Ejemplo n.º 1
        /******Cypress USB EEPROM Programming****/
        //# USB Lg EEPROM programming 
        //This is the method that does the actual work.
        bool I2CEEPROM_Programming(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // USBDeviceList USBdevList,
            // ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice
            // The parameter n must be >= 0 and <= 91.
            // Fib(n), with n > 91, overflows a long.  

            if (bClearLogTextBeforeEveryProgrammingOperation == true)
                LogTextLine = String.Empty;

            if (USBdevList == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "At least one TE USB FX2 module must be attached");

            bool result = false;
            bool opened = false;

            // Abort the operation if the user has canceled.
            // Note that a call to CancelAsync may have set 
            // CancellationPending to true just after the
            // last invocation of this method exits, so this 
            // code will not have the opportunity to set the 
            // DoWorkEventArgs.Cancel flag to true. This means
            // that RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs.Cancelled will
            // not be set to true in your RunWorkerCompleted
            // event handler. This is a race condition.

            if (worker.CancellationPending)
                //TextLine = "line 1063";
                e.Cancel = true;
                return result;
            else if (bFileUSB_Selected)
                //TextLine = "line 1069";
                //timeout_ms = c_ulong(1000)		  # Timeout 1s
                //CardNumber = c_int(0)			   # Card Number 0
                //DriverBufferSize = c_int(132072)	# Driver Buffer Size 132072
                uint timeout_ms = 1000;
                //int CardNumber = 0;
                //int DriverBufferSizeWrite = 131072;
                //int DriverBufferSizeRead = 131072;

                byte[] Command = new byte[64];
                byte[] Reply = new byte[64];
                int CmdLength = 64;
                int ReplyLength = 64;

                UInt16 PID = 0;
                UInt16 VID = 0;

                op_error = 0;

                //Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                //printlog("Programming EEPROM")
                //fpga_bitstream_size = len(usb_bitstream)			 # Calculate size
                //printlog("Firmware size " + str(fpga_bitstream_size))
                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "Programming FX2 microcontroller EEPROM and RAM using I2C" + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "INFO: The operation STARTS " + (DateTime.Today).ToString() + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "INFO: OpenFutNET version running on the host: " + OpenFutNETversion  + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "INFO: Operating system of the host:" + GetOSFriendlyName() + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "INFO: .NET version running on the host: " + Environment.Version.ToString() + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n";
                if (bVerboseLogText == false)
                    //LogTextLine += "\r\n" + "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "FX2 microcontroller EEPROM programming: START.....";
                    LogTextLine += "FX2 microcontroller EEPROM programming: START" + "\r\n";

                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "Firmware size " + usb_bitstream_size.ToString() + " bytes" + "\r\n";

                if (USBFile_FilePath.Length > 0)
                    bFileUSB_Selected = true;

                USBdevList = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB);

                if (USBdevList.Count != 0)
                    fx2 = USBdevList[0] as CyFX2Device;
                    PID = fx2.ProductID;
                    VID = fx2.VendorID;
                    if (USBdevList.Count > 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("In this version the program must be used with a single Trenz Electronic or Cypress module attached. You must remove Cypress and/or Trenz Electronic micromodule(s) until only one module remains. This must be the module that you desire to write.");

                if (((USBdevList.Count == 1) && (PID == PIDCypress) && (VID == VIDCypress) && bEEPROMSwitchSetToOn) || (((USBdevList.Count == 1) && (PID == PIDTrenzElectronic) && (VID == VIDTrenzElectronic))))
                    if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: VID and PID identify a Cypress Device: therefore EEPROM will be programmed using Cypress DLL 'CyUSB.dll'" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: Found " + (USBdevList.Count).ToString() + " card(s)" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: Connected to card 1" + "\r\n";

                    if ((USBdevList.Count == 1) && (PID == PIDCypress) && (VID == VIDCypress) && bEEPROMSwitchSetToOn)
                        PID_String = "0x8613";
                        VID_String = "0x04B4";
                        //PID and VID of Trenz Electronic device     
                        PID_String = "0x0300";
                        VID_String = "0x0BD0";         

                    opened = true;
                    if ((op_error == 0) && (opened == true))  //# No errors in past
                        StatusTextLine = "Programming FX2 microcontroller EEPROM";
                        if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                            LogTextLine += "Writing firmware to EEPROM: START" + "\r\n";
                        bResultLoadEEPROM = fx2.LoadEEPROM(USBFile_FilePath, true);

                        if (bResultLoadEEPROM == false)
                            StatusTextLine = "Error: it is not possible to write EEPROM.";

                            if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                                LogTextLine += "ERROR: Can't call API function TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand + CMD_FX2_EEPROM_WRITE" + "\r\n";
                                LogTextLine += "INFO/WARNING: probably, you should move the EEPROM switch to ON" + "\r\n";
                                LogTextLine += " STOP. " + "ERROR: it is not possible to write the EEPROM. Probably, you should move the EEPROM switch to ON" + "\r\n";
                            op_error = 5;
                            LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
                            return false;
                            percentComplete_USB_EEPROMWrite = 100;
                            if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                                LogTextLine += "Writing firmware to EEPROM: STOP" + "\r\n";
                                LogTextLine += " STOP. " + "SUCCESS: FX2 microcontroller EEPROM programmed." + "\r\n";
                            StatusTextLine = "SUCCESS: FX2 microcontroller EEPROM programmed.";

                StatusTextLine = "Error: file not selected";
                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "ERROR: File not selected" + "\r\n";
                op_error = 6;
                LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
                return false;
                //printlog("ERROR: File not selected")          

            if ((op_error == 0) || (bResultLoadEEPROM))           
                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "FX2 microcontroller RAM Programming: START" + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "FX2 microcontroller RAM Programming: START.....";

                bResultLoadExternalRam = fx2.LoadExternalRam(USBFile_FilePath);
                if (bResultLoadExternalRam == true)
                    StatusTextLine = "SUCCESS: FX2 microcontroller EEPROM and RAM programmed";
                    if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                        LogTextLine += "FX2 microcontroller RAM Programming: STOP" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: Programming FX2 microcontroller RAM with TE FX2 firmware v3.02 it is equivalent to remove and insert the module." + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: Programming FX2 microcontroller RAM with TE FX2 firmware version earlier than v3.02 it is NOT equivalent to remove and inssert the module:" +"\r\n" 
                                        +"in this case you should click the button 'Refresh information about FPGA and FX2 microcontroller' to obtain the last value of firmware version" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "Programming EEPROM and RAM of FX2 microcontroller using I2C" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: The operation STOPS " + (DateTime.Today).ToString() + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n" + "\r\n";                
                        LogTextLine += " STOP. " + "SUCCESS: FX2 microcontroller RAM programmed" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
                        //LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
                    StatusTextLine = "Warning: RAM has not been written";
                    if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                        LogTextLine += "Warning: RAM has not been written" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += " STOP. " + "Warning: it is not possible to write the RAM. You should power off/on cycle the TE USB FX2 module to load the RAM with EEPROM firmware." + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
                if (USBdevList != null)
                        USBdevList.DeviceRemoved -= USBdevList_DeviceRemoved;
                        USBdevList.DeviceAttached -= USBdevList_DeviceAttached;

                USBdevList = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB);
                USBdevList.DeviceAttached += new EventHandler(USBdevList_DeviceAttached);
                USBdevList.DeviceRemoved += new EventHandler(USBdevList_DeviceRemoved);
                TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = USBdevList[0] as CyUSBDevice;
                //FX2MicronctrollerRamProgrammed = true;

                //IF Trenz Electronic, non Cypress o DEWESoft
                while (bResultLoadExternalRam == true  ) 
                    textBox_PID.Text = PID_String;
                    textBox_VID.Text = VID_String;

                    Command1[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.CMD_FX2_READ_VERSION;
                    //bSendCommand = false;
                    //if TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.
                    bSendCommand = TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command1, ref CmdLength1, ref Reply1, ref ReplyLength1, TIMEOUT_MS);
                    if ( bSendCommand )
                        if (ReplyLength1 >= 4)             
                            bResultLoadExternalRam = false;

                //LogTextLine += "Programming RAM of FX2 microcontroller: STOP" + "\r\n";

                return bResultLoadEEPROM;
                StatusTextLine = "Error: EEPROM has not been written";               
                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "ERROR: EEPROM has not been written" + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += " STOP. " + "ERROR: it is not possible to write the EEPROM." + "\r\n";
                LogTextLine += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n" + "\r\n";
                result = false;
                return result;

            //return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /* Summary
            The function sets the device, as the one having VID=04b4 and PID=00F0
            This will detect only the devices with the above VID,PID combinations
        public void setDevice()
            loopDevice = usbDevices[0x04b4, 0x00F0] as CyUSBDevice;

            StartBtn.Enabled = (loopDevice != null);

            if (loopDevice != null)
                Text = loopDevice.FriendlyName;
                Text = "C# Bulkloop - no device";

            // Set the IN and OUT endpoints per the selected radio buttons.
            EptPair1Btn_Click(this, null);
    static int GetFPGAstatus(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice)
      byte [] Command = new byte[64];
      byte [] Reply = new byte[64];
      int CmdLength = 64;
      int ReplyLength = 64;

      uint TIMEOUT_MS=1000;

      Command[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.SET_INTERRUPT;
      Command[1] = (byte)FX2_Parameters.MB_I2C_ADDRESS;
      Command[2] = (byte)FX2_Parameters.I2C_BYTES;

      if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command, ref CmdLength, ref Reply, ref ReplyLength,TIMEOUT_MS)==false)
        //cout << "Error" << endl;
        Console.WriteLine("Error 1");
        return -1;

