private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql = "", err = "";
            string title = "";
            string type = "";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 1)
                type = "MB-TNT01";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 2)
                type = "MB-TNT04";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 3)
                type = "MB-TNT05";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 4)
                type = "CR_TN21";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 5)
                type = "CR_TN3";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 6)
                type = "CR_ADC";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 7)
                type = "MB-TNT09";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 8)
                type = "CR_LV1";
            if (cbOption.SelectedIndex + 1 == 9)
                type = "CR_TD1";

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            string folderOut = tbFilePath.Text.Trim();

            //Tao thu muc
            if (!Directory.Exists(folderOut))
            if (type != "")
                sql = ""; err = "";
                sql  = "  select *";
                sql += "  from "+Businessbp.executedb.owner+"nab_credit_xln_sendmail g";
                sql += "  where trim(g.type_report)='" + type + "'";
                sql += "      and trunc(g.date_create)=trunc(sysdate)";

                DataTable dtCheck = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                if (err != "")
                    if (dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Đã xử lý Report này cho hôm nay.");

                for (int k = 0; k < dtBranch.Rows.Count; k++)//Vòng lặp để xuất ra từng Branch
                    string branch = dtBranch.Rows[k]["branch_code"].ToString().Trim();
                    tbStatus.Text = "Da xu ly : "+ (k +1).ToString() +" --" +"Dang xu ly :"+branch;
                    if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT04")
                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and c.cr_account_nbr = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        //sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 1 ";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 16 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN THÚC NỢ LẦN 1";

                    #region chualam
                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT05")

                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";  //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)

                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";  //2014-04-01 (1)

                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";  //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" +Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and c.cr_account_nbr = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')  "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 16 ";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 31 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN THÚC NỢ LẦN 2";
                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_TN21")

                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, trunc(b.payment_date) payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, trunc(b.payment_date) payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, trunc(b.payment_date) payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.cr_account_nbr = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 31";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 61 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN THÚC NỢ LẦN 3";// VÀ GỬI THƯ LẦN 1";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_TN3")
                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                      //  sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 61";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 91";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";

                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN GỬI THƯ LẦN 2";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_ADC")
                        //sql = " select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status,to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,'' as number_days,'' as Ghi_chu"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)

                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status,to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,'' as number_days,'' as Ghi_chu"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status,to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,'' as number_days,'' as Ghi_chu"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')  "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) ,0) >= 3";
                        sql += " and nvl(a.acc_adm_status,0) = 0 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";
                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN KHÓA ADMIN STATUS";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_LV1")
                        //sql = " select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr,e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,"; //2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code  in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 91";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) < 121 ";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN LÀM VIỆC TRỰC TIẾP";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "CR_TD1")
                        //sql = " select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";//old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";//2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = " select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";//2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                       // sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) <> '0'  ";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code  in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 121";
                        sql += " and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) <= 150";
                        sql += " and a.acc_adm_status not in ('3')";
                        //sql += " and c.embossed_name not in ('%NQH-CD')";
                        sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN TÁI THẨM ĐỊNH";

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT01")
                        //sql = "select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code,";//old 2014-04-01 (1)
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr , e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code,";// 2014-04-01 (1)
                            sql = "select distinct a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code,";// 2014-04-01 (1)

                        sql += "         decode(e.ADDON_CARD_FLAG, '1', nvl((";
                        sql += "                                             select aa.embossed_name";
                        sql += "                                             from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card aa";
                        sql += "                                             where aa.card_number = e.ADDON_CARD_NUMBER";
                        sql += "                                             ),' ')";
                        sql += "        , c.embossed_name) embossed_name,";//Lấy embossing name cho thẻ phụ

                        sql += " c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due," + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') payment_date,";
                        sql += "       nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        sql += " from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += " where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += " and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += " and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        //sql += " and nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status, '0') <> '0'";
                        sql += " and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                    select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                    from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                    where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                  )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        sql += " and b.min_due>0 ";
                        sql += " and nvl(b.closing_bal,0)>0 ";
                        sql += " and trunc(b.stat_date)<=trunc(sysdate) ";// Sau ngay chay mounthly
                        sql += " and trunc(sysdate)<= trunc(nvl(b.payment_date,sysdate)) ";// Nho hon ngay T
                        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr not in (select r.cr_account_nbr from  " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_credit_unpaid r) ";

                            sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                        title = "DANH SÁCH CÁC THẺ CẦN NHẮC NỢ";

                    ////else if (cbOption.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() == "MB-CNQH")
                    ////    Session["type"] = "MB-CNQH";

                    ////    //sql += "  select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, a.acc_unpaid_status, b.payment_date,";
                    ////    //sql += "         ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                    ////    sql = "  select to_char(rownum) as STT,a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, e.legal_id as CMND      ";
                    ////    sql += "  ,(nvl(a.bal_purchase,0) + nvl(a.bal_cash,0) + nvl(a.bal_te,0) + nvl(a.bal_unique,0) + nvl(a.bal_cheque,0) + nvl(a.bal_fee,0) + nvl(a.bal_interest,0) - nvl(a.bal_payment,0) + nvl(a.bal_transfer,0) + nvl(a.cur_purchase,0) + nvl(a.cur_cash,0) + nvl(a.cur_te,0) + nvl(a.cur_unique,0) + nvl(a.cur_cheque,0) + nvl(a.cur_fee,0) + nvl(a.cur_interest,0) - nvl(a.cur_payment,0) + nvl(a.cur_transfer,0)) as du_no";
                    ////    sql += "   , b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, a.acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date";
                    ////    sql += "   ,a.cycoff_code";
                    ////    sql += "   ,round(((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30)) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";

                    ////    sql += "  from " + executedb.owner + "account a, " + executedb.owner + "cr_term b, card c, " + executedb.owner + "application d, " + executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                    ////    sql += "  where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                    ////    sql += "  and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                    ////    sql += "  and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                    ////    sql += "  and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                    ////    sql += "  and b.stat_date = (";
                    ////    sql += "                      select max(f.stat_date)";
                    ////    sql += "                      from " + executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                    ////    sql += "                      where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                    ////    sql += "                    )";
                    ////    sql += "  and ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) >= 106";
                    ////    sql += "  and not exists (";
                    ////    sql += "                   select 1 ";
                    ////    sql += "                   from " + executedb.owner + "nab_credit_unpaid v";
                    ////    sql += "                   where v.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                    ////    sql += "                 )";

                    ////    if (cbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "9999")//9999: all
                    ////        sql += " and e.branch_code_dsa_code = '" + cbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";
                    ////    if (tbAccount.Text.Trim() != "")
                    ////        sql += " and a.cr_account_nbr = '" + tbAccount.Text.Trim() + "'";//  --set for choosing account";
                    ////    if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                    ////        sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";

                    ////    Session["sql"] = sql;
                    ////    Session["title"] = "DANH SÁCH KHÁCH HÀNG CẦN CHUYỂN NỢ QUÁ HẠN NHƯNG CHƯA CHUYỂN";
                    ////    //Session["fromtime"] = dpFromDate.Text;
                    ////    // Session["totime"] = dpToDate.Text;
                    ////    Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>'reportview.aspx','window_name','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,height=700,width=785,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,fullscreen=no,titlebar=no,directories=no');</script>");

                    else if (type.ToUpper() == "MB-TNT09")

                        //sql += "  select a.cr_account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, c.family_name, b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, a.acc_unpaid_status, b.payment_date,";
                        //sql += "         ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";
                        if (Frm_main.admin_flag)
                            sql = "  select to_char(rownum) as STT,a.cr_account_nbr,a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, e.legal_id as CMND      ";
                            sql = "  select to_char(rownum) as STT,substr(a.cr_account_nbr,1,4)||'xxxxxxxx'||substr(a.cr_account_nbr,-4) cr_account_nbr ,a.cr_account_nbr account_nbr, e.branch_code_dsa_code branch_code, c.embossed_name, e.legal_id as CMND      ";

                        sql += "  ,(nvl(a.bal_purchase,0) + nvl(a.bal_cash,0) + nvl(a.bal_te,0) + nvl(a.bal_unique,0) + nvl(a.bal_cheque,0) + nvl(a.bal_fee,0) + nvl(a.bal_interest,0) - nvl(a.bal_payment,0) + nvl(a.bal_transfer,0) + nvl(a.cur_purchase,0) + nvl(a.cur_cash,0) + nvl(a.cur_te,0) + nvl(a.cur_unique,0) + nvl(a.cur_cheque,0) + nvl(a.cur_fee,0) + nvl(a.cur_interest,0) - nvl(a.cur_payment,0) + nvl(a.cur_transfer,0)) as du_no";
                        sql += "   , b.opening_bal, b.closing_bal, b.min_due, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getUnpaidStatus(a.cr_account_nbr) acc_unpaid_status, to_char(b.payment_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') as payment_date";
                        sql += "   ,a.cycoff_code";
                        sql += "   ,nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) number_days,'' as Ghi_chu";

