Ejemplo n.º 1
        public string post_rest_Uri(string op)
            settingClass settings = get_settings();
            string       path     = settings.CxUrl + op;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public secure()
     _configuration = Configuration.configuration();
     _cipherService = new CipherService();
     _os            = RuntimeInformation.OSDescription;
     _settings      = get_settings();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static settingClass get_settings()
            settingClass _settings = new settingClass();

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public CxSoapSDK(resultClass token)
     using (secure secure = new secure())
         _settings = secure.get_settings();
     _token = token;
     _debug = token.debug;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public secure(resultClass token)
     _configuration = Configuration.configuration();
     _cipherService = new CipherService();
     _os            = RuntimeInformation.OSDescription;
     _token         = token;
     _settings      = get_settings();
     _debug         = token.debug;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public secure(resultClass token)
     _configuration = Configuration.configuration();
     _cipherService = new CipherService();
     _os            = RuntimeInformation.OSDescription;
     _token         = token;
     _settings      = get_settings();
     _debug         = token.debug;
     if (_debug)
         Console.WriteLine("exe path: {0}", System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public settingClass get_settings()
            settingClass _settings = new settingClass();


            _settings.CxAPIResolver   = _settings.CxUrl + _settings.CxAPIResolver;
            _settings.CxSDKWebService = _settings.CxUrl + _settings.CxSDKWebService;
            if (_token != null && _token.debug)
                _settings.debug = "true";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void _setresultClass()
            secure       secure   = new secure();
            settingClass settings = secure.get_settings();

            grant_type        = settings.grant_type;
            scope             = settings.scope;
            client_id         = settings.client_id;
            client_secret     = settings.client_secret;
            CxUrl             = settings.CxUrl;
            timestamp         = DateTime.UtcNow;
            os_path           = secure._os.Contains("Windows") ? "\\" : "/";
            CxAPIResolver     = CxUrl + settings.CxAPIResolver;
            CxSDKWebService   = CxUrl + settings.CxSDKWebService;
            use_proxy         = settings.use_proxy;
            proxy_use_default = settings.proxy_use_default;
            proxy_url         = settings.proxy_url;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public resultClass()
            secure       secure   = new secure();
            settingClass settings = secure.get_settings();

            grant_type      = settings.grant_type;
            scope           = settings.scope;
            client_id       = settings.client_id;
            client_secret   = settings.client_secret;
            CxUrl           = settings.CxUrl;
            file_name       = settings.CxDefaultFileName;
            file_path       = settings.CxFilePath;
            timestamp       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            start_time      = null;
            end_time        = null;
            api_action      = api_action.help;
            os_path         = secure._os.Contains("Windows") ? "\\" : "/";
            debug           = false;
            CxAPIResolver   = CxUrl + settings.CxAPIResolver;
            CxSDKWebService = CxUrl + settings.CxSDKWebService;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public settingClass get_settings()
            settingClass _settings = new settingClass();


            _settings.CxAPIResolver   = _settings.CxUrl + _settings.CxAPIResolver;
            _settings.CxSDKWebService = _settings.CxUrl + _settings.CxSDKWebService;
            if (_token != null && _token.debug)
                _settings.debug = "true";

            if (_debug)
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in _settings.GetType().GetProperties())
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(_settings, null));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public bool set_encrypted_file(encryptClass encrypt)
            string folder = _os.Contains("Windows") ? "\\" : "/";

                settingClass settings    = get_settings();
                string       Json_string = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(encrypt);
                string       encrypted   = _cipherService.Encrypt(Json_string);
                if (_debug)
                    Console.WriteLine("Setting file: {0} : {1}", settings.CxDataFilePath, settings.CxDataFileName);
                string path = Path.Combine(settings.CxDataFilePath, settings.CxDataFileName);
                File.WriteAllText(path, encrypted);
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void debug_configuration(settingClass _settings, resultClass _token)
            string _os    = RuntimeInformation.OSDescription;
            string folder = _os.Contains("Windows") ? "\\" : "/";

            Console.WriteLine("Setting file: {0}", _settings.CxDataFilePath + folder + _settings.CxDataFileName);
            Console.WriteLine("Executable Path: {0}", System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location));