      //Console.WriteLine("Reply {0}, {1} ,{2} ,{3}, {4}", Reply[0], Reply[1], Reply[2], Reply[3], Reply[4]);

      Command[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.GET_INTERRUPT;	//read from interrupt data register
      //if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command, ref CmdLength, ref Reply, ref ReplyLength, TIMEOUT_MS)==false)
      //    //cout << "Error" << endl;
      //    Console.WriteLine("Error 2");
      //    return -1;

      int ItIsPassed = 0;

      while (Reply[0] == 0)
        //Console.WriteLine("Reply {0}, {1} ,{2} ,{3}, {4}", Reply[0], Reply[1], Reply[2], Reply[3], Reply[4]);
        if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command, ref CmdLength, ref Reply, ref ReplyLength, TIMEOUT_MS)==false)
          //cout << "Error" << endl;
          Console.WriteLine("Error 3");
          return -1;
        ItIsPassed = (int)Reply[4];

      return ItIsPassed;//(int)Reply[4]; //return data verification status
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// function for all detected thing
        /// </summary>
        private void USBDetected()
            mCyUSBDev = mUSBDevList[0x04b4, 0x1004] as CyUSBDevice;
            if (mCyUSBDev == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No Such Device!");
                //mCyUSBInEP = mCyUSBDev.BulkInEndPt;
                mCyUSBOutEP = mCyUSBDev.BulkOutEndPt;

                foreach (CyUSBEndPoint ept in mCyUSBDev.EndPoints)
                    if (ept.bIn && (ept.Attributes == 2))
                        mCyUSBInEP = ept as CyBulkEndPoint;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public Form1()

            usbDevices = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB);
            USBDevice dev = usbDevices[0];

            if (dev != null)
                MyDevice = (CyUSBDevice)dev;


            foreach (CyUSBEndPoint ep in EndPointList)
                if (ep.Address == 0x86)
                    inEndPoint = ep;
                if (ep.Address == 0x2)
                    outEndPoint = ep;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /* Summary
            The function sets the device, as the one having VID=04b4 and PID=1004
            This will detect only the devices with the above VID,PID combinations
        public void setDevice()
                loopDevice = usbDevices[0x04b4, 0x8613] as CyUSBDevice;

                StartBtn.Enabled = (loopDevice != null);

                if (loopDevice != null)
                    Text = loopDevice.FriendlyName;
                    Text = "BVCOMVC - no device";

                outEndpoint = loopDevice.EndPointOf(0x02) as CyBulkEndPoint;
                inEndpoint = loopDevice.EndPointOf(0x86) as CyBulkEndPoint;

                outEndpoint.TimeOut = 1000;
                inEndpoint.TimeOut = 1000;
                Text = "BVCOMVC - no device";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /* Summary
            Method to check whether FxDev is selected or not
        public CyUSBDevice FxDevDeviceSelected()
            TreeNode selNode = DeviceTreeView.SelectedNode;

            if (selNode == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Select an Cypress USB device in the device tree.", "Wrong device selected");
                return null;

            // Climb to the top of the tree
            while (selNode.Parent != null)
                selNode = selNode.Parent;

            FxDev = selNode.Tag as CyUSBDevice;

            if (FxDev == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Select an Cypress USB device in the device tree.", "Wrong device selected");

            return FxDev;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /* Summary
            Shows the last state and status of endpoint
        private void URB_Stat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();

            if (FxDev == null)

            if (curEndpt == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Select an endpoint to find the status.", "No endpoint selected");

            uint status = curEndpt.UsbdStatus;

            string Hex = String.Format("{0:X}", status);

            StatLabel.Text = "Last URB Error = 0x" + Hex + " " + CyUSBDevice.UsbdStatusString(status);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /* Summary
            Event handler to handle changes in Check box of Device Class Selection Tabpage and at Start
        private void CyUSBDeviceBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            byte DeviceMask = 0;

            DeviceMask |= CyUSBDeviceBox.Checked ? CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB : (byte)0;
            DeviceMask |= MSCDeviceBox.Checked ? CyConst.DEVICES_MSC : (byte)0;
            DeviceMask |= HIDDeviceBox.Checked ? CyConst.DEVICES_HID : (byte)0;

            if (usbDevices != null)
                usbDevices.DeviceRemoved -= usbDevices_DeviceRemoved;
                usbDevices.DeviceAttached -= usbDevices_DeviceAttached;

            usbDevices = new USBDeviceList(DeviceMask);

            usbDevices.DeviceRemoved += new EventHandler(usbDevices_DeviceRemoved);
            usbDevices.DeviceAttached += new EventHandler(usbDevices_DeviceAttached);

            curEndpt = null;
            curCyUsbDev = null;
            curHidDev = null;
            curHidReport = null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //This function refresh the information displayed on the GUI (Form1) about the Device inserted
        //As the name warns, it run on the UIThread
        //TO DO: add another Backgroundworker to move the SendCommand section to a background thread;
        //in this way the GUI will avoid the last remaining possible reason to freeze.
        private void RefreshInformationUIThread()
            //These three lines of code has been moved outside of this function to lessen/avoid GUI freezing
            //USBdevList = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB);

            // Reset the text in the result label.
            //resultLabel.Text = String.Empty;
            UInt16 PID = 0;
            UInt16 VID = 0;

            //Verify that one Cypress or Trenz Electronic device has been attached (inserted)
            if (USBdevList.Count != 0)
                //Modify this code if multiple USB device should be connected
                CyFX2Device fx2test = USBdevList[0] as CyFX2Device;
                PID = fx2test.ProductID;
                VID = fx2test.VendorID;
                //If more than one Cypress/TE device has been attached the program warns you that only one attached device is expected
                if (USBdevList.Count > 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("In this version the program must be used with a single Trenz Electronic or Cypress module attached. You must remove Cypress and/or Trenz Electronic micromodules until only one module remains. This must be the module that you desire to write.");
                //FirmwareTypeUSB.Text = "No Cypress or TE device, maybe you are using an old Firmware.";
                //DriverType_TextBox.Text = "Undefined or DEWESoft";
                //MessageBox.Show("The VID and PID used are for normal Cypress device; if you are starting a recovery procedure, it is correct. Otherwise use a power on/off cycle with EEPROM switch to ON to start with VID and PID of a Trenz Electronic device");

            //If a Cypress Device is attached and it is the first time (bEEPROMSwitchSetToOn = false) that the program register this device a Recovery procedure is advised
            if ((PID == PIDCypress) && (VID == VIDCypress) && (!bEEPROMSwitchSetToOn))
                FirmwareTypeUSB.Text = "Cypress used for Recovery Procedure";
                DriverType_TextBox.Text = "Cypress USB Generic Driver";

                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "INFO: Cypress USB Generic Driver used for recovery" + "\r\n";
                    MessageBox.Show("The VID and PID used are for normal Cypress device; if you are starting a recovery procedure, it is correct. Otherwise, you should use a power off/on cycle with EEPROM switch to ON to start with VID and PID of a Trenz Electronic device. If the computer does't see the Trenz Electronic device you must install the 'Trenz Electronic USB FX2' driver.");
                LatestMajorVersionFW_String = "Recovery Procedure";
                LatestMinorVersionFW_String = "Recovery Procedure";
                PID_String = "0x8613";
                VID_String = "0x04B4";

                LatestMajorVersionFW_textBox.Text = LatestMajorVersionFW_String;
                LatestMinorVersionFW_textBox.Text = LatestMinorVersionFW_String;
                textBox_LogText.Text = LogTextLine;
                textBox_LogText.SelectionStart = textBox_LogText.Text.Length;
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = StatusTextLine;
                LatestMajorVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestMajorVersionFPGA_String;
                LatestMinorVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestMinorVersionFPGA_String;
                LatestReleaseVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestReleaseVersionFPGA_String;
                LatestBuildVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestBuildVersionFPGA_String;
                textBox_PID.Text = PID_String;
                textBox_VID.Text = VID_String;


            //If a Trenz Electronic Device is attached it is possible to try to use FX2 Command to retrieve information about the TE Device 
            //USB FX2 Firmware version and if a reference FPGA project has been loaded
            else if (((PID == PIDTrenzElectronic) && (VID == VIDTrenzElectronic)) || bEEPROMSwitchSetToOn)
                FirmwareTypeUSB.Text = "TE USB FX2 Gen3";
                DriverType_TextBox.Text = "Trenz Electronic USB FX2 Device Driver";

                //Send Command Section
                //TO DO: add another Backgroundworker to move the SendCommand section to a background thread;
                //in this way the GUI will avoid the last remaining possible reason to freeze.

                TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = USBdevList[0] as CyUSBDevice;
                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "Checking the use of Trenz Electronic Reference Design: START" + "\r\n";
                byte[] Command = new byte[64];
                byte[] Reply = new byte[64];
                int CmdLength = 64;
                int ReplyLength = 64;

                uint TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;

                Command[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.CMD_FX2_SET_INTERRUPT;
                Command[1] = (byte)FX2_Parameters.MB_I2C_ADDRESS;
                Command[2] = (byte)FX2_Parameters.I2C_BYTES_SIZE;

                if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command, ref CmdLength, ref Reply, ref ReplyLength, TIMEOUT_MS) == false)
                    if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                        LogTextLine += "WARNING/INFO: Can't call API function TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand + SET_INTERRPUPT" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "WARNING/INFO: it is not possible to retrieve version of Trenz Electronic System flashed on the FPGA; maybe you have flashed a Custom Client System not based on Trenz Electronic FPGA";
                    StatusTextLine = "WARNING/INFO: it is not possible to retrieve version of Trenz Electronic System flashed on the FPGA; maybe you have flashed a Custom Client System not based on Trenz Electronic FPGA";

                //Command[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.CMD_FX2_GET_INTERRUPT;    //clear interrupt data register

                Command[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.CMD_FX2_I2C_WRITE;
                //Command[1] = (byte)FX2_Parameters.MB_I2C_ADDRESS;
                //Command[2] = (byte)FX2_Parameters.I2C_BYTES_SIZE;
                Command[3] = (byte)0;
                Command[4] = (byte)0;
                Command[5] = (byte)0;
                Command[6] = (byte)MB_Commands.FX22MB_REG0_GETVERSION; //get FPGA version

                if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command, ref CmdLength, ref Reply, ref ReplyLength, TIMEOUT_MS) == false)
                    //cout << "Error" << endl;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Error Send Command Get FPGA Version");
                    if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                        LogTextLine += "WARNING/INFO: Can't call API function TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand + FX22MB_REG0_GETVERSION" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "WARNING/INFO: it is not possible to retrieve version of Trenz Electronic System flashed on the FPGA; maybe you have flashed a Custom Client System not based on Trenz Electronic FPGA";
                    StatusTextLine = "WARNING/INFO: it is not possible to retrieve version of Trenz Electronic System flashed on the FPGA; maybe you have flashed a Custom Client System not based on Trenz Electronic FPGA";
                    LatestMajorVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = "It is impossible to retrieve";
                    LatestMinorVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = "It is impossible to retrieve";

                Command[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.CMD_FX2_GET_INTERRUPT; //0xB1;//comand CMD_FX2_GET_INTERRUPT

                if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command, ref CmdLength, ref Reply, ref ReplyLength, TIMEOUT_MS) == true)
                    if ((ReplyLength > 4) && (Reply[0] != 0))
                        SystemTypeFPGAFlash.Text = "Yes";
                        if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Trenz Electronic Reference Design based on MicroBlaze soft processor is used" + "\r\n";
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Major version: " + Reply[1].ToString() + "\r\n";
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Minor version: " + Reply[2].ToString() + "\r\n";
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Release version: " + Reply[3].ToString() + "\r\n";
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Build version: " + Reply[4].ToString() + "\r\n";
                        LatestMajorVersionFPGA_String = Reply[1].ToString();
                        LatestMinorVersionFPGA_String = Reply[2].ToString();
                        LatestReleaseVersionFPGA_String = Reply[3].ToString();
                        LatestBuildVersionFPGA_String = Reply[4].ToString();                      

                        if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Custom project not based on TE Reference Architecture" + "\r\n";
                        SystemTypeFPGAFlash.Text = "No, Custom project not based on TE Reference Architecture";
                        //LogTextLine += "Major version: " + "it doesn't exist" + "\r\n";
                        //LogTextLine += "Minor version: " + "it doesn't exist" + "\r\n";
                        //LogTextLine += "Release version: " + "it doesn't exist" + "\r\n";
                        //LogTextLine += "Build version: " + "it doesn't exist" + "\r\n";
                    if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: Custom project not based on TE Reference Architecture" + "\r\n";
                        LogTextLine += "INFO: Warning: it is not possible to retrieve version of Trenz Electronic System flashed on the FPGA; maybe you have flashed a Custom Client System not based on Trenz Electronic FPGA";                       
                        LogTextLine += "WARNING/INFO: Can't call API function TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand + FX22MB_REG0_GETVERSION" + "\r\n";

                    SystemTypeFPGAFlash.Text = "No, Custom project not based on TE Reference Architecture";
                    StatusTextLine = "Warning: it is not possible to retrieve version of Trenz Electronic System flashed on the FPGA; maybe you have flashed a Custom Client System not based on Trenz Electronic FPGA";
                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "Checking the use of Trenz Electronic Reference Design :STOP" + "\r\n";
                    LogTextLine += "Checking the use of Trenz Electronic TE FX2 Firmware :START" + "\r\n";
                //label3.Text = TextLine;
                textBox_LogText.Text = LogTextLine;
                textBox_LogText.SelectionStart = textBox_LogText.Text.Length;
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = StatusTextLine;
                LatestMajorVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestMajorVersionFPGA_String;
                LatestMinorVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestMinorVersionFPGA_String;
                LatestReleaseVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestReleaseVersionFPGA_String;
                LatestBuildVersionFPGA_textBox.Text = LatestBuildVersionFPGA_String;

                textBox_PID.Text = PID_String;
                textBox_VID.Text = VID_String;

                byte[] Command1 = new byte[64];
                byte[] Reply1 = new byte[64];
                //int CmdLength = 64;
                //int ReplyLength = 64;
                //uint TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;

                Command1[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.CMD_FX2_READ_VERSION;
                //comand read FX2 version
                //Console.WriteLine("Command[0] {0:X2} ", Command[0]);

                if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command1, ref CmdLength, ref Reply1, ref ReplyLength, TIMEOUT_MS) == true)
                    if (ReplyLength >= 4)
                        if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: TE FX2 Firmware Generation 3 stored in FX2 microcontroller EEPROM" + "\r\n";
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Major version: " + Reply1[0].ToString() + "\r\n";
                            LogTextLine += "INFO: Minor version: " + Reply1[1].ToString() + "\r\n";

                        LatestMajorVersionFW_String = Reply1[0].ToString();
                        LatestMinorVersionFW_String = Reply1[1].ToString();

                        VID_String = "0x" + (TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.VendorID).ToString("X4");
                        PID_String = "0x" + (TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.ProductID).ToString("X4");
                        if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                            LogTextLine += "ERROR: TE FX2 Firmware Generation 3 is not stored in FX2 microcontroller EEPROM" + "\r\n";

                        LatestMajorVersionFW_String = "ERROR";
                        LatestMinorVersionFW_String = "ERROR";



                //cout << "Error" << endl;
                    if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                        LogTextLine += "ERROR: TE FX2 Firmware Generation 3 is not stored in FX2 microcontroller EEPROM" + "\r\n";
                    LatestMajorVersionFW_String = "ERROR";
                    LatestMinorVersionFW_String = "ERROR";                  

                if (bVerboseLogText == true)
                    LogTextLine += "Checking the use of Trenz Electronic TE_USB_FX2 firmware: STOP" + "\r\n";                  
                textBox_LogText.Text = LogTextLine;
                textBox_LogText.SelectionStart = textBox_LogText.Text.Length;
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = StatusTextLine;

                textBox_VID.Text = VID_String;
                textBox_PID.Text = PID_String;

