//End constructor

        private void frmMakeReservation_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Start instantiation
            movieController = new frmMovieController(this, gridMovie);
            reserveController = new frmReservationController(gridMovie, this);
            showController = new frmShowController(this, gridShow);
            seatController = new frmSeatController(this);
            //End instantiation

            //Display movie details in the grid

            //Format movie grid
            //Does not allow changes to be made.
            gridMovie.ReadOnly = true;
            //Hides column movie id
            gridMovie.Columns[0].Visible = false;

            //Formats the date time picker.

            //Disbale date time picker, button and combobox
            btnConfirmDateTime.Enabled = false;
            dtpDate.Enabled = false;
            cmbTime.Enabled = false;
            //Displays the first movie as being selected.
            lblSelectedMovie.Text = "Selected Movie: " + gridMovie.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value;
        //End variables

        public frmReservationDetails(int reservationID)

            this.reservationID = reservationID;

            //Start instantiation
            reservationController = new frmReservationController(this, reservationID);
            ticketController = new frmTicketController(this, gridTicket, reservationID);
            showController = new frmShowController(this, gridShow, reservationID);
            seatController = new frmSeatController(this, reservationID);
            //End instantiation
        //End variables

        public frmSelectSeat(int movieID, DateTime date, DateTime startTime, int showID)

            this.movieID = movieID;
            this.date = date;
            this.startTime = startTime;
            this.showID = showID;

            //Start instantiation
            seatController = new frmSeatController(this);
            showController = new frmShowController(this);
            //End instantiation
        //End variables

        public frmReservationConfirmed(List<int> seatID, int customerID, int showID)
            this.seatID = seatID;
            this.customerID = customerID;
            this.showID = showID;

            //Start instantiations
            reservationController = new frmReservationController(this, customerID, seatID, showID);
            ticketController = new frmTicketController(this, seatID, showID, customerID, gridTicket);
            seatController = new frmSeatController(this, seatID, showID);
            showController = new frmShowController(this, showID);
            //End instantiations