Ejemplo n.º 1
        public RC SorterWrite(Context ctx, VdbeCursor cursor, Mem mem)
            VdbeSorter sorter = cursor.Sorter;

            Debug.Assert(sorter != null);
            sorter.InMemory += ConvertEx.GetVarintLength(mem.N) + mem.N;
            SorterRecord newRecord = (SorterRecord)C._tagalloc(ctx, mem.N + sizeof(SorterRecord)); // New list element
            RC           rc        = RC.OK;

            if (newRecord == null)
                rc = RC.NOMEM;
                newRecord.P = newRecord[1];
                C._memcpy(newRecord.P, mem.Z, mem.N);
                newRecord.N    = mem.N;
                newRecord.Next = sorter.Record;
                sorter.Record  = newRecord;
            // See if the contents of the sorter should now be written out. They are written out when either of the following are true:
            //   * The total memory allocated for the in-memory list is greater than (page-size * cache-size), or
            //   * The total memory allocated for the in-memory list is greater than (page-size * 10) and sqlite3HeapNearlyFull() returns true.
            if (rc == RC.OK && sorter.MaxPmaSize > 0 && ((sorter.InMemory > sorter.MaxPmaSize) || (sorter.InMemory > sorter.MaxPmaSize && C._heapnearlyfull())))
                long expect = sorter.WriteOffset + ConvertEx.GetVarintLength(sorter.InMemory) + sorter.InMemory;
                rc = VdbeSorterListToPMA(ctx, cursor);
                sorter.InMemory = 0;
                Debug.Assert(rc != RC.OK || expect == sorter.WriteOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static RC VdbeSorterInitMerge(Context ctx, VdbeCursor cursor, ref long bytes)
            VdbeSorter sorter = cursor, Sorter;
            long       bytes2 = 0; // Total bytes in all opened PMAs
            RC         rc     = RC.OK;
            // Initialize the iterators.
            int i; // Used to iterator through aIter[]

            for (i = 0; i < SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT; i++)
                VdbeSorterIter iter = sorter.Iters[i];
                rc = VdbeSorterIterInit(ctx, sorter, sorter.ReadOffset, iter, ref bytes2);
                sorter.ReadOffset = iter.Eof;
                Debug.Assert(rc != RC.OK || sorter.ReadOffset <= sorter.WriteOffset);
                if (rc != RC.OK || sorter.ReadOffset >= sorter.WriteOffset)
            // Initialize the aTree[] array.
            for (i = sorter.Trees.length - 1; rc == RC.OK && i > 0; i--)
                rc = VdbeSorterDoCompare(cursor, i);
            bytes = bytes2;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static RC VdbeSorterSort(VdbeCursor cursor)
            SorterRecord slots = new SorterRecord[64];

            if (slots == null)
            VdbeSorter   sorter = cursor.Sorter;
            SorterRecord p      = sorter.Record;
            int          i;

            while (p != null)
                SorterRecord next = p.Next;
                p.Next = null;
                for (i = 0; slots[i] != null; i++)
                    VdbeSorterMerge(cursor, p, slots[i], ref p);
                    slots[i] = null;
                slots[i] = p;
                p        = next;
            p = null;
            for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                VdbeSorterMerge(cursor, p, slots[i], ref p);
            sorter.Record = p;
            C._free(ref slots);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void VdbeSorterMerge(VdbeCursor cursor, SorterRecord p1, SorterRecord p2, ref SorterRecord out_)
            SorterRecord result = null;
            SorterRecord pp     = result;
            object       p2P    = (p2 != null ? p2.P : null);

            while (p1 != null && p2 != null)
                int r;
                VdbeSorterCompare(cursor, false, p1.P, p1.N, p2P, p2.N, ref r);
                if (r <= 0)
                    pp  = p1;
                    pp  = p1.Next;
                    p1  = p1.Next;
                    p2P = null;
                    pp = p2;
                    pp = p2.Next;
                    p2 = p2.Next;
                    if (p2 != null)
                    p2P = p2.P;
            pp   = (p1 != null ? p1 : p2);
            out_ = result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public RC SorterInit(Context ctx, VdbeCursor cursor)
            Debug.Assert(cursor.KeyInfo != null && cursor.Bt == null);
            VdbeSorter sorter; // The new sorter

            cursor.Sorter = sorter = (VdbeSorter)C._tagalloc(ctx, sizeof(VdbeSorter));
            if (sorter == null)

            object d;

            sorter.Unpacked = AllocUnpackedRecord(cursor.KeyInfo, 0, 0, ref d);
            if (sorter.Unpacked == null)
            Debug.Assert(sorter.Unpacked == (UnpackedRecord)d);

