Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static List <Model.mdlBranch> LoadSomeBranch(string branchid)
            branchid = StringFacade.NormalizedBranch(branchid);

            var mdlBranchList = new List <Model.mdlBranch>();

            List <SqlParameter> sp = new List <SqlParameter>()

            DataTable dtBranch = Manager.DataFacade.DTSQLCommand("SELECT * FROM Branch where BranchID IN (" + branchid + ") order by BranchName", sp);

            foreach (DataRow drBranch in dtBranch.Rows)
                var mdlBranch = new Model.mdlBranch();
                mdlBranch.BranchID          = drBranch["BranchID"].ToString();
                mdlBranch.BranchName        = drBranch["BranchName"].ToString();
                mdlBranch.BranchDescription = drBranch["BranchDescription"].ToString();
                mdlBranch.CompanyID         = drBranch["CompanyID"].ToString();
                mdlBranch.Latitude          = drBranch["Latitude"].ToString();
                mdlBranch.Longitude         = drBranch["Longitude"].ToString();


            //mdlBranchListnew.BranchList = mdlBranchList;
            //return mdlBranchListnew;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static List <Model.mdlDailyMsg> GetSearchbySomeBranch(string keyword, DateTime keyworddate, string branchid)
            branchid = StringFacade.NormalizedBranch(branchid);
            var mdlDailyMsgList = new List <Model.mdlDailyMsg>();

            List <SqlParameter> sp = new List <SqlParameter>()
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@ValidDate", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Date, Value = keyworddate
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@Keyword", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = "%" + keyword + "%"
                new SqlParameter()
                    ParameterName = "@BranchID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = branchid

            DataTable dtDailyMsg = DataFacade.DTSQLCommand(@"SELECT distinct(a.MessageID)
                                                                    From DailyMessage a
                                                                    LEFT JOIN DailyMessageDetail b on b.MessageID = a.MessageID
                                                                    WHERE (a.Date <= @ValidDate AND a.EndDate >= @ValidDate) AND (a.MessageID like @Keyword OR MessageName like @Keyword)
                                                                    AND a.MessageID IN (SELECT MessageID from DailyMessageDetail where BranchID IN (" + branchid + "))", sp);

            foreach (DataRow row in dtDailyMsg.Rows)
                var mdlDailyMsg = new Model.mdlDailyMsg();
                mdlDailyMsg.MessageID   = row["MessageID"].ToString();
                mdlDailyMsg.MessageName = row["MessageName"].ToString();
                mdlDailyMsg.Date        = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                mdlDailyMsg.EndDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(row["EndDate"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                mdlDailyMsg.CreatedBy   = row["CreatedBy"].ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <string> LoadBranchByID(string branchid)
            //linq code
            //var customerList = DataContext.Customers.Where(fld => fld.PlantID.Equals(json.BranchID)).ToList();
            branchid = StringFacade.NormalizedBranch(branchid);
            List <SqlParameter> sp = new List <SqlParameter>()

            DataTable dtBranch   = Manager.DataFacade.DTSQLCommand("SELECT * FROM Branch where BranchID LIKE '%" + branchid + "%'", sp);
            var       listBranch = new List <string>();

            foreach (DataRow drBranch in dtBranch.Rows)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Model.mdlResultList UploadDeposit(List <Model.mdlDepositParam> lParamlist)
            var mdlResultList = new List <Model.mdlResult>();

            foreach (var lParam in lParamlist)
                var mdlResult = new Model.mdlResult();

                List <SqlParameter> sp = new List <SqlParameter>()
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@DepositID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.DepositID
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@VisitID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.VisitID
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@EmployeeID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.EmployeeID
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@Status", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.Status
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@ReceivedDate", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.ReceivedDate
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@Description", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.Description
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@CustomerID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.CustomerID
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@CreatedBy", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.CreatedBy
                    //new SqlParameter() {ParameterName = "@CreatedDate", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.CreatedDate},
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@LastUpdateBy", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.LastUpdateBy
                    //new SqlParameter() {ParameterName = "@LastDate", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.LastDate}
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@Note", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.Note
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@Amount", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Decimal, Value = lParam.Amount
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@Seq", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.Seq
                    new SqlParameter()
                        ParameterName = "@DepositTypeID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.DepositTypeID

                String query = @"BEGIN TRAN
                                    DELETE FROM [DepositDetail]
                                    WHERE DepositID = @DepositID

