Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static LocalizationFile MakeNew(DirectoryInfo directory, Func <string, Id <FileInProject>, ISerializer <LocalizerData> > serializer, Func <FileInfo, bool> pathOk, UpToDateFile.BackEnd backend, DirectoryInfo origin)
            //Create a stream under an available filename
            FileInfo path = null;

            for (int i = 0; path == null; i++)
                path = new FileInfo(directory.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "New Localization " + i + ".loc");
                if (!pathOk(path))
                    path = null;

            LocalizerData data = new LocalizerData();

            using (var file = Util.LoadFileStream(path, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write))
            using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
                var id = Id <FileInProject> .New();

                LocalizationFile result = new LocalizationFile(id, mem, DocumentPath.FromPath(path, origin), data, serializer(path.FullName, id), backend); //Make a new localization file for an existing project
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void OnElementMoved(Id <FileInProject> id, Changed <FileInfo> change)
     m_filePaths[id] = DocumentPath.FromPath(change.To, Origin);
     if (change.From.FullName != change.To.FullName)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ImportInto(string[] fileNames, DirectoryInfo origin)
            var localizations = fileNames.Select(path => new { Path = path, Localization = Load(DocumentPath.FromPath(path, origin), Id <FileInProject> .New(), null, m_backend) });

            string message = "";

            var keys = m_data.AllLocalizations.Select(kvp => kvp.Key);

            foreach (var localization in localizations)
                foreach (var key in localization.Localization.ExistingLocalizations)
                    if (keys.Contains(key))
                        message += "Trying to import localization for " + key.Serialized() + " from " + localization.Path + " which already exists in the destination\n";

            Dictionary <Id <LocalizedText>, string> paths = new Dictionary <Id <LocalizedText>, string>();

            foreach (var loc in localizations)
                foreach (var key in loc.Localization.ExistingLocalizations)
                    if (paths.ContainsKey(key))
                        message += "Trying to import localization for " + key.Serialized() + " from " + loc.Path + " and from " + paths[key] + "\n";
                        paths[key] = loc.Path;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                foreach (var loc in localizations)
                    foreach (var key in loc.Localization.ExistingLocalizations)
                        SetLocalizationAction(key, loc.Localization.Localize(key)).Redo();
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public Project.TData Read(Stream projectFile)
                projectFile.Position = 0;
                XDocument doc  = XDocument.Load(projectFile);
                var       root = doc.Root;
                string    encounteredVersion = root.Attribute("xmlversion").Value;

                if (encounteredVersion != "1.1")
                    throw new DeserializerVersionMismatchException("1.1", encounteredVersion);
                var conversations = root.Elements("Conversation");
                IEnumerable <Project.TData.FileIdAndPath> conversationPaths = conversations.Select(n => new Project.TData.FileIdAndPath((Id <FileInProject> .Parse(n.Attribute("guid").Value)), DocumentPath.FromPath(n.Attribute("path").Value, m_origin)));
                var localizers = root.Elements("Localization");
                IEnumerable <Project.TData.FileIdAndPath> localizerPaths = localizers.Select(n => new Project.TData.FileIdAndPath((Id <FileInProject> .Parse(n.Attribute("guid").Value)), DocumentPath.FromPath(n.Attribute("path").Value, m_origin)));
                var domains = root.Elements("Domain");
                IEnumerable <Project.TData.FileIdAndPath> domainPaths = domains.Select(n => new Project.TData.FileIdAndPath((Id <FileInProject> .Parse(n.Attribute("guid").Value)), DocumentPath.FromPath(n.Attribute("path").Value, m_origin)));
                var audios = root.Elements("Audio");
                IEnumerable <Project.TData.FileIdAndPath> audioPaths = audios.Select(n => new Project.TData.FileIdAndPath((Id <FileInProject> .Parse(n.Attribute("guid").Value)), DocumentPath.FromPath(n.Attribute("path").Value, m_origin)));
                var localizationSets = root.Elements("LocalizationSet");
                List <Project.TData.LocalizerSetData> localizationMappings = new List <Project.TData.LocalizerSetData>();

                foreach (var set in localizationSets)
                    string name = set.Attribute("name").Value;
                    Id <Project.TData.LocalizerSetData> id = Id <Project.TData.LocalizerSetData> .Parse(set.Attribute("guid").Value);

                    IReadOnlyDictionary <Id <LocalizedStringType>, Id <FileInProject> > sources = set.Elements("Source").ToDictionary(e => Id <LocalizedStringType> .Parse(e.Attribute("type").Value), e => Id <FileInProject> .Parse(e.Attribute("file").Value));
                    localizationMappings.Add(new Project.TData.LocalizerSetData(id, name, sources));

                return(new Project.TData(conversationPaths, domainPaths, localizerPaths, audioPaths, localizationMappings));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static ConversationFile CreateEmpty(DirectoryInfo directory, Project project, INodeFactory nodeFactory,
                                                   GenerateAudio generateAudio, Func <IDynamicEnumParameter, object, DynamicEnumParameter.Source> getDocumentSource, IAudioLibrary audioProvider, UpToDateFile.BackEnd backEnd, DirectoryInfo origin)
            var file = GetAvailableConversationPath(directory, project.Elements);

            var nodes  = Enumerable.Empty <GraphAndUI <NodeUIData> >();
            var groups = new List <NodeGroup>();

            //Fill the stream with the essential content
            using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream())
                using (FileStream stream = Util.LoadFileStream(file, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write))
                    project.ConversationSerializer.Write(SerializationUtils.MakeConversationData(nodes, new ConversationEditorData(groups)), m);
                    m.Position = 0;

                var result = new ConversationFile(Id <FileInProject> .New(), nodes, groups, m, DocumentPath.FromPath(file, origin), project.ConversationSerializer, new ReadOnlyCollection <LoadError>(new LoadError[0]), nodeFactory, generateAudio, getDocumentSource, audioProvider, backEnd);
                result.m_file.Save(); //Make sure the file starts life as a valid xml document
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static DomainFile CreateEmpty(DirectoryInfo directory, DomainDomain datasource, ISerializer <TData> serializer, Func <FileInfo, bool> pathOk, INodeFactory nodeFactory, Func <IDomainUsage <ConversationNode, TransitionNoduleUIInfo> > domainUsage, Func <IDynamicEnumParameter, object, DynamicEnumParameter.Source> getDocumentSource, UpToDateFile.BackEnd backEnd, DirectoryInfo origin)
            //Create a stream under an available filename
            FileInfo path = null;

            for (int i = 0; path == null; i++)
                path = new FileInfo(directory.FullName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "New Domain " + i + ".dom");
                if (!pathOk(path))
                    path = null;

            using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream())
                using (var stream = Util.LoadFileStream(path, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write))
                    serializer.Write(SerializationUtils.MakeDomainData(Enumerable.Empty <ConversationNode>(), new ConversationEditorData()), m);

                var result = new DomainFile(new List <GraphAndUI <NodeUIData> >(), new List <NodeGroup>(), m, Id <FileInProject> .New(), DocumentPath.FromPath(path, origin), new ReadOnlyCollection <LoadError>(new LoadError[0]), datasource, serializer, nodeFactory, domainUsage, getDocumentSource, new List <IAutoCompletePattern>(), backEnd);
                result.m_file.Save(); //Make sure the file starts life as a valid xml document