                LatestMajorVersionFW_textBox.Text = LatestMajorVersionFW_String;
                LatestMinorVersionFW_textBox.Text = LatestMinorVersionFW_String;
Ejemplo n.º 11
     * 3.6   TE_USB_FX2_SetData()
     * 3.6.1   Declaration
     * public static bool TE_USB_FX2_SetData(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref byte[] DataWrite, ref int DataWriteLength, 
     * int PipeNo, uint Timeout, int BufferSize)
     * 3.6.2   Function Call
     * Your application program shall call this function like this:
     * TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SetData(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref DataWrite, ref DataWriteLength, PI_EP8, Timeout, 
     * BufferSize);
     * 3.6.3   Description
     * This function takes an already initialized USB device (CyUSBDevice is a type defined in CyUSB.dll), selected by 
     * TE_USB_FX2_Open(), and writes data to the USB FX2 microcontroller endpoint EP8 (0x08). This data is then passed to the FPGA.
     * If there is not a proper connection (not using FX22MB_REG0_START_RX) between FPGA and USB FX2 microcontroller, 
     * the function can experience a strange behavior. For example, a very low throughput (9-10 Mbyte/s even if a 22-24 Mbyte/s are 
     * expected) is measured or the function fails returning false. These happen because buffer EP8 (the HW buffer, not the 
     * SW buffer of the driver whose size is given by BufferSize parameter) is already full (it is not properly read/emptied by the 
     * FPGA) and no longer able to receive further packets.
     * 3.6.4   Data throughput expected
     * The maximum data throughput expected (with a DataWriteLength= 120*10^6) is 24 Mbyte/s (PacketSize = BufferSize =131,072) 
     * but in fact this value is variable between 22-24 Mbyte/s (the mean value seems 24 Mbyte/s); so if you measure this range 
     * of values, the data reception can be considered normal.
     * The data throughput is variable in two way:
     * 1. depends on which host computer is used (on some host computers this value is even higher: 29 Mbyte/s)
     * 2. vary with every function call
     * 3.6.5   DataWrite size shall not be too large
     * TE_USB_FX2_SetData() seems unable to use too large arrays or, more precisely, this fact seems variable by changing host 
     * computer. To be safe, do not try to transfer in a single packet very large data (120 millions of byte); transfer the same 
     * data with many packets (1,200 packets * 100,000 byte) and copy the data in a single large data array if necessary (with 
     * Buffer.BlockCopy()). Buffer.BlockCopy seems not to hinder throughput too much (max 2 Mbyte/s).
     *   Reduced version (pseudo code)
     * PACKETLENGTH=100000;
     * packets=1200;
     * byte[] data = new byte[packetlen*packets];
     * byte[] buffer = new byte[packetlen];
     * for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++)
     * {
     *   Buffer.BlockCopy(data, total_cnt, buffer, 0, packetlen);
     *   TE_USB_FX2_SetData(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref buffer, ref   packetlen, PI_EP8, 	TIMEOUT_MS,BUFFER_SIZE);
     *   total_cnt += packetlen; 
     * }
     *   Expanded version (code)
     * SendFPGAcommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, MB_Commands.FX22MB_REG0_START_RX, TIMEOUT_MS);
     * //ElapsedTime.Start(); //StopWatch start
     * Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
     * stopWatch.Start();
     * for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++)
     * {
     *   packetlen = PACKETLENGTH;
     *   Buffer.BlockCopy(data, total_cnt, buffer, 0, packetlen);
     *   if (TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SetData(ref  TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref buffer, ref packetlen, PI_EP8, TIMEOUT_MS, 
     *   BUFFER_SIZE) == false) errors++;
     *   else total_cnt += packetlen;
     * }
     * //total_cnt += (packetlen * packets);
     * stopWatch.Stop();
     * 3.6.6   DataWrite size shall not be too small
     * The  reason is described in section 1.1.4 PacketSize.
     * PacketSize has also a strong influence on DataThroughput. If PacketSize is too small (512 byte for example) you can achieve 
     * very low data throughput (2.2 Mbyte/s) even if you use a large driver buffer (driver buffer size = 131,072 byte). 
     * See 6 TE_USB_FX2_CyUSB.dll:  Data Transfer Throughput Optimization.
     * 3.6.7   Parameters
     * 1. ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB-FX2_USBDevice
     * This parameter is passed by reference (ref). It points to the module selected by TE_USB_FX2_Open(). See pages 70-93 of 
     * CyUSB.NET.pdf (Cypress CyUSB .NET DLL Programmer's Reference)
     * 2. ref byte[] DataWrite
     * This parameter is passed by reference (ref). C# applications use directly TE_USB_FX2_CyUSB.dll based on CyUSB.dll. To avoid 
     * copying back and forth large amount of data between these two DLLs, data is passed by reference and not by value.
     * This parameter points to the byte array that contains the data to be written to buffer EP8 (0x08) of USB FX2 microcontroller. 
     * Data contained in EP8 are then read by the FPGA.
     * 3. ref int DataWriteLength
     * This parameter is passed by reference (ref). This parameter is the length (in bytes) of the previous byte array; 
     * it is the length of the packet read from FX2 USB endpoint EP6 (0x86). Normally it is PacketLength.
     * 4. int PipeNumber
     * This parameter is the value that identify the endpoint used for the data transfer. It is called PipeNumber because it 
     * identifies the buffer (pipe) used by the USB FX2 microcontroller.
     * 5. uint Timeout.
     * The unsigned integer value is the time in milliseconds assigned to the synchronous method XferData() of data transfer used by 
     * CyUSB.dll. 
     * Timeout is the time that is allowed to the function for sending/receiving the data packet passed to the function; this 
     * timeout shall be large enough to allow the data/command transmission/reception. Otherwise the transmission/reception will 
     * fail. See 1.1.2 Timeout Setting.
     * 6. int BufferSize
     * The integer value is the dimension (in bytes) of the driver buffer (SW) used in data transmission of a single endpoint 
     * (EP8 0x08 in this case); the total buffer size is the sum of all BufferSize of every endpoint used.
     * The BufferSize has a strong influence on DataThroughput. If  BufferSize is too small, DataThroughput can be 1/3-1/2 of 
     * the maximum value (from a maximum value of 24 Mbyte/s for write transactions to an actual value of 14 Mbyte/s). 
     * If BufferSize has a large value (a roomy buffer), the program shall be able to cope with the non-deterministic behavior of 
     * C# without losing packets.
     * 3.6.8   Return Value
     * 1. bool: logical type
     * This function returns true if it is able to write data to buffer EP8 within Timeout milliseconds. 
     * This function returns false otherwise.

    public static bool TE_USB_FX2_SetData(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref byte[] DataWrite, ref int DataWriteLength, int PipeNo, uint Timeout, int BufferSize)
    //public static bool TE_USB_FX2_SetData(ref CyBulkEndPoint outEndpointPipeNo, ref byte[] DataWrite, ref int DataWriteLength)
      bool bResultDataRead = false;
      byte PipeNoHex = 0x00;

      CyBulkEndPoint outEndpointPipeNo = null;
      //Shortest and more portable way to select the Address using the PipeNumber
      if (PipeNo == 8) PipeNoHex = 0x08;
      else PipeNoHex = 0x00;

      if ((TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice != null) && (PipeNoHex == 0x08))
        outEndpointPipeNo = TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.EndPointOf(PipeNoHex) as CyBulkEndPoint;
        outEndpointPipeNo.TimeOut = Timeout;

        //int MaxPacketSize= outEndpointPipeNo.MaxPktSize;
        //Console.WriteLine("MaxPacketSize {0} ", MaxPacketSize);

        //int XferSize1 = outEndpointPipeNo.XferSize;
        //Console.WriteLine("XferSize {0} ", XferSize1);

        //outEndpointPipeNo.XferMode = XMODE.DIRECT;

        outEndpointPipeNo.XferSize = BufferSize;// 131072;

        //calls the XferData function for bulk transfer(IN) in the cyusb.dll
        bResultDataRead = outEndpointPipeNo.XferData(ref DataWrite, ref DataWriteLength);
        //Console.WriteLine("bResultDataRead {0} ", bResultDataRead);

        //uint inUSBstatus1 = outEndpointPipeNo.UsbdStatus;
        //Console.WriteLine("UsbdStatus {0:X8} e ", inUSBstatus1);

        //uint inUSBstatus2 = outEndpointPipeNo.NtStatus;
        //Console.WriteLine("NtStatus {0:X8} e ", inUSBstatus2);

        if (bResultDataRead == true) return true;
        else return false;
      else return false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    // This one must be corrected, cause trouble
    public static bool TE_USB_FX2_DisplayDriverInformation(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref USBDeviceList USBdevList, int CardNumber)

      int CardCounted = 0;   // Trenz Board
      int DeviceNumber = 0;  // Cypress Board ( number >= TrenzBoard)

      int CypressDeviceNumber = 0;
      int TrenzDeviceNumber = 0;

      UInt16 PID = 0x0000;
      UInt16 VID = 0x0000;

      uint DriverVersion1 = 0;

      string DriverName1 = null;

      //Creation of a list of USB device that use the CYUSB.SYS driver
      USBdevList = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB);
      //If exist at least an USB device that use the CYUSB.SYS driver,
      //I search and count the number of these devices that are of Trenz Electronic
      if (USBdevList.Count != 0)
        foreach (USBDevice USBdev in USBdevList)
          PID = USBdev.ProductID;
          VID = USBdev.VendorID;
          //Number of Cypress Card augmented by one
          if ((((PID == 0x0300) && (VID == 0x0bd0)) == true))  //0x0bd0 . 0x0bd0
            //Number of Trenz Card (a subcategory of Cypress Card) augmented by one
            Console.WriteLine("PID e VID: {0}, {1}", PID, VID);
            // CardNumber=TrenzDeviceNumber-1 by definition.
            if ((TrenzDeviceNumber - 1) == CardNumber)
              //I store the DeviceNumber that identify the Trenz Card (CardNumber) requested
              DeviceNumber = CypressDeviceNumber - 1;
              Console.WriteLine("DeviceNumber: {0}", DeviceNumber);

      //At this point I memorize the Cards Counted and zeroed the variable that I have used in the counting.
      CardCounted = TrenzDeviceNumber;
      //Console.WriteLine("CardCounted: {0}", CardCount);
      TrenzDeviceNumber = 0;
      //Now I search the Trenz USB Device with the Card Number (CardNo) specified
      if (((CardNumber >= 0) && (CardNumber < CardCounted)) == true)  //CardCounted
        USBDevice USBdev = USBdevList[DeviceNumber];
        PID = USBdev.ProductID;
        VID = USBdev.VendorID;
        if ((((PID == 0x0300) && (VID == 0x0bd0)) == true))
          TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = USBdev as CyUSBDevice;
          Console.WriteLine("USBdev {0} ", TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice);

          //I cast the abstract USBdev in a concrete CyUSBDevice
          TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = USBdev as CyUSBDevice;
          DriverVersion1 = TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.DriverVersion;
          Console.WriteLine("DriverVersion {0} ", DriverVersion1);
          DriverName1 = TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.DriverName;
          Console.WriteLine("Original Name of the Driver {0} ", DriverName1);

          return true;
          TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = null;
          return false;
        TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = null;
        return false;

