Ejemplo n.º 1
            Serializer: unserialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void dfunserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                decisionforest forest)
                int i0 = 0;
                int i1 = 0;

                // check correctness of header
                i0 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i0 == scodes.getrdfserializationcode(), "DFUnserialize: stream header corrupted");
                i1 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i1 == dffirstversion, "DFUnserialize: stream header corrupted");

                // Unserialize data
                forest.nvars = s.unserialize_int();
                forest.nclasses = s.unserialize_int();
                forest.ntrees = s.unserialize_int();
                forest.bufsize = s.unserialize_int();
                apserv.unserializerealarray(s, ref forest.trees);
Ejemplo n.º 2
            Unserialization: complex value
            public static void unserializeintegerarray(alglib.serializer s,
                ref int[] v)
                int n = 0;
                int i = 0;
                int t = 0;

                v = new int[0];

                n = s.unserialize_int();
                if (n == 0)
                v = new int[n];
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    t = s.unserialize_int();
                    v[i] = t;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            Serialization: complex value
            public static void serializerealmatrix(alglib.serializer s,
                double[,] v,
                int n0,
                int n1)
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;

                if (n0 < 0)
                    n0 = alglib.ap.rows(v);
                if (n1 < 0)
                    n1 = alglib.ap.cols(v);
                for (i = 0; i <= n0 - 1; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j <= n1 - 1; j++)
                        s.serialize_double(v[i, j]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            Serialization: complex value
            public static void serializerealarray(alglib.serializer s,
                double[] v,
                int n)
                int i = 0;

                if (n < 0)
                    n = alglib.ap.len(v);
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 5
            Allocation of serializer: Integer array
            public static void allocintegerarray(alglib.serializer s,
                int[] v,
                int n)
                int i = 0;

                if (n < 0)
                    n = alglib.ap.len(v);
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 6
            Serializer: unserialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void kdtreeunserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                kdtree tree)
                int i0 = 0;
                int i1 = 0;

                // check correctness of header
                i0 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i0 == scodes.getkdtreeserializationcode(), "KDTreeUnserialize: stream header corrupted");
                i1 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i1 == kdtreefirstversion, "KDTreeUnserialize: stream header corrupted");

                // Unserialize data
                tree.n = s.unserialize_int();
                tree.nx = s.unserialize_int();
                tree.ny = s.unserialize_int();
                tree.normtype = s.unserialize_int();
                apserv.unserializerealmatrix(s, ref tree.xy);
                apserv.unserializeintegerarray(s, ref tree.tags);
                apserv.unserializerealarray(s, ref tree.boxmin);
                apserv.unserializerealarray(s, ref tree.boxmax);
                apserv.unserializeintegerarray(s, ref tree.nodes);
                apserv.unserializerealarray(s, ref tree.splits);
                kdtreealloctemporaries(tree, tree.n, tree.nx, tree.ny);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 Serialization: complex value
 public static void serializecomplex(alglib.serializer s,
     complex v)
Ejemplo n.º 8
            Calculation of all types of errors

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void mlpeallerrorsx(mlpensemble ensemble,
                double[,] densexy,
                sparse.sparsematrix sparsexy,
                int datasetsize,
                int datasettype,
                int[] idx,
                int subset0,
                int subset1,
                int subsettype,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool buf,
                mlpbase.modelerrors rep)
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;
                bool iscls = new bool();
                int srcidx = 0;
                hpccores.mlpbuffers pbuf = null;
                mlpbase.modelerrors rep0 = new mlpbase.modelerrors();
                mlpbase.modelerrors rep1 = new mlpbase.modelerrors();
                int i_ = 0;
                int i1_ = 0;

                // Get network information
                nin = mlpbase.mlpgetinputscount(ensemble.network);
                nout = mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscount(ensemble.network);
                iscls = mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(ensemble.network);

                // Retrieve buffer, prepare, process data, recycle buffer
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(buf, ref pbuf);
                if (iscls)
                    bdss.dserrallocate(nout, ref pbuf.tmp0);
                    bdss.dserrallocate(-nout, ref pbuf.tmp0);
                apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref pbuf.x, nin);
                apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref pbuf.y, nout);
                apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref pbuf.desiredy, nout);
                for (i = subset0; i <= subset1 - 1; i++)
                    srcidx = -1;
                    if (subsettype == 0)
                        srcidx = i;
                    if (subsettype == 1)
                        srcidx = idx[i];
                    alglib.ap.assert(srcidx >= 0, "MLPEAllErrorsX: internal error");
                    if (datasettype == 0)
                        for (i_ = 0; i_ <= nin - 1; i_++)
                            pbuf.x[i_] = densexy[srcidx, i_];
                    if (datasettype == 1)
                        sparse.sparsegetrow(sparsexy, srcidx, ref pbuf.x);
                    mlpeprocess(ensemble, pbuf.x, ref pbuf.y);
                    if (mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(ensemble.network))
                        if (datasettype == 0)
                            pbuf.desiredy[0] = densexy[srcidx, nin];
                        if (datasettype == 1)
                            pbuf.desiredy[0] = sparse.sparseget(sparsexy, srcidx, nin);
                        if (datasettype == 0)
                            i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= nout - 1; i_++)
                                pbuf.desiredy[i_] = densexy[srcidx, i_ + i1_];
                        if (datasettype == 1)
                            for (j = 0; j <= nout - 1; j++)
                                pbuf.desiredy[j] = sparse.sparseget(sparsexy, srcidx, nin + j);
                    bdss.dserraccumulate(ref pbuf.tmp0, pbuf.y, pbuf.desiredy);
                bdss.dserrfinish(ref pbuf.tmp0);
                rep.relclserror = pbuf.tmp0[0];
                rep.avgce = pbuf.tmp0[1] / Math.Log(2);
                rep.rmserror = pbuf.tmp0[2];
                rep.avgerror = pbuf.tmp0[3];
                rep.avgrelerror = pbuf.tmp0[4];
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(buf, ref pbuf);
Ejemplo n.º 9
            Serializer: allocation

