public void WriteFile(ContractCollection contractColl)
            /*A good practice is to use these objects in a using statement so that the unmanaged resources are correctly disposed. The using statement automatically calls Dispose on the object when the code that is using it has completed

            string fileName = "contract.txt";

            using (StreamWriter fileWriter = File.CreateText(fileName))
                foreach (Contract aContract in contractColl.AllContracts)
                    //each othe commas here delimit the file to seperate the information
                    //when the file is read we can use .split method in reading to seperate
                    //each word into an index
        public void ReadFile(ContractCollection contractColl)
            //the using example was used in the writer, but the same thing can applied here,
            //but for all purposes of showing what the other way looks like I will leave this example
            //more open to the intended way the professor wants the code written.

            //Here the reader variable is created, a delimiter is set up, and
            //string line will hold each line read in the file.
            StreamReader infile;
            string       file      = "contract.txt";
            char         delimiter = ',';
            string       line;

            string[] fields = new string[4];

            //File existance is checked with File.Exists
            if (File.Exists(file))
                //here if the file exists, the file is opened and read it until
                //the end of the file stream is reached
                infile = File.OpenText(file);
                while (!infile.EndOfStream)
                    //Step one: Put a file line in the string line

                    //Step Two: split words into an array of words(in this case fields)
                    //and instantiate the contract object

                    //Step Three: Insert strings into appropriate places
                    //of the contract object and add the contract to the contract
                    line   = infile.ReadLine();
                    fields = line.Split(delimiter);
                    Contract aContract = new Contract();

                    aContract.number    = fields[0];
                = fields[1];
                    aContract.amount    = double.Parse(fields[2]);
                    aContract.startDate = DateTime.Parse(fields[3]);