     *3.4   TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand()
     *3.4.1   Declaration
     *public static bool TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref byte[] Command, ref int CmdLength,
     *ref byte[] Reply, ref int ReplyLength, uint Timeout)
     *3.4.2   Function Call
     *Your application program shall call this function like this:
     *TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand (ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref Command, ref CmdLength, ref Reply, 
     *ref ReplyLength, Timeout);
     *3.4.3   Description
     *This function takes an already initialized USB device (previously selected by TE_USB_FX2_Open()) and sends a command 
     *(API command) to the USB FX2 microcontroller (USB FX2 API command) or to the MicroBlaze embedded processor 
     *(MicroBlaze API command) through the USB FX2 microcontroller endpoint EP1 buffer. 
     *This function is normally used to send 64 bytes packets to the USB endpoint EP1 (0x01).
     *This function is also able to obtain the response of the USB FX2 microcontroller or MicroBlaze embedded processor through 
     *the USB FX2 microcontroller endpoint EP1 (0x81).
     *3.4.4   Parameters
     *1. ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB-FX2_USBDevice
     *CyUSBDevice is a type defined in CyUSB.dll. This parameter points to the module selected by TE_USB_FX2_Open(). 
     *This parameter is passed by reference (ref). See pages 70-93 of CyUSB.NET.pdf (Cypress CyUSB .NET DLL Programmer's Reference)
     *2. ref byte[] Command
     *This parameter is passed by reference (ref). It is the byte array that contains the commands to send to USB FX2 microcontroller
     *(FX2_Commands) or to the MicroBlaze embedded processor (MB_Commands).
     *The byte array shall be properly initialized using instructions similar to the following ones:
     *Command[0] = (byte)FX2_Commands.I2C_WRITE;
     *Command[1] = (byte)FX2_Commands.MB_I2C_ADDRESS;
     *Command[2] = (byte)FX2_Commands.I2C_BYTES;
     *Command[3] = (byte)0;
     *Command[4] = (byte)0;
     *Command[5] = (byte)0;
     *Command[6] = (byte)Command2MB;
     *3. ref int CmdLength
     *This parameter (passed by reference (ref)) is the length (in bytes) of the previous byte array; it is the length of the 
     *packet to transmit to USB FX2 controller endpoint EP1 (0x01). It is typically initialized to 64 bytes.
     *4. ref byte[] Reply
     *This parameter (passed by reference (ref)) is the byte array that contains the response to the command sent to the 
     *USB FX2 microcontroller (FX2_Commands) or to the MicroBlaze embedded processor (MB_Commands).
     *5. ref int ReplyLength
     *This parameter (passed by reference (ref)) is the length (in bytes) of the previous byte array; it is the length of 
     *the packet to transmit to the USB FX2 microcontroller endpoint EP1 (0x81). It is typically initialized to 64 byes, 
     *but normally the meaningful bytes are less. The parameter is a reference, meaning that the method can modify its value. 
     *The number of bytes actually received is passed back in ReplyLength.
     *6. uint Timeout
     *The unsigned integer value is the time in milliseconds assigned to the synchronous method XferData() of data transfer used 
     *by CyUSB.dll. 
     *Timeout is the time that is allowed to the function for sending/receiving the data packet passed to the function; 
     *this timeout shall be large enough to allow the data/command transmission/reception. Otherwise the transmission/reception will fail. See 1.1.2 Timeout Setting.
     *3.4.5   Return Value
     *1. bool : logical type
     *This function returns true if it is able to send a command to EP1 and  receive a response within 2*Timeout milliseconds. 
     *This function returns false otherwise.

    /// <summary>
    /// /////
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="TE03xxUSBdevice"></param>
    /// <param name="Command"></param>
    /// <param name="CmdLength"></param>
    /// <param name="Reply"></param>
    /// <param name="ReplyLength"></param>
    /// <param name="Timeout"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>

    public static bool TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref byte[] Command, ref int CmdLength,
        ref byte[] Reply, ref int ReplyLength, uint Timeout)
      bool bResultCommand = false;
      bool bResultReply = false;

      //Concrete class
      CyBulkEndPoint inEndpoint1 = null;
      CyBulkEndPoint outEndpoint1 = null;

      if (TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice != null)
        //CyBulkEndPoint TE03xxUSBDeviceConcrete = TE03xxUSBdevice as CyBulkEndPoint;
        //Select the endpoint of IN number 1 (EP1 INPUT)
        inEndpoint1 = TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.EndPointOf(0x81) as CyBulkEndPoint;
        //Select the endpoint of OUT number 1 (EP1 OUTPUT) 
        outEndpoint1 = TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.EndPointOf(0x01) as CyBulkEndPoint;

        // Set the timeout
        outEndpoint1.TimeOut = Timeout;
        inEndpoint1.TimeOut = Timeout;

        //calls the XferData function for bulk transfer(OUT) in the cyusb.dll
        bResultCommand = outEndpoint1.XferData(ref Command, ref CmdLength);
        //Console.WriteLine("bResultCommand  {0} ", bResultCommand);
        //Console.WriteLine("Command[0] {0:X2} ", Command[0]);
        //Console.WriteLine("CmdLength {0} ", CmdLength);

        //uint inUSBstatus1 = inEndpoint1.UsbdStatus;
        //Console.WriteLine("UsbdStatus {0:X8} e ", inUSBstatus1);

        //uint inUSBstatus2 = inEndpoint1.NtStatus;
        //Console.WriteLine("NtStatus {0:X8} e ", inUSBstatus2);

        if (bResultCommand == true)
          //calls the XferData function for bulk transfer(IN) in the cyusb.dll
          bResultReply = inEndpoint1.XferData(ref Reply, ref ReplyLength);
          //Console.WriteLine("bResultReply  {0}  ", bResultReply);
          return false;
        if ((bResultCommand && bResultReply) == true)
          return true;
          return false;
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private bool PrepareForFirmwareDownload()
            // Chech for boot loader
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();
            if (FxDev == null)
                return false;

            CyFX3Device fx = FxDev as CyFX3Device;

            // check for bootloader first, if it is not running then prompt message to user.
            if (!fx.IsBootLoaderRunning())
                MessageBox.Show("Please reset your device to download firmware", "Bootloader is not running");
                return false;
            StatLabel.Text = "Downloading Cypress Boot Programmer...";

            //Download Default IMG file

            string fPath_fromShortcut = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName, "CyBootProgrammer.img");

            string fPath_buildDir = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName, "..\\..\\CyBootProgrammer.img");

            string fPath = null;

            if (File.Exists(fPath_fromShortcut))
                fPath = fPath_fromShortcut;
            else if (File.Exists(fPath_buildDir))
                fPath = fPath_buildDir;
                MessageBox.Show("Can't find the file", "CyBootProgrammer.img");

            enmbResult = fx.DownloadFw(fPath, FX3_FWDWNLOAD_MEDIA_TYPE.RAM);

            StatLabel.Text = "Programming of Boot Programmer " + fx.GetFwErrorString(enmbResult);

            if (enmbResult == FX3_FWDWNLOAD_ERROR_CODE.FAILED)
                return false;

            StatLabel.Text = "Waiting for Cypress Boot Programmer device to enumerate....";

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /* Summary
            Executes the script loaded
        private void play_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();

            if (FxDev == null)

            if (playscriptfile.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Load a script before playing it.", "Load script");

            StatLabel.Text = "Playing Script " + FOpenDialog.FileName + " in Outputbox";

            FileStream stream = new FileStream(playscriptfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            if (stream.Length > 0)

                    if (FxDev.Config != Xaction.ConfigNum)
                        FxDev.Config = Xaction.ConfigNum;

                    if (FxDev.AltIntfc != Xaction.AltIntfc)
                        FxDev.AltIntfc = Xaction.AltIntfc;


                    stream = new FileStream(playscriptfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                    long totalFileSize = stream.Length;
                    long file_bytes_read = 0;

                        file_bytes_read += 32;

                        if (Xaction.Tag == 0xFF)
                            byte[] buffer = new byte[Xaction.DataLen];
                            int len = (int)Xaction.DataLen;

                            curEndpt = FxDev.EndPointOf(Xaction.EndPtAddr);

                            if (curEndpt != null)
                                if (curEndpt.Attributes == 0)
                                    /* Control transfer */
                                    CyControlEndPoint ctlEpt = curEndpt as CyControlEndPoint;

                                    byte tmp = Xaction.bReqType;

                                    ctlEpt.Target = (byte)(tmp & TTransaction.ReqType_TGT_MASK);
                                    ctlEpt.ReqType = (byte)(tmp & TTransaction.ReqType_TYPE_MASK);
                                    ctlEpt.Direction = (byte)(tmp & TTransaction.ReqType_DIR_MASK);
                                    ctlEpt.ReqCode = Xaction.CtlReqCode;
                                    ctlEpt.Value = Xaction.wValue;
                                    ctlEpt.Index = Xaction.wIndex;

                                    if (Xaction.Tag == 0)
                                        Xaction.ReadToBuffer(stream, ref buffer, ref len);
                                        file_bytes_read += len;

                                    if (Xaction.Tag == 1)
                                        /* Read from device saving to file */

                                        string tmpSFilter = FSave.Filter;
                                        string tmpSTitle = FSave.Title;
                                        string file;

                                        FSave.Title = "Save Data as:";
                                        FSave.Filter = "All Files(*.*) | *.*";

                                        if (FSave.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                            file = FSave.FileName;
                                            FSave.Filter = tmpSFilter;
                                            FSave.Title = tmpSTitle;

                                        FSave.FileName = "";
                                        FSave.Filter = tmpSFilter;
                                        FSave.Title = tmpSTitle;

                                        PerformCtlFileTransfer(file, ref buffer, ref len);
                                        PerformCtlTransfer(ref buffer, ref len);
                                    /* Non Ep0 transfer */
                                    if (Xaction.Tag == 0)
                                        Xaction.ReadToBuffer(stream, ref buffer, ref len);
                                        file_bytes_read += len;

                                    if (Xaction.Tag == 1)
                                        /* Read from device saving to file */
                                        string tmpSFilter = FSave.Filter;
                                        string tmpSTitle = FSave.Title;
                                        string file;

                                        FSave.Title = "Save Data as:";
                                        FSave.Filter = "All files(*.*) | *.*";

                                        if (FSave.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                            file = FSave.FileName;
                                            FSave.Filter = tmpSFilter;
                                            FSave.Title = tmpSTitle;

                                        FSave.FileName = "";
                                        FSave.Filter = tmpSFilter;
                                        FSave.Title = tmpSTitle;

                                        PerformNonEP0FileXfer(file, ref buffer, ref len);
                                        PerformNonEP0Xfer(ref buffer, ref len);
                    } while ((totalFileSize - file_bytes_read) >= 32);
                catch (Exception esc)
                    MessageBox.Show(esc.Message, "Invalid file data");
                MessageBox.Show("Script Loaded is empty", "Invalid file");

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /* Summary
            Just get's the file name of .spt for playing
        private void load_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();

            if (FxDev == null)

            string tmpFilter = FOpenDialog.Filter;
            string tmpTitle = FOpenDialog.Title;