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 19.10.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void mlpealloc(alglib.serializer s,
                mlpensemble ensemble)
                apserv.allocrealarray(s, ensemble.weights, -1);
                apserv.allocrealarray(s, ensemble.columnmeans, -1);
                apserv.allocrealarray(s, ensemble.columnsigmas, -1);
                mlpbase.mlpalloc(s, ensemble.network);
Ejemplo n.º 10
            Serializer: unserialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void mlpunserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                multilayerperceptron network)
                int i0 = 0;
                int i1 = 0;
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                int k = 0;
                int fkind = 0;
                double threshold = 0;
                double v0 = 0;
                double v1 = 0;
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;
                bool issoftmax = new bool();
                int[] layersizes = new int[0];

                // check correctness of header
                i0 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i0 == scodes.getmlpserializationcode(), "MLPUnserialize: stream header corrupted");
                i1 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i1 == mlpfirstversion, "MLPUnserialize: stream header corrupted");

                // Create network
                issoftmax = s.unserialize_bool();
                apserv.unserializeintegerarray(s, ref layersizes);
                alglib.ap.assert((alglib.ap.len(layersizes) == 2 || alglib.ap.len(layersizes) == 3) || alglib.ap.len(layersizes) == 4, "MLPUnserialize: too many hidden layers!");
                nin = layersizes[0];
                nout = layersizes[alglib.ap.len(layersizes) - 1];
                if (alglib.ap.len(layersizes) == 2)
                    if (issoftmax)
                        mlpcreatec0(layersizes[0], layersizes[1], network);
                        mlpcreate0(layersizes[0], layersizes[1], network);
                if (alglib.ap.len(layersizes) == 3)
                    if (issoftmax)
                        mlpcreatec1(layersizes[0], layersizes[1], layersizes[2], network);
                        mlpcreate1(layersizes[0], layersizes[1], layersizes[2], network);
                if (alglib.ap.len(layersizes) == 4)
                    if (issoftmax)
                        mlpcreatec2(layersizes[0], layersizes[1], layersizes[2], layersizes[3], network);
                        mlpcreate2(layersizes[0], layersizes[1], layersizes[2], layersizes[3], network);

                // Load neurons and weights
                for (i = 1; i <= alglib.ap.len(layersizes) - 1; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j <= layersizes[i] - 1; j++)
                        fkind = s.unserialize_int();
                        threshold = s.unserialize_double();
                        mlpsetneuroninfo(network, i, j, fkind, threshold);
                        for (k = 0; k <= layersizes[i - 1] - 1; k++)
                            v0 = s.unserialize_double();
                            mlpsetweight(network, i - 1, k, i, j, v0);

                // Load standartizator
                for (j = 0; j <= nin - 1; j++)
                    v0 = s.unserialize_double();
                    v1 = s.unserialize_double();
                    mlpsetinputscaling(network, j, v0, v1);
                for (j = 0; j <= nout - 1; j++)
                    v0 = s.unserialize_double();
                    v1 = s.unserialize_double();
                    mlpsetoutputscaling(network, j, v0, v1);
Ejemplo n.º 11
            public static void mlpallerrorsx(multilayerperceptron network,
                double[,] densexy,
                sparse.sparsematrix sparsexy,
                int datasetsize,
                int datasettype,
                int[] idx,
                int subset0,
                int subset1,
                int subsettype,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool buf,
                modelerrors rep)
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;
                int wcount = 0;
                int rowsize = 0;
                bool iscls = new bool();
                int srcidx = 0;
                int cstart = 0;
                int csize = 0;
                int j = 0;
                hpccores.mlpbuffers pbuf = null;
                int len0 = 0;
                int len1 = 0;
                modelerrors rep0 = new modelerrors();
                modelerrors rep1 = new modelerrors();
                int i_ = 0;
                int i1_ = 0;

                alglib.ap.assert(datasetsize >= 0, "MLPAllErrorsX: SetSize<0");
                alglib.ap.assert(datasettype == 0 || datasettype == 1, "MLPAllErrorsX: DatasetType is incorrect");
                alglib.ap.assert(subsettype == 0 || subsettype == 1, "MLPAllErrorsX: SubsetType is incorrect");

                // Determine network properties
                mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
                iscls = mlpissoftmax(network);

