Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取获取未出库的账单菜品
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">指定条件</param>
        /// <returns>返回第一行</returns>
        public DataTable ClearUnuseBillByTable(string GUID, string UID, string OpenCode, string StoCode)
            SqlParameter[] sqlParameters =
                new SqlParameter("@stocode",  StoCode),
                new SqlParameter("@opencode", OpenCode)
            DataTable dtReturn = new bllPaging().GetDataTableInfoByProcedure("p_ClearTableUnuseBill", sqlParameters);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 整表更新订单菜品
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GUID"></param>
        /// <param name="UID"></param>
        /// <param name="StoCode"></param>
        /// <param name="dtDish"></param>
        public void UpdateByTable(string GUID, string UID, string Stocode, DataTable dtDish)
            StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtDish.Rows)
                string discountType  = dr["DiscountType"].ToString();
                string discountmoney = dr["DiscountPrice"].ToString();
                string pkcode        = dr["orderdiscode"].ToString();
                string totalmoney    = ((StringHelper.StringToDecimal(dr["disnum"].ToString())) * StringHelper.StringToDecimal(dr["DiscountPrice"].ToString())).ToString("f2");
                string tempSql       = string.Format("Update TB_OrderDish set DiscountType='{0}',DiscountPrice={1},TotalMoney='{4}' where PKCode='{2}' and Stocode='{3}';", discountType, discountmoney, pkcode, Stocode, totalmoney);
            int rel = new bllPaging().ExecuteNonQueryBySQL(sbSql.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string UpdateBillAndDish(DataTable dtBill, DataTable dtDish)
            string rel = "";

            string billcode     = dtBill.Rows[0]["PKCode"].ToString();
            string stocode      = dtBill.Rows[0]["stocode"].ToString();
            string zerocutmoney = dtBill.Rows[0]["zerocutmoney"].ToString();
            string discountname = "";
            string paymethod    = dtBill.Rows[0]["PayMethod"].ToString();
            string discountmoney = dtBill.Rows[0]["discountmoney"].ToString();
            string paymoney      = dtBill.Rows[0]["paymoney"].ToString();

            string billSql = string.Format("update tb_bill set  PayMethod='{6}',zerocutmoney={0},discountname='{1}',discountmoney={2},paymoney={3} where PKCode='{4}' and StoCode='{5}' ;",
                                           zerocutmoney, discountname, discountmoney, paymoney, billcode, stocode, paymethod

            StringBuilder sbDisSql = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtDish.Rows)
                string discounttype = dr["discounttype"].ToString();
                discountmoney = dr["discountprice"].ToString();
                string pkcode         = dr["orderdiscode"].ToString();
                string discountremark = dr["discountremark"].ToString();
                string sqlTemp        = string.Format("update tb_orderdish set discountprice={0},discounttype='{1}',discountremark='{4}'  where PKCode='{2}' and Stocode='{3}';",
                                                      discountmoney, discounttype, pkcode, stocode, discountremark
            sbDisSql.AppendLine(string.Format("execute [dbo].[p_TB_Bill_UpStatuByMoney] '{0}','{1}';", stocode, billcode));

            string sql = sbDisSql.ToString();

            int rn = new bllPaging().ExecuteNonQueryBySQL(sql);

            if (rn < 0)
                rel = "error";
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取用户的角色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GUID"></param>
        /// <param name="USER_ID"></param>
        /// <param name="userid"></param>
        /// <param name="pagecode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetUserRole(string GUID, string UID, string userid, string pagecode)
            DataTable dt  = new DataTable();
            string    sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.sto_functions WHERE ftype=1 and status='1' and id in(select funid from sto_rolefunction where  roleid in(SELECT roleid FROM dbo.sto_userrole WHERE userid='" + userid + "')) order by orders asc";

            dt = new bllPaging().GetDataTableInfoBySQL(sql);
            DataTable butdt = dt.Clone();

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow[] drs = dt.Select(" code='" + pagecode + "'");
                if (drs.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++)
                        DataRow dr = butdt.NewRow();
                        dr.ItemArray = drs[i].ItemArray;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public DataSet GetDetail(string roleid)
            DataSet ds = new bllPaging().GetDataSetInfoBySQL("select *,storename=dbo.fnGetMuStoreName(stocode),[dbo].[fnGetBusinessNameByCode](buscode) as BusName from roles where roleid='" + roleid + "';select B.id,parentid as pId,cname as name,'true'as 'open',ishave=(case when funid>0 then 1 else 0 end) from functions B left join (select funid from rolefunction where roleid='" + roleid + "') A on A.funid=B.id where B.status='1';");