            if (ctx.TempInMemory() == null)
                int pageSize = ctx.DBs[0].Bt.GetPageSize(); // Page size of main database
                sorter.MinPmaSize = SORTER_MIN_WORKING * pageSize;
                int maxCache = ctx.DBs[0].Schema.CacheSize; // Cache size
                if (maxCache < SORTER_MIN_WORKING)
                    maxCache = SORTER_MIN_WORKING;
                sorter.MaxPmaSize = maxCache * pageSize;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void VdbeSorterCompare(VdbeCursor cursor, bool omitRowid, string key1, int key1Length, string key2, int key2Length, ref int out_)
            KeyInfo        keyInfo = cursor.KeyInfo;
            VdbeSorter     sorter  = (VdbeSorter)cursor.Sorter;
            UnpackedRecord r2      = sorter.Unpacked;

            if (key2 != null)
                Vdbe.RecordUnpack(keyInfo, key2Length, key2, r2);
            if (omitRowid)
                r2.Fields = keyInfo.Fields;
                Debug.Assert(r2.Fields > 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < r2.Fields; i++)
                    if ((r2.Mems[i].Flags & MEM.Null) != 0)
                        out_ = -1;
                r2.Flags |= UNPACKED.PREFIX_MATCH;
            out_ = Vdbe.RecordCompare(key1Length, key1, r2);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public RC SorterCompare(VdbeCursor cursor, Mem mem, out int r)
            int    keyLength;
            object key = VdbeSorterRowkey(cursor.Sorter, out keyLength);

            VdbeSorterCompare(cursor, 1, mem.Z, mem.N, key, keyLength, out r);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public RC SorterRowkey(VdbeCursor cursor, Mem mem)
            int   keyLength;
            void *key = VdbeSorterRowkey(cursor.Sorter, out keyLength);

            if (MemGrow(mem, keyLength, 0))
            mem.N = keyLength;
            MemSetTypeFlag(mem, MEM.Blob);
            C._memcpy(mem.Z, key, keyLength);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static RC VdbeSorterDoCompare(VdbeCursor cursor, int idx)
            VdbeSorter sorter = cursor.Sorter;

            Debug.Assert(idx < sorter.Trees.length && idx > 0);

            int i1;
            int i2;

            if (idx >= (sorter.Trees.length / 2))
                i1 = (idx - sorter.Trees.length / 2) * 2;
                i2 = i1 + 1;
                i1 = sorter.Trees[idx * 2];
                i2 = sorter.Trees[idx * 2 + 1];
            VdbeSorterIter p1 = sorter.Iters[i1];
            VdbeSorterIter p2 = sorter.Iters[i2];

            int i;

            if (p1.File == null)
                i = i2;
            else if (p2.File == null)
                i = i1;
                Debug.Assert(sorter.Unpacked != null); // allocated in vdbeSorterMerge()
                int r;
                VdbeSorterCompare(cursor, 0, p1.Key, p1.Key.length, p2.Key, p2.Key.length, ref r);
                i = (r <= 0 ? i1 : i2);
            sorter.Trees[idx] = i;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        static RC VdbeSorterListToPMA(Context ctx, VdbeCursor cursor)
            VdbeSorter sorter = cursor.Sorter;
            FileWriter writer;

            if (sorter.InMemory == 0)
                Debug.Assert(sorter.Record == null);
            RC rc = VdbeSorterSort(cursor);

            // If the first temporary PMA file has not been opened, open it now.
            if (rc == RC.OK && sorter.Temp1 == null)
                rc = VdbeSorterOpenTempFile(ctx, ref sorter.Temp1);
                Debug.Assert(rc != RC.OK || sorter.Temp1 != null);
                Debug.Assert(sorter.WriteOffset == 0);
                Debug.Assert(sorter.PMAs == 0);
            if (rc == RC.OK)
                FileWriterInit(ctx, sorter.Temp1, writer, sorter.WriteOffset);
                FileWriterWriteVarint(writer, sorter.InMemory);
                SorterRecord p;
                SorterRecord next = null;
                for (p = sorter.Record; p; p = next)
                    next = p.Next;
                    FileWriterWriteVarint(writer, p.N);
                    FileWriterWrite(writer, (byte[])p.P, p.N);
                    C._tagfree(ctx, ref p);
                sorter.Record = p;
                rc            = FileWriterFinish(ctx, writer, sorter.WriteOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public RC SorterNext(Context ctx, VdbeCursor cursor, ref bool eof)
            VdbeSorter sorter = cursor.Sorter;