                // Split problem.
                // Splitting problem allows us to reduce  effect  of  single-precision
                // arithmetics (SSE-optimized version of MLPChunkedProcess uses single
                // precision  internally, but converts them to  double precision after
                // results are exported from HPC buffer to network). Small batches are
                // calculated in single precision, results are  aggregated  in  double
                // precision, and it allows us to avoid accumulation  of  errors  when
                // we process very large batches (tens of thousands of items).
                // NOTE: it is important to use real arithmetics for ProblemCost
                //       because ProblemCost may be larger than MAXINT.
                if (subset1 - subset0 >= 2 * microbatchsize && (double)(apserv.inttoreal(subset1 - subset0) * apserv.inttoreal(wcount)) > (double)(gradbasecasecost))
                    apserv.splitlength(subset1 - subset0, microbatchsize, ref len0, ref len1);
                    mlpallerrorsx(network, densexy, sparsexy, datasetsize, datasettype, idx, subset0, subset0 + len0, subsettype, buf, rep0);
                    mlpallerrorsx(network, densexy, sparsexy, datasetsize, datasettype, idx, subset0 + len0, subset1, subsettype, buf, rep1);
                    rep.relclserror = (len0 * rep0.relclserror + len1 * rep1.relclserror) / (len0 + len1);
                    rep.avgce = (len0 * rep0.avgce + len1 * rep1.avgce) / (len0 + len1);
                    rep.rmserror = Math.Sqrt((len0 * math.sqr(rep0.rmserror) + len1 * math.sqr(rep1.rmserror)) / (len0 + len1));
                    rep.avgerror = (len0 * rep0.avgerror + len1 * rep1.avgerror) / (len0 + len1);
                    rep.avgrelerror = (len0 * rep0.avgrelerror + len1 * rep1.avgrelerror) / (len0 + len1);

                // Retrieve and prepare
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(buf, ref pbuf);
                if (iscls)
                    rowsize = nin + 1;
                    bdss.dserrallocate(nout, ref pbuf.tmp0);
                    rowsize = nin + nout;
                    bdss.dserrallocate(-nout, ref pbuf.tmp0);

                // Processing
                hpccores.hpcpreparechunkedgradient(network.weights, wcount, mlpntotal(network), nin, nout, pbuf);
                cstart = subset0;
                while (cstart < subset1)

                    // Determine size of current chunk and copy it to PBuf.XY
                    csize = Math.Min(subset1, cstart + pbuf.chunksize) - cstart;
                    for (j = 0; j <= csize - 1; j++)
                        srcidx = -1;
                        if (subsettype == 0)
                            srcidx = cstart + j;
                        if (subsettype == 1)
                            srcidx = idx[cstart + j];
                        alglib.ap.assert(srcidx >= 0, "MLPAllErrorsX: internal error");
                        if (datasettype == 0)
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= rowsize - 1; i_++)
                                pbuf.xy[j, i_] = densexy[srcidx, i_];
                        if (datasettype == 1)
                            sparse.sparsegetrow(sparsexy, srcidx, ref pbuf.xyrow);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= rowsize - 1; i_++)
                                pbuf.xy[j, i_] = pbuf.xyrow[i_];

                    // Unpack XY and process (temporary code, to be replaced by chunked processing)
                    for (j = 0; j <= csize - 1; j++)
                        for (i_ = 0; i_ <= rowsize - 1; i_++)
                            pbuf.xy2[j, i_] = pbuf.xy[j, i_];
                    mlpchunkedprocess(network, pbuf.xy2, 0, csize, pbuf.batch4buf, pbuf.hpcbuf);
                    for (j = 0; j <= csize - 1; j++)
                        for (i_ = 0; i_ <= nin - 1; i_++)
                            pbuf.x[i_] = pbuf.xy2[j, i_];
                        i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                        for (i_ = 0; i_ <= nout - 1; i_++)
                            pbuf.y[i_] = pbuf.xy2[j, i_ + i1_];
                        if (iscls)
                            pbuf.desiredy[0] = pbuf.xy[j, nin];
                            i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= nout - 1; i_++)
                                pbuf.desiredy[i_] = pbuf.xy[j, i_ + i1_];
                        bdss.dserraccumulate(ref pbuf.tmp0, pbuf.y, pbuf.desiredy);

                    // Process chunk and advance line pointer
                    cstart = cstart + pbuf.chunksize;
                bdss.dserrfinish(ref pbuf.tmp0);
                rep.relclserror = pbuf.tmp0[0];
                rep.avgce = pbuf.tmp0[1] / Math.Log(2);
                rep.rmserror = pbuf.tmp0[2];
                rep.avgerror = pbuf.tmp0[3];
                rep.avgrelerror = pbuf.tmp0[4];

