Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the MeSH Heading report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">Writer to send the report to</param>
        public void MeSHHeadingReport(StreamWriter writer, ReportStatus StatusCallback, ReportMessage MessageCallback)
            // Write the header

            // The MeSH Heading report has one row per person per year per heading
            People people = new People(DB, PeopleTable);
            int    Total  = people.PersonList.Count;
            int    Count  = 0;

            foreach (Person person in people.PersonList)
                // Report status
                StatusCallback(Count, Total, person, false);

                // Catch any errors, report them, and continue
                    // Find the minimum and maximum year for the person
                    int          MinYear = 0;
                    int          MaxYear = 0;
                    Publications pubs    = new Publications(DB, person, PeoplePublicationsTable, false);
                    Hashtable    years   = new Hashtable();
                    if (pubs.PublicationList != null)
                        foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList)
                            if (MinYear == 0 || MinYear > pub.Year)
                                MinYear = pub.Year;
                            if (MaxYear == 0 || MaxYear < pub.Year)
                                MaxYear = pub.Year;

                            // Go through each of the MeSH headings and count how many
                            // occurrences of each heading are in each year. Store each
                            // count in a hashtable keyed by heading, which in turn is
                            // stored in a hashtable keyed by year.
                            if (!years.ContainsKey(pub.Year))
                                years[pub.Year] = new Hashtable();
                            Hashtable yearHeadings = (Hashtable)years[pub.Year];
                            if (pub.MeSHHeadings != null)
                                foreach (string Heading in pub.MeSHHeadings)
                                    if (!yearHeadings.ContainsKey(Heading))
                                        yearHeadings[Heading] = 0;
                                    yearHeadings[Heading] = ((int)yearHeadings[Heading]) + 1;

                    // Write the heading rows for each year
                    for (int Year = MinYear; Year <= MaxYear; Year++)
                        // Write the rows for that person's year to the writer
                        if (years.ContainsKey(Year))
                            Hashtable yearHeadings = (Hashtable)years[Year];
                            if (yearHeadings != null)
                                foreach (string Heading in yearHeadings.Keys)
                                    StringWriter swriter = new StringWriter();
                                    swriter.Write(person.Setnb);                                 // setnb
                                    Reports.WriteCSV(Year.ToString(), swriter);                  // year
                                    Reports.WriteCSV(Heading, swriter);                          // heading
                                    Reports.WriteCSV(yearHeadings[Heading].ToString(), swriter); // count
                catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add rows to the People report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer">Writer to write the CSV rows to</param>
        public void PeopleReport(ArrayList SetnbsToSkip, StreamWriter writer, ReportStatus StatusCallback, ReportMessage MessageCallback)
            // Write the header row -- this must be generated dynamically
            // based on the values in PeopleReportSections

            // write the keys

            // write a set of column names for each element in PeopleReportSections
            for (int i = 0; i < PeopleReportSections.Length; i++)
                string   values          = PeopleReportSections[i].ToLower().Trim();
                string[] BaseColumnNames =
                    "pubcount",              "wghtd_pubcount",      "pubcount_pos1",
                    "wghtd_pubcount_pos1",   "pubcount_posN",       "wghtd_pubcount_posN",
                    "pubcount_posM",         "wghtd_pubcount_posM", "pubcount_posNTL",
                    "wghtd_pubcount_posNTL", "pubcount_pos2",       "wghtd_pubcount_pos2"
                if (values == "all")
                    // all bins -- use the base column names as-is
                    writer.Write("," + String.Join(",", BaseColumnNames));
                    // string any +'s from the value type, so "1+2+3" turns into "123"
                    values = values.Replace("+", "");

                    // replace pubcount_posM with 123pubcount_posM
                    // replace wghtd_pubcount_pos1 with wghtd_123pubcount_pos1
                    for (int j = 0; j < BaseColumnNames.Length; j++)
                        string Column;
                        if (BaseColumnNames[j].Contains("wghtd_"))
                            Column = BaