Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares a test curve with a reference curve. Calculates a tube, if test curve data == null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelName">Model name.</param>
        /// <param name="resultName">Result name.</param>
        /// <param name="referenceX">x values of reference curve.</param>
        /// <param name="referenceY">y values of reference curve.</param>
        /// <param name="testX">x values of test curve.</param>
        /// <param name="testY">y values of test curve.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options for calculation of tube size, chart and saving.</param>
        /// <returns>Tube report.</returns>
        public TubeReport Validate(string modelName, string resultName, double[] referenceX, double[] referenceY, double[] testX, double[] testY, IOptions options)
            TubeReport report = new TubeReport();
            Curve      refCurve, testCurve;
            bool       testExists = (testX != null && testY != null && testX.Length > 0 && testY.Length > 0);

#if GUI
            bool saveImage = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ReportFolder) && Directory.Exists(options.ReportFolder));
            string name = modelName + " - " + resultName;

            // write log file
            if (options.Log != null)
                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "----------------------------------------------");
                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Model: " + modelName);
                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Result: " + resultName);

            if (referenceX != null && referenceY != null && referenceX.Length != 0 && referenceY.Length != 0)
                // Data import: Prepare curve data
                refCurve = new Curve("Reference " + name, referenceX, referenceY);

                if (testExists)
                    testCurve = new Curve("Test " + name, testX, testY);
                    testCurve = new Curve();

                if (refCurve.ImportSuccessful && (testCurve.ImportSuccessful || !testExists))
                    // Calculate tube size
                    TubeSize size = new TubeSize(refCurve);

                    if (!Double.IsNaN(options.BaseX)) // overwrite BaseX just in case it has got a value
                        size.BaseX = options.BaseX;
                    if (!Double.IsNaN(options.BaseY))
                        size.BaseY = options.BaseY;
                    if (!Double.IsNaN(options.Ratio))
                        size.Ratio = options.Ratio;

                    if (options is Options1)
                        size.Calculate(((Options1)options).Value, ((Options1)options).Axes, options.Relativity);
                    else if (options is Options2)
                        size.Calculate(((Options2)options).X, ((Options2)options).Y, options.Relativity);

                    if (size.Successful)
                        // Calculate tube
                        Tube tube = new Tube(size);
                        tube.AlgorithmOption = Algorithms.AlgorithmOptions.Rectangle;
                        report = tube.Calculate(refCurve);

                        if (tube.TubeSuccessful)
                            if (testExists)
                                // Validation
                                report = tube.Validate(testCurve);

                                if (options.Log != null)
                                    options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Test curve is " + report.Valid.ToString());
                                    options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Errors (points of test curve outside tube): " + report.Errors.Count.ToString());

                                if (tube.ValidationSuccessful)
                                    report.ErrorStep = Step.None;

                                // Error: Validation not successful
                                    report.ErrorStep = Step.Validation;
                                    report.Valid     = Validity.Undefined;
                                    if (options.Log != null)
                                        options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Validation not successful.");
                                report.ErrorStep = Step.Validation;
                                report.Valid     = Validity.Undefined;
                                if (options.Log != null)
                                    options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "no test curve data.");

#if GUI
                            // Visualization
                            if (saveImage || options.ShowWindow)
                                ChartControl chartControl = new ChartControl(options.DrawFastAbove, options.DrawPointsBelow, options.DrawLabelNumber);
                                chartControl.addTitle("Tube size: (" + size.X + "; " + size.Y + ")");
                                chartControl.AddLine(refCurve.Name, refCurve, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.OrangeRed));
                                chartControl.AddLine("Upper", report.Upper, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.MediumSpringGreen));
                                chartControl.AddLine("Lower", report.Lower, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.DeepSkyBlue));

                                if (testExists)
                                    string valid = "";
                                    if (report.Valid == Validity.Valid)
                                        valid = "valid";
                                    else if (report.Valid == Validity.Invalid)
                                        valid = "invalid";
                                    chartControl.AddLine("Test: " + valid, testCurve, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.BlueViolet));
                                    chartControl.AddErrors("Errors " + name, report.Errors);