                // Recycle
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(buf, ref pbuf);
Ejemplo n.º 12
            Serializer: serialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void mlpserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                multilayerperceptron network)
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                int k = 0;
                int fkind = 0;
                double threshold = 0;
                double v0 = 0;
                double v1 = 0;
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;

                nin = network.hllayersizes[0];
                nout = network.hllayersizes[alglib.ap.len(network.hllayersizes) - 1];
                apserv.serializeintegerarray(s, network.hllayersizes, -1);
                for (i = 1; i <= alglib.ap.len(network.hllayersizes) - 1; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j <= network.hllayersizes[i] - 1; j++)
                        mlpgetneuroninfo(network, i, j, ref fkind, ref threshold);
                        for (k = 0; k <= network.hllayersizes[i - 1] - 1; k++)
                            s.serialize_double(mlpgetweight(network, i - 1, k, i, j));
                for (j = 0; j <= nin - 1; j++)
                    mlpgetinputscaling(network, j, ref v0, ref v1);
                for (j = 0; j <= nout - 1; j++)
                    mlpgetoutputscaling(network, j, ref v0, ref v1);
Ejemplo n.º 13
            Serializer: allocation

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void mlpalloc(alglib.serializer s,
                multilayerperceptron network)
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                int k = 0;
                int fkind = 0;
                double threshold = 0;
                double v0 = 0;
                double v1 = 0;
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;

                nin = network.hllayersizes[0];
                nout = network.hllayersizes[alglib.ap.len(network.hllayersizes) - 1];
                apserv.allocintegerarray(s, network.hllayersizes, -1);
                for (i = 1; i <= alglib.ap.len(network.hllayersizes) - 1; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j <= network.hllayersizes[i] - 1; j++)
                        mlpgetneuroninfo(network, i, j, ref fkind, ref threshold);
                        for (k = 0; k <= network.hllayersizes[i - 1] - 1; k++)
                for (j = 0; j <= nin - 1; j++)
                    mlpgetinputscaling(network, j, ref v0, ref v1);
                for (j = 0; j <= nout - 1; j++)
                    mlpgetoutputscaling(network, j, ref v0, ref v1);
Ejemplo n.º 14
            public static void mlpgradbatchx(multilayerperceptron network,
                double[,] densexy,
                sparse.sparsematrix sparsexy,
                int datasetsize,
                int datasettype,
                int[] idx,
                int subset0,
                int subset1,
                int subsettype,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool buf,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool gradbuf)
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;
                int wcount = 0;
                int rowsize = 0;
                int srcidx = 0;
                int cstart = 0;
                int csize = 0;
                int j = 0;
                double problemcost = 0;
                hpccores.mlpbuffers buf2 = null;
                int len0 = 0;
                int len1 = 0;
                hpccores.mlpbuffers pbuf = null;
                smlpgrad sgrad = null;
                int i_ = 0;

                alglib.ap.assert(datasetsize >= 0, "MLPGradBatchX: SetSize<0");
                alglib.ap.assert(datasettype == 0 || datasettype == 1, "MLPGradBatchX: DatasetType is incorrect");
                alglib.ap.assert(subsettype == 0 || subsettype == 1, "MLPGradBatchX: SubsetType is incorrect");

                // Determine network and dataset properties
                mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);
                if (mlpissoftmax(network))
                    rowsize = nin + 1;
                    rowsize = nin + nout;

                // Split problem.
                // Splitting problem allows us to reduce  effect  of  single-precision
                // arithmetics (SSE-optimized version of MLPChunkedGradient uses single
                // precision  internally, but converts them to  double precision after
                // results are exported from HPC buffer to network). Small batches are
                // calculated in single precision, results are  aggregated  in  double
                // precision, and it allows us to avoid accumulation  of  errors  when
                // we process very large batches (tens of thousands of items).
                // NOTE: it is important to use real arithmetics for ProblemCost
                //       because ProblemCost may be larger than MAXINT.
                problemcost = subset1 - subset0;
                problemcost = problemcost * wcount;
                if (subset1 - subset0 >= 2 * microbatchsize && (double)(problemcost) > (double)(gradbasecasecost))
                    apserv.splitlength(subset1 - subset0, microbatchsize, ref len0, ref len1);
                    mlpgradbatchx(network, densexy, sparsexy, datasetsize, datasettype, idx, subset0, subset0 + len0, subsettype, buf, gradbuf);
                    mlpgradbatchx(network, densexy, sparsexy, datasetsize, datasettype, idx, subset0 + len0, subset1, subsettype, buf, gradbuf);

                // Chunked processing
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(gradbuf, ref sgrad);
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(buf, ref pbuf);
                hpccores.hpcpreparechunkedgradient(network.weights, wcount, mlpntotal(network), nin, nout, pbuf);
                cstart = subset0;
                while (cstart < subset1)

                    // Determine size of current chunk and copy it to PBuf.XY
                    csize = Math.Min(subset1, cstart + pbuf.chunksize) - cstart;
                    for (j = 0; j <= csize - 1; j++)
                        srcidx = -1;
                        if (subsettype == 0)
                            srcidx = cstart + j;
                        if (subsettype == 1)
                            srcidx = idx[cstart + j];
                        alglib.ap.assert(srcidx >= 0, "MLPGradBatchX: internal error");
                        if (datasettype == 0)
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= rowsize - 1; i_++)
                                pbuf.xy[j, i_] = densexy[srcidx, i_];
                        if (datasettype == 1)
                            sparse.sparsegetrow(sparsexy, srcidx, ref pbuf.xyrow);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= rowsize - 1; i_++)
                                pbuf.xy[j, i_] = pbuf.xyrow[i_];

