Ejemplo n.º 1
        //public void Open()
        //    try
        //    {
        //        m_dbConnection.Open();
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        Console.Write(e.Message);
        //    }
        /// <summary>
        /// ItemInSQL - updating ItemInSQL
        /// parameters - NameOfParameter - string value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemInSql"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public void Update(ItemInSQL itemInSql, Dictionary<string, string> parameters)
            int canBuy = 1;
            int MaxToBuy = 2;
            int Bought = 3;
            int MinPriceBuy = 4;
            int MaxPriceBuy = 5;


            bool first = true;
            bool last = false;
            String updateString = "UPDATE Items SET ";

            using (SQLiteConnection connection = GetSqLiteConnection(ConnectionString))
                foreach (var param in parameters)
                    //checking if the updating field exists. Not neat way to do it.
                    if (allowedParameters.Contains(param.Key))
                        if (!first)
                            updateString += ", ";
                        updateString += param.Key + " = " + param.Value;
                    first = false;
                updateString += " WHERE ItemID = '" + itemInSql.ClassInstance + "' AND Hash = '" + itemInSql.Hash + "'";
                SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(updateString, connection);
                Console.WriteLine("ItemInSQL " + itemInSql.ItemName + " has updated succefully!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// We don't check if we could sell this item.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static int EvaluatePrice(ItemInSQL item)
     int minPrice = item.MinPriceSell;
     int maxPrice = item.MaxPriceSell;
     int price = 0;
     string itemInfo = GetItemInfo(item.ClassInstance, "en", CsgotmConfig.SteamWeb);
     if (!itemInfo.Contains("error"))
         dynamic itemInfoJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(itemInfo);
         //TODO offers[0] could not exist - if there's no offers for this item.
         var currentLowestPrice = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
             var debug1 = Int32.Parse(itemInfoJson.offers[i].count.Value);
             var debug2 = Int32.Parse(itemInfoJson.offers[i].my_count.Value);
             if (debug1 > debug2)
             //    if (itemInfoJson.offers[i].count > itemInfoJson.offers[i].my_count)
                 currentLowestPrice = itemInfoJson.offers[i].price;
         var numberOfMySellingItems = itemInfoJson.offers[0].my_count;
         Console.WriteLine("Current price: " + (double)currentLowestPrice / 100 + " .руб");
             //if (numberOfMySellingItems == 0)
                 if (currentLowestPrice > maxPrice)
                     price = maxPrice;
                 else if (currentLowestPrice <= minPrice)
                     price = minPrice;
                 else if (currentLowestPrice > minPrice)
                     price = currentLowestPrice - 1;
             //    price = currentLowestPrice;
     return price;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static Boolean SetAutoBuy(ItemInSQL itemInSql, string apiKey, SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb)
            if (itemInSql.CanBuy == 1)
                String deserializedResponse;
                string lang = "en"; //needed for some requests
                //TODO I'm inserting a new AutoBuyPrice, but can't change.
                //calculating new price for ItemInSQL
                int currentMaxAutoBuyPrice = GetMaxAutoBuyPriceForItem(itemInSql, lang, apiKey, steamWeb); //100
                int newPrice;
                if (currentMaxAutoBuyPrice < itemInSql.MinPriceBuy)
                    newPrice = itemInSql.MinPriceBuy;
                else if (currentMaxAutoBuyPrice < itemInSql.MaxPriceBuy)
                    newPrice = currentMaxAutoBuyPrice + 1;
                    newPrice = itemInSql.MaxPriceBuy;
                //trying to update price for ItemInSQL
                string updateLink = string.Format("https://csgo.tm/api/UpdateOrder/{0}/{1}/{2}/?key={3}",
                    itemInSql.GetItemClass(), itemInSql.GetItemInstance(), newPrice, apiKey);

                string updateJsonResponse = steamWeb.Fetch(updateLink, "GET", null, false, null);
                deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(updateJsonResponse).ToString();
                //if couldn't find the order in base - create a new one.
                if (deserializedResponse.ToString().Contains("Данная заявка на покупку не найдена"))
                    string insertLink = string.Format("https://csgo.tm/api/InsertOrder/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/?key={4}",
                        itemInSql.GetItemClass(), itemInSql.GetItemInstance(), newPrice, itemInSql.Hash, apiKey);
                    string insertJsonResponse = steamWeb.Fetch(insertLink, "GET", null, false, null);
                    deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(insertJsonResponse).ToString();
                    if (deserializedResponse.Contains("true"))
                        Console.WriteLine("A new autobuy order for ItemInSQL " + itemInSql.ItemName +
                                          " was created successfully!" +
                                          " Price: " + (double) newPrice/100 + " руб.");
                        return true;
                    else if (deserializedResponse.Contains("Неверно задана цена покупки"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Wrong price for " +itemInSql.ItemName + "! Check the prices for buying in database!");
                        return false;
                    Console.WriteLine("For item: " + itemInSql.ItemName);
                else if (deserializedResponse.ToString().Contains("недостаточно средств на счету"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Autobuy false. For " + itemInSql.ItemName +
                                      " - not enough funds in wallet! Пополните кошелек!");
                    return false;
                else if (deserializedResponse.ToString().Contains("true"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Autobuy price for " + itemInSql.ItemName + " was updated successfully! New price: " +
                                      (double) newPrice/100 + " руб.");
                    return true;
                Console.WriteLine("We should never reach here." +
                                  " A new error ");
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void SellItem(ItemInSQL item)
     if (item.CanSell == 1)
         int price = EvaluatePrice(item);
         var sellItemLink = string.Format("https://csgo.tm/api/SetPrice/new_{0}/{1}/?key={2}",
             item.ClassInstance, price, ApiKey);
         var sellItemResponse = CsgotmConfig.SteamWeb.Fetch(sellItemLink, "GET", null, false, null);
         if (sellItemResponse.Contains("\"result\":1"))
             Console.WriteLine(item.ItemName + " is selling for price " + (double) price/100 + " .руб!");
             Console.WriteLine("Error while setting item to sell on website: " + sellItemResponse);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static int GetMaxAutoBuyPriceForItem(ItemInSQL itemInSql, string lang, string apikey, SteamTrade.SteamWeb steamWeb)
     //https://csgo.tm/api/ItemInfo/520025252_0/en/?key=  //in json properties get autoBuyOffers
     string requestLink = string.Format("https://csgo.tm/api/ItemInfo/{0}/{1}/?key={2}", itemInSql.ClassInstance, lang, apikey);
     string jsonItemInfo = steamWeb.Fetch(requestLink, "GET", null, false, null);
     dynamic deserializedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonItemInfo);
     int price = deserializedResponse.buy_offers[0].o_price;
     return price;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 //public bool CheckUnique(String class_instance)
 public void Add(ItemInSQL itemInSql)
     using (SQLiteConnection connection = GetSqLiteConnection(ConnectionString))
         if (Select(itemInSql) == null)
             var insertString = "INSERT INTO Items " +
                                "('Context','ItemID','ItemName','ItemURL','ItemURLSteam','Hash','CanBuy'" +
                                ",'CanSell','MaxToBuy','Bought','MinPriceBuy','MaxPriceBuy', 'MinPriceSell', 'MaxPriceSell')" +
                                "VALUES (@context,@itemID,@itemName,@itemURL,@itemURLSteam,@hash,@canBuy," +
             var command = new SQLiteCommand(insertString, connection);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@context", itemInSql.Context);
             //number for game - csgo = 730, tf2 = 440, dota2 = 570, steam = 753
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@itemID", itemInSql.ClassInstance);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@itemName", itemInSql.ItemName);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@itemURL", itemInSql.ItemUrl);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@itemURLSteam", itemInSql.ItemUrlSteam);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hash", itemInSql.Hash);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@canBuy", itemInSql.CanBuy);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@canSell", itemInSql.CanSell);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxToBuy", itemInSql.MaxToBuy);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bought", itemInSql.Bought);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@minPriceBuy", itemInSql.MinPriceBuy);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxPriceBuy", itemInSql.MaxPriceBuy);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@minPriceSell", itemInSql.MinPriceSell);
             command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxPriceSell", itemInSql.MaxPriceSell);
             Console.WriteLine("ItemInSQL " + itemInSql.ItemName + " was added successfully!");
             Console.WriteLine("The ItemInSQL " + itemInSql.ItemName + " already in base");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 //TODO this method mostly reapeats "Select" method. Rewrite so it'll not just repeat same code twice.
 public List<ItemInSQL> SelectAll()
     using (SQLiteConnection connection = GetSqLiteConnection(ConnectionString))
         List<ItemInSQL> items = new List<ItemInSQL>();
         var sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM Items";
         var command = new SQLiteCommand(sqlSelect, connection);
         var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
         while (reader.Read())
             var itemInSql = new ItemInSQL(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetString(2),
                 reader.GetString(3), reader.GetString(4), reader.GetString(5), reader.GetString(6),
                 reader.GetInt32(7), reader.GetInt32(8), reader.GetInt32(9), reader.GetInt32(10),
                 reader.GetInt32(11), reader.GetInt32(12), reader.GetInt32(13), reader.GetInt32(14));
         return items;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private ItemInSQL SelectWithClassInstance(string class_instance)
     using (SQLiteConnection connection = GetSqLiteConnection(ConnectionString))
         var sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ItemID = '" + class_instance +
         var command = new SQLiteCommand(sqlSelect, connection);
         var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
         var items = new List<ItemInSQL>();
         while (reader.Read())
             var itemInSql = new ItemInSQL(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetInt32(1), reader.GetString(2),
                 reader.GetString(3), reader.GetString(4), reader.GetString(5), reader.GetString(6),
                 reader.GetInt32(7), reader.GetInt32(8), reader.GetInt32(9), reader.GetInt32(10),
                 reader.GetInt32(11), reader.GetInt32(12), reader.GetInt32(13), reader.GetInt32(14));
         if (items.Count == 0)
             Console.WriteLine("No items was found for class_instance " + class_instance);
             return null;
         if (items.Count == 1)
             return items[0];
         //TODO: if I change console to log - change here.
         //if code reaches here, we have 2+ items, returning the firest one and notificationg about that.
         Console.WriteLine("For class-instance " + class_instance + " we have more than one row in db.");
         Console.WriteLine("Row numbers of items: ");
         foreach (var collisionItem in items)
         Console.WriteLine("Returning first ItemInSQL with number " + items[0]._n);
         return items[0];
Ejemplo n.º 9
 //selecting items via class_instance
 public ItemInSQL Select(ItemInSQL item)
     return SelectWithClassInstance(item.ClassInstance);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Delete(ItemInSQL itemInSql)
     using (SQLiteConnection connection = GetSqLiteConnection(ConnectionString))
         var deleteString = "DELETE FROM items WHERE ItemID = '" +
                            itemInSql.ClassInstance + "' AND Hash = '" + itemInSql.Hash + "'";
         if (Select(itemInSql) != null)
             var command = new SQLiteCommand(deleteString, connection);
             Console.WriteLine("ItemInSQL " + itemInSql.ItemName + " was deleted successfully!");
             Console.WriteLine("ItemInSQL " + itemInSql.ItemName + " was not found in base!");