Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void BuildPropertyDeclaration(string tcLine)
            // the last word in this line is the name of the property
            tcLine = ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(tcLine).Trim();

            if (tcLine.EndsWith(")"))
                int nEnd = tcLine.IndexOf("(");
                this.PropertyParameterToken = this.ExtractBlock(tcLine, "(", ")");
                FieldManager fm = new FieldManager();
                this.PropertyParameterToken = "(" + fm.GetConvertedExpression(this.PropertyParameterToken) + ") ";
                this.PropertyParameterToken = this.PropertyParameterToken.Replace("Dim ", "");
                tcLine = tcLine.Substring(0, nEnd).Trim();

            int npos = tcLine.LastIndexOf(" ");

            this.PropertyNameToken = tcLine.Substring(npos + 1);
            string cDefinition = tcLine.Substring(0, npos).Trim();

            cDefinition = ReplaceManager.HandleModifiers(cDefinition);

            //A property has to return a value
            cDefinition           = cDefinition.Trim();
            npos                  = cDefinition.LastIndexOf(" ");
            this.ReturnValueToken = "As " + cDefinition.Substring(npos).Trim();
            cDefinition           = cDefinition.Substring(0, npos);

            this.PropertyModifiersToken = cDefinition;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void GetCondition(string tcLine)
            string lcStr = this.ExtractBlock(tcLine, "(", ")");

            lcStr = ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(lcStr);

            //We assume that there will not be any spaces in between quotes and parenthesis when GetSingledSpaceString
            string[] aStr = lcStr.Split(' ');
            if (aStr.Length > 3)
                //The first word in this is a declaration of the second word
                //foreach(              String x in MyArrayList             )
                FieldManager fm = new FieldManager();
                this.DeclarationToken = this.BlankToken + fm.GetConvertedExpression(aStr[0] + " " + aStr[1] + ";") + "\n";

                //Build the ConditionToken
                int npos = lcStr.IndexOf(" ");
                this.ConditionToken = lcStr.Substring(npos).Trim();
                this.ConditionToken = lcStr.Trim();

            this.ConditionToken = this.ConditionToken.Replace(" in ", " In ");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void GetCatchToken(string tcCatchToken)
            string sCatchToken = this.ExtractBlock(ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(tcCatchToken).Trim(), "(", ")").Trim();
            int    npos        = sCatchToken.IndexOf(" ");

            if (npos > 0)
                FieldManager fm = new FieldManager();
                this.CatchToken = fm.GetConvertedExpression(sCatchToken + ";").Replace("Dim ", "Catch ");
                this.CatchToken = "Catch";
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void GetCatchToken(string tcCatchToken)
            string sCatchToken = ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(tcCatchToken).Trim();
            int    npos        = sCatchToken.IndexOf(" ");

            if (npos > 0)
                FieldManager fm = new FieldManager();
                this.CatchToken = "Catch " + fm.GetConvertedExpression(sCatchToken.Substring(npos) + ";");
                this.CatchToken = "Catch";
        private string GetParameters(string tcString)
            string cParameters;

            //Remove the paramthesis from the parameters
            cParameters = this.ExtractBlock(tcString, "(", ")");
            string lcRetVal = "()";

            if (cParameters.Length > 0)
                //split the string on commas
                string[]      aParams   = cParameters.Split(',');
                FieldManager  fm        = new FieldManager();
                StringBuilder sParams   = new StringBuilder();
                string        cParam    = "";
                string        cTypeCast = "";
                for (int j = 0; j < aParams.Length; j++)
                    cParam = aParams[j].Trim();
                    if ((cParam.IndexOf("ref ") >= 0) || (cParam.IndexOf("out ") >= 0))
                        cTypeCast = "ByRef";
                        cParam    = cParam.Replace("ref ", "");
                        cParam    = cParam.Replace("out ", "");
                        cTypeCast = "ByVal";

                    if (j > 0)
                        sParams.Append(", ");

                    cParam = fm.GetConvertedExpression(cParam + ";").Trim();
                    cParam = cTypeCast + cParam.Replace("Dim", "");
                lcRetVal = "(" + sParams.ToString() + ")";
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private string Build()
            //check if the datatype token is an array
            int npos = this.DataTypeToken.IndexOf('[');

            if (npos > 0)
                this.VariableToken = this.VariableToken + this.DataTypeToken.Substring(npos);
                this.DataTypeToken = this.DataTypeToken.Substring(0, npos);
            //Leave the semi colun purposefully so the property handler does not pick it up
            string lcRetVal = "";

            lcRetVal += this.BlankToken + this.ModifierToken;
            lcRetVal += this.VariableToken + " As " + this.DataTypeToken + this.AssignmentToken + ";";

            foreach (string s in this.CommaSeperatedDeclarations)
                FieldManager fm = new FieldManager();
                fm.ModifierToken = ",";
                lcRetVal         = lcRetVal + fm.GetConvertedExpression(s).Trim();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public string GetBlock(string tcLine)
            // Initialize the properties


            //Check if the operation is ++ or --
            int npos;

            tcLine = ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(tcLine);

            // Check for an equal sign in the variable block and if so, then this is the declaration
            int nEqualsPosition = tcLine.IndexOf("=");

            if (nEqualsPosition > 0)
                // Capture the declaration
                string lcDeclaration = tcLine.Substring(0, nEqualsPosition);

                // Fix the declaration by passing it to the appropriate handler
                FieldManager fm = new FieldManager();
                this.DeclarationBlock = fm.GetConvertedExpression(lcDeclaration).Replace(";", "") + " = ";

                tcLine = tcLine.Substring(nEqualsPosition + 1).Trim();

            // Verify that the expression has atleast a ++ or --
            npos = tcLine.IndexOf("++");
            if (npos < 0)
                npos = tcLine.IndexOf("--");
                if (npos < 0)
                    this.ExpressionBlock = "- 1";
                this.ExpressionBlock = "+ 1";

            //best case scenario
            //Determine the expression part and update the variable block
            if (npos != 0)
                //between this and the previous whitespace
                this.VariableBlock = tcLine.Substring(0, npos);
                // Begin by removing the semicolon
                tcLine = tcLine.Replace(";", "").Trim();

                // Check if there is extra space at the end left
                int nBlankPos = tcLine.IndexOf(" ");
                if (nBlankPos > 0)
                    // Extract all the padding and store it seperately
                    this.PaddingBlock = tcLine.Substring(nBlankPos);
                    tcLine            = tcLine.Substring(0, nBlankPos);
                this.VariableBlock = tcLine.Replace("++", "").Replace("--", "").Trim();

            // Update the declaration
            if (this.DeclarationBlock.Length == 0)
                this.DeclarationBlock = this.VariableBlock + " = ";