                                // Visualization: save image
                                if (saveImage)
                                    chartControl.saveAsImage(options.ReportFolder + resultName + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                                // Visualization: show window with MS Chart Control
                                if (options.ShowWindow)
                                    if (!testExists || (options.ShowValidity == Validity.All || (options.ShowValidity == Validity.Invalid && report.Valid == Validity.Invalid) || (options.ShowValidity == Validity.Valid && report.Valid == Validity.Valid)))
                        // Error: tube calculation not successful
                            report.ErrorStep = Step.Tube;
                            report.Valid     = Validity.Undefined;

                            if (options.Log != null)
                                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Tube calculation not successful.");

                        if (options.Log != null)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Tube calculation algorithm: " + tube.AlgorithmOption.ToString());
                    // Error: tube size calculation not successful
                        report.ErrorStep = Step.TubeSize;
                        report.Valid     = Validity.Undefined;

                        if (options.Log != null)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize calculation not successful.");
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize.Ratio: " + size.Ratio);
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize.BaseX: " + size.BaseX);
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize.BaseY: " + size.BaseY);
                    report.Size = size;
                // Error: data import not successful
                    report.ErrorStep = Step.DataImport;
                    report.Valid     = Validity.Undefined;

                    if (options.Log != null)
                        if (!refCurve.ImportSuccessful)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Reference curve: Import not successful.");
                        if (testExists && !testCurve.ImportSuccessful)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Test curve: Import not successful.");
                report.Reference = refCurve;
                report.Test      = testCurve;
            // Error: no data
                report.ErrorStep = Step.DataImport;
                report.Valid     = Validity.Undefined;

                if (options.Log != null)
                    if (referenceX != null || referenceX.Length != 0)
                        options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Reference curve: Missing data.");
                    if (referenceY != null || referenceY.Length != 0)
                        options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Test curve: Missing data.");

            report.ModelName  = modelName;
            report.ResultName = resultName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Report CompareFiles(Log log, CsvFile csvBase, string sReportPath, ref Options options)
            int iInvalids = 0;

            Report rep = new Report(sReportPath);
            log.WriteLine("Comparing \"{0}\" to \"{1}\"", _fileName, csvBase.ToString());

            rep.BaseFile = csvBase.ToString();
            rep.CompareFile = _fileName;

            Curve reference = new Curve();
            Curve compareCurve = new Curve();
            TubeReport tubeReport = new TubeReport();
            TubeSize size = null;
            Tube tube = new Tube(size);
            IOptions tubeOptions = new Options1(_dRangeDelta, Axes.X);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<double>> res in csvBase.Results)
                if (!this.Results.ContainsKey(res.Key))
                    log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warning, "{0} not found in \"{1}\", skipping checks.", res.Key, this._fileName);
                    compareCurve = new Curve(res.Key, this.XAxis.ToArray<double>(), this.Results[res.Key].ToArray<double>());

                    if (res.Value.Count == 0)
                        log.Error("{0} has no y-Values! Maybe error during parsing? Skipping", res.Key);
                    reference = new Curve("Reference ", csvBase.XAxis.ToArray(), csvBase.Results[res.Key].ToArray());
                    if (!reference.ImportSuccessful)
                        log.Error("Error in the calculation of the tubes. Skipping {0}", res.Key);
                        rep.Chart.Add(new Chart() { Title = res.Key, Errors = 1 });

                    if (reference.X.Length < compareCurve.X.Length)
                        log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warning, "The resolution of the base x-axis is smaller than the compare x-axis. The better the base resolution is, the better the validation result will be!");
                        log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Debug, "The resolution of the base x-axis is good.");

                    size = new TubeSize(reference, true);
                    size.Calculate(_dRangeDelta, Axes.X, Relativity.Relative);
                    tube = new Tube(size);
                    tubeReport = tube.Calculate(reference);

