The action hotbar on the left side of the screen.
Inheritance: Container
        public ActionMenuItem(ActionsUI actionsUI, ActionType action, Action <ActionMenuItem> onControlFocusExited)
            _actionsUI            = actionsUI;
            Action                = action;
            _onControlFocusExited = onControlFocusExited;

            SetSize           = (64, 64);
            VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Top;

            _bigActionIcon = new TextureRect
                HorizontalExpand = true,
                VerticalExpand   = true,
                Stretch          = TextureRect.StretchMode.Scale,
                Visible          = false
            _bigItemSpriteView = new SpriteView
                HorizontalExpand  = true,
                VerticalExpand    = true,
                Scale             = (2, 2),
                Visible           = false,
                OverrideDirection = Direction.South,
            _smallActionIcon = new TextureRect
                HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Right,
                VerticalAlignment   = VAlignment.Bottom,
                Stretch             = TextureRect.StretchMode.Scale,
                Visible             = false
            _smallItemSpriteView = new SpriteView
                HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Right,
                VerticalAlignment   = VAlignment.Bottom,
                Visible             = false,
                OverrideDirection   = Direction.South,

            // padding to the left of the small icon
            var paddingBoxItemIcon = new BoxContainer
                Orientation      = LayoutOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalExpand = true,
                VerticalExpand   = true,
                MinSize          = (64, 64)

            paddingBoxItemIcon.AddChild(new Control()
                MinSize = (32, 32),
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionMenu(ClientActionsComponent actionsComponent, ActionsUI actionsUI)
            _actionsComponent = actionsComponent;
            _actionsUI        = actionsUI;
            _actionManager    = IoCManager.Resolve <ActionManager>();
            _gameHud          = IoCManager.Resolve <IGameHud>();

            Title   = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-title");
            MinSize = (300, 300);

            Contents.AddChild(new BoxContainer
                Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical,
                Children    =
                    new BoxContainer
                        Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Horizontal,
                        Children    =
                            (_searchBar          = new LineEdit
                                StyleClasses     ={ StyleNano.StyleClassActionSearchBox                    },
                                HorizontalExpand = true,
                                PlaceHolder      = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-search-bar-placeholder-text")
                            (_filterButton       = new MultiselectOptionButton <string>()
                                Label            = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-filter-button")
                    (_clearButton = new Button
                        Text = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-clear-button"),
                    (_filterLabel = new Label()),
                    new ScrollContainer
                        //TODO: needed? MinSize = new Vector2(200.0f, 0.0f),
                        VerticalExpand   = true,
                        HorizontalExpand = true,
                        Children         =
                            (_resultsGrid    = new GridContainer
                                MaxGridWidth = 300

            // populate filters from search tags
            var filterTags = new List <string>();

            foreach (var action in _actionManager.EnumerateActions())

            // special one to filter to only include item actions

            foreach (var tag in filterTags.Distinct().OrderBy(tag => tag))
                _filterButton.AddItem(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(tag), tag);


            _dragShadow = new TextureRect
                MinSize = (64, 64),
                Stretch = TextureRect.StretchMode.Scale,
                Visible = false,
                SetSize = (64, 64)

            _dragDropHelper = new DragDropHelper <ActionMenuItem>(OnBeginActionDrag, OnContinueActionDrag, OnEndActionDrag);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionMenu(ActionsUI actionsUI)
            _actionsUI = actionsUI;
            _gameHud   = IoCManager.Resolve <IGameHud>();
            _entMan    = IoCManager.Resolve <IEntityManager>();

            Title   = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-title");
            MinSize = (320, 300);

            Contents.AddChild(new BoxContainer
                Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical,
                Children    =
                    new BoxContainer
                        Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Horizontal,
                        Children    =
                            (_searchBar          = new LineEdit
                                StyleClasses     ={ StyleNano.StyleClassActionSearchBox                    },
                                HorizontalExpand = true,
                                PlaceHolder      = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-search-bar-placeholder-text")
                            (_filterButton       = new MultiselectOptionButton <string>()
                                Label            = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-filter-button")
                    (_clearButton = new Button
                        Text = Loc.GetString("ui-actionmenu-clear-button"),
                    (_filterLabel = new Label()),
                    new ScrollContainer
                        //TODO: needed? MinSize = new Vector2(200.0f, 0.0f),
                        VerticalExpand   = true,
                        HorizontalExpand = true,
                        Children         =
                            (_resultsGrid    = new GridContainer
                                MaxGridWidth = 300

            foreach (var tag in _filters)
                _filterButton.AddItem(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(tag), tag);

            // default to showing all actions.


            _dragShadow = new TextureRect
                MinSize = (64, 64),
                Stretch = TextureRect.StretchMode.Scale,
                Visible = false,
                SetSize = (64, 64)

            _dragDropHelper = new DragDropHelper <ActionMenuItem>(OnBeginActionDrag, OnContinueActionDrag, OnEndActionDrag);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an action slot for the specified number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slotIndex">slot index this corresponds to, 0-9 (0 labeled as 1, 8, labeled "9", 9 labeled as "0".</param>
        public ActionSlot(ActionsUI actionsUI, ActionMenu actionMenu, byte slotIndex)
            _actionsUI  = actionsUI;
            _actionMenu = actionMenu;
            _gameTiming = IoCManager.Resolve <IGameTiming>();
            SlotIndex   = slotIndex;
            MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop;

            MinSize           = (64, 64);
            VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Top;
            TooltipDelay      = CustomTooltipDelay;
            TooltipSupplier   = SupplyTooltip;

            _number = new RichTextLabel
                StyleClasses = { StyleNano.StyleClassHotbarSlotNumber }

            _bigActionIcon = new TextureRect
                HorizontalExpand = true,
                VerticalExpand   = true,
                Stretch          = TextureRect.StretchMode.Scale,
                Visible          = false
            _bigItemSpriteView = new SpriteView
                HorizontalExpand  = true,
                VerticalExpand    = true,
                Scale             = (2, 2),
                Visible           = false,
                OverrideDirection = Direction.South,
            _smallActionIcon = new TextureRect
                HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Right,
                VerticalAlignment   = VAlignment.Bottom,
                Stretch             = TextureRect.StretchMode.Scale,
                Visible             = false
            _smallItemSpriteView = new SpriteView
                HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Right,
                VerticalAlignment   = VAlignment.Bottom,
                Visible             = false,
                OverrideDirection   = Direction.South,

            _cooldownGraphic = new CooldownGraphic {
                Progress = 0, Visible = false

            // padding to the left of the number to shift it right
            var paddingBox = new BoxContainer
                Orientation      = LayoutOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalExpand = true,
                VerticalExpand   = true,
                MinSize          = (64, 64)

            paddingBox.AddChild(new Control()
                MinSize = (4, 4),