Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a rectangle using point A and point D. 
        /// Rectangle must be drawn on the coordinate that the points share, i.e., you
        /// cannot (or should not) draw a rectangle between a point at (0,0,7) and (1,2,3),
        /// as they have no common plane to drawn cleanly across at 90° angles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">The first point to draw from (inside-originating corner).</param>
        /// <param name="D">The terminating point (outside-opposing corner).</param>
        public void DrawRectangle(Cube.AXIS axis, CubeController.Point A, CubeController.Point D)
            // Draw the lines to the non-named points:
            //                SIDE 1
            //         A _______________ B
            //          |               |
            // SIDE 4   |               |   SIDE 2
            //          |_______________|
            //          C               D
            //                SIDE 3
            switch (axis)
                case AXIS.AXIS_X:
                                       // X IS FIXED FOR BOTH A AND D
                    DrawLine(A, new Point(A.X, A.Y, D.Z));  // Draw SIDE 1
                    DrawLine(D, new Point(A.X, A.Y, D.Z));  // Draw SIDE 2
                    DrawLine(D, new Point(A.X, D.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 3
                    DrawLine(A, new Point(A.X, D.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 4

                case AXIS.AXIS_Y:           // Y IS FIXED FOR BOTH A AND D
                    DrawLine(A, new Point(A.X, A.Y, D.Z));  // Draw SIDE 1
                    DrawLine(D, new Point(A.X, A.Y, D.Z));  // Draw SIDE 2
                    DrawLine(D, new Point(D.X, A.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 3
                    DrawLine(A, new Point(D.X, A.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 4

                case AXIS.AXIS_Z:                // Z IS FIXED FOR BOTH A AND D
                    DrawLine(A, new Point(D.X, A.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 1
                    DrawLine(D, new Point(D.X, A.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 2
                    DrawLine(D, new Point(A.X, D.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 3
                    DrawLine(A, new Point(A.X, D.Y, A.Z));  // Draw SIDE 4

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a circle at [center] with radius [radius]. 
        /// Follows the Midpoint Circle Algorithm:
        /// http://csunplugged.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Lines.pdf, pg 9.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        public void DrawCircle(Cube.AXIS axis, CubeController.Point center, CubeController.Point rad)
            int radius = int.MinValue;
            int E;  // E = -radius
            int A;  // A = +radius
            int B = 0;

            // Until B becomes greater than A, repeat the following rules in order:
            // Fill the pixel at coordinate (A + center.A, B+Center.B)

            // Increase E by (2*B + 1)
            // Increase B by 1
            // If E >= 0
            //      E -= (2 * A - 1)
            //      --A

            // This covers one octave, you must repeat 7 times with varying reflections
            // in order to cover the circle.

            // In three dimensions:
            switch (axis)
                // On the Y-Z plane, fix to X coordinate
                // and draw for Y-Z.
                case AXIS.AXIS_X:
                    radius = (int)(Point.Distance(center.Y, rad.Y, center.Z, rad.Z));
                    E = -radius;
                    A = radius;
                    while (B < A)
                        SetVoxel(center.X,  A + center.Y,  B + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(center.X,  A + center.Y, -B + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(center.X, -A + center.Y,  B + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(center.X, -A + center.Y, -B + center.Z);

                        SetVoxel(center.X,  B + center.Y,  A + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(center.X,  B + center.Y, -A + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(center.X, -B + center.Y,  A + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(center.X, -B + center.Y, -A + center.Z);

                        E += ((2 * B) + 1);
                        if (E >= 0)
                            E -= ((2 * A) - 1);
                // On the X-Z plane, fix to Y coordinate
                // and draw for X-Z.
                case AXIS.AXIS_Y:
                    radius = (int)(Point.Distance(center.X, rad.X, center.Z, rad.Z));
                    E = -radius;
                    A = radius;
                    while (B < A)
                        SetVoxel( A + center.X, center.Y,  B + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel( A + center.X, center.Y, -B + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-A + center.X, center.Y,  B + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-A + center.X, center.Y, -B + center.Z);

