public void DoAction( AutoTileMap _autoTileMap )
				int tileMinX = _autoTileMap.MapTileWidth-1;
				int tileMinY = _autoTileMap.MapTileHeight-1;
				int tileMaxX = 0;
				int tileMaxY = 0;

				for( int i = 0; i < aTileData.Count; ++i )
					TileData tileData = aTileData[i];
					// save prev tile type for undo action
					tileData.Tile_type_prev = _autoTileMap.GetAutoTile( tileData.Tile_x, tileData.Tile_y, tileData.Tile_layer ).Idx;
					_autoTileMap.SetAutoTile( tileData.Tile_x, tileData.Tile_y, tileData.Tile_type, tileData.Tile_layer );

					tileMinX = Mathf.Min( tileMinX, tileData.Tile_x );
					tileMinY = Mathf.Min( tileMinY, tileData.Tile_y );
					tileMaxX = Mathf.Max( tileMaxX, tileData.Tile_x );
					tileMaxY = Mathf.Max( tileMaxY, tileData.Tile_y );

                if (_autoTileMap.BrushGizmo.IsRefreshMinimapEnabled)
                    _autoTileMap.RefreshMinimapTexture(tileMinX, tileMinY, (tileMaxX - tileMinX) + 1, (tileMaxY - tileMinY) + 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the map configuration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_autoTileMap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
		public bool SaveData( AutoTileMap _autoTileMap )
            // avoid clear map data when auto tile map is not initialized
			if( !_autoTileMap.IsInitialized )
				//Debug.LogError(" Error saving data. Autotilemap is not initialized! Map will not be saved. ");
				return false;

			TileMapWidth = _autoTileMap.MapTileWidth;
			TileMapHeight = _autoTileMap.MapTileHeight;
			for( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < (int)AutoTileMap.eTileLayer._SIZE; ++iLayer )
				List<int> tileData = new List<int>(TileMapWidth*TileMapHeight);
				int iTileRepetition = 0;
				int savedType = 0;
				for( int tile_y = 0; tile_y < TileMapHeight; ++tile_y )
					for( int tile_x = 0; tile_x < TileMapWidth; ++tile_x )
						int iType = _autoTileMap.GetAutoTile( tile_x, tile_y, iLayer ).Idx;

						if( iTileRepetition == 0 )
							savedType = iType;
							iTileRepetition = 1;
							// compression data. All tiles of the same type are store with number of repetitions ( negative number ) and type
							// ex: 5|5|5|5 --> |-4|5| (4 times 5) ex: -1|-1|-1 --> |-3|-1| ( 3 times -1 )
							if( iType == savedType ) ++iTileRepetition;
								if( iTileRepetition > 1 )
									tileData.Add( -iTileRepetition );
								tileData.Add( savedType );
								savedType = iType;
								iTileRepetition = 1;
				// save last tile type found
				if( iTileRepetition > 1 )
					tileData.Add( -iTileRepetition );
				tileData.Add( savedType );

				TileData.Add( new TileLayer(){ Tiles = tileData } );
			return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the map configuration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_autoTileMap"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SaveData( AutoTileMap _autoTileMap, int width = -1, int height = -1 )
            if (width < 0) width = TileMapWidth;
            if (height < 0) height = TileMapHeight;
            // avoid clear map data when auto tile map is not initialized
            if( !_autoTileMap.IsInitialized )
                //Debug.LogError(" Error saving data. Autotilemap is not initialized! Map will not be saved. ");
                return false;

            Metadata.version = k_version;

            for( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < _autoTileMap.GetLayerCount(); ++iLayer )
                AutoTileMap.MapLayer mapLayer = _autoTileMap.MapLayers[iLayer];
                List<int> tileData = new List<int>(width * height);
                int iTileRepetition = 0;
                int savedTileId = 0;
                for (int tile_y = 0; tile_y < height; ++tile_y)
                    for (int tile_x = 0; tile_x < width; ++tile_x)
                        int iType = _autoTileMap.GetAutoTile( tile_x, tile_y, iLayer ).Id;

                        //+++fix: FogOfWar tiles could be < -1, and this is not good for compress system, excepting ids >= -1
                        if (mapLayer.LayerType == AutoTileMap.eLayerType.FogOfWar)
                            iType = ((iType >> 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF); // remove the last bit of the last byte. Will be << 1 later when loading

                        if( iTileRepetition == 0 )
                            savedTileId = iType;
                            iTileRepetition = 1;
                            // compression data. All tiles of the same type are store with number of repetitions ( negative number ) and type
                            // ex: 5|5|5|5 --> |-4|5| (4 times 5) ex: -1|-1|-1 --> |-3|-1| ( 3 times -1 )
                            if( iType == savedTileId ) ++iTileRepetition;
                                if( iTileRepetition > 1 )
                                    tileData.Add( -iTileRepetition ); // save number of repetition with negative sign
                                if( savedTileId < -1 )
                                    Debug.LogError(" Wrong tile id found when compressing the tile layer " + mapLayer.Name);
                                    savedTileId = -1;
                                tileData.Add( savedTileId );
                                savedTileId = iType;
                                iTileRepetition = 1;
                // save last tile type found
                if( iTileRepetition > 1 )
                    tileData.Add( -iTileRepetition );
                tileData.Add( savedTileId );

                TileData.Add(new TileLayer()
                    Tiles = tileData,
                    Depth = mapLayer.Depth,
                    LayerType = mapLayer.LayerType,
                    SortingLayer = mapLayer.SortingLayer,
                    SortingOrder = mapLayer.SortingOrder,
                    Name = mapLayer.Name,
                    Visible = mapLayer.Visible
            TileMapWidth = width;
            TileMapHeight = height;
            return true;