Ejemplo n.º 1
        // There is a small chance that something very weird could happen here. The code calling into this function
        // will ask for a value from the extra field if the field was masked with FF's. It's theoretically possible
        // that a field was FF's legitimately, and the writer didn't decide to write the corresponding extra field.
        // Also, at the same time, other fields were masked with FF's to indicate looking in the zip64 record.
        // Then, the search for the zip64 record will fail because the expected size is wrong,
        // and a nulled out Zip64ExtraField will be returned. Thus, even though there was Zip64 data,
        // it will not be used. It is questionable whether this situation is possible to detect

        // unlike the other functions that have try-pattern semantics, these functions always return a
        // Zip64ExtraField. If a Zip64 extra field actually doesn't exist, all of the fields in the
        // returned struct will be null
        // If there are more than one Zip64 extra fields, we take the first one that has the expected size
        public static Zip64ExtraField GetJustZip64Block(Stream extraFieldStream,
                                                        bool readUncompressedSize, bool readCompressedSize,
                                                        bool readLocalHeaderOffset, bool readStartDiskNumber)
            Zip64ExtraField zip64Field;

            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(extraFieldStream))
                ZipGenericExtraField currentExtraField;
                while (ZipGenericExtraField.TryReadBlock(reader, extraFieldStream.Length, out currentExtraField))
                    if (TryGetZip64BlockFromGenericExtraField(currentExtraField, readUncompressedSize,
                                                              readCompressedSize, readLocalHeaderOffset, readStartDiskNumber, out zip64Field))

            zip64Field = new Zip64ExtraField();

            zip64Field._compressedSize    = null;
            zip64Field._uncompressedSize  = null;
            zip64Field._localHeaderOffset = null;
            zip64Field._startDiskNumber   = null;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // shouldn't ever read the byte at position endExtraField
        // assumes we are positioned at the beginning of an extra field subfield
        public static bool TryReadBlock(BinaryReader reader, long endExtraField, out ZipGenericExtraField field)
            field = new ZipGenericExtraField();

            // not enough bytes to read tag + size
            if (endExtraField - reader.BaseStream.Position < 4)

            field._tag  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            field._size = reader.ReadUInt16();

            // not enough bytes to read the data
            if (endExtraField - reader.BaseStream.Position < field._size)

            field._data = reader.ReadBytes(field._size);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <ZipGenericExtraField> GetExtraFields(BinaryReader reader)
            // assumes that TrySkipBlock has already been called, so we don't have to validate twice

            List <ZipGenericExtraField> result;

            const int OffsetToFilenameLength = 26; // from the point before the signature

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(OffsetToFilenameLength, SeekOrigin.Current);

            ushort filenameLength   = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort extraFieldLength = reader.ReadUInt16();

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(filenameLength, SeekOrigin.Current);

            using (Stream str = new SubReadStream(reader.BaseStream, reader.BaseStream.Position, extraFieldLength))
                result = ZipGenericExtraField.ParseExtraField(str);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        // should only throw an exception in extremely exceptional cases because it is called from dispose
        internal void WriteCentralDirectoryFileHeader()
            // This part is simple, because we should definitely know the sizes by this time
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(_archive.ArchiveStream);

            // _entryname only gets set when we read in or call moveTo. MoveTo does a check, and
            // reading in should not be able to produce an entryname longer than ushort.MaxValue
            Debug.Assert(_storedEntryNameBytes.Length <= ushort.MaxValue);

            // decide if we need the Zip64 extra field:
            Zip64ExtraField zip64ExtraField = new Zip64ExtraField();
            uint            compressedSizeTruncated, uncompressedSizeTruncated, offsetOfLocalHeaderTruncated;

            bool zip64Needed = false;

            if (SizesTooLarge()
                || _archive._forceZip64
                zip64Needed               = true;
                compressedSizeTruncated   = ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
                uncompressedSizeTruncated = ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;

                // If we have one of the sizes, the other must go in there as speced for LH, but not necessarily for CH, but we do it anyways
                zip64ExtraField.CompressedSize   = _compressedSize;
                zip64ExtraField.UncompressedSize = _uncompressedSize;
                compressedSizeTruncated   = ( uint )_compressedSize;
                uncompressedSizeTruncated = ( uint )_uncompressedSize;

            if (_offsetOfLocalHeader > uint.MaxValue
                || _archive._forceZip64
                zip64Needed = true;
                offsetOfLocalHeaderTruncated = ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;

                // If we have one of the sizes, the other must go in there as speced for LH, but not necessarily for CH, but we do it anyways
                zip64ExtraField.LocalHeaderOffset = _offsetOfLocalHeader;
                offsetOfLocalHeaderTruncated = ( uint )_offsetOfLocalHeader;

            if (zip64Needed)

            // determine if we can fit zip64 extra field and original extra fields all in
            int bigExtraFieldLength = (zip64Needed ? zip64ExtraField.TotalSize : 0)
                                      + (_cdUnknownExtraFields != null ? ZipGenericExtraField.TotalSize(_cdUnknownExtraFields) : 0);
            ushort extraFieldLength;
            if (bigExtraFieldLength > ushort.MaxValue)
                extraFieldLength      = ( ushort )(zip64Needed ? zip64ExtraField.TotalSize : 0);
                _cdUnknownExtraFields = null;
                extraFieldLength = ( ushort )bigExtraFieldLength;

            writer.Write(ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader.SignatureConstant);     // Central directory file header signature  (4 bytes)
            writer.Write(( byte )_versionMadeBySpecification);                 // Version made by Specification (version)  (1 byte)
            writer.Write(( byte )CurrentZipPlatform);                          // Version made by Compatibility (type)     (1 byte)
            writer.Write(( ushort )_versionToExtract);                         // Minimum version needed to extract        (2 bytes)
            writer.Write(( ushort )_generalPurposeBitFlag);                    // General Purpose bit flag                 (2 bytes)
            writer.Write(( ushort )CompressionMethod);                         // The Compression method                   (2 bytes)
            writer.Write(ZipHelper.DateTimeToDosTime(_lastModified.DateTime)); // File last modification time and date     (4 bytes)
            writer.Write(_crc32);                                              // CRC-32                                   (4 bytes)
            writer.Write(compressedSizeTruncated);                             // Compressed Size                          (4 bytes)
            writer.Write(uncompressedSizeTruncated);                           // Uncompressed Size                        (4 bytes)
            writer.Write(( ushort )_storedEntryNameBytes.Length);              // File Name Length                         (2 bytes)
            writer.Write(extraFieldLength);                                    // Extra Field Length                       (2 bytes)

            // This should hold because of how we read it originally in ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader:
            Debug.Assert((_fileComment == null) || (_fileComment.Length <= ushort.MaxValue));

            writer.Write(_fileComment != null ? ( ushort )_fileComment.Length : ( ushort )0); // file comment length
            writer.Write(( ushort )0);                                                        // disk number start
            writer.Write(( ushort )0);                                                        // internal file attributes
            writer.Write(_externalFileAttr);                                                  // external file attributes
            writer.Write(offsetOfLocalHeaderTruncated);                                       // offset of local header


            // write extra fields
            if (zip64Needed)
            if (_cdUnknownExtraFields != null)
                ZipGenericExtraField.WriteAllBlocks(_cdUnknownExtraFields, _archive.ArchiveStream);

            if (_fileComment != null)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // if saveExtraFieldsAndComments is false, FileComment and ExtraFields will be null
        // in either case, the zip64 extra field info will be incorporated into other fields
        public static bool TryReadBlock(BinaryReader reader, bool saveExtraFieldsAndComments, out ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader header)
            header = new ZipCentralDirectoryFileHeader();

            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != SignatureConstant)
            header.VersionMadeBySpecification = reader.ReadByte();
            header.VersionMadeByCompatibility = reader.ReadByte();
            header.VersionNeededToExtract     = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.GeneralPurposeBitFlag      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.CompressionMethod          = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.LastModified = reader.ReadUInt32();
            header.Crc32        = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint compressedSizeSmall   = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint uncompressedSizeSmall = reader.ReadUInt32();

            header.FilenameLength    = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.ExtraFieldLength  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.FileCommentLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort diskNumberStartSmall = reader.ReadUInt16();

            header.InternalFileAttributes = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.ExternalFileAttributes = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint relativeOffsetOfLocalHeaderSmall = reader.ReadUInt32();

            header.Filename = reader.ReadBytes(header.FilenameLength);

            bool uncompressedSizeInZip64 = uncompressedSizeSmall == ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
            bool compressedSizeInZip64   = compressedSizeSmall == ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
            bool relativeOffsetInZip64   = relativeOffsetOfLocalHeaderSmall == ZipHelper.Mask32Bit;
            bool diskNumberStartInZip64  = diskNumberStartSmall == ZipHelper.Mask16Bit;

            Zip64ExtraField zip64;

            long endExtraFields = reader.BaseStream.Position + header.ExtraFieldLength;

            using (Stream str = new SubReadStream(reader.BaseStream, reader.BaseStream.Position, header.ExtraFieldLength))
                if (saveExtraFieldsAndComments)
                    header.ExtraFields = ZipGenericExtraField.ParseExtraField(str);
                    zip64 = Zip64ExtraField.GetAndRemoveZip64Block(header.ExtraFields,
                                                                   uncompressedSizeInZip64, compressedSizeInZip64,
                                                                   relativeOffsetInZip64, diskNumberStartInZip64);
                    header.ExtraFields = null;
                    zip64 = Zip64ExtraField.GetJustZip64Block(str,
                                                              uncompressedSizeInZip64, compressedSizeInZip64,
                                                              relativeOffsetInZip64, diskNumberStartInZip64);

            // There are zip files that have malformed ExtraField blocks in which GetJustZip64Block() silently bails out without reading all the way to the end
            // of the ExtraField block. Thus we must force the stream's position to the proper place.

            if (saveExtraFieldsAndComments)
                header.FileComment = reader.ReadBytes(header.FileCommentLength);
                reader.BaseStream.Position += header.FileCommentLength;
                header.FileComment          = null;

            header.UncompressedSize = zip64.UncompressedSize == null
                                                    ? uncompressedSizeSmall
                                                    : zip64.UncompressedSize.Value;
            header.CompressedSize = zip64.CompressedSize == null
                                                    ? compressedSizeSmall
                                                    : zip64.CompressedSize.Value;
            header.RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = zip64.LocalHeaderOffset == null
                                                    ? relativeOffsetOfLocalHeaderSmall
                                                    : zip64.LocalHeaderOffset.Value;
            header.DiskNumberStart = zip64.StartDiskNumber == null
                                                    ? diskNumberStartSmall
                                                    : zip64.StartDiskNumber.Value;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static bool TryGetZip64BlockFromGenericExtraField(ZipGenericExtraField extraField,
                                                                  bool readUncompressedSize, bool readCompressedSize,
                                                                  bool readLocalHeaderOffset, bool readStartDiskNumber,
                                                                  out Zip64ExtraField zip64Block)
            zip64Block = new Zip64ExtraField();

            zip64Block._compressedSize    = null;
            zip64Block._uncompressedSize  = null;
            zip64Block._localHeaderOffset = null;
            zip64Block._startDiskNumber   = null;

            if (extraField.Tag != TagConstant)

            // this pattern needed because nested using blocks trigger CA2202
            MemoryStream ms = null;

                ms = new MemoryStream(extraField.Data);
                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms))
                    ms = null;

                    zip64Block._size = extraField.Size;

                    ushort expectedSize = 0;

                    if (readUncompressedSize)
                        expectedSize += 8;
                    if (readCompressedSize)
                        expectedSize += 8;
                    if (readLocalHeaderOffset)
                        expectedSize += 8;
                    if (readStartDiskNumber)
                        expectedSize += 4;

                    // if it is not the expected size, perhaps there is another extra field that matches
                    if (expectedSize != zip64Block._size)

                    if (readUncompressedSize)
                        zip64Block._uncompressedSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    if (readCompressedSize)
                        zip64Block._compressedSize = reader.ReadInt64();
                    if (readLocalHeaderOffset)
                        zip64Block._localHeaderOffset = reader.ReadInt64();
                    if (readStartDiskNumber)
                        zip64Block._startDiskNumber = reader.ReadInt32();

                    // original values are unsigned, so implies value is too big to fit in signed integer
                    if (zip64Block._uncompressedSize < 0)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("file uncompressed size too big");
                    if (zip64Block._compressedSize < 0)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("file compressed size too big");
                    if (zip64Block._localHeaderOffset < 0)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("file local header offset too big");
                    if (zip64Block._startDiskNumber < 0)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("file start dis number too big");

                if (ms != null)