Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CorFlagsInformation ExtractInfo(ModuleDefinition assembly)
            var info = new CorFlagsInformation();

            // The user defined version of the assembly
            info.assemblyVersion = assembly.Assembly.Name.Version.ToString();

            //Version of the mscorlib.dll that was assembly was compiled with and now should run against
            info.version = assembly.RuntimeVersion;

            info.clr_header = assembly.Runtime;

            info.pe = (assembly.Architecture == TargetArchitecture.AMD64 || assembly.Architecture == TargetArchitecture.IA64) ? "PE32+" : "PE32";

            info.corflags = (int)assembly.Attributes;

            info.ilonly = (assembly.Attributes & ModuleAttributes.ILOnly) == ModuleAttributes.ILOnly;

            info.x32bitreq = (assembly.Attributes & ModuleAttributes.Required32Bit) == ModuleAttributes.Required32Bit;

            info.x32bitpref = (assembly.Attributes & ModuleAttributes.Preferred32Bit) == ModuleAttributes.Preferred32Bit;

            info.signed = (assembly.Attributes & ModuleAttributes.StrongNameSigned) == ModuleAttributes.StrongNameSigned;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void AssemblyInfoOutput(CorFlagsInformation info)
     output.WriteLine("Version   : {0}", info.version);
     output.WriteLine("CLR Header: {0}", (info.clr_header <= TargetRuntime.Net_1_1) ? "2.0" : "2.5");
     output.WriteLine("PE        : {0}", info.pe);
     output.WriteLine("CorFlags  : 0x{0:X}", info.corflags);
     output.WriteLine("ILONLY    : {0}", info.ilonly ? 1 : 0);
     output.WriteLine("32BITREQ  : {0}", info.x32bitreq ? 1 : 0);
     output.WriteLine("32BITPREF : {0}", info.x32bitpref ? 1 : 0);
     output.WriteLine("Signed    : {0}", info.signed ? 1 : 0);
     //	anycpu: PE = PE32  and  32BIT = 0
     //	   x86: PE = PE32  and  32BIT = 1
     //	64-bit: PE = PE32+ and  32BIT = 0