         * method to add a single UserAlert to UserAlert to
         * database - passed from Main Activity
         * -- don't use this to repopulate adapter from database (ticks)

        public static int AddNewUserAlertToDatabase(UserAlert userAlert)
            int userAlertID = 0;

            using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(DBLocation))
                    // insert new UserAlert into database

                    // this won't insert the 'ignored' C# DateTime into the database (only TICKS stored)
                    userAlertID = userAlert.UserAlertID;

                    // display output for testing
                    Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\nINSERTED Single User Alert - ID:  " + userAlert.UserAlertID.ToString());
                    Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\nINSERTED Single User Alert - ToString:\n" + userAlert.ToString());
                    Log.Debug("DEBUG", "FINISHED\n\n\n");
                    userAlertID = 0;
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "FINISHED\n\n\n");

            // IMPORTANT - set object properties to null - to clear existing data out
            //           - otherwise you get duplicate entries in the UserAlerts database
            UserAlertsActivity.SelectedNewsObject_PassedFrom_MainActivity          = null;
            UserAlertsActivity.SelectedUserAlert_PassedFrom_PersonalAlertsActivity = null;

        public static List <UserAlert> DummyDataForUserAlert()
            UserAlert userAlert1 = new UserAlert()
                UserAlertID     = 1,
                IsPersonalAlert = false,
                DateAndTime     = new DateTime(2018, 1, 15, 10, 15, 0),
                DateInTicks     = 636516081000000000,
                CountryChar     = "USD",
                MarketImpact    = "High",
                Title           = "Non Farm Payroll"
            UserAlert userAlert2 = new UserAlert()
                UserAlertID     = 2,
                IsPersonalAlert = false,
                DateAndTime     = new DateTime(2018, 2, 20, 13, 20, 0),
                DateInTicks     = 636547296000000000,
                CountryChar     = "GBP",
                MarketImpact    = "Low",
                Title           = "Meeting 1"
            UserAlert userAlert3 = new UserAlert()
                UserAlertID     = 3,
                IsPersonalAlert = false,
                DateAndTime     = new DateTime(2018, 3, 3, 14, 30, 0),
                DateInTicks     = 636556842000000000,
                CountryChar     = "EUR",
                MarketImpact    = "Medium",
                Title           = "Interest Rate"
            UserAlert userAlert4 = new UserAlert()
                UserAlertID     = 4,
                IsPersonalAlert = false,
                DateAndTime     = new DateTime(2018, 8, 6, 11, 00, 0),
                DateInTicks     = 636691500000000000,
                CountryChar     = "AUD",
                MarketImpact    = "Low",
                Title           = "Car Sales monthly"
            // Create UserAlert List
            List <UserAlert> userAlertsList = new List <UserAlert>
                // Add dummy data to User Alert List

            // Return List
        }// end DummyDataForUserAlert
        // method to convert newsObject to userAlert object
        public static UserAlert ConvertNewsObjectToUserAlert(NewsObject newsObject)
            UserAlert userAlert = new UserAlert
                // don't assign ID - SQLite will do this automatically when object is inserted into DB
                Title        = newsObject.Title,
                CountryChar  = newsObject.CountryChar,
                MarketImpact = newsObject.MarketImpact,
                DateAndTime  = newsObject.DateAndTime,
                DateInTicks  = newsObject.DateInTicks,

                IsPersonalAlert            = false, // because this is converting a market event
                DescriptionOfPersonalEvent = string.Empty
