Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CellStateVectorVM[,] FeedBackLinear(ref int infected)
            var Xn   = CellSemiLinear[N1];
            var Xn_1 = CellSemiLinear[N1 - 2];

            HeightField = f.HeightImg;
            WidthField  = f.WidthImg;
            var     div = 4.0m;
            decimal a1 = 3 / div; decimal a2 = 1 / div;

            var Xn_average = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];
            var infC       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < HeightField; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < WidthField; j++)
                    Xn_average[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Infected    = a1 * CellSemiLinear[N1][i, j].Infected + a2 * CellSemiLinear[N1 - 2][i, j].Infected,
                        Susceptible = a1 * CellSemiLinear[N1][i, j].Susceptible + a2 * CellSemiLinear[N1 - 2][i, j].Susceptible,
                        Recovered   = a1 * CellSemiLinear[N1][i, j].Recovered + a2 * CellSemiLinear[N1 - 2][i, j].Recovered,
            var res = Epidemia(Xn_average, ref infC);

            infected = infC;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ImageData(string path)
            if (path != "")
                var image = new Bitmap(path);
                HeightImg = image.Height;
                WidthImg  = image.Width;
                var initData = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightImg, WidthImg];

                fieldsizeHeighttb.Text     = HeightImg.ToString();
                fieldsizeHeighttb.ReadOnly = true;
                fieldsizeWidthtb.Text      = WidthImg.ToString();
                fieldsizeWidthtb.ReadOnly  = true;
                scale        = 1;
                scaletb.Text = scale.ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < HeightImg; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < WidthImg; j++)
                        initData[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                            Susceptible = 1 - ((decimal)image.GetPixel(j, i).R) / 255,
                            Infected    = 1 - ((decimal)image.GetPixel(j, i).G) / 255,
                            Recovered   = 1 - ((decimal)image.GetPixel(j, i).B) / 255

                initFromImage = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SetInitial()
            infectedCells = 0;
            SetInit       = new CellStateVectorVM[f.HeightImg, f.WidthImg];
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < f.HeightImg; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < f.WidthImg; j++)
                    var population = (Convert.ToDecimal(rand.Next(100)) + 1) / 101;
                    var S          = (Convert.ToDecimal(rand.Next(100)) + 0.01m) / 102;
                    var I          = 0.0m;
                        I = (Convert.ToDecimal(rand.Next(100)) + 1) / 101;
                    } while (S + I >= 1);
                    SetInit[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Susceptible = population, //S * population,
                        Infected    = 0,          // I * population,
                        Recovered   = 0           //(1 - S - I) * population
            SetInit[f.HeightImg / 2, f.WidthImg / 2] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                Infected    = 0.01m * SetInit[f.HeightImg / 2, f.WidthImg / 2].Susceptible,
                Susceptible = 0.99m * SetInit[f.HeightImg / 2, f.WidthImg / 2].Susceptible
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public CellStateVectorVM[,] Epidemia(CellStateVectorVM[,] ArrayStart, ref int infectCells)
            InfectedCount                = 0.0m;
            SusceptibleCount             = 0.0m;
            RecoveredCount               = 0.0m;
            InfectedControllCount        = 0.0m;
            SusceptibleControllCount     = 0.0m;
            RecoveredControllCount       = 0.0m;
            InfectedSemiControllCount    = 0.0m;
            SusceptibleSemiControllCount = 0.0m;
            RecoveredSemiControllCount   = 0.0m;
            infectCells = 0;

            //Algorithm of Cellular Automata Game 2D
            HeightField = f.HeightImg;
            WidthField  = f.WidthImg;
            //var ret = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];
            decimal[] inF    = f.innerParameters;
            decimal   incode = 0;

            decimal[] weightCoefficient = new decimal[inF.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < inF.Length; i++)
                incode += inF[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < inF.Length; i++)
                weightCoefficient[i] = inF[i] / incode;

            var epidemiaRecalcStart = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];

            for (int i = 0; i < HeightField; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < WidthField; j++)
                    epidemiaRecalcStart[i, j] = ArrayRecalculated(i, j, weightCoefficient, ArrayStart);
                    infectCells += epidemiaRecalcStart[i, j].Infected != 0 ? 1 : 0;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public CellStateVectorVM[,] FeedbackControl()
            var div    = 3.0m;
            var recalc = new CellStateVectorVM[f.HeightImg, f.WidthImg];

            for (int i = 0; i < f.HeightImg; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < f.WidthImg; j++)
                    recalc[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Infected    = (2 / div) * CellControlled[N1][i, j].Infected + (1 / div) * CellControlled[N1 - 1][i, j].Infected,
                        Susceptible = (2 / div) * CellControlled[N1][i, j].Susceptible + (1 / div) * CellControlled[N1 - 1][i, j].Susceptible,
                        Recovered   = (2 / div) * CellControlled[N1][i, j].Recovered + (1 / div) * CellControlled[N1 - 1][i, j].Recovered
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public CellStateVectorVM[,] FeedbackControl3()
            var div = 3.0m; var a1 = 0.56m; var a2 = 0.33m; var a3 = 0.11m;
            var recalc = new CellStateVectorVM[f.HeightImg, f.WidthImg];

            for (int i = 0; i < f.HeightImg; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < f.WidthImg; j++)
                    recalc[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Infected    = a1 * CellControlled[N1][i, j].Infected + a2 * CellSemiLinear[N1 - 1][i, j].Infected + a3 * CellControlled[N1 - 2][i, j].Infected,
                        Susceptible = a1 * CellControlled[N1][i, j].Susceptible + a2 * CellSemiLinear[N1 - 1][i, j].Susceptible + a3 * CellControlled[N1 - 2][i, j].Susceptible,
                        Recovered   = a1 * CellControlled[N1][i, j].Recovered + a2 * CellSemiLinear[N1 - 1][i, j].Recovered + a3 * CellControlled[N1 - 2][i, j].Recovered
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void FileInitData(string path)
            if (path != "")
                var fileData = new XLWorkbook(path).Worksheet(1);
                var range    = fileData.Range(fileData.FirstCellUsed(), fileData.LastCellUsed());
                HeightImg = range.RowCount() - 1;
                WidthImg  = range.ColumnCount();
                var initData = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightImg, WidthImg];
                var i        = 0;
                foreach (var item in range.Rows())
                    if (i != 0)
                        for (int j = 1; j <= WidthImg; j++)
                            var val = item.Cell(j).Value.ToString().Split('|');
                            initData[i - 1, j - 1] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                                Susceptible = Convert.ToDecimal(val[0]),
                                Infected    = Convert.ToDecimal(val[1]),
                                Recovered   = Convert.ToDecimal(val[2])

                fieldsizeHeighttb.Text     = HeightImg.ToString();
                fieldsizeHeighttb.ReadOnly = true;
                fieldsizeWidthtb.Text      = WidthImg.ToString();
                fieldsizeWidthtb.ReadOnly  = true;
                scale        = 1;
                scaletb.Text = scale.ToString();
                initFromImage = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public CellStateVectorVM[,] PredicativeControl()
            //let's cycle equals 2 T=2
            Tetta       = 4.15m * (decimal)Math.Pow(10, 7);//(decimal) Math.Pow(2,9);
            HeightField = f.HeightImg;
            WidthField  = f.WidthImg;
            //int CAsize = f.fieldSize;
            decimal div = 3.0m; decimal Epsilon = 0.000000000001m;
            decimal a1 = Tetta / (1 + Tetta); decimal a2 = 1 / (1 + Tetta);
            var     Xn_predicative          = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];
            var     Xn_predicativeTemporary = Cell[N1];
            var     Xn_controled            = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];
            var     infectedCount           = 0;

            //Calculating for predicative part of control
            for (int p = 0; p < Tcycle; p++)
                Xn_predicative          = Epidemia(Xn_predicativeTemporary, ref infectedCount);
                Xn_predicativeTemporary = Xn_predicative;
            //calculating control body for main function

            for (int i = 0; i < HeightField; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < WidthField; j++)
                    Xn_controled[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Infected    = a1 * Cell[N1][i, j].Infected + a2 * Xn_predicative[i, j].Infected,
                        Susceptible = a1 * Cell[N1][i, j].Susceptible + a2 * Xn_predicative[i, j].Susceptible,
                        Recovered   = a1 * Cell[N1][i, j].Recovered + a2 * Xn_predicative[i, j].Recovered
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public CellStateVectorVM[,] FeedBackControlSemiLinear()
            var X_nonL   = new List <CellStateVectorVM[, ]>();
            var X_L      = new List <CellStateVectorVM[, ]>();
            var optCoeff = new List <decimal>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                X_nonL.Add(CellSemiLinear[N1 - i * Tcycle + Tcycle]);
                X_L.Add(CellSemiLinear[N1 - i * Tcycle + 1]);

            var gamma = 0.1m; var div = 19.0m;

            HeightField = f.HeightImg;
            WidthField  = f.WidthImg;

            var Xn_average = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];

            var Xn_controled = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];

            for (int i = 0; i < HeightField; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < WidthField; j++)
                    var infected = 0.0m; var susceptible = 0.0m; var recovered = 0.0m;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
                        infected    += optCoeff[k] * X_nonL[k][i, j].Infected;
                        susceptible += optCoeff[k] * X_nonL[k][i, j].Susceptible;
                        recovered   += optCoeff[k] * X_nonL[k][i, j].Recovered;
                    Xn_average[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Infected    = infected,
                        Susceptible = susceptible,
                        Recovered   = recovered

            var Xl_average = new CellStateVectorVM[HeightField, WidthField];

            for (int i = 0; i < HeightField; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < WidthField; j++)
                    var infected = 0.0m; var susceptible = 0.0m; var recovered = 0.0m;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                        infected    += 2 / div * X_nonL[k][i, j].Infected;
                        susceptible += 2 / div * X_nonL[k][i, j].Susceptible;
                        recovered   += 2 / div * X_nonL[k][i, j].Recovered;
                    infected        += 1 / div * X_nonL[9][i, j].Infected;
                    susceptible     += 1 / div * X_nonL[9][i, j].Susceptible;
                    recovered       += 1 / div * X_nonL[9][i, j].Recovered;
                    Xn_average[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Infected    = infected,
                        Susceptible = susceptible,
                        Recovered   = recovered
            var infectCells = 0;
            var temp        = Epidemia(Xn_average, ref infectCells);

            for (int i = 0; i < HeightField; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < WidthField; j++)
                    Xn_controled[i, j] = new CellStateVectorVM()
                        Infected    = (1 - gamma) * temp[i, j].Infected + gamma * Xl_average[i, j].Infected,
                        Susceptible = (1 - gamma) * temp[i, j].Susceptible + gamma * Xl_average[i, j].Susceptible,
                        Recovered   = (1 - gamma) * temp[i, j].Recovered + gamma * Xl_average[i, j].Recovered

Ejemplo n.º 10
 public decimal GetCellPopulation(CellStateVectorVM cell)
     return(cell.Infected + cell.Recovered + cell.Susceptible);