            Console.WriteLine("Configuration Settings:");
            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in _settings.GetType().GetProperties())
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(_settings, null));
            Console.WriteLine("Command Line Settings:");
            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in _token.GetType().GetProperties())
                Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(_token, null));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static resultClass mono_command_args(string[] args)
            resultClass   token = new resultClass();
            List <string> extra;

            var p = new OptionSet()
                { "a|appsettings=", "Optional, point to alternate appsettings directory",
                  v => token.appsettings = v },
                { "t|get_token", "Fetch the bearer token from the CxSAST service",
                  v => token.api_action = api_action.getToken },
                { "c|store_credentials", "Store username and credential in an encrypted file",
                  v => token.api_action = api_action.storeCredentials },
                { "s|scan_results", "Get scan results, filtered by time and project",
                  v => token.api_action = api_action.scanResults },
                { "rn|report_name=", "Select desired report",
                  v => token.report_name = v },
                { "pn|project_name=", "Filter with project name, Will return project if any portion of the project name is a match",
                  v => token.project_name = v },
                { "tn|team_name=", "Filter with team name, Will return a team if any portion of the team name is a match",
                  v => token.team_name = v },
                { "ps|preset_name=", "Filter with preset name, Will return a preset if any portion of the team name is a match",
                  v => token.preset = v },
                { "pi|pipe", "Do not write to file but pipe output to stdout. Useful when using other API's",
                  v => token.pipe = true },
                { "path|file_path=", "Override file path in configuration",
                  v => token.file_path = v },
                { "file|file_name=", "Override file name in configuration",
                  v => token.file_name = v },
                { "sf|severity_filter=", "Filter results by Severity",
                  v => token.severity_filter = v },
                { "sr|save_result=", "Enable saving of results as XML",
                  v => token.save_result = v },
                { "srp|save_result_path=", "Override save result path in configuration",
                  v => token.save_result_path = v },
                { "u|user_name=", "The username to use to retreive the token (REST) or session (SOAP)",
                  v => token.user_name = v },
                { "p|password="******"The password needed to retreive the token (REST) or session (SOAP)",
                  v => token.credential = v },
                { "st|start_time=", "Last scan start time",
                  v => token.start_time = DateTime.Parse(v) },
                { "et|end_time=", "Last scan end time",
                  v => token.end_time = DateTime.Parse(v) },
                //add proxy stuff
                { "up|use_proxy", "Use web proxy",
                  v => token.use_proxy = true },
                { "ud|proxy_use_default", "Use default credentials",
                  v => token.proxy_use_default = true },
                { "pu|proxy_user_name=", "Proxy User Name",
                  v => token.proxy_username = v },
                { "pp|proxy_password="******"Proxy Password",
                  v => token.proxy_password = v },
                { "pd|proxy_domain=", "Proxy Domain",
                  v => token.proxy_domain = v },
                { "v|verbose=", "Change degrees of debugging info",
                  v => token.verbosity = Convert.ToInt32(v) },
                { "mt|max_threads=", "Change the max number of report requests to CxManager",
                  v => token.max_threads = Convert.ToInt32(v) },
                { "ms|max_scans=", "Change the max number of report requests to CxManager",
                  v => token.max_scans = Convert.ToInt32(v) },
                { "ff|filename_filter=", "Firter results so only filename matches are reported",
                  v => token.filename_filter = v },
                { "d|debug", "Output debugging info ",
                  v => token.debug = true },
                { "T|test", "Wait at end of program ",
                  v => token.test = true },
                { "?|h|help", "show your options",
                  v => token.api_action = api_action.help },

                extra = p.Parse(args);
                Configuration.configuration(args, token.appsettings);
                settingClass _settings = get_settings();
                if (_settings.use_proxy || token.use_proxy)
                    token.use_proxy         = true;
                    token.proxy_use_default = token.proxy_use_default ? true : _settings.proxy_use_default;
                    token.proxy_url         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(token.proxy_url) ? _settings.proxy_url : token.proxy_url;
                    Console.WriteLine("Using proxy {0}", token.proxy_url);

                token.save_result_filename = String.IsNullOrEmpty(token.save_result_filename) ? _settings.CxResultFileName : token.save_result_filename;
                token.save_result_path     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(token.save_result_path) ? _settings.CxResultFilePath : token.save_result_path;
                _settings.CxFilePath       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_settings.CxDefaultFilePath) ? _settings.CxFilePath : _settings.CxDefaultFilePath;
                token.file_name            = String.IsNullOrEmpty(token.file_name) ? _settings.CxDefaultFileName : token.file_name;
                token.file_path            = String.IsNullOrEmpty(token.file_path) ? _settings.CxFilePath : token.file_path;
                token.end_time             = (token.end_time == null) ? DateTime.Today : token.end_time;
                token.start_time           = (token.start_time == null) ? DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-1) : token.start_time;

                if (token.debug && token.verbosity > 0)
                    debug_configuration(_settings, token);

            // if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(token.file_name) ? _configuration
            catch (OptionException e)
                Console.Write("CxApi_Core: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Try CxApi --help' for more information.");
                token.status = -1;

            if (token.api_action == api_action.help)