Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CCSTestInterface()
            run_bt.Enabled = false;
            clear_bt.Enabled = false;
            baseline = new SearchList[5];
            demoList = new DemoGuiList();

            //--List Default--
            SearchList sl = new SearchList("CiscoIOS-Default");
            // Main Command List
            SearchListData sldf0 = sl.AddKeyList("interface");
            SearchListData sldf1 = sl.AddKeyList("username cisco privilege 15");
            SearchListData sldf2 = sl.AddKeyList("line");

            //Value Check Command
            SearchListData value1 = sl.AddChildValueKey("*", sldf0);
            SearchListData value2 = sl.AddChildValueKey("FastEthernet*", sldf0);
            SearchListData value3 = sl.AddChildValueKey("GigabitEthernet*", sldf0);
            SearchListData value4 = sl.AddChildValueKey("*", sldf1);
            SearchListData value5 = sl.AddChildValueKey("*", sldf2);

            // Child Command
            // -- Child Interface any except Fastethernet and GigabitEthernet
            sl.AddChildData("no ip proxy-arp", null, "interface", "system", "Interface-Disable proxy arp", value1);
            // -- Child Interface  Fastethernet
            sl.AddChildData("no ip proxy-arp", null, "interface", "system", "Interface-Disable proxy arp", value2);
            sl.AddChildData("no ip redirects", null, "interface", "system", "Interface-Redirection", value2);
            // -- Child Interface  GigabitEthernet
            sl.AddChildData("no ip proxy-arp", null, "interface", "system", "Interface-Disable proxy arp", value3);
            sl.AddChildData("no ip redirects", null, "interface", "system", "Interface-Redirection", value3);
            sl.AddChildData("no ip unreachables", null, "interface", "system", "Interface-IP Unreachables Enabled", value3);
            // -- Child username cisco privilege 15
            // -- Child Line
            sl.AddChildData("password", null, "line", "system", "Line - Password Login", value5);

            baseline[0] = sl;

            //init list in combobox
            for (int i = 0; i < baseline.Length; i++)
                if (baseline[i] != null)
                    ComboBoxItem comItem = new ComboBoxItem(baseline[i].listName, i);
            //always select index 0
            baseline_cb.SelectedIndex = 0;

            //load default BaseLine to screen

            //resultBox.Text = "fastEthernet0/0/1\r\n";
            //resultBox.AppendText("line 2 \r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void AddListToScreen(SearchList sl,DemoGuiList demoList)
            //int cPosX = 49;
            int cPosY = 40;
            SearchListData tmpLoop = sl.head;
            while (tmpLoop != null)
                SearchListData vaLoop = tmpLoop.child;

                //Add demoList (dynamic change)
                DemoGuiListData dMainList = demoList.AddList(tmpLoop, null, null);
                while (vaLoop != null)
                    //create pic status
                    PictureBox px = new PictureBox();
                    px.Image = global::ConfigCompliance.Properties.Resources.cross;
                    px.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(49, cPosY);
                    px.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16);
                    px.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
                    px.TabIndex = 3;
                    px.TabStop = false;

                    //create Lable
                    Label lb = new Label();
                    lb.AutoSize = true;
                    lb.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
                    lb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(70, cPosY);
                    lb.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(140, 15);
                    lb.TabIndex = 2;
                    lb.Text = tmpLoop.key + " " + vaLoop.key;
                    //update pos Y
                    cPosY += 20;
                    Console.WriteLine("-> " + tmpLoop.key + " " + vaLoop.key);

                    //Add demoList (dynamic change)
                    DemoGuiListData dValist = demoList.AddChildList(vaLoop, lb, px, dMainList);

                    SearchListData subData = vaLoop.child;
                    while (subData != null)
                        //create pic status
                        PictureBox px1 = new PictureBox();
                        px1.Image = global::ConfigCompliance.Properties.Resources.cross;
                        px1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(49, cPosY);
                        px1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16);
                        px1.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize;
                        px1.TabIndex = 3;
                        px1.TabStop = false;
                        //create Lable
                        Label lb1 = new Label();
                        lb1.AutoSize = true;
                        lb1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
                        lb1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(70 + 10, cPosY);
                        lb1.Name = "llabel";
                        lb1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(140, 15);
                        lb1.TabIndex = 2;
                        lb1.Text = subData.key;
                        //update pos Y
                        cPosY += 20;
                        Console.WriteLine("---> " + subData.key);
                        DemoGuiListData dSubData = demoList.AddChildList(subData, lb1, px1, dValist);

                        subData = subData.next;
                    vaLoop = vaLoop.next;
                tmpLoop = tmpLoop.next;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void clear_bt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     demoList = new DemoGuiList();
     AddListToScreen(baseline[0], demoList);
     this.run_bt.Enabled = true;
     this.clear_bt.Enabled = false;
     this.resultBox.Text = "";