                        sql += "  from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "account a, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term b, card c, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "application d, " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cp_card e";
                        sql += "  where a.cr_account_nbr = b.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "  and a.cr_account_nbr = c.card_number";
                        sql += "  and c.card_number = d.card_number";
                        sql += "  and d.application_no = e.source_application_no";
                        sql += "  and b.stat_date = (";
                        sql += "                      select max(f.stat_date)";
                        sql += "                      from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "cr_term f";
                        sql += "                      where f.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                    )";
                        sql += " and c.status_code  in ('0','3','9','10')   "; //Phong edit 15/06/2013
                        //sql += "  and ((sysdate - nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status_date, sysdate)) + (nvl(a.acc_unpaid_status,0) - 1)*30) >= 91";
                        sql += "  and nvl(" + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_getThucNoDays(a.cr_account_nbr),0) >= 106";
                        sql += "  and not exists (";
                        sql += "                   select 1 ";
                        sql += "                   from " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "nab_credit_unpaid v";
                        sql += "                   where v.cr_account_nbr = a.cr_account_nbr";
                        sql += "                 )";
                            sql += " and trim(e.branch_code_dsa_code) = '" + branch.ToUpper() + "'";// --set for choosing branch";

                        if (cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() != "000")//000: All
                            sql += " and a.cycoff_code = '" + cbCycle.SelectedValue.ToString().ToUpper() + "'";



                    #endregion chualam
                    if (sql != "")
                        DataTable dtReport = Businessbp.executedb.getTable(sql, ref err);
                        if (err != "")
                            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                            string file_path = tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + branch.Trim() + "_" + type + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".pdf";
                            //Export pdf
                                if (dtReport.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    rpt_Xu_Ly_No cry = new rpt_Xu_Ly_No();
                                    // string title = "";
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("title", title);
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("MauBieu", "Mẫu: ");
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("Ngayin", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                                    cry.SetParameterValue("Gioin", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

                                    ExportOptions CrExportOptions;
                                    DiskFileDestinationOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
                                    PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrFormatTypeOptions = new PdfRtfWordFormatOptions();

                                    CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = file_path;// tbFilePath.Text.Trim() + "\\" + card_number.Trim() + ".pdf";//"c:\\";
                                    CrExportOptions = cry.ExportOptions;
                                        CrExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
                                        CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat;
                                        //CrExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.WordForWindows;
                                        CrExportOptions.DestinationOptions = CrDiskFileDestinationOptions;
                                        CrExportOptions.FormatOptions = CrFormatTypeOptions;

                                    //--Fix for Load Report failse
                                    if (cry != null)
                                    //lấy dữ liệu insert table
                                    sql = ""; err = "";
                                    sql = "insert into " + Businessbp.executedb.owner + "NAB_CREDIT_XLN_SENDMAIL";
                                    sql += " (BRANCH_CODE ,FILE_PATH ,USER_CREATE ,DATE_CREATE,SEND_FLAG ,TYPE_REPORT)";
                                    sql += "values (";
                                    sql += "'" + branch + "',";
                                    sql += "'" + file_path.Replace("\\",@"\") + "',";
                                    sql += "'" + Businessbp.executedb.Usrid + "',";
                                    sql += "sysdate,";
                                    sql += "'0',";
                                    sql += "'" + type + "'";
                                    sql += ")";
                                    Businessbp.executedb.ExecuteDML(sql, ref err);
                                    if (err != "")
                                        MessageBox.Show(err); //return;
                                      //  this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                                   // MessageBox.Show("");//+ card_number.Trim());
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    }//End for branch
                    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                    tbStatus.Text += "-- Success";

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport()
     rpt_Xu_Ly_No rpt = new rpt_Xu_Ly_No();
     rpt.Site = this.Site;
     return rpt;