                    // Process chunk and advance line pointer
                    mlpchunkedgradient(network, pbuf.xy, 0, csize, pbuf.batch4buf, pbuf.hpcbuf, ref sgrad.f, false);
                    cstart = cstart + pbuf.chunksize;
                hpccores.hpcfinalizechunkedgradient(pbuf, sgrad.g);
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(buf, ref pbuf);
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(gradbuf, ref sgrad);
Ejemplo n.º 15
            Serializer: allocation

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void kdtreealloc(alglib.serializer s,
                kdtree tree)

                // Header

                // Data
                apserv.allocrealmatrix(s, tree.xy, -1, -1);
                apserv.allocintegerarray(s, tree.tags, -1);
                apserv.allocrealarray(s, tree.boxmin, -1);
                apserv.allocrealarray(s, tree.boxmax, -1);
                apserv.allocintegerarray(s, tree.nodes, -1);
                apserv.allocrealarray(s, tree.splits, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 16
            Serializer: serialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void mlpeserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                mlpensemble ensemble)
                apserv.serializerealarray(s, ensemble.weights, -1);
                apserv.serializerealarray(s, ensemble.columnmeans, -1);
                apserv.serializerealarray(s, ensemble.columnsigmas, -1);
                mlpbase.mlpserialize(s, ensemble.network);
Ejemplo n.º 17
            Serializer: serialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void kdtreeserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                kdtree tree)

                // Header

                // Data
                apserv.serializerealmatrix(s, tree.xy, -1, -1);
                apserv.serializeintegerarray(s, tree.tags, -1);
                apserv.serializerealarray(s, tree.boxmin, -1);
                apserv.serializerealarray(s, tree.boxmax, -1);
                apserv.serializeintegerarray(s, tree.nodes, -1);
                apserv.serializerealarray(s, tree.splits, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 18
            Serializer: unserialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void mlpeunserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                mlpensemble ensemble)
                int i0 = 0;
                int i1 = 0;

                // check correctness of header
                i0 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i0 == scodes.getmlpeserializationcode(), "MLPEUnserialize: stream header corrupted");
                i1 = s.unserialize_int();
                alglib.ap.assert(i1 == mlpefirstversion, "MLPEUnserialize: stream header corrupted");

                // Create network
                ensemble.ensemblesize = s.unserialize_int();
                apserv.unserializerealarray(s, ref ensemble.weights);
                apserv.unserializerealarray(s, ref ensemble.columnmeans);
                apserv.unserializerealarray(s, ref ensemble.columnsigmas);
                mlpbase.mlpunserialize(s, ensemble.network);

                // Allocate termoraries
                ensemble.y = new double[mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscount(ensemble.network)];
Ejemplo n.º 19
 Allocation of serializer: complex value
 public static void alloccomplex(alglib.serializer s,
     complex v)
Ejemplo n.º 20
            private static void mthreadcv(mlptrainer s,
                int rowsize,
                int nrestarts,
                int[] folds,
                int fold,
                int dfold,
                double[,] cvy,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool pooldatacv)
                mlpparallelizationcv datacv = null;
                int i = 0;
                int i_ = 0;

                if (fold == dfold - 1)

                    // Separate set
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(pooldatacv, ref datacv);
                    datacv.subsetsize = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i <= s.npoints - 1; i++)
                        if (folds[i] != fold)
                            datacv.subset[datacv.subsetsize] = i;
                            datacv.subsetsize = datacv.subsetsize + 1;

                    // Train on CV training set
                    mlptrainnetworkx(s, nrestarts, -1, datacv.subset, datacv.subsetsize, datacv.subset, 0, datacv.network, datacv.rep, true, datacv.trnpool);
                    datacv.ngrad = datacv.ngrad + datacv.rep.ngrad;

                    // Estimate error using CV test set
                    for (i = 0; i <= s.npoints - 1; i++)
                        if (folds[i] == fold)
                            if (s.datatype == 0)
                                for (i_ = 0; i_ <= rowsize - 1; i_++)
                                    datacv.xyrow[i_] = s.densexy[i, i_];
                            if (s.datatype == 1)
                                sparse.sparsegetrow(s.sparsexy, i, ref datacv.xyrow);
                            mlpbase.mlpprocess(datacv.network, datacv.xyrow, ref datacv.y);
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= s.nout - 1; i_++)
                                cvy[i, i_] = datacv.y[i_];
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(pooldatacv, ref datacv);
                    alglib.ap.assert(fold < dfold - 1, "MThreadCV: internal error(Fold>DFold-1).");
                    mthreadcv(s, rowsize, nrestarts, folds, fold, (fold + dfold) / 2, cvy, pooldatacv);
                    mthreadcv(s, rowsize, nrestarts, folds, (fold + dfold) / 2, dfold, cvy, pooldatacv);
Ejemplo n.º 21
            Unserialization: complex value
            public static complex unserializecomplex(alglib.serializer s)
                complex result = 0;

                result.x = s.unserialize_double();
                result.y = s.unserialize_double();
                return result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
            private static void mlptrainnetworkx(mlptrainer s,
                int nrestarts,
                int algokind,
                int[] trnsubset,
                int trnsubsetsize,
                int[] valsubset,
                int valsubsetsize,
                mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network,
                mlpreport rep,
                bool isrootcall,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
                mlpbase.modelerrors modrep = new mlpbase.modelerrors();
                double eval = 0;
                double ebest = 0;
                int ngradbatch = 0;
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;
                int wcount = 0;
                int pcount = 0;
                int itbest = 0;
                int itcnt = 0;
                int ntype = 0;
                int ttype = 0;
                bool rndstart = new bool();
                int i = 0;
                int nr0 = 0;
                int nr1 = 0;
                mlpreport rep0 = new mlpreport();
                mlpreport rep1 = new mlpreport();
                bool randomizenetwork = new bool();
                double bestrmserror = 0;
                smlptrnsession psession = null;
                int i_ = 0;

                mlpbase.mlpproperties(network, ref nin, ref nout, ref wcount);

                // Process root call
                if (isrootcall)

                    // Check correctness of parameters
                    alglib.ap.assert(algokind == 0 || algokind == -1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: unexpected AlgoKind");
                    alglib.ap.assert(s.npoints >= 0, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter S is not initialized or is spoiled(S.NPoints<0)");
                    if (s.rcpar)
                        ttype = 0;
                        ttype = 1;
                    if (!mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(network))
                        ntype = 0;
                        ntype = 1;
                    alglib.ap.assert(ntype == ttype, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - type of the training network is not similar to network type in trainer object");
                    alglib.ap.assert(s.nin == nin, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of inputs in trainer is not equal to number of inputs in the training network.");
                    alglib.ap.assert(s.nout == nout, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - number of outputs in trainer is not equal to number of outputs in the training network.");
                    alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts >= 0, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - NRestarts<0.");
                    alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(trnsubset) >= trnsubsetsize, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter TrnSubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(TrnSubset)<TrnSubsetSize)");
                    for (i = 0; i <= trnsubsetsize - 1; i++)
                        alglib.ap.assert(trnsubset[i] >= 0 && trnsubset[i] <= s.npoints - 1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter TrnSubset contains incorrect index(TrnSubset[I]<0 or TrnSubset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");
                    alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(valsubset) >= valsubsetsize, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter ValSubsetSize more than input subset size(Length(ValSubset)<ValSubsetSize)");
                    for (i = 0; i <= valsubsetsize - 1; i++)
                        alglib.ap.assert(valsubset[i] >= 0 && valsubset[i] <= s.npoints - 1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error - parameter ValSubset contains incorrect index(ValSubset[I]<0 or ValSubset[I]>S.NPoints-1)");

                    // Train
                    randomizenetwork = nrestarts > 0;
                    initmlptrnsessions(network, randomizenetwork, s, sessions);
                    mlptrainnetworkx(s, nrestarts, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, valsubset, valsubsetsize, network, rep, false, sessions);

                    // Choose best network
                    bestrmserror = math.maxrealnumber;
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(sessions, ref psession);
                    while (psession != null)
                        if ((double)(psession.bestrmserror) < (double)(bestrmserror))
                            mlpbase.mlpimporttunableparameters(network, psession.bestparameters);
                            bestrmserror = psession.bestrmserror;
                        alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(sessions, ref psession);

                    // Calculate errors
                    if (s.datatype == 0)
                        mlpbase.mlpallerrorssubset(network, s.densexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
                    if (s.datatype == 1)
                        mlpbase.mlpallerrorssparsesubset(network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
                    rep.relclserror = modrep.relclserror;
                    rep.avgce = modrep.avgce;
                    rep.rmserror = modrep.rmserror;
                    rep.avgerror = modrep.avgerror;
                    rep.avgrelerror = modrep.avgrelerror;

                    // Done

                // Split problem, if we have more than 1 restart
                if (nrestarts >= 2)

                    // Divide problem with NRestarts into two: NR0 and NR1.
                    nr0 = nrestarts / 2;
                    nr1 = nrestarts - nr0;
                    mlptrainnetworkx(s, nr0, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, valsubset, valsubsetsize, network, rep0, false, sessions);
                    mlptrainnetworkx(s, nr1, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, valsubset, valsubsetsize, network, rep1, false, sessions);

                    // Aggregate results
                    rep.ngrad = rep0.ngrad + rep1.ngrad;
                    rep.nhess = rep0.nhess + rep1.nhess;
                    rep.ncholesky = rep0.ncholesky + rep1.ncholesky;

                    // Done :)

                // Execution with NRestarts=1 or NRestarts=0:
                // * NRestarts=1 means that network is restarted from random position
                // * NRestarts=0 means that network is not randomized
                alglib.ap.assert(nrestarts == 0 || nrestarts == 1, "MLPTrainNetworkX: internal error");
                rep.ngrad = 0;
                rep.nhess = 0;
                rep.ncholesky = 0;
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(sessions, ref psession);
                if (((s.datatype == 0 || s.datatype == 1) && s.npoints > 0) && trnsubsetsize != 0)

                    // Train network using combination of early stopping and step-size
                    // and step-count based criteria. Network state with best value of
                    // validation set error is stored in WBuf0. When validation set is
                    // zero, most recent state of network is stored.
                    rndstart = nrestarts != 0;
                    ngradbatch = 0;
                    eval = 0;
                    ebest = 0;
                    itbest = 0;
                    itcnt = 0;
                    mlpstarttrainingx(s, rndstart, algokind, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, psession);
                    if (s.datatype == 0)
                        ebest = mlpbase.mlperrorsubset(psession.network, s.densexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                    if (s.datatype == 1)
                        ebest = mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset(psession.network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                    for (i_ = 0; i_ <= wcount - 1; i_++)
                        psession.wbuf0[i_] = psession.network.weights[i_];
                    while (mlpcontinuetrainingx(s, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, ref ngradbatch, psession))
                        if (s.datatype == 0)
                            eval = mlpbase.mlperrorsubset(psession.network, s.densexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                        if (s.datatype == 1)
                            eval = mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset(psession.network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, valsubset, valsubsetsize);
                        if ((double)(eval) <= (double)(ebest) || valsubsetsize == 0)
                            for (i_ = 0; i_ <= wcount - 1; i_++)
                                psession.wbuf0[i_] = psession.network.weights[i_];
                            ebest = eval;
                            itbest = itcnt;
                        if (itcnt > 30 && (double)(itcnt) > (double)(1.5 * itbest))
                        itcnt = itcnt + 1;
                    for (i_ = 0; i_ <= wcount - 1; i_++)
                        psession.network.weights[i_] = psession.wbuf0[i_];
                    rep.ngrad = ngradbatch;
                    for (i = 0; i <= wcount - 1; i++)
                        psession.network.weights[i] = 0;

                // Evaluate network performance and update PSession.BestParameters/BestRMSError
                // (if needed).
                if (s.datatype == 0)
                    mlpbase.mlpallerrorssubset(psession.network, s.densexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
                if (s.datatype == 1)
                    mlpbase.mlpallerrorssparsesubset(psession.network, s.sparsexy, s.npoints, trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, modrep);
                if ((double)(modrep.rmserror) < (double)(psession.bestrmserror))
                    mlpbase.mlpexporttunableparameters(psession.network, ref psession.bestparameters, ref pcount);
                    psession.bestrmserror = modrep.rmserror;

                // Move session back to pool
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(sessions, ref psession);
Ejemplo n.º 23
            Unserialization: complex value
            public static void unserializerealarray(alglib.serializer s,
                ref double[] v)
                int n = 0;
                int i = 0;
                double t = 0;

                v = new double[0];

                n = s.unserialize_int();
                if (n == 0)
                v = new double[n];
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
                    t = s.unserialize_double();
                    v[i] = t;
Ejemplo n.º 24
            private static void mlptrainensemblex(mlptrainer s,
                mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble,
                int idx0,
                int idx1,
                int nrestarts,
                int trainingmethod,
                apserv.sinteger ngrad,
                bool isrootcall,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool esessions)
                int pcount = 0;
                int nin = 0;
                int nout = 0;
                int wcount = 0;
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                int k = 0;
                int trnsubsetsize = 0;
                int valsubsetsize = 0;
                int k0 = 0;
                apserv.sinteger ngrad0 = new apserv.sinteger();
                apserv.sinteger ngrad1 = new apserv.sinteger();
                mlpetrnsession psession = null;
                hqrnd.hqrndstate rs = new hqrnd.hqrndstate();
                int i_ = 0;
                int i1_ = 0;

                nin = mlpbase.mlpgetinputscount(ensemble.network);
                nout = mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscount(ensemble.network);
                wcount = mlpbase.mlpgetweightscount(ensemble.network);
                if (mlpbase.mlpissoftmax(ensemble.network))
                    pcount = nin;
                    pcount = nin + nout;
                if (nrestarts <= 0)
                    nrestarts = 1;

                // Handle degenerate case
                if (s.npoints < 2)
                    for (i = idx0; i <= idx1 - 1; i++)
                        for (j = 0; j <= wcount - 1; j++)
                            ensemble.weights[i * wcount + j] = 0.0;
                        for (j = 0; j <= pcount - 1; j++)
                            ensemble.columnmeans[i * pcount + j] = 0.0;
                            ensemble.columnsigmas[i * pcount + j] = 1.0;

                // Process root call
                if (isrootcall)

                    // Prepare:
                    // * prepare MLPETrnSessions
                    // * fill ensemble by zeros (helps to detect errors)
                    initmlpetrnsessions(ensemble.network, s, esessions);
                    for (i = idx0; i <= idx1 - 1; i++)
                        for (j = 0; j <= wcount - 1; j++)
                            ensemble.weights[i * wcount + j] = 0.0;
                        for (j = 0; j <= pcount - 1; j++)
                            ensemble.columnmeans[i * pcount + j] = 0.0;
                            ensemble.columnsigmas[i * pcount + j] = 0.0;

                    // Train in non-root mode and exit
                    mlptrainensemblex(s, ensemble, idx0, idx1, nrestarts, trainingmethod, ngrad, false, esessions);

                // Split problem
                if (idx1 - idx0 >= 2)
                    k0 = (idx1 - idx0) / 2;
                    ngrad0.val = 0;
                    ngrad1.val = 0;
                    mlptrainensemblex(s, ensemble, idx0, idx0 + k0, nrestarts, trainingmethod, ngrad0, false, esessions);
                    mlptrainensemblex(s, ensemble, idx0 + k0, idx1, nrestarts, trainingmethod, ngrad1, false, esessions);
                    ngrad.val = ngrad0.val + ngrad1.val;

                // Retrieve and prepare session
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_retrieve(esessions, ref psession);

                // Train
                for (k = idx0; k <= idx1 - 1; k++)

                    // Split set
                    trnsubsetsize = 0;
                    valsubsetsize = 0;
                    if (trainingmethod == 0)
                            trnsubsetsize = 0;
                            valsubsetsize = 0;
                            for (i = 0; i <= s.npoints - 1; i++)
                                if ((double)(math.randomreal()) < (double)(0.66))

                                    // Assign sample to training set
                                    psession.trnsubset[trnsubsetsize] = i;
                                    trnsubsetsize = trnsubsetsize + 1;

                                    // Assign sample to validation set
                                    psession.valsubset[valsubsetsize] = i;
                                    valsubsetsize = valsubsetsize + 1;
                        while (!(trnsubsetsize != 0 && valsubsetsize != 0));
                    if (trainingmethod == 1)
                        valsubsetsize = 0;
                        trnsubsetsize = s.npoints;
                        for (i = 0; i <= s.npoints - 1; i++)
                            psession.trnsubset[i] = hqrnd.hqrnduniformi(rs, s.npoints);

                    // Train
                    mlptrainnetworkx(s, nrestarts, -1, psession.trnsubset, trnsubsetsize, psession.valsubset, valsubsetsize, psession.network, psession.mlprep, true, psession.mlpsessions);
                    ngrad.val = ngrad.val + psession.mlprep.ngrad;

                    // Save results
                    i1_ = (0) - (k * wcount);
                    for (i_ = k * wcount; i_ <= (k + 1) * wcount - 1; i_++)
                        ensemble.weights[i_] = psession.network.weights[i_ + i1_];
                    i1_ = (0) - (k * pcount);
                    for (i_ = k * pcount; i_ <= (k + 1) * pcount - 1; i_++)
                        ensemble.columnmeans[i_] = psession.network.columnmeans[i_ + i1_];
                    i1_ = (0) - (k * pcount);
                    for (i_ = k * pcount; i_ <= (k + 1) * pcount - 1; i_++)
                        ensemble.columnsigmas[i_] = psession.network.columnsigmas[i_ + i1_];

                // Recycle session
                alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_recycle(esessions, ref psession);
Ejemplo n.º 25
            Serialization: Integer array
            public static void serializeintegerarray(alglib.serializer s,
                int[] v,
                int n)
                int i = 0;

                if (n < 0)
                    n = alglib.ap.len(v);
                for (i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)
Ejemplo n.º 26
            This function initializes temporaries needed for training session.

            private static void initmlptrnsessions(mlpbase.multilayerperceptron networktrained,
                bool randomizenetwork,
                mlptrainer trainer,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
                int[] dummysubset = new int[0];
                smlptrnsession t = new smlptrnsession();
                smlptrnsession p = null;

                if (alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_is_initialized(sessions))

                    // Pool was already initialized.
                    // Clear sessions stored in the pool.
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_first_recycled(sessions, ref p);
                    while (p != null)
                        alglib.ap.assert(mlpbase.mlpsamearchitecture(p.network, networktrained), "InitMLPTrnSessions: internal consistency error");
                        p.bestrmserror = math.maxrealnumber;
                        alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_next_recycled(sessions, ref p);

                    // Prepare session and seed pool
                    initmlptrnsession(networktrained, randomizenetwork, trainer, t);
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(sessions, t);
Ejemplo n.º 27
            Allocation of serializer: real matrix
            public static void allocrealmatrix(alglib.serializer s,
                double[,] v,
                int n0,
                int n1)
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;

                if (n0 < 0)
                    n0 = alglib.ap.rows(v);
                if (n1 < 0)
                    n1 = alglib.ap.cols(v);
                for (i = 0; i <= n0 - 1; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j <= n1 - 1; j++)
Ejemplo n.º 28
            This function initializes temporaries needed for training session.

            private static void initmlpetrnsessions(mlpbase.multilayerperceptron individualnetwork,
                mlptrainer trainer,
                alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
                mlpetrnsession t = new mlpetrnsession();

                if (!alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_is_initialized(sessions))
                    initmlpetrnsession(individualnetwork, trainer, t);
                    alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(sessions, t);
Ejemplo n.º 29
            Unserialization: complex value
            public static void unserializerealmatrix(alglib.serializer s,
                ref double[,] v)
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                int n0 = 0;
                int n1 = 0;
                double t = 0;

                v = new double[0, 0];

                n0 = s.unserialize_int();
                n1 = s.unserialize_int();
                if (n0 == 0 || n1 == 0)
                v = new double[n0, n1];
                for (i = 0; i <= n0 - 1; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j <= n1 - 1; j++)
                        t = s.unserialize_double();
                        v[i, j] = t;
Ejemplo n.º 30
            Serializer: serialization

              -- ALGLIB --
                 Copyright 14.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey
            public static void dfserialize(alglib.serializer s,
                decisionforest forest)
                apserv.serializerealarray(s, forest.trees, forest.bufsize);