                                    INSERT INTO[DepositDetail] (

                                    UPDATE [Deposit] SET
                                        VisitID = @VisitID
                                        ,EmployeeID = @EmployeeID
                                        ,Status = @Status
                                        ,ReceivedDate = @ReceivedDate
                                        ,Description = @Description
                                        ,CustomerID = @CustomerID
                                        ,LastUpdateBy = @LastUpdateBy
                                        ,LastDate = GETDATE()
                                    WHERE DepositID = @DepositID

                                    IF @@rowcount = 0
                                        INSERT INTO [Deposit] (
                                        VALUES (
                                COMMIT TRAN";

                mdlResult.Result = Manager.DataFacade.DTSQLVoidCommand(query, sp);

                if (mdlResult.Result == "1")
                    // setelah upload berhasil akan memanggil API sms gateway
                    // sebelumnya cek dahulu apakah status smsnya berhasil atau tidak
                    List <SqlParameter> sp_checkstatus = new List <SqlParameter>()
                        new SqlParameter()
                            ParameterName = "@DepositID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.DepositID

                    string    query_checkstatus = "SELECT IsSMS FROM DEPOSIT WHERE DepositID = @DepositID ";
                    DataTable dtCheck           = DataFacade.DTSQLCommand(query_checkstatus, sp_checkstatus);
                    int       statusSMS         = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow rowCheck in dtCheck.Rows)
                        statusSMS = Convert.ToInt32(rowCheck["IsSMS"].ToString());

                    if (statusSMS == 1)
                        // do nothing
                        mdlResult.ResultValue = "UPLOAD SUCCESS";
                        // ambil company name
                        string CompanyName            = "";
                        List <SqlParameter> spCompany = new List <SqlParameter>()

                        string    qryCompany = "SELECT * FROM Company WHERE CompanyID = 'BPR'";
                        DataTable dtCompany  = DataFacade.DTSQLCommand(qryCompany, spCompany);
                        foreach (DataRow rowCompany in dtCompany.Rows)
                            CompanyName = rowCompany["CompanyName"].ToString();

                        //default testing
                        string MsisdnSmsGateway = "82298332125";

                        //string MsisdnSmsGateway = lParam.CustomerMobilephone1;
                        string rekeningNo         = lParam.BankAccountNumber;
                        string lTime              = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
                        double value              = lParam.Amount;
                        string valueDeli          = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0,0}", value);
                        string urlAPI             = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UrlAPISmsGateway"];
                        string UserSmsGateway     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserSmsGateway"];
                        string PasswordSmsGateway = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PasswordSmsGateway"];
                        string SenderIDSmsGateway = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SenderIDSmsGateway"];
                        string MessageSmsGateway  = CompanyName + "\n" +
                                                    "SUKSES No=" + lParam.DepositID + "\n" +
                                                    "Setoran" + "\n" +
                                                    "Rek=" + rekeningNo + "\n" +
                                                    "an." + lParam.CustomerName + "\n" +
                                                    "Tgl=" + lTime + "\n" +
                                                    "Nom=Rp." + valueDeli;

                        var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        dict.Add("user", UserSmsGateway);
                        dict.Add("password", PasswordSmsGateway);
                        dict.Add("senderid", SenderIDSmsGateway);
                        dict.Add("message", MessageSmsGateway);
                        dict.Add("msisdn", MsisdnSmsGateway);
                        string paramSMS = StringFacade.urlencodeString(dict);

                        string resultSMS = StringFacade.PostAPISMSGateway(urlAPI, paramSMS);
                        var    DesResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Model.mdlResultSmsGateway>(resultSMS);

                        if (DesResult.status == "SUCCESS")
                            mdlResult.ResultValue = "UPLOAD SUCCESS";

                            //ketika sms berhasil, update status isSMS
                            List <SqlParameter> sp_sms = new List <SqlParameter>()
                                new SqlParameter()
                                    ParameterName = "@DepositID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = lParam.DepositID

                            string query_sms    = "UPDATE DEPOSIT SET IsSMS = 1 WHERE DepositID =  @DepositID";
                            var    mdlResultSms = new Model.mdlResult();
                            Manager.DataFacade.DTSQLVoidCommand(query_sms, sp_sms);

                            //simpan juga log smsnya
                            LogFacade.InsertLogSMS_Service(urlAPI, paramSMS, resultSMS);
                            mdlResult.ResultValue = "UPLOAD SUCCESS but SMS FAILED";
                    string ResultSubstring;

                    if (mdlResult.Result.Length > 500)
                        ResultSubstring = mdlResult.Result.Substring(0, 500);

                        mdlResult.Result = ResultSubstring;


            var mdlResultListnew = new Model.mdlResultList();

            mdlResultListnew.ResultList = mdlResultList;