Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var context = new GarageContext())
                // View the vehicle that underwent the most treatments and the number of treatments it underwent
                var mostTreatVehic = (from v in context.vehiculeTable
                                      where v.treatList.Count == context.vehiculeTable.Max(c => c.treatList.Count)
                                      select new { car = v, treatmentNumber = v.treatList.Count }).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("A. View the vehicle that underwent the most treatments and the number of treatments it underwent");
                foreach (var item in mostTreatVehic)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{ item.car.IDPlate} has done { item.treatmentNumber} treatments  ");

                //B. For each vehicle show the car owner's name
                var owNameList = from v in context.vehiculeTable select new { Car = v.IDPlate, owner = v.owner };

                Console.WriteLine("B. For each vehicle show the car owner's name");
                foreach (var item in owNameList)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{item.Car} is own by {item.owner.Name} ");

                //C. For each vehicle show a list of treatments
                Console.WriteLine("C. For each vehicle show a list of treatments");

                var tretList = from v in context.vehiculeTable select new { vehicleID = v.IDPlate, teatmentList = v.treatList };
                foreach (var item in tretList)
                    Console.WriteLine(item.vehicleID + " did those treatment: ");
                    foreach (var treat in item.teatmentList)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t" + treat.Name + " for $" + treat.Price);

                //D. From the list of treatments View the last treatment in the list
                Console.WriteLine("D. From the list of treatments View the last treatment in the list");

                var lastTreat = (from t in context.treatmentTable select t).ToList();
                Console.WriteLine("Last treatment,\tID :" + lastTreat.Last().ID + ", \tName: " + lastTreat.Last().Name + ", \tPrice: $" + lastTreat.Last().Price);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void GenerateDb()
            using (var context = new GarageContext())
                Random ran = new Random();
                #region Owner

                context.ownerTable.AddRange(new List <Owner> {
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Ben Yehuda" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Johan Dahan"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Ben Yehuda" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Ofek Sitbon"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Ben Yehuda" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Aria Cohen"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Dizzengoff" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Francis Levi"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Dizzengoff" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Benoit Green"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Dizzengoff" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "George Ben"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Mappu" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Rachel Five"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Arlozorof" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Joe Dupont"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Jabotinski" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Johan Ben"
                    new Owner()
                        Adress = "Mazet" + ran.Next(1, 100), Name = "Miki Baba"

                #region Vehicles

                List <Vehicle> vehicles = new List <Vehicle>();
                string[]       colors   = { "red", "blue", "green", " grey", "black" };
                string[]       brands   = { "Mercedez", "Ferrarie", "Renault", "Peugeot", "Citroen" };

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    vehicles.Add(new Vehicle()
                        IDPlate    = "AB" + (i + 7).ToString() + (char)(i + 70) + (char)(i + 75) + i.ToString() + "ISR" + (i + 19).ToString(),
                        brand      = brands[ran.Next(brands.Length)],
                        buyingDate = new DateTime(ran.Next(1920, 2018), ran.Next(1, 13), ran.Next(1, 28)),
                        color      = colors[i % colors.Length],
                        owner      = context.ownerTable.ToList()[i]

                #region Test
                catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                    Exception raise = dbEx;
                    foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                        foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                            string message = string.Format("{0}:{1}",
                            // raise a new exception nesting
                            // the current instance as InnerException
                            raise = new InvalidOperationException(message, raise);
                    throw raise;

                #region Treatment

                string[] treatArr = { "Paint", "Washing", "Decontamination ", "Polishing ", "Protection ", "Rims and Tires", "Leather ", "Inside ", "Windows and Optics", "Engine" };
                List <GarageTreatment> treatments = new List <GarageTreatment>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    int            index = i;
                    List <Vehicle> tmp   = new List <Vehicle>();
                        index += ran.Next(1, 5);
                    } while (index < context.vehiculeTable.Count());

                    treatments.Add(new GarageTreatment()
                        Name      = treatArr[i],
                        Price     = ran.Next(2000) + Math.Round(ran.NextDouble(), 2),
                        vehicList = tmp

                Garage garages = new Garage()
                    TreatList = treatments, VehicList = vehicles

                context.garageTable.AddRange(new List <Garage> {

                //changing data:
                var car = (from c in context.vehiculeTable where c.owner.Name == "Johan Dahan" select c).SingleOrDefault();
                car.color = colors[0];