Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static T ElseErrorMessage <T>(this Option <T> value, string errorMessage)
     if (value.IsSome)
     throw new ErrorMessageException(errorMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static T ElseException <T, TException>(this Option <T> value, TException errorMessage) where TException : Exception
     if (value.IsSome)
     throw errorMessage;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static Option <TResult> Flatten <TResult>(this Option <Option <TResult> > source)
     if (source.IsNone)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Dispose()
            if (_value.IsNone)
            var v = _value.Get();

            _value = Option.None;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static string GetTimeStamp(Option <object> traceDiffId = default(Option <object>))
            string msString = "";

            if (traceDiffId.IsSome)
                var watchOption = watches.OptionGetValue(traceDiffId.Get());
                if (watchOption.IsSome)
                    var  watch = watchOption.Get();
                    long ms    = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    msString = " [" + ms + "ms]";
                    watches[traceDiffId.Get()] = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var timeStamp = "[" + Utils.CurrentTimeString + "]" + msString;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        static int Main(string[] args)
/*#if DEBUG
 *              using (var streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(System.IO.Path.Combine(Utils.GetDirectoryOfExecutingAssembly().FullName, "debug.log"), true))
 *              {
 *                  streamWriter.AutoFlush = true;
 *                  streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("s").Replace('T',' ') + ": Logging begun...");
 *                  var textWriterTraceListener = new System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener(streamWriter);
 *                  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Listeners.Add(textWriterTraceListener);
                    //var rand = new Random();
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));
                    //Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("beta beta beta beta beta beta beta beta".Select(x => rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? x : char.ToUpper(x))));

                    //string serverName = "mcaddmcps01";
                    //string vaultName = "CPSVault";
                    //string userName = "******";
                    //string password = "";

                    string serverName    = null;
                    string vaultName     = null;
                    string userName      = null;
                    string password      = null;
                    string configuration = null;

                    bool useWindowsAuth = false;
                    bool silent         = false;

                    bool encryptedPassword = false;

                    bool   dontUpdateConfig = false;
                    string logFile;

                    string logName = null;
                    string logUser = null;

                    bool retry   = false;
                    int  retries = 5;
                    Option <TimeSpan> retryDelay = null;

                    string downloadTarget = null;

                    bool showHelpAndExit = false;
                    var  p = new OptionSet
                            "the Vault {USERNAME}.",
                            v => userName = v
                            "the Vault {PASSWORD}.",
                            v => password = v
                            "the Vault {SERVER} Name.",
                            v => serverName = v
                            "the name of the {VAULT}.",
                            v => vaultName = v
                            "Use Windows Authentication",
                            v => { useWindowsAuth = true; /*= v != null; throw new NotImplementedException("Windows Authentication not implemented yet");*/ }
                            "Suppress console messages.",
                            v => { silent = true; }
                            "Retry on error, " + retries + " {TIMES} by default.",
                            v =>
                                retry = true;
                                v.AsOption().Bind(s => s.OptionParseInt()).IfSomeDo(r => retries = r);
                            "Delay between each retry {DELAY}. Eg. 60s",
                            v =>
                                retry      = true;
                                retryDelay = FileUtils.ParseTimeSpan(v);
                            "Keep current config file unchanged, not attempting to update it to a later version.",
                            v => dontUpdateConfig = v != null
                            "Run command with configuration file.",
                            v => configuration = v
                            "Log information to a {LOGFILE}",
                            v => { logFile = v; throw new NotImplementedException("Logging not implemented yet"); }
                            "Which user uses the log, system or user {LOGUSER}",
                            v => logUser = v
                            "Enrypted Password.",
                            v => encryptedPassword = true
                            "Target {LOCALPATH} when downloading a specific file",
                            v => downloadTarget = v
                            "show this message and exit",
                            v => showHelpAndExit = v != null

                    List <string> extra;
                    string        path = null;
                    // parse arguments
                        extra    = p.Parse(args);
                        password = password ?? "";

                        var url = extra.OptionSingle();
                        if (url.IsSome)
                            ServerUtils.ParseVaultUrl(url.Get(), ref userName, ref password, ref serverName, ref vaultName, ref path);
                        else if (extra.Any())
                            showHelpAndExit = true;

                        if (path != null)
                            dontUpdateConfig = true;

                        if (new[] { serverName, vaultName, userName, password, }.Any(s => s == null) && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configuration))
                            showHelpAndExit = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (!silent)
                            Console.Write("VaultEagleConsole: ");
                        showHelpAndExit = true;

                    var connectionManager = Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Library.ConnectionManager;
                    if (showHelpAndExit)
                    IProgressWindow logger = new ConsoleProgressReporter();
                    if (!silent)
                        VaultEagleSynchronizer.LogVersion(logger, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadTarget))
                        downloadTarget = null;
                        downloadTarget = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(downloadTarget);

                    Action execute;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration))
                        ApplicationSettings            settings    = ApplicationSettings.Read();
                        List <Tuple <string, string> > filesToMove = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();

                        bool serverCheckResult = ServerUtils.CheckServers(settings.ServerList);

