Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Stand(StandingStateComponent component)
            if (component.Standing)

            var entity = component.Owner;
            var uid    = entity.Uid;

            var msg = new StandAttemptEvent();

            EntityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(uid, msg);

            if (msg.Cancelled)

            component.Standing = true;
            EntityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new StoodEvent());

            if (entity.TryGetComponent(out SharedAppearanceComponent? appearance))
                appearance.SetData(RotationVisuals.RotationState, RotationState.Vertical);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void OnHandleState(EntityUid uid, StandingStateComponent component, ref ComponentHandleState args)
            if (args.Current is not StandingComponentState state)

            component.Standing = state.Standing;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Down(StandingStateComponent component, bool playSound = true, bool dropHeldItems = true)
            if (!component.Standing)

            var entity = component.Owner;
            var uid    = entity.Uid;

            // This is just to avoid most callers doing this manually saving boilerplate
            // 99% of the time you'll want to drop items but in some scenarios (e.g. buckling) you don't want to.
            // We do this BEFORE downing because something like buckle may be blocking downing but we want to drop hand items anyway
            // and ultimately this is just to avoid boilerplate in Down callers + keep their behavior consistent.
            if (dropHeldItems)
                Get <SharedHandsSystem>().DropHandItems(entity, false);

            var msg = new DownAttemptEvent();

            EntityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(uid, msg);

            if (msg.Cancelled)

            component.Standing = false;
            EntityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(uid, new DownedEvent());

            // Seemed like the best place to put it
            if (entity.TryGetComponent(out SharedAppearanceComponent? appearance))
                appearance.SetData(RotationVisuals.RotationState, RotationState.Horizontal);

            // Currently shit is only downed by server but when it's predicted we can probably only play this on server / client
            var sound = component.DownSoundCollection;

            if (playSound && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sound))
                var file = AudioHelpers.GetRandomFileFromSoundCollection(sound);
                SoundSystem.Play(Filter.Pvs(entity), file, entity, AudioHelpers.WithVariation(0.25f));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, StandingStateComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new StandingComponentState(component.Standing);