                        SetVoxel( B + center.X, center.Y,  A + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel( B + center.X, center.Y, -A + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-B + center.X, center.Y,  A + center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-B + center.X, center.Y, -A + center.Z);
                        E += ((2 * B) + 1);
                        if (E >= 0)
                            E -= ((2 * A) - 1);
                // On the X-Y plane, fix to Z coordinate
                // and draw for X-Y.
                case AXIS.AXIS_Z:
                    radius = (int)(Point.Distance(center.X, rad.X, center.Y, rad.Y));
                    E = -radius;
                    A = radius;
                    while (B < A)
                        SetVoxel( A + center.X,  B + center.Y, center.Z);
                        SetVoxel( A + center.X, -B + center.Y, center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-A + center.X,  B + center.Y, center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-A + center.X, -B + center.Y, center.Z);

                        SetVoxel( B + center.X,  A + center.Y, center.Z);
                        SetVoxel( B + center.X, -A + center.Y, center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-B + center.X,  A + center.Y, center.Z);
                        SetVoxel(-B + center.X, -A + center.Y, center.Z);
                        E += ((2 * B) + 1);
                        if (E >= 0)
                            E -= ((2 * A) - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Not quite sure of the effect. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="axis"></param>
        /// <param name="direction"></param>
        /// <param name="iterations"></param>
        /// <param name="delay"></param>
        public void WormSqueeze(int size, Cube.AXIS axis, Cube.DIRECTION direction, int iterations, int delay)
            int cubeSize = DIMENSION - size - 1;
            // If the direction is forward, start from ORIGIN.
            // Otherwise, start from TERMINUS.
            int origin = direction == DIRECTION.FORWARD ? 0 : (DIMENSION - 1);

            int x = _rgen.Next() % cubeSize;
            int y = _rgen.Next() % cubeSize;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
                // Random change in x and y.
                int dx = (_rgen.Next() % 3) - 1;
                int dy = (_rgen.Next() % 3) - 1;

                if ((x + dx) > 0 && (x + dx) < cubeSize)
                    x += dx;
                if ((y+dy) > 0 && (y+dy) < cubeSize)
                    y += dy;

                ShiftNoRoll(axis, direction);

                for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
                    for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k)
                        switch (axis)
                            case AXIS.AXIS_X:
                                SetVoxel(origin, x + j, y + k);
                            case AXIS.AXIS_Y:
                                SetVoxel(x + j, origin, y + k);
                            case AXIS.AXIS_Z:
                                SetVoxel(x + j, y + k, origin);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper function for AxisUpDownRandSusp. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis"></param>
        /// <param name="positions"></param>
        /// <param name="invert"></param>
        private void DrawPositionsAxis(Cube.AXIS axis, int[] positions, bool invert)
            int p = 0;


            for (int x = 0; x < DIMENSION; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < DIMENSION; ++y)
                    if (invert)
                        p = (DIMENSION - 1 - positions[(x * DIMENSION) + y]);
                        p = positions[(x*DIMENSION) + y];

                    switch (axis)
                        case AXIS.AXIS_X:
                            SetVoxel(p, x, y);
                        case AXIS.AXIS_Y:
                            SetVoxel(x, p, y);
                        case AXIS.AXIS_Z:
                            SetVoxel(x, y, p);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Shamelessy "inspired" (edit: copied) from CHR's original code. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">Axis to randomly suspend along.</param>
        /// <param name="delay">Delay between animation frames.</param>
        /// <param name="sleep">Time to hold the frozen suspensions.</param>
        /// <param name="invert">Inversion?</param>
        public void AxisUpDownRandSups(Cube.AXIS axis, int delay, int sleep, bool invert)
            int length = DIMENSION * DIMENSION;
            int[] positions = new int[length];
            int[] destinations = new int[length];

            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                positions[i] = 0;
                destinations[i] = _rgen.Next() % (DIMENSION);

            for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSION; ++i)
                for (int px = 0; px < DIMENSION; ++px)
                    if (positions[px] < destinations[px])
                    if (positions[px] > destinations[px])
                DrawPositionsAxis(axis, positions, invert);

            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                destinations[i] = (DIMENSION - 1);


            for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSION; ++i)
                for (int px = 0; px < length; ++px)
                    if (positions[px] < destinations[px])
                    if (positions[px] > destinations[px])
                DrawPositionsAxis(axis, positions, invert);