Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Get a random character.
        public Character GetRandomCharacter(int ScaleLevelMin, int ScaleLevelMax)
            var myCharacterViewModel = CharactersViewModel.Instance;

            var rnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myCharacterViewModel.Dataset.Count);

            var myData = new Character(myCharacterViewModel.Dataset[rnd - 1]);

            // Help identify which Character it is...
            myData.Name += " " + (1 + CharacterList.Count).ToString();

            var rndScale = HelperEngine.RollDice(ScaleLevelMin, ScaleLevelMax);


            // Add Items to Character
            myData.Head        = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.Head, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.Necklass    = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.Necklass, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.PrimaryHand = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.OffHand     = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.OffHand, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.RightFinger = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.RightFinger, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.LeftFinger  = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.LeftFinger, AttributeEnum.Unknown);
            myData.Feet        = ItemsViewModel.Instance.ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum.Feet, AttributeEnum.Unknown);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Add Monsters
        // Scale them to meet Character Strength...
        public void AddMonstersToRound()
            // Check to see if the monster list is full, if so, no need to add more...
            if (MonsterList.Count() >= GameGlobals.MaxNumberPartyPlayers)

            // Make Sure Monster List exists and is loaded...
            var myMonsterViewModel = MonstersViewModel.Instance;

            if (myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count() > 0)
                // Scale monsters to be within the range of the Characters

                var ScaleLevelMax     = 1;
                var ScaleLevelMin     = 1;
                var ScaleLevelAverage = 1;

                if (CharacterList.Any())
                    ScaleLevelMax     = GetMaxCharacterLevel();
                    ScaleLevelMin     = GetMinCharacterLevel();
                    ScaleLevelAverage = GetAverageCharacterLevel();

                // Get 1 monsters
                    //Force Random Roll here. Important for the debug override setting.
                    //Game will not work without a random value here
                    var rnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count, true);
                        var monster = new Monster(myMonsterViewModel.Dataset[rnd - 1]);

                        // Help identify which monster it is...
                        monster.Name += " " + (1 + MonsterList.Count()).ToString();

                        // Scale the monster to be between the average level of the characters+1
                        var rndScale = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, ScaleLevelAverage + 1);
                } while (MonsterList.Count() < 1);
                // No monsters in DB, so add 1 new ones...
                for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    var item = new Monster();
                    // Help identify which monster it is...
                    item.Name += " " + MonsterList.Count() + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Add Monsters
        // Scale them to meet Character Strength...
        public void AddMonstersToRound()
            // Check to see if the monster list is full, if so, no need to add more...
            if (MonsterList.Count() >= 6)

            // TODO, determine the character strength
            // add monsters up to that strength...
            var ScaleLevelMax = 2;
            var ScaleLevelMin = 1;

            // Make Sure Monster List exists and is loaded...
            var myMonsterViewModel = MonstersViewModel.Instance;


            if (myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count() > 0)
                // Get 6 monsters
                    var rnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count);
                        var item = new Monster(myMonsterViewModel.Dataset[rnd - 1]);

                        // Help identify which monster it is...
                        item.Name += " " + (1 + MonsterList.Count()).ToString();

                        var rndScale = HelperEngine.RollDice(ScaleLevelMin, ScaleLevelMax);
                } while (MonsterList.Count() < 6);
                // No monsters in DB, so add 6 new ones...
                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    var item = new Monster();
                    // Help identify which monster it is...
                    item.Name += " " + MonsterList.Count() + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //For unit testing
        public HitStatusEnum RollToHitTarget(int AttackScore, int DefenseScore)
            var d20 = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

            // Turn On UnitTestingSetRoll
            if (GameGlobals.ForceRollsToNotRandom)
                // Don't let it be 0, if it was not initialized...
                if (GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue < 1)
                    GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue = 1;

                d20 = GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue;

            if (d20 == 1)
                // Force Miss
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalMiss;

            if (d20 == 20)
                // Force Hit
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit;

            var ToHitScore = d20 + AttackScore;

            if (ToHitScore < DefenseScore)
                BattleMessages.AttackStatus = " misses ";
                // Miss
                BattleMessages.HitStatus    = HitStatusEnum.Miss;
                BattleMessages.DamageAmount = 0;
                // Hit
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Hit;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Will drop between 1 and 4 items from the item set...
        public List <Item> GetRandomMonsterItemDrops(int round)
            var myList = new List <Item>();

            if (!GameGlobals.AllowMonsterDropItems)

            var myItemsViewModel = ItemsViewModel.Instance;

            if (myItemsViewModel.Dataset.Count > 0)
                // Random is enabled so build up a list of items dropped...
                var ItemCount = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 4);
                for (var i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++)
                    var rnd      = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myItemsViewModel.Dataset.Count);
                    var itemBase = myItemsViewModel.Dataset[rnd - 1];
                    var item     = new Item(itemBase);

                    // Make sure the item is added to the global list...
                    var myItem = ItemsViewModel.Instance.CheckIfItemExists(item);
                    if (myItem == null)
                        // Item does not exist, so add it to the datstore

                        // TODO:  Need way to not save the Item
                        // Swap them becaues it already exists, no need to create a new one...
                        item = myItem;

                    // Add the item to the local list...

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public HitStatusEnum RollToHitTarget(int AttackScore, int DefenseScore, Monster Attacker, Character Target)
            var d20 = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

            // Turn On UnitTestingSetRoll
            if (GameGlobals.ForceRollsToNotRandom)
                // Don't let it be 0, if it was not initialized...
                if (GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue < 1)
                    GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue = 1;

                // result of the dice roll between 1 to 20
                d20 = GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue;

            //critical miss then force a miss if 1 or 2 is rolled
            if (d20 == 1 || d20 == 2)
                //If Critical Miss Roll for item drop
                if (d20 == 1)
                    //Roll a dice roll of 10, then follow Hackathon request #4 to complete the below
                    var d10 = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 10);

                    // Turn On UnitTestingSetRoll
                    if (GameGlobals.ForceRollsToNotRandom)
                        // Don't let it be 0, if it was not initialized...
                        if (GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue < 1)
                            GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue = 1;

                        // result of the dice roll between 1 to 10
                        d10 = GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue;

                    //critical miss then force a miss if 1 or 2 is rolled
                    if (d10 == 1)
                        // Force an item drop
                        var myItemList = Target.DropAllItems();

                        // Add to Score
                        foreach (var item in myItemList)
                            BattleScore.ItemsDroppedList      += item.FormatOutput() + "\n";
                            BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial += " Item " + item.Name + "dropped forever";
                        Debug.WriteLine("Tough Luck, the item was dropped forever!!!");

                    if (d10 > 1 && d10 < 5)
                        // Force an item drop
                        // Drop Items to item Pool
                        var myItemList = Target.DropAllItems();

                        // Add to Score
                        foreach (var item in myItemList)
                            BattleScore.ItemsDroppedList      += item.FormatOutput() + "\n";
                            BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial += " Item " + item.Name + "dropped to item pool";
                        Debug.WriteLine("Tough Luck, the item was dropped into the pool!!!");

                    if (d10 > 4 && d10 < 7)
                        // Force an item drop
                        // Drop Items to item Pool
                        var myItemList = Target.DropAllItems();

                        // If Random drops are enabled, then add some....

                        // Add to Score
                        foreach (var item in myItemList)
                            BattleScore.ItemsDroppedList      += item.FormatOutput() + "\n";
                            BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial += " Item " + item.Name + "Random Item dropped in pool";
                        Debug.WriteLine("Tough Luck, a Random item was dropped in pool!!!");

                    if (d10 > 6)
                        Debug.WriteLine("GREAT LUCK Buddy, YOU Got Away this time!!!");
                // Force Miss
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalMiss;

            //critical hit if 20  then force a hit
            if (d20 == 20)
                // Force Hit
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit;

            //total hitscore is based on attack and the dice.
            var ToHitScore = d20 + AttackScore;

            // if the attack with the dice roll is less than defence score then its a miss
            if (ToHitScore < DefenseScore)
                BattleMessages.AttackStatus = " misses ";
                // Miss
                BattleMessages.HitStatus    = HitStatusEnum.Miss;
                BattleMessages.DamageAmount = 0;
            else // if attack and dice is more than defence then its a hit
                // Hit
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Hit;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Character attacks Monster
        public bool TurnAsAttack(Character Attacker, int AttackScore, Monster Target, int DefenseScore)
            BattleMessages.TurnMessage        = string.Empty;
            BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial = string.Empty;
            BattleMessages.AttackStatus       = string.Empty;
            BattleMessages.LevelUpMessage     = string.Empty;

            if (Attacker == null)

            if (Target == null)


            //Names for attacker and target
            BattleMessages.TargetName   = Target.Name;
            BattleMessages.AttackerName = Attacker.Name;

            // Determine whether hit or miss based on character attack total and monster defense total
            var HitSuccess = RollToHitTarget(AttackScore, DefenseScore, Target, Attacker);


            //miss based on attack and roll being less than defence
            if (BattleMessages.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.Miss)
                BattleMessages.TurnMessage = Attacker.Name + " misses " + Target.Name;
                if (GameGlobals.Mulligan)
                    var d4 = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 4);

                    // only happens sometimes
                    if (d4 == 2 || d4 == 3)
                        //doing 50% damage for mulligan
                        BattleMessages.DamageAmount = Attacker.GetDamageRollValue() / 2;
                        Debug.WriteLine("#### Mulligan Alert #####");
                        Debug.WriteLine("Mulligan was applied");
                        BattleMessages.AttackStatus = string.Format(" hits for {0} damage on using Mulligan ", BattleMessages.DamageAmount);

            // force a miss if you roll a 1 or 2 no matter what the attack is
            if (BattleMessages.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalMiss)
                Debug.WriteLine("Unfortunately Character rolled 1 or 2 so you critically MISSED!!!");
                BattleMessages.TurnMessage = Attacker.Name + " rolls 1 or 2 and the character critically misses " + Target.Name;


            // It's a Hit if your attack and roll is greater than the defence
            if (BattleMessages.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.Hit || BattleMessages.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit)
                //Calculate Damage
                BattleMessages.DamageAmount = Attacker.GetDamageRollValue();

                BattleMessages.DamageAmount += GameGlobals.ForceCharacterDamangeBonusValue;   // Add the Forced Damage Bonus (used for testing...)

                BattleMessages.AttackStatus = string.Format(" hits for {0} damage on ", BattleMessages.DamageAmount);

                // double the damage if critical hit and character rolls 20 or 19
                if (GameGlobals.EnableCriticalHitDamage)
                    if (BattleMessages.HitStatus == HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Amazing Roll, Character rolled 20 so CRITICALLY HIT!!!");
                        //2x damage
                        BattleMessages.DamageAmount += BattleMessages.DamageAmount;
                        BattleMessages.AttackStatus  = string.Format(" hits CRITICALLY hard for {0} damage on ", BattleMessages.DamageAmount);

                //the monster takes the damage

                // calculate experience earned
                var experienceEarned = Target.CalculateExperienceEarned(BattleMessages.DamageAmount);

                // check whether enough xp is given to level up
                var LevelUp = Attacker.AddExperience(experienceEarned);
                if (LevelUp)
                    BattleMessages.LevelUpMessage = Attacker.Name + " is now Level " + Attacker.Level + " With Health Max of " + Attacker.GetHealthMax();

                BattleScore.ExperienceGainedTotal += experienceEarned;

            //display health of Monster if still alive
            if (Target.Attribute.CurrentHealth > 0)
                BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial = " remaining health is " + Target.Attribute.CurrentHealth;

            // Check for alive
            if (Target.Alive == false)
                // Remover target from list...

                // Mark Status in output
                BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial = " and causes death";

                // Add one to the monsters killd count...

                // Add the monster to the killed list
                BattleScore.MonstersKilledList += Target.FormatOutput() + "\n";

                // Drop Items to item Pool
                var myItemList = Target.DropAllItems();

                // If Random drops are enabled, then add some....

                // Add to Score
                foreach (var item in myItemList)
                    BattleScore.ItemsDroppedList      += item.FormatOutput() + "\n";
                    BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial += " Item " + item.Name + " dropped";


                //Implementation of Enhanced Feature Reincarnation
                if (GameGlobals.SleeplessZombies)
                    var d20 = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 4);

                    // only happens sometimes based on dice for a randomized chance of reincarnation
                    if (d20 == 2 || d20 == 3)
                        Target.Alive = true;
                        // health is set to half
                        int health = Target.GetHealthMax() / 2;
                        string newname = "REINCARNATED<MONSTER>";
                        // add reincarnated monster back to the monster list for this round
                        Debug.WriteLine("REINCARNATED ZOMBIES MONSTER BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!!! ");
                        BattleMessages.TurnMessage = Attacker.Name + BattleMessages.AttackStatus + Target.Name + BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial;
                        // had a chance for reincarnation, but reincarnation did not happen
                        BattleMessages.TurnMessage = Attacker.Name + BattleMessages.AttackStatus + Target.Name + BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial;
                        Debug.WriteLine("sleepless zombies random chance missed");
                    BattleMessages.TurnMessage = Attacker.Name + BattleMessages.AttackStatus + Target.Name + BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial;

            BattleMessages.TurnMessage = Attacker.Name + BattleMessages.AttackStatus + Target.Name + BattleMessages.TurnMessageSpecial;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // Add Monsters
        // Scale them to meet Character Strength...
        public void AddMonstersToRound()
            // Check to see if the monster list is full, if so, no need to add more...
            if (MonsterList.Count() >= 6)

            // init monster scaling
            var ScaleLevelMax = 6;
            var ScaleLevelMin = 6;

            // scale based on game harder which is enabled by default
            if (GameGlobals.EnableGameHarder)
                // Scale monsters based on round count.. higher round higher and stronger monsters
                if (BattleScore.RoundCount <= 1)
                    ScaleLevelMax = 1;
                    ScaleLevelMin = 1;
                if (BattleScore.RoundCount > 0 && BattleScore.RoundCount <= 2)
                    ScaleLevelMax = 2;
                    ScaleLevelMin = 2;

                if (BattleScore.RoundCount > 2 && BattleScore.RoundCount <= 4)
                    ScaleLevelMax = 4;
                    ScaleLevelMin = 4;

                if (BattleScore.RoundCount > 4 && BattleScore.RoundCount <= 8)
                    ScaleLevelMax = 8;
                    ScaleLevelMin = 8;

                if (BattleScore.RoundCount > 8 && BattleScore.RoundCount <= 16)
                    ScaleLevelMax = 16;
                    ScaleLevelMin = 16;
                if (BattleScore.RoundCount > 50)
                    ScaleLevelMax = 20;
                    ScaleLevelMin = 20;

                ScaleLevelMax = 6;
                ScaleLevelMin = 6;

            // Make Sure Monster List exists and is loaded...
            var myMonsterViewModel = MonstersViewModel.Instance;


            if (myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count() > 0)
                // Get 6 monsters based on the scaling that was set earlier and assign unique items to monster
                    var RndMon = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myMonsterViewModel.Dataset.Count);

                        var mons = new Monster(myMonsterViewModel.Dataset[RndMon - 1]);

                        // Help identify which monster it is...
                        mons.Name += " " + (1 + MonsterList.Count()).ToString();

                        var rndScale = HelperEngine.RollDice(ScaleLevelMin, ScaleLevelMax);

                } while (MonsterList.Count() < 6);
                // No monsters in DB, so add 6 new ones...
                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    var mon = new Monster();
                    // Help identify which monster it is...
                    mon.Name += " " + MonsterList.Count() + 1;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        // Determin Critiical Miss.
        public string DetermineCriticalMissProblem(Character attacker)
            if (attacker == null)
                return(" Invalid Character ");

            var  myReturn = " Nothing Bad Happened ";
            Item droppedItem;

            // It may be a critical miss, roll again and find out...
            var rnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 10);

             *  1. Primary Hand Item breaks, and is lost forever
             *  2-4, Character Drops the Primary Hand Item back into the item pool
             *  5-6, Character drops a random equipped item back into the item pool
             *  7-10, Nothing bad happens, luck was with the attacker

            switch (rnd)
            case 1:
                myReturn = " Luckly, nothing to drop from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand;
                var myItem = ItemsViewModel.Instance.GetItem(attacker.PrimaryHand);
                if (myItem != null)
                    myReturn = " Item " + myItem.Name + " from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand + " Broke, and lost forever";

                attacker.PrimaryHand = null;

            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
                // Put on the new item, which drops the one back to the pool
                myReturn    = " Luckly, nothing to drop from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand;
                droppedItem = attacker.AddItem(ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand, null);
                if (droppedItem != null)
                    // Add the dropped item to the pool
                    myReturn = " Dropped " + droppedItem.Name + " from " + ItemLocationEnum.PrimaryHand;

            case 5:
            case 6:
                var LocationRnd    = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, ItemLocationList.GetListCharacter.Count);
                var myLocationEnum = ItemLocationList.GetLocationByPosition(LocationRnd);
                myReturn = " Luckly, nothing to drop from " + myLocationEnum;

                // Put on the new item, which drops the one back to the pool
                droppedItem = attacker.AddItem(myLocationEnum, null);
                if (droppedItem != null)
                    // Add the dropped item to the pool
                    myReturn = " Dropped " + droppedItem.Name + " from " + myLocationEnum;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // Roll for attack.
        public HitStatusEnum RollToHitTarget(int AttackScore, int DefenseScore)
            var d20 = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, 20);

            // Turn On UnitTestingSetRoll
            if (GameGlobals.ForceRollsToNotRandom)
                // Don't let it be 0, if it was not initialized...
                if (GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue < 1)
                    GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue = 1;

                d20 = GameGlobals.ForceToHitValue;

            if (GameGlobals.ForcingHitValue == true)
                d20 = GameGlobals.ForcedHitValue;

            Debug.WriteLine("Roll: " + d20);

            if (d20 == 1)
                //Critical Miss, if enabled
                if (GameGlobals.EnableCriticalMissProblems)
                    HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalMiss;

                    HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Miss;

                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatus;

            if (d20 == 20)
                // Force Hit
                HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.CriticalHit;
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatus;

            var ToHitScore = d20 + AttackScore;

            if (ToHitScore < DefenseScore)
                AttackStatus = " misses ";
                BattleMessages.AttackStatus = AttackStatus;
                // Miss
                HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Miss;
                BattleMessages.HitStatus    = HitStatus;
                DamageAmount                = 0;
                BattleMessages.DamageAmount = DamageAmount;
                // Hit
                HitStatus = HitStatusEnum.Hit;
                BattleMessages.HitStatus = HitStatus;