                        if (serverCheckResult && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverName) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vaultName)) && ((!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName)) || (useWindowsAuth)))
                            execute = () =>
                                // create config folder
                                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(settings.configPath))
                                    catch {  }

                                // create log file
                                Option <MCADCommon.LogCommon.DisposableFileLogger> fileLogger = Option.None;
                                logName = "VaultEagle" + logUser;
                                if (settings.LogLevel.IsSome)
                                    fileLogger = new MCADCommon.LogCommon.DisposableFileLogger(MCADCommon.LogCommon.DisposableFileLogger.CreateLogFilePath(settings.configPath, logName), settings.LogLevel.Get()).AsOption();

                                    FileUtils.RemoveOldLogFiles(settings.configPath, logName, settings.SavedLogCount);

                                //  using (MCADCommon.LogCommon.DisposableFileLogger logger2 = new MCADCommon.LogCommon.DisposableFileLogger(MCADCommon.LogCommon.DisposableFileLogger.CreateLogFilePath(settings.configPath, logName), settings.LogLevel))
                                    fileLogger.IfSomeDo(fl => fl.Trace("Started Logging."));
                                    LogInResult result;

                                    fileLogger.IfSomeDo(fl => fl.Trace("Before login."));
                                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName))
                                        // login by userName
                                        AuthenticationFlags authFlag;
                                        if (settings.ReadOnly)
                                            authFlag = AuthenticationFlags.ReadOnly;
                                            authFlag = AuthenticationFlags.Standard;

                                        string pass = encryptedPassword ? MCADCommon.EncryptionCommon.SimpleEncryption.DecryptString(password, "Hades") : password;

                                        if (!silent)
                                            result = connectionManager.LogIn(serverName, vaultName, userName, pass, authFlag, (message, states) => { Console.WriteLine(message); return(true); });
                                            result = connectionManager.LogIn(serverName, vaultName, userName, pass, authFlag, null);
                                    else // login by windows authentication
                                        if (!silent)
                                            result = connectionManager.LogIn(serverName, vaultName, null, null, AuthenticationFlags.WindowsAuthentication, (message, states) => { Console.WriteLine(message); return(true); });
                                            result = connectionManager.LogIn(serverName, vaultName, null, null, AuthenticationFlags.WindowsAuthentication, null);

                                    fileLogger.IfSomeDo(fl => fl.Trace("After loggin."));
                                    if (result.Success)
                                        fileLogger.IfSomeDo(fl => fl.Trace("Login successful."));
                                        foreach (KeyValuePair <LogInResult.LogInErrors, string> error in result.ErrorMessages)
                                            fileLogger.IfSomeDo(fl => fl.Trace("Login message: " + error.Value + "."));

                                    var           connection   = result.Connection;
                                    List <string> logErrorList = new List <string>();
                                    // synchronize with server
                                        Option <string>        mailSender   = Option.None;
                                        VaultEagleSynchronizer synchronizer = new VaultEagleSynchronizer(connection, new SynchronizationTree());
                                        filesToMove.AddRange(synchronizer.Synchronize(settings.configPath, settings.NetworkRetries, configuration, settings.UseNotifications, fileLogger, ref mailSender));
                                        if (mailSender.IsSome)
                                        logErrorList = synchronizer.errors;
                                        /* Process current = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
                                         * ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=" + current.Id);
                                         * ManagementObjectCollection moc = searcher.Get();
                                         * foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
                                         * {
                                         *   try
                                         *   {
                                         *       Process child = Process.GetProcessById(Convert.ToInt32(mo["ProcessId"]));
                                         *       child.Kill();
                                         *   }
                                         *   catch { }
                                         * }*/

                                        if (connection != null)
                                        /*   connectionManager.*/
                                        // connectionManager.
                                        foreach (Tuple <string, string> fileToMove in filesToMove)
                                                if (new FileInfo(fileToMove.Item2).Exists)
                                                    VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.SetAttributes(fileToMove.Item2, System.IO.FileAttributes.Normal); }, retries);
                                                    if (new FileInfo(fileToMove.Item2 + ".old").Exists)
                                                        VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.SetAttributes(fileToMove.Item2 + ".old", FileAttributes.Normal); }, retries);
                                                        VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.Delete(fileToMove.Item2 + ".old"); }, retries);
                                                    VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.Move(fileToMove.Item2, fileToMove.Item2 + ".old"); }, retries);
                                                    VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.SetAttributes(fileToMove.Item2 + ".old", FileAttributes.Normal); }, retries);
                                                Directory.CreateDirectory(new FileInfo(fileToMove.Item2).DirectoryName);
                                                VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.Move(fileToMove.Item1, fileToMove.Item2); }, retries);
                                                if (new FileInfo(fileToMove.Item2 + ".old").Exists)
                                                    VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.SetAttributes(fileToMove.Item2 + ".old", FileAttributes.Normal); }, retries);
                                                    VaultEagle.VaultUtils.HandleNetworkErrors(() => { System.IO.File.Delete(fileToMove.Item2 + ".old"); }, retries);
                                            catch (Exception ex) { fileLogger.IfSomeDo(fl => fl.Error(ex.Message)); }

                                    //Checking if the log file should be sent.
                                    if (!settings.MailLog.EqualsIgnoreCase("Never"))
                                        string mailTitle = "Vault Eagle Synchronization";
                                        string mailBody  = "";

                                        if (settings.MailLog.EqualsIgnoreCase("Error") && fileLogger.IsSome && fileLogger.Get().ErrorEncountered)
                                            if (settings.MailInfo.IsSome)
                                                mailTitle += " Failed";

                                                if (logErrorList.Count > 0)
                                                    mailBody = logErrorList.StringJoin("\r\n");
                                                    mailBody = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%computername%");

                                                //To avoid an empty body in the mail, if the computername variable does not exist or is empty.
                                                if (mailBody == string.Empty)
                                                    mailBody = "Vault Eagle";

                                                MCADCommon.MailCommon.Mailer mailer = new MCADCommon.MailCommon.Mailer(settings.MailInfo.Get());

                                                mailer.Mail(mailTitle, mailBody, new List <string> {
                                        else if (settings.MailLog.EqualsIgnoreCase("Always") && fileLogger.IsSome)
                                            if (settings.MailInfo.IsSome)
                                                mailTitle += " Successful";
                                                mailBody   = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%computername%");
                                                //To avoid an empty body in the mail, if the computername variable does not exist or is empty.
                                                if (mailBody == string.Empty)
                                                    mailBody = "Vault Eagle";

                                                MCADCommon.MailCommon.Mailer mailer = new MCADCommon.MailCommon.Mailer(settings.MailInfo.Get());
                                                mailer.Mail(mailTitle, mailBody, new List <string> {
                                if (fileLogger.IsSome)


                        execute = () =>
                            if (!silent)
                                Console.WriteLine("Logging in...");

                            var result     = connectionManager.LogIn(serverName, vaultName, userName, password, AuthenticationFlags.Standard, (message, states) => { Console.WriteLine(message); return(true); });
                            var connection = result.Connection;
                                if (!result.Success)
                                    var msg = string.Join("\r\n", result.ErrorMessages.Select(
                                                              errorMessage =>
                                                              string.Format("({0}) {1}", errorMessage.Key, errorMessage.Value)));
                                    if (result.ErrorMessages.Any(x => x.Key == LogInResult.LogInErrors.AuthenticationError))
                                        throw new SimpleException <DoNotRetry>(msg, new ErrorMessageException(msg));
                                    throw new ErrorMessageException(msg);

                                if (!silent)

                                SynchronizationTree tree = null;
                                if (path != null)
                                    path = path.Replace('\\', '/');
                                    if (!path.EndsWith("/") || path == "$")
                                        var vaultFolder = connection.WebServiceManager.DocumentService.FindFoldersByPaths(new[] { path }).OptionSingle().Where(x => x.Id != -1);
                                        if (vaultFolder.IsSome)
                                            path = path + '/';

                                    bool isVaultFolder = path.EndsWith("/") || path == "$";
                                    if (!isVaultFolder)
                                        var    vaultFile = connection.WebServiceManager.DocumentService.FindLatestFilesByPaths(new[] { path }).OptionSingle().Where(x => x.Id != -1);
                                        string msg       = string.Format("{0} not found in Vault {1}!", path, connection.Vault);
                                        if (vaultFile.IsNone)
                                            throw new SimpleException <DoNotRetry>(msg, new ErrorMessageException(msg));
                                    if (downloadTarget != null && !isVaultFolder && (System.IO.Directory.Exists(downloadTarget) || downloadTarget.EndsWith("" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)))
                                        downloadTarget = System.IO.Path.Combine(downloadTarget, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path));

                                    tree = new SynchronizationTree(connection.Vault, connection.Server);
                                    tree.SetSyncInfo(path, new SynchronizationTree.SyncInfo {
                                        State = SyncState.Include, LocalPath = downloadTarget
                                if (!silent && path != null)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Download Mode: Downloading " + path + (downloadTarget == null ? "" : " to " + downloadTarget) + "...");

                                var synchronizer = tree == null ? new VaultEagleSynchronizer(connection) : new VaultEagleSynchronizer(connection, tree);
                                synchronizer.logWindow        = logger;
                                synchronizer.sysTray          = new DummySysTrayNotifyIconService();
                                synchronizer.dontUpdateConfig = dontUpdateConfig;

                                string errorMsg = string.Join("\r\n", synchronizer.errors.Prepend("Errors occured during download"));
                                if (synchronizer.failedDownloads.Any())
                                    throw new ErrorMessageException(errorMsg);
                                if (synchronizer.errors.Any())
                                    throw new SimpleException <DoNotRetry>(errorMsg, new ErrorMessageException(errorMsg));
                                if (connection != null)
                    ServerUtils.DoWithRetry(logger, execute, retry ? retries : 0, retryDelay.ToNullable());

                catch (SimpleException <DoNotRetry> ex)
                    if (ex.InnerException != null)
                        throw ex.InnerException;
                    throw new ErrorMessageException(ex.Message);
            catch (ErrorMessageException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + ex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unhandled exception " + VaultServerException.WrapException(ex).ToString());

/*#if DEBUG
 *              }