            FOpenDialog.Title = "Select a Script file to load: ";
            FOpenDialog.Filter = "Script files (*.spt) | *.spt";

            if (FOpenDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                playscriptfile = FOpenDialog.FileName;
                StatLabel.Text = "Script loaded.... " + FOpenDialog.FileName;
                FOpenDialog.Title = tmpTitle;
                FOpenDialog.Filter = tmpFilter;

            FOpenDialog.FileName = "";
            FOpenDialog.Title = tmpTitle;
            FOpenDialog.Filter = tmpFilter;

            play_button.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /* Summary
            Initialize global variables defined
        private void Initialize()
            scriptfile = "";
            playscriptfile = "";
            Resetreg = 0xE600;
            Maxaddr = 0x4000;
            Max_Ctlxfer_size = 0x1000;
            bRecording = false;
            Xaction = new TTransaction();
            list = new ArrayList();
            list1 = new ArrayList();

            curEndpt = null;
            curCyUsbDev = null;
            curHidDev = null;
            curHidReport = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /* Summary
     Event handler to reset or run Fx2's CPU
 private void HaltItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();
     CyFX2Device fx = FxDev as CyFX2Device;
     if (FxDev != null)
         if (sender == ProgramFX2haltMenuItem)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /* Summary
            Used for some specific purposes for not showing the MessageBox similar to FxDevDeviceSelected
        private CyUSBDevice FxDevDeviceSelected_forusage()
            TreeNode selNode = DeviceTreeView.SelectedNode;

            while (selNode.Parent != null)
                selNode = selNode.Parent;

            FxDev = selNode.Tag as CyUSBDevice;

            return FxDev;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /* Summary
            Any selection changes in the tree view will trigger this function "at start the first device is always selected leading into this function"
        private void DeviceTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            XferTextBox.Text = "";
            XferDataBox.Text = "";

            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 1; i < this.XferTextBox.MaxLength; i++)
                sb.Append(" &&");

            this.XferDataBox.Mask = sb.ToString();

            TreeNode selNode = DeviceTreeView.SelectedNode;
            string nodeText = selNode.Text;

            CyUSBInterfaceContainer curIntfcContainer = selNode.Tag as CyUSBInterfaceContainer;
            CyUSBInterface curIntfc = selNode.Tag as CyUSBInterface;
            CyUSBConfig curConfig = selNode.Tag as CyUSBConfig;

            curEndpt = selNode.Tag as CyUSBEndPoint;
            curCyUsbDev = selNode.Tag as CyUSBDevice;

            curHidDev = null;
            curHidReport = null;

            if (curConfig != null)
                curCyUsbDev = selNode.Parent.Tag as CyUSBDevice;
            else if (curIntfcContainer != null)
                curCyUsbDev = selNode.Parent.Parent.Tag as CyUSBDevice;
            else if (curIntfc != null)
                curCyUsbDev = selNode.Parent.Parent.Parent.Tag as CyUSBDevice;
                curCyUsbDev.AltIntfc = curIntfc.bAlternateSetting;
            else if (curEndpt != null)

                int minXfer = curEndpt.MaxPktSize;

                if (curEndpt.Attributes == 1)
                    minXfer *= 8;

                NumBytesBox.Text = minXfer.ToString();

                // Set the AltSetting
                if (curEndpt.Address != 0) // Only if we're not on the Control Endpoint
                    curCyUsbDev = selNode.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Tag as CyUSBDevice;
                    curIntfc = selNode.Parent.Tag as CyUSBInterface;
                    curCyUsbDev.AltIntfc = curIntfc.bAlternateSetting;
                    curCyUsbDev = selNode.Parent.Parent.Tag as CyUSBDevice;
            else if ((selNode.Tag is CyHidButton) || (selNode.Tag is CyHidValue))
                curHidDev = selNode.Parent.Parent.Tag as CyHidDevice;
                curHidReport = selNode.Parent.Tag as CyHidReport;

                NumBytesBox.Text = curHidReport.RptByteLen.ToString();
                nodeText = selNode.Parent.Text;
            else if (selNode.Tag is CyHidReport)
                curHidDev = selNode.Parent.Tag as CyHidDevice;
                curHidReport = selNode.Tag as CyHidReport;

                NumBytesBox.Text = curHidReport.RptByteLen.ToString();
            else if (selNode.Tag is CyHidDevice)
                curHidDev = selNode.Tag as CyHidDevice;


            DescText.Text = selNode.Tag.ToString();

            Sync_Form_Resize = 1;
            Form1_Resize(sender, null);
Ejemplo n.º 20
           Search the device with VID-PID 04b4-1003 and if found, select the end point
        private void SetDevice()
            USBDevice dev = usbDevices[0x04B4, 0x8613];

            if (dev != null)
                MyDevice = (CyUSBDevice)dev;



                ////if (EndPointsComboBox.Items.Count > 0)
                //    EndPointsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                //    //PpxBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                //    //QueueBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
                //    // StartBtn.Enabled = true;
                CySafeFileHandle handle = MyDevice.DeviceHandle;
                hDevice = handle.DangerousGetHandle();
                bool ret_status;
                int bytesxfered = 0;
                UInt32 GET_TRANSFER_SIZE_CTL = 0x00220034;
                UInt32 SET_TRANSFER_SIZE_CTL = 0x00220038;
                SET_TRANSFER_SIZE_INFO SetTransferInfo = new SET_TRANSFER_SIZE_INFO();
                if (EndPoint.Attributes == 3)
                    SetTransferInfo.EndPointAddress = MyDevice.InterruptInEndPt.Address;
                else if (EndPoint.Attributes == 2)
                    SetTransferInfo.EndPointAddress = MyDevice.BulkInEndPt.Address;
                //string TransInfo = SetTransferInfo.ToString;
                byte[] Trans_Info = new byte[9];
                Trans_Info[0] = SetTransferInfo.EndPointAddress;
                ret_status = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, GET_TRANSFER_SIZE_CTL, Trans_Info, Trans_Info.Length, Trans_Info, Trans_Info.Length, ref bytesxfered, null);

                //change to 65536 KB buffer
                Trans_Info[2] = 0x00;
                Trans_Info[3] = 0x80;
                ret_status = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, SET_TRANSFER_SIZE_CTL, Trans_Info, Trans_Info.Length, Trans_Info, Trans_Info.Length, ref bytesxfered, null);
                //check to make sure change was made
                Trans_Info[2] = 0x00;
                Trans_Info[3] = 0x00;
                ret_status = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, GET_TRANSFER_SIZE_CTL, Trans_Info, Trans_Info.Length, Trans_Info, Trans_Info.Length, ref bytesxfered, null);
                // StartBtn.Enabled = false;
               // EndPointsComboBox.Items.Clear();
              //  EndPointsComboBox.Text = "";

Ejemplo n.º 21
    This is the event handler for device removal. This method resets the device count and searches for the device with
    VID-PID 04b4-1003
 void usbDevices_DeviceRemoved(object sender, EventArgs e)
     MyDevice = null;
     EndPoint = null;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /* Summary
            This event handler handles 3 events: programming large EEprom, small EEprom and loading RAM
        private void ProgE2Item_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();
            string tmpFilter = FOpenDialog.Filter;

            if ((sender == ProgramFX264kBEEPROMMenuItem) || (sender == ProgramFX2smallEEPROMMenuItem))
                FOpenDialog.Filter = "Firmware Image files (*.iic) | *.iic";

            if ((FxDev != null) && (FOpenDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK))
                bool bResult = false;

                if (sender == ProgramFX264kBEEPROMMenuItem)
                    StatLabel.Text = "Programming EEPROM of " + FxDev.FriendlyName;
                    CyFX2Device fx = FxDev as CyFX2Device;
                    bResult = fx.LoadEEPROM(FOpenDialog.FileName, true);
                else if (sender == ProgramFX2smallEEPROMMenuItem)
                    StatLabel.Text = "Programming EEPROM of " + FxDev.FriendlyName;
                    CyFX2Device fx = FxDev as CyFX2Device;
                    bResult = fx.LoadEEPROM(FOpenDialog.FileName, false);
                    StatLabel.Text = "Programming RAM of " + FxDev.FriendlyName;
                    CyFX2Device fx = FxDev as CyFX2Device;

                    string filename = FOpenDialog.FileName;
                    if (bRecording && (script_stream != null))
                        byte ConfigNum = fx.Config;
                        byte IntfcNum = 0;
                        byte AltIntfc = fx.AltIntfc;
                        fx.SetRecordingFlag(true, ConfigNum, IntfcNum, AltIntfc);
                    if (fx.IsRecordingFlagSet())
                    bResult = fx.LoadExternalRam(filename);
                    fx.SetRecordingFlag(false, Xaction.ConfigNum, Xaction.IntfcNum, Xaction.AltIntfc);

                StatLabel.Text = "Programming " + (bResult ? "succeeded." : "failed.");

            FOpenDialog.FileName = "";
            FOpenDialog.Filter = tmpFilter;
Ejemplo n.º 23
     * 3.2   TE_USB_FX2_Open()   
     * 3.2.1   Declaration
     * public static bool TE_USB_FX2_Open(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref USBDeviceList USBdevList, int CardNumber)
     * 3.2.2   Function Call
     * Your application program shall call this function like this:
     * TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_Open( ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref USBdevList, CardNumber);
     * 3.2.3   Description
     * This function takes (a null initialized or an already initialized) USB device list, (re-)creates a USB device list , 
     * searches for Trenz Electronic USB FX2 devices (Cypress driver derivative and VID = 0xbd0, PID=0x0300) and counts them. 
     * If no device is attached, TE_USB_FX2_USB_device (CyUSBDevice type) is initialized to null.
     * If one or more devices are attached and
     * 1) if 0 <= CardNumber <= (number of attached devices – 1), then 
     * TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice (CyUSBDevice type) will point to and will be initialized according to the selected device.
     * 2) if CardNumber >= number of attached devices, then 
     * TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice (CyUSBDevice type) is initialized to null.
     * A more intuitive name for this function would have been TE_USB_FX2_SelectCard().
     * 3.2.4   Parameters
     * 1. ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice
     * TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice is the module selected by this function. This is the most useful value returned by this function. This parameter is passed by reference (ref). See pages 70-93 of CyUSB.NET.pdf (Cypress CyUSB .NET DLL Programmer's Reference).
     * 2. ref USBDeviceList USBdevList
     * USBDeviceList is a type defined in CyUSB.dll. USBdevList is the list of devices served by the CyUSB.sys driver (or a derivative like TE_USB_FX2.sys). This parameter is passed by reference (ref). See page 139-140 of CyUSB.NET.pdf (Cypress CyUSB .NET DLL Programmer's Reference)
     * 3. int CardNumber
     * This is the number of the selected Trenz Electronic USB FX2 device.
     * 3.2.5   Return Value
     * 1. bool : logical type
     * This function returns true if it is able to find the module selected by CardNumber. If unable to do so, it returns false.
    /// <summary>
    /// //////
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice"></param>
    /// <param name="USBdevList"></param>
    /// <param name="CardNumber"></param>
    /// <returns=bool></returns>

    public static bool TE_USB_FX2_Open(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref USBDeviceList USBdevList, int CardNumber)

      int CardCounted = 0;   // Trenz Device
      //int DeviceNumber = 0;  // Cypress Device ( number >= TrenzDevice)

      //Number of Cypress Device (Trenz Electronic or not)
      int CypressDeviceNumber = 0;
      //Number of Trenz Device
      int TrenzDeviceNumber = 0;
      //Position of Trenz Device desired in the USBDeviceList
      int DeviceNumber = 0;

      UInt16 PID = 0x0000;
      UInt16 VID = 0x0000;

      //Creation of a list of USB device that use the CYUSB.SYS driver
      USBdevList = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB);
      //If exist at least an USB device that use the CYUSB.SYS driver,
      //I search and count the number of these devices that are of Trenz Electronic
      if (USBdevList.Count != 0)
        foreach (USBDevice USBdev in USBdevList)
          PID = USBdev.ProductID;
          VID = USBdev.VendorID;
          //Number of Cypress Card augmented by one
          if ((((PID == 0x0300) && (VID == 0x0bd0)) == true))
            //Number of Trenz Card (a subcategory of Cypress Card) augmented by one
            //Console.WriteLine("PID e VID: {0}, {1}", PID, VID);
            // CardNumber=TrenzDeviceNumber-1 by definition.
            if ((TrenzDeviceNumber - 1) == CardNumber)
              //I store the DeviceNumber that identify the Trenz Card (CardNumber) requested
              //Memorize this number for later use
              //This is the position of Trenz Device desired in the USBDeviceList
              DeviceNumber = CypressDeviceNumber - 1;
              //Console.WriteLine("DeviceNumber: {0}", DeviceNumber);

      //At this point I memorize the Cards Counted and zeroed the variable that I have used in the counting.
      CardCounted = TrenzDeviceNumber;
      //Console.WriteLine("CardCounted: {0}", CardCount);
      TrenzDeviceNumber = 0;

      //Now I search the Trenz USB Device with the Card Number (CardNo) specified
      if (((CardNumber >= 0) && (CardNumber < CardCounted)) == true)  //CardCounted
        USBDevice USBdev = USBdevList[DeviceNumber];
        PID = USBdev.ProductID;
        VID = USBdev.VendorID;
        if ((((PID == 0x0300) && (VID == 0x0bd0)) == true))
          TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = USBdev as CyUSBDevice;
          //Console.WriteLine("USBdev {0} ", TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice);
          return true;
          TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = null;
          return false;
        TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice = null;
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void ProgramFX3Ram_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();
            if (FxDev == null)

            CyFX3Device fx = FxDev as CyFX3Device;

            // check for bootloader first, if it is not running then prompt message to user.
            if (!fx.IsBootLoaderRunning())
                MessageBox.Show("Please reset your device to download firmware", "Bootloader is not running");

            string tmpFilter = FOpenDialog.Filter;

            if (sender == ProgramFX3Ram)
                FOpenDialog.Filter = "Firmware Image files (*.img) | *.img";

            if ((FxDev != null) && (FOpenDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK))

                if (sender == ProgramFX3Ram)
                    StatLabel.Text = "Programming RAM of " + FxDev.FriendlyName;

                    string filename = FOpenDialog.FileName;
                    if (bRecording && (script_stream != null))
                        byte ConfigNum = fx.Config;
                        byte IntfcNum = 0;
                        byte AltIntfc = fx.AltIntfc;
                        fx.SetRecordingFlag(true, ConfigNum, IntfcNum, AltIntfc);
                    if (fx.IsRecordingFlagSet())

                    enmResult = fx.DownloadFw(filename, FX3_FWDWNLOAD_MEDIA_TYPE.RAM);

                    fx.SetRecordingFlag(false, Xaction.ConfigNum, Xaction.IntfcNum, Xaction.AltIntfc);

                StatLabel.Text = "Programming " + fx.GetFwErrorString(enmResult);

            FOpenDialog.FileName = "";
            FOpenDialog.Filter = tmpFilter;
Ejemplo n.º 25
     * 3.5   TE_USB_FX2_GetData()
     * 3.5.1   Declaration
     * public static bool TE_USB_FX2_GetData(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref byte[] DataRead, ref int DataReadLength, 
     * int PipeNo, uint Timeout, int BufferSize)
     * 3.5.2   Function Call
     * Your application program shall call this function like this:
     * TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_GetData(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref DataRead, ref DataReadLength, PI_EP6, Timeout, 
     * BufferSize);
     * 3.5.3   Description
     * This function takes an already initialized USB Device (previously selected by TE_USB_FX2_Open()) and reads data from 
     * USB FX2 microcontroller endpoint EP6 (0x86) (endpoints EP4(0x84) or EP2(0x82) are also theoretically possible). 
     * Data comes from the FPGA.
     * Currently (April 2012), only endpoint 0x86 is actually implemented in Trenz Electronic USB FPGA modules, so that endpoints 
     * EP2 and EP4 cannot be read or , more precisely, they are not even connected to the FPGA. That is why attempting to read them 
     * causes a function failure after Timeout expires.
     * 3.5.4   Expected Data Throughput
     * The maximum data throughput expected (with a DataReadLength= 120*10^6) is 37 Mbyte/s (PacketSize = BufferSize = 131,072), 
     * but in fact this value is variable between 31-36 Mbyte/s (the mean value seems 33.5 Mbyte/s); so if you measure this range 
     * of values, the data reception can be considered as normal.
     * The data throughput is variable in two ways:
     * 1. depends on the used host computer;
     * 2. varies with every function call.
     * 3.5.5   DataRead Size Shall Not Be Too Large
     * TE_USB_FX2_GetData() seems unable to use too large arrays or, more precisely, this fact seems variable by changing host 
     * computer. To be safe, do not try to transfer in a single packet very large data (e.g. 120 millions of byte); transfer the 
     * same data with many packets instead (1,200 packets * 100,000 byte) and copy the data in a single large data array if necessary
     * (with Buffer.BlockCopy()). Buffer.BlockCopy seems not to hinder throughput too much (max 2 Mbyte/s)
     *   Reduced version (pseudo code)
     * PACKETLENGTH=100000;
     * packets=1200;
     * byte[] data = new byte[packetlen*packets];
     * byte[] buffer = new byte[packetlen];
     * for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++)
     * {
     *   TE_USB_FX2_GetData(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref buffer, ref packetlen, PI_EP6, TIMEOUT_MS,BUFFER_SIZE)
     *   Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, data, total_cnt, packetlen);
     *   total_cnt += packetlen; 
     * }
     *   Expanded version (code)
     * PACKETLENGTH=100000;
     * packets=1200;
     * byte[] data = new byte[packetlen*packets];
     * byte[] buffer = new byte[packetlen];
     * //starts test: the FPGA start to write data in the buffer EP6 of FX2 chip
     * SendFPGAcommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, MB_Commands.FX22MB_REG0_START_TX, TIMEOUT_MS);
     * test_cnt = 0;
     * total_cnt = 0;
     * for (int i = 0; i < packets; i++)
     * {
     *   //buffer = &data[total_cnt];
     *   packetlen = PACKETLENGTH;
     *   //fixed (byte* buffer = &data[total_cnt]
     *   bResultXfer = TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2.TE_USB_FX2_GetData(ref   TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref buffer, ref packetlen, PI_EP6, 
     *   Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, data, total_cnt, packetlen); 
     *   if (bResultXfer == false)
     *   {
     *     //cout << "ERROR" << endl;
     *     Console.WriteLine("Error Get Data");
     *     SendFPGAcommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, MB_Commands.FX22MB_REG0_STOP, TIMEOUT_MS);
     *     return;
     *   }
     *   total_cnt += packetlen
     *  //stop test: the FPGA start to write data in the buffer EP6 of //FX2 chip
     *SendFPGAcommand(ref TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice,
     *MB_Commands.FX22MB_REG0_STOP, TIMEOUT_MS);
     *3.5.6   DataRead Size Shall Not Be Too Small
     *There are two reasons why DataRead size shall not be too small.
     *The first reason is described in section 1.1.4 PacketSize. PacketSize has also a strong influence on DataThroughput. 
     *If PacketSize is too small (e.g. 512 byte), you can have very low DataThroughput (2.2 Mbyte/s) even if you use a large driver 
     *buffer (driver buffer size = 131,072 bytes). See section 6 TE_USB_FX2_CyUSB.dll:  Data Transfer Throughput Optimization.
     *The second reason is that probably the FPGA imposes your minimum packet size. In a properly used read test mode 
     *(using FX22MB_REG0_START_TX and therefore attaching the FPGA), TE_USB_FX2_GetData() is unable to read less than 1024 byte. 
     *In a improperly used read test mode (not using FX22MB_REG0_START_TX and therefore detaching the FPGA), TE_USB_FX2_GetData() 
     *is able to read a packet size down to 64 byte. The same CyUSB method XferData() used (under the hood) in 
     *TE_USB_FX2_SendCommand() is able to read a packet size of 64 byte. These facts prove that the minimum packet size is imposed 
     *by FPGA. To be safe, we recommend to use this function with a size multiple of 1 kbyte. 
     *3.5.7   Parameters
     *1. ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB-FX2_USBDevice
     *This parameter points to the module selected by TE_USB_FX2_Open(). This parameter is passed by reference (ref). See pages 70-93
     *of CyUSB.NET.pdf (Cypress CyUSB .NET DLL Programmer's Reference)
     *2. ref byte[] DataRead
     *This parameter is passed by reference (ref). C# applications use directly TE_USB_FX2_CyUSB.dll based on CyUSB.dll. To avoid 
     *copying back and forth large amount of data between these two DLLs, data is passed by reference rather than by value. This 
     *parameter points to the byte array that, after the function returns, will contain the data read from the buffer EP6 of the 
     *USB FX2 microcontroller. The data contained in EP6 generated by the FPGA. If no data is contained in EP6, the byte array is 
     *left unchanged. 
     *3. ref int DataReadLength
     *This parameter is the length (in bytes) of the previous byte array; it is the length of the packet read from the USB FX2 
     *microcontroller endpoint EP6 (0x86). It is typically PacketLength. This parameter is passed by reference (ref).
     *4. int PipeNumber
     *This parameter is the value that identifies the endpoint used for data transfer. It is called PipeNumber because it identifies 
     *the buffer (pipe) used by the USB FX2 microcontroller.
     *5. uint Timeout
     *It is the integer time value in milliseconds assigned to the synchronous method XferData() of data transfer used by CyUSB.dll. 
     *Timeout is the time that is allowed to the function for sending/receiving the data packet passed to the function; this timeout 
     *shall be large enough to allow data/command transmission/reception.. Otherwise the transmission/reception will fail. 
     *See 1.1.2 Timeout Setting.
     *6. int BufferSize
     *It is the dimension (in bytes) of the driver buffer (SW) used in data reception of a single endpoint (EP6 0x86 in this case)
     *single endpoint (EP6 0x86 in this case); the total buffer size is the sum of BufferSize of every endpoint used. BufferSize has 
     *a strong influence on DataThroughput. If the BufferSize is too small,  DataThroughput can be 1/3-1/2 of the maximum value 
     *(from a maximum value of 36 Mbyte/s for read transactions to an actual value of 18 Mbyte/s). If BufferSize has a large value 
     *(a roomy buffer), the program shall be able to cope with the non-deterministic behavior of C# without losing packets.
     *3.5.8   Return Value
     *1. bool : logical type
     *This function returns true if it is able to receive the data from buffer EP6 within Timeout milliseconds. 
     *This function returns false otherwise.

    /// <summary>
    /// ////////
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="TE03xxUSBdevice"></param>
    /// <param name="DataRead"></param>
    /// <param name="DataReadLength"></param>
    /// <param name="PipeNo"></param>
    /// <param name="Timeout"></param>
    ///  /// <returns></returns>

    //public static bool TE_USB_FX2_GetData(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice,ref CyBulkEndPoint inEndpointPipeNo, ref byte[] DataRead, ref int DataReadLength, int PipeNo, uint Timeout)
    public static bool TE_USB_FX2_GetData(ref CyUSBDevice TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice, ref byte[] DataRead, ref int DataReadLength, int PipeNo, uint Timeout, int BufferSize)
      bool bResultDataRead = false;
      byte PipeNoHex = 0x00;

      //Shortest and more portable way to select the Address using the PipeNumber

      CyBulkEndPoint inEndpointPipeNo = null;
      //Shortest and more portable way
      if (PipeNo == 2) PipeNoHex = 0x82;
      else PipeNoHex = 0x00;
      if (PipeNo == 4) PipeNoHex = 0x84;
      else PipeNoHex = 0x00;
      if (PipeNo == 6) PipeNoHex = 0x86;
      else PipeNoHex = 0x00;

      //Fundamental Note: currently (March 2012) only 0x86 EndPoint is actually implemented in TE-USB FPGA modules

      if ((TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice != null) && (PipeNoHex == 0x86))  //(TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice != null) &&
        inEndpointPipeNo = TE_USB_FX2_USBDevice.EndPointOf(PipeNoHex) as CyBulkEndPoint;
        inEndpointPipeNo.TimeOut = Timeout;

        //int MaxPacketSize= outEndpointPipeNo.MaxPktSize;
        //Console.WriteLine("MaxPacketSize {0} ", MaxPacketSize);

        //int XferSize1 = outEndpointPipeNo.XferSize;
        //Console.WriteLine("XferSize {0} ", XferSize1);

        //outEndpointPipeNo.XferMode = XMODE.DIRECT;

        inEndpointPipeNo.XferSize = BufferSize; // 131072;

        //calls the XferData function for bulk transfer(IN) in the cyusb.dll
        bResultDataRead = inEndpointPipeNo.XferData(ref DataRead, ref DataReadLength);
        //uint inUSBstatus1 = inEndpointPipeNo.UsbdStatus;
        //Console.WriteLine("UsbdStatus {0:X8} ", inUSBstatus1);

        //uint inUSBstatus2 = inEndpointPipeNo.NtStatus;
        //Console.WriteLine("NtStatus {0:X8} ", inUSBstatus2);

        if (bResultDataRead == true) return true;
        else return false;
      else return false;

Ejemplo n.º 26
        /* Summary
            Resets the selected FxDev device
        private void Reset_device_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();

            if (FxDev == null)
            StatLabel.Text = "Device Reset Successfull";
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /* Summary
            Aborts the selected endpoint
        private void Abort_endpoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();

            if (FxDev == null)

            if (curEndpt == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Select an endpoint to Abort.", "No endpoint selected");
            StatLabel.Text = "Abort Successfull";
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /* Summary
            Resets the selected pipe
        private void Reset_Pipe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();

            if (FxDev == null)

            if (curEndpt == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Select an endpoint to reset.", "No endpoint selected");
            StatLabel.Text = "Reset Pipe Successfull";
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /* Summary
            Reconnects the selected FxDev device
        private void Reconnect_device_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected();

            if (FxDev == null)
            StatLabel.Text = "Device Reconnected";
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /* Summary
            Transfer file button should be visible only for certain conditions which is done here.
        private void ConfigDataXferBtn(string nodeTxt)
            FileXferBtn.Visible = false;
            FileXferBtn.Enabled = false;

            //DataXferBtn.Enabled = true;

            //Changed here
            FxDev = FxDevDeviceSelected_forusage();
            if (FxDev != null)
                FileXferBtn.Visible = true;
                FileXferBtn.Enabled = true;

            ///check device type , enable disable the fx/fx3 file manu button
            if (FxDev != null)
                if (!FxDev.IsFX2Device)
                    ProgramFX3Ram.Enabled = true;
                    fX3ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                    fX2ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    ProgramFX2RamMenuItm.Enabled = false;
                    ProgramFX264kBEEPROMMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    ProgramFX2smallEEPROMMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    ProgramFX2haltMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    ProgramFX2runMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    ProgramFX3Ram.Enabled = false;
                    fX3ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    fX2ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                    ProgramFX2RamMenuItm.Enabled = true;
                    ProgramFX264kBEEPROMMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                    ProgramFX2smallEEPROMMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                    ProgramFX2haltMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                    ProgramFX2runMenuItem.Enabled = true;
            if (nodeTxt.Contains("Feature"))
                DataXferBtn.Text = "Get Feature";
                FileXferBtn.Text = "Set Feature";
                FileXferBtn.Visible = true;
                FileXferBtn.Enabled = true;
            else if (nodeTxt.Contains("Input"))
                DataXferBtn.Text = "Get Input";

                string os = GetOSName();

                //GetInput is only supported under WindowsXP and newer.
                if (!((os == "Windows XP") || (os == "Windows Vista")))
                    DataXferBtn.Enabled = false;
            else if (nodeTxt.Contains("Output"))
                DataXferBtn.Text = "Set Output";
                if (curEndpt != null)
                    if (curEndpt.Attributes != 0)
                        if (curEndpt.bIn)
                            DataXferBtn.Text = "Transfer Data-IN";
                            FileXferBtn.Text = "Transfer File-IN";
                            DataXferBtn.Text = "Transfer Data-OUT";
                            FileXferBtn.Text = "Transfer File-OUT";
                        DataXferBtn.Text = "Transfer Data";
                        FileXferBtn.Text = "Transfer File";
                    DataXferBtn.Text = "Transfer Data";
                    FileXferBtn.Text = "Transfer File";

            if (curHidDev != null)
                TreeNode selNode = DeviceTreeView.SelectedNode;
                DataXferBtn.Enabled = curHidDev.RwAccessible;

                string os = GetOSName();

                //GetInput is only supported under WindowsXP and newer.
                if (!((os == "Windows XP") || (os == "Windows Vista")))
                    DataXferBtn.Enabled = false;
                DataXferBtn.Enabled = true;