            if (sorter.Trees)
                int prevI = sorter.Trees[1];                                                  // Index of iterator to advance
                RC  rc    = VdbeSorterIterNext(ctx, sorter.Iters[prevI]);
                for (int i = (sorter.Trees.length + prevI) / 2; rc == RC.OK && i > 0; i /= 2) // Index of aTree[] to recalculate
                    rc = VdbeSorterDoCompare(cursor, i);
                eof = (sorter.Iters[sorter.Trees[1]].File == null);
            SorterRecord free = sorter.Record;

            sorter.Record = free.Next;
            free.Next     = nullptr;
            VdbeSorterRecordFree(ctx, free);
            eof = (sorter.Record == null);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void SorterClose(Context ctx, VdbeCursor cursor)
            VdbeSorter sorter = cursor.Sorter;

            if (sorter != null)
                if (sorter.Iters != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < sorter.Trees.length; i++)
                        VdbeSorterIterZero(ctx, sorter.Iters[i]);
                    C._tagfree(ctx, ref sorter.Iters);
                if (sorter.Temp1 != null)
                VdbeSorterRecordFree(ctx, sorter.Record);
                C._tagfree(ctx, sorter.Unpacked);
                C._tagfree(ctx, sorter);
                cursor.Sorter = null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public RC SorterRewind(Context ctx, VdbeCursor cursor, ref bool eof)
            VdbeSorter sorter = cursor.Sorter;

            Debug.Assert(sorter != null);

            // If no data has been written to disk, then do not do so now. Instead, sort the VdbeSorter.pRecord list. The vdbe layer will read data directly
            // from the in-memory list.
            if (sorter.PMAs == 0)
                eof = (sorter.Record == null);
                Debug.Assert(sorter.Trees.data = null);

            // Write the current in-memory list to a PMA.
            RC rc = VdbeSorterListToPMA(ctx, cursor);

            if (rc != RC.OK)

            // Allocate space for aIter[] and aTree[].
            int iters = sorter.PMAs; // Number of iterators used

            if (iters > SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT)
                iters = SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT;
            Debug.Assert(iters > 0);
            int n = 2; while (n < iters)
                n += n;                                             // Power of 2 >= iters
            int bytes = n * (sizeof(int) + sizeof(VdbeSorterIter)); // Bytes of space required for aIter/aTree

            sorter.Iters = (VdbeSorterIter)C._tagalloc(ctx, bytes);
            if (sorter.Iters == null)
            sorter.Trees        = sorter.Iters[n];
            sorter.Trees.length = n;

            int   newIdx;        // Index of new, merged, PMA
            VFile temp2  = null; // Second temp file to use
            long  write2 = 0;    // Write offset for pTemp2

                for (newIdx = 0; rc == RC.OK && newIdx * SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT < sorter.PMAs; newIdx++)
                    FileWriter writer; writer._memset(); // Object used to write to disk
                    // If there are SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT or less PMAs in file pTemp1, initialize an iterator for each of them and break out of the loop.
                    // These iterators will be incrementally merged as the VDBE layer calls sqlite3VdbeSorterNext().
                    // Otherwise, if pTemp1 contains more than SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT PMAs, initialize interators for SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT of them. These PMAs
                    // are merged into a single PMA that is written to file pTemp2.
                    long writes; // Number of bytes in new PMA
                    rc = VdbeSorterInitMerge(ctx, cursor, ref writes);
                    Debug.Assert(rc != RC.OK || sorter.Iters[sorter.Trees[1]].File);
                    if (rc != RC.OK || sorter.PMAs <= SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT)
                    // Open the second temp file, if it is not already open.
                    if (temp2 == null)
                        Debug.Assert(write2 == 0);
                        rc = VdbeSorterOpenTempFile(ctx, ref temp2);
                    if (rc == RC.OK)
                        bool eof = false;
                        FileWriterInit(ctx, temp2, ref writer, write2);
                        FileWriterWriteVarint(writer, writes);
                        while (rc == RC.OK && !eof)
                            VdbeSorterIter iter = sorter.Iters[sorter.Trees[1]];
                            FileWriterWriteVarint(writer, iter.Key.length);
                            FileWriterWrite(writer, iter.Key, iter.Key.length);
                            rc = SorterNext(ctx, cursor, eof);
                        RC rc2 = FileWriterFinish(ctx, writer, write2);
                        if (rc == RC.OK)
                            rc = rc2;
                if (sorter.PMAs <= SORTER_MAX_MERGE_COUNT)
                    VFile tmp = sorter.Temp1;
                    sorter.PMAs        = newIdx;
                    sorter.Temp1       = temp2;
                    temp2              = tmp;
                    sorter.WriteOffset = write2;
                    sorter.ReadOffset  = 0;
                    write2             = 0;
            } while (rc == RC.OK);
            if (temp2)
            eof = (sorter.Iters[sorter.Trees[1]].File == null);