                    if (tubeReport.Valid == Validity.Valid)
                        log.WriteLine(res.Key + " is valid");
                        log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Warning, "{0} is invalid! {1} errors have been found during validation.", res.Key,
                            (null != tube.Report.Errors && null != tube.Report.Errors.X) ? tube.Report.Errors.X.Length : 0);
                        Environment.ExitCode = 1;
                if (null != tube.Report)//No charts for missing reports
                    PrepareCharts(reference, compareCurve, tube.Report.Errors, rep, tubeReport, res, options.UseBitmapPlots);
            rep.Tolerance = _dRangeDelta;

            string sResult = "na";

            if (rep.TotalErrors == 0)
                sResult = "passed";
                sResult = "failed";

            if (options.ComparisonFlag)
                using (TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(string.Format("{0}{1}compare_{2}.log", Path.GetDirectoryName(_fileName), Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, sResult)))
                    //Content needs to be defined
                    writer.WriteLine("CSV Compare Version {0} ({1})", Info.AssemblyVersion, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().ProcessorArchitecture);
                    writer.WriteLine("Comparison result file for {0}", _fileName);
                    writer.WriteLine(". Time:        {0:o}", DateTime.Now);
                    writer.WriteLine(". Operation:   {0}", options.Mode);
                    writer.WriteLine(". Tolerance:   {0}", options.Tolerance);
                    writer.WriteLine(". Result:      {0}", sResult);

                    if (rep.TotalErrors > 0)
                        Chart pairMax = rep.Chart.Aggregate((l, r) => l.DeltaError > r.DeltaError ? l : r);
                        writer.WriteLine(". Biggest error: {0}=>{1}", pairMax.Title, pairMax.DeltaError);
                        writer.WriteLine(". Failed values:");

                        foreach (Chart c in (from r in rep.Chart where r.DeltaError > 0 select r).OrderByDescending(er => er.DeltaError))
                            writer.WriteLine("{0}=>{1}", c.Title, c.DeltaError);

            rep.WriteReport(log, (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ReportDir)) ? options.ReportDir : string.Empty, options);
            GC.Collect();//immediately forget big charts and data
            return rep;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares a test curve with a reference curve. Calculates a tube, if test curve data == null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelName">Model name.</param>
        /// <param name="resultName">Result name.</param>
        /// <param name="referenceX">x values of reference curve.</param>
        /// <param name="referenceY">y values of reference curve.</param>
        /// <param name="testX">x values of test curve.</param>
        /// <param name="testY">y values of test curve.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options for calculation of tube size, chart and saving.</param>
        /// <returns>Tube report.</returns>
        public TubeReport Validate(string modelName, string resultName, double[] referenceX, double[] referenceY, double[] testX, double[] testY, IOptions options)
            TubeReport report = new TubeReport();
            Curve refCurve, testCurve;
            bool testExists = (testX != null && testY != null && testX.Length > 0 && testY.Length > 0);
            #if GUI
            bool saveImage = (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.ReportFolder) && Directory.Exists(options.ReportFolder));
            string name = modelName + " - " + resultName;

            // write log file
            if (options.Log != null)
                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "----------------------------------------------");
                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Model: " + modelName);
                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Result: " + resultName);

            if (referenceX != null && referenceY != null && referenceX.Length != 0 && referenceY.Length != 0)
                // Data import: Prepare curve data
                refCurve = new Curve("Reference " + name, referenceX, referenceY);

                if (testExists)
                    testCurve = new Curve("Test " + name, testX, testY);
                    testCurve = new Curve();

                if (refCurve.ImportSuccessful && (testCurve.ImportSuccessful || !testExists))
                    // Calculate tube size
                    TubeSize size = new TubeSize(refCurve);

                    if (!Double.IsNaN(options.BaseX)) // overwrite BaseX just in case it has got a value
                        size.BaseX = options.BaseX;
                    if (!Double.IsNaN(options.BaseY))
                        size.BaseY = options.BaseY;
                    if (!Double.IsNaN(options.Ratio))
                        size.Ratio = options.Ratio;

                    if (options is Options1)
                        size.Calculate(((Options1)options).Value, ((Options1)options).Axes, options.Relativity);
                    else if (options is Options2)
                        size.Calculate(((Options2)options).X, ((Options2)options).Y, options.Relativity);

                    if (size.Successful)
                        // Calculate tube
                        Tube tube = new Tube(size);
                        tube.AlgorithmOption = Algorithms.AlgorithmOptions.Rectangle;
                        report = tube.Calculate(refCurve);

                        if (tube.TubeSuccessful)
                            if (testExists)
                                // Validation
                                report = tube.Validate(testCurve);

                                if (options.Log != null)
                                    options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Test curve is " + report.Valid.ToString());
                                    options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Errors (points of test curve outside tube): " + report.Errors.Count.ToString());

                                if (tube.ValidationSuccessful)
                                    report.ErrorStep = Step.None;

                                // Error: Validation not successful
                                    report.ErrorStep = Step.Validation;
                                    report.Valid = Validity.Undefined;
                                    if (options.Log != null)
                                        options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Validation not successful.");
                                report.ErrorStep = Step.Validation;
                                report.Valid = Validity.Undefined;
                                if (options.Log != null)
                                    options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "no test curve data.");

            #if GUI
                            // Visualization
                            if (saveImage || options.ShowWindow)
                                ChartControl chartControl = new ChartControl(options.DrawFastAbove, options.DrawPointsBelow, options.DrawLabelNumber);
                                chartControl.addTitle("Tube size: (" + size.X + "; " + size.Y + ")");
                                chartControl.AddLine(refCurve.Name, refCurve, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.OrangeRed));
                                chartControl.AddLine("Upper", report.Upper, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.MediumSpringGreen));
                                chartControl.AddLine("Lower", report.Lower, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.DeepSkyBlue));

                                if (testExists)
                                    string valid = "";
                                    if (report.Valid == Validity.Valid)
                                        valid = "valid";
                                    else if (report.Valid == Validity.Invalid)
                                        valid = "invalid";
                                    chartControl.AddLine("Test: " + valid, testCurve, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.BlueViolet));
                                    chartControl.AddErrors("Errors " + name, report.Errors);

                                // Visualization: save image
                                if (saveImage)
                                    chartControl.saveAsImage(options.ReportFolder + resultName + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                                // Visualization: show window with MS Chart Control
                                if (options.ShowWindow)
                                    if (!testExists || (options.ShowValidity == Validity.All || (options.ShowValidity == Validity.Invalid && report.Valid == Validity.Invalid) || (options.ShowValidity == Validity.Valid && report.Valid == Validity.Valid)))

                        // Error: tube calculation not successful
                            report.ErrorStep = Step.Tube;
                            report.Valid = Validity.Undefined;

                            if (options.Log != null)
                                options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Tube calculation not successful.");

                        if (options.Log != null)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Done, "Tube calculation algorithm: " + tube.AlgorithmOption.ToString());
                    // Error: tube size calculation not successful
                        report.ErrorStep = Step.TubeSize;
                        report.Valid = Validity.Undefined;

                        if (options.Log != null)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize calculation not successful.");
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize.Ratio: " + size.Ratio);
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize.BaseX: " + size.BaseX);
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "TubeSize.BaseY: " + size.BaseY);
                    report.Size = size;
                // Error: data import not successful
                    report.ErrorStep = Step.DataImport;
                    report.Valid = Validity.Undefined;

                    if (options.Log != null)
                        if (!refCurve.ImportSuccessful)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Reference curve: Import not successful.");
                        if (testExists && !testCurve.ImportSuccessful)
                            options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Test curve: Import not successful.");
                report.Reference = refCurve;
                report.Test = testCurve;
            // Error: no data
                report.ErrorStep = Step.DataImport;
                report.Valid = Validity.Undefined;

                if (options.Log != null)
                    if (referenceX != null || referenceX.Length != 0)
                        options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Reference curve: Missing data.");
                    if (referenceY!= null || referenceY.Length != 0)
                        options.Log.WriteLine(LogLevel.Error, "Test curve: Missing data.");

            report.ModelName = modelName;
            report.ResultName = resultName;
            return report;