Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void ReleaseManager()
            if (_manager != null)
                lock (_locker)
                    if (_manager != null)
                        _manager._axisEnumValues            = null;
                        _manager._getVJDAxisExist           = null;
                        _manager._getVJDButtonNumber        = null;
                        _manager._getVJDContPovNumber       = null;
                        _manager._getVJDDiscPovNumber       = null;
                        _manager._getVJDStatusFunc          = null;
                        _manager._hidUsagesEnumType         = null;
                        _manager._joystick                  = null;
                        _manager._resetAll                  = null;
                        _manager._VjdStatEnumType           = null;
                        _manager._vJoyInterfaceWrapAssembly = null;
                        _manager._vJoyType                  = null;

                        _manager = null;
        public static void ReleaseManager()
            if (_manager != null)
                lock (_locker)
                    if (_manager != null)
                        var inUse = _manager._controllers.Where(c => c?.HasRelinquished == false);
                        if (inUse.Any())
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Controllers with index ({string.Join(", ", inUse.Select(x => x.Id))}) are in use. Please relinquish first.");

                        _manager._axisEnumValues            = null;
                        _manager._getVJDAxisExist           = null;
                        _manager._getVJDButtonNumber        = null;
                        _manager._getVJDContPovNumber       = null;
                        _manager._getVJDDiscPovNumber       = null;
                        _manager._getVJDStatusFunc          = null;
                        _manager._hidUsagesEnumType         = null;
                        _manager._joystick                  = null;
                        _manager._resetAll                  = null;
                        _manager._acquireVJD                = null;
                        _manager._relinquishVJD             = null;
                        _manager._VjdStatEnumType           = null;
                        _manager._vJoyInterfaceWrapAssembly = null;
                        _manager._vJoyType                  = null;
                        _manager._controllers               = null;

                        _manager = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static VJoyControllerManager GetManager()
            if (_manager == null)
                lock (_locker)
                    if (_manager == null)
                        _manager = new VJoyControllerManager();

        public static VJoyControllerManager GetManager()
            if (_manager == null)
                lock (_locker)
                    if (_manager == null)
                        _manager   = new VJoyControllerManager();
                        alcWeakRef = new WeakReference(_manager._vJoyAssemblyLoadContext, trackResurrection: true);

Ejemplo n.º 5
            public VJoyController(uint id, VJoyControllerManager manager)
                Id                 = id;
                _vJoyType          = manager._vJoyType;
                _joystick          = manager._joystick;
                _hidUsagesEnumType = manager._hidUsagesEnumType;
                _axisEnumValues    = manager._axisEnumValues;

                // Check which axes are supported

                HasAxisX   = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.X);
                HasAxisY   = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Y);
                HasAxisZ   = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Z);
                HasAxisRx  = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Rx);
                HasAxisRy  = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Ry);
                HasAxisRz  = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Rz);
                HasSlider0 = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Slider0);
                HasSlider1 = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Slider1);
                HasWheel   = manager.GetVJDAxisExist(id, USAGES.Wheel);
                // Get the number of buttons and POV Hat switchessupported by this vJoy device
                ButtonCount  = manager.GetVJDButtonNumber(id);
                ContPovCount = manager.GetVJDContPovNumber(id);
                DiscPovCount = manager.GetVJDDiscPovNumber(id);

                var args    = new object[] { Id, _axisEnumValues[0], 0L };
                var hasAxis = (bool)_vJoyType.GetMethod("GetVJDAxisMax").Invoke(_joystick, args);

                AxisMaxValue = hasAxis ? (long)args[2] : (long?)null;

                _reset = (Func <uint, bool>)_vJoyType.GetMethod("ResetVJD").CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <uint, bool>), _joystick);

                _setBtn       = (Func <bool, uint, uint, bool>)_vJoyType.GetMethod("SetBtn").CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <bool, uint, uint, bool>), _joystick);
                _setContPov   = (Func <int, uint, uint, bool>)_vJoyType.GetMethod("SetContPov").CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <int, uint, uint, bool>), _joystick);
                _setDiscPov   = (Func <int, uint, uint, bool>)_vJoyType.GetMethod("SetDiscPov").CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <int, uint, uint, bool>), _joystick);
                _relinquish   = (Action <uint>)_vJoyType.GetMethod("RelinquishVJD").CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <uint>), _joystick);
                _resetButtons = (Func <uint, bool>)_vJoyType.GetMethod("ResetButtons").CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <uint, bool>), _joystick);
                _resetPovs    = (Func <uint, bool>)_vJoyType.GetMethod("ResetPovs").CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <uint, bool>), _joystick);

                var funcType = typeof(Func <, , ,>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(uint), _hidUsagesEnumType, typeof(bool) });

                _setAxisFunc = _vJoyType.GetMethod("SetAxis").CreateDelegate(funcType, _joystick);