private static List <Machines> PresentMachinesInAReadableWay(string responseFromGetMachines)
                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease select the identifier ");

                string text = responseFromGetMachines;

                List <Machines> Machines = new List <Machines>();

                var machineDetails = JObject.Parse(text)["value"]

                int i = 1;

                Console.WriteLine("Identifier\t\tMachine Name\t\t\t MachineId");

                foreach (var token in machineDetails)

                    Machines mm = new Machines();
                    mm.Identifier  = i++;
                    mm.MachineName =
                        token.Value <string>("Name");

                    mm.MachineId =
                        token.Value <long>("Id");

                    Console.WriteLine("{0}\t\t{1}\t\t\t{2}", mm.Identifier, mm.MachineName, mm.MachineId);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Stack Trace : " + ex.StackTrace);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string tenantName = string.Empty;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Tenant name : ");
            tenantName = Console.ReadLine();

            string emailId = string.Empty;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter EmailID to login to Orchestrator : ");
            emailId = Console.ReadLine();

            string pwd = string.Empty;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter password to login to orchestrator : ");
            pwd = Console.ReadLine();

            //api call to get auth token
            var jsonResponse = PostAuthenticateToUiPathPlatform(tenantName, emailId, pwd);

            // Console.WriteLine("Authentication from Orchestrator ");
            dynamic parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonResponse);
            //Console.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented));
            //Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n ");
            var token = ExtractAuthenticationKey(jsonResponse);

            // api to get machines
            //Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n ");
            var responseFromGetMachines = GetMachines(token);

            // Console.WriteLine("Response from Get Machines Call ");
            parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseFromGetMachines.Result);
            // Console.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented));

            var machinesInReadableWay = PresentMachinesInAReadableWay(responseFromGetMachines.Result);

            if (machinesInReadableWay.Count <= 0)

            string oldMachineName = string.Empty;
            long   oldMachineId   = 0;
            string NewMachineName = string.Empty;
            long   NewMachineId   = 0;

            var OldMachineDetails = SelectOldMachineDetails();
            var oldM = new Machines();

            foreach (var i in machinesInReadableWay)
                if (i.Identifier == OldMachineDetails)
                    oldM.MachineName = i.MachineName;
                    oldM.MachineId   = i.MachineId;
                    oldMachineName   = i.MachineName;
                    oldMachineId     = i.MachineId;
            var NewMachineDetails = SelectNewMachineDetails();

            var newM = new Machines();

            foreach (var i in machinesInReadableWay)
                if (i.Identifier == NewMachineDetails)
                    newM.MachineName = i.MachineName;
                    newM.MachineId   = i.MachineId;
                    NewMachineName   = i.MachineName;
                    NewMachineId     = i.MachineId;


            Console.WriteLine("\nOld Machine Name  {0} , Old Machine Id {1} ", oldMachineName, oldMachineId);

            Console.WriteLine("\nNew Machine Name  {0} , New Machine Id {1} ", NewMachineName, NewMachineId);


            //Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n ");
            var responseFromGetRobots = GetRobots(token);

            //Console.WriteLine("Response from Get Robots Call ");
            //parsedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseFromGetRobots.Result);
            //Console.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedJson, Formatting.Indented));

            Console.WriteLine("\nExtracting robots information from GetRobots response");
            var robotsToBeUpdated = GetRobotsDetails(responseFromGetRobots.Result, oldMachineName, oldMachineId);

            if (robotsToBeUpdated.Count > 0)
                //UpdateRobotsWithNewMachineInfo(robotsToBeUpdated, token, newMachineName, newMachineId);
                UpdateRobotsWithNewMachineInfo(robotsToBeUpdated, token, NewMachineName, NewMachineId);
                Console.WriteLine("\nNo robots are associated with your selection of Old Machine ");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit ....");