSpec("https", LMS_URL, 443);

            // Note Using existing authenicated Tokens
            m_valenceUserContext = m_valenceAppContext.CreateUserContext(m_userId, m_userKey, m_valenceHost);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session["appID"] == null)
            Session["appID"] = _defaultAppID;
            Session["appKey"] = _defaultAppKey;
        appIDField.Text = Session["appID"].ToString();
        appKeyField.Text = Session["appKey"].ToString();
        hostField.Text = "";
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            var factory = new D2LAppContextFactory();

            //assigns the AppID and AppKey into the AppID and AppKey in the AppContext
            var appContext = factory.Create(Session["appID"].ToString(), Session["appKey"].ToString());

            int port;
                //try to read the port specified
                port = Convert.ToInt32(portField.Text);
            catch (Exception error)
                //fallback to https port
                port = 443;
            //holds the scheme, hostname and which port to use
            HostSpec hostInfo = new HostSpec("https", hostField.Text, port);

            //saves the callback url as well as sets up the AppID, AppKey, UserID, and UserKey
            //if run without x_a, x_b, will be null
            ID2LUserContext userContext = appContext.CreateUserContext(Request.Url, hostInfo);
            if (userContext != null)
                //This is how applications may want to store the info and handle authentication. This example must deal with changing information and therefore
                //cannot rely on an important variable being the same.
                Session["userContext"] = userContext;
                UserContextProperties properties = userContext.SaveUserContextProperties();
                Session["userID"] = properties.UserId;
                Session["userKey"] = properties.UserKey;
        if (Session["userID"] != null)
            userIDField.Text = Session["userID"].ToString();
            userKeyField.Text = Session["userKey"].ToString();

 public HomeController( )
     var appFactory = new D2LAppContextFactory();
     m_valenceAppContext = appFactory.Create( m_appId, m_appKey );
     m_valenceHost = new HostSpec( "https", LMS_URL, 443 );
 internal static ID2LUserContext AnonUserContext( HostSpec host )
     return m_appContext.CreateAnonymousUserContext( host );
Ejemplo n.º 7
    protected void GetVersions(object sender, EventArgs e)
        D2LAppContextFactory factory = new D2LAppContextFactory();
        ID2LAppContext appContext = factory.Create(Session["appID"].ToString(), Session["appKey"].ToString());

        int port;
            //try to read the port specified
            port = Convert.ToInt32(portField.Text);
        catch (Exception)
            //fallback to https port
            port = 443;

        HostSpec hostInfo = new HostSpec("https", hostField.Text, port);

        //anonymous user context has the standard AppID/AppKey with null UserID/UserKey
        //grabs the apiHost information(scheme, hostname, port) and stores that as well
        ID2LUserContext userContext = appContext.CreateAnonymousUserContext(
        CallGetVersions(userContext, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    protected void WhoAmI(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //if the settings couldn't be changed between calls the next few steps would be replaced with using Session["userContext"] 
        D2LAppContextFactory factory = new D2LAppContextFactory();
        ID2LAppContext appContext = factory.Create(Session["appID"].ToString(), Session["appKey"].ToString());

        int port;
            //try to read the port specified
            port = Convert.ToInt32(portField.Text);
        catch (Exception error)
            //fallback to https port
            port = 443;

        String userID = "t";
        String userKey = "t";
        if (Session["userID"] != null)
            userID = Session["userID"].ToString(); 
            userKey = Session["userKey"].ToString();
        HostSpec hostInfo = new HostSpec("https", hostField.Text, port);
        ID2LUserContext userContext = appContext.CreateUserContext(
           userID, userKey, hostInfo);
        CallWhoAmI(userContext, 2);
        public ActionResult Index()
            var param = Session[SESSION_KEY] as SessionParameters;

            if( param == null ) {

                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Unable to retrieve required session param.";
                return View( "BookError" );


            if ( param.LtiUri == null ) {

                    ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "LTI param are not valid.";
                    return View( "BookError" );

            // retrieve the required version information from the LMS
            var factory = new D2LAppContextFactory();
            var appContext = factory.Create( m_defaultAppId, m_defaultAppKey );
            var hostInfo = new HostSpec( param.LtiUri.Scheme, param.LtiUri.Host, param.LtiUri.Port );

            ID2LUserContext context = appContext.CreateUserContext( Request.Url, hostInfo );

            if( context == null ) {

                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Unable to create user context.";
                return View( "BookError" );

            param.UserContext = context;

            return RedirectToAction( "Assigned" );
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private Uri GenerateAuthRedirect( Uri returnUri, Uri requestUri )
            if(( requestUri == null ) || ( returnUri == null )) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            var factory = new D2LAppContextFactory();
            var appContext = factory.Create( m_defaultAppId, m_defaultAppKey );

            var resultUri = new UriBuilder( requestUri.Scheme,
                                            requestUri.AbsolutePath ).Uri;

            var host = new HostSpec( returnUri.Scheme, returnUri.Host, returnUri.Port );
            var redirectUri = appContext.CreateUrlForAuthentication( host, resultUri );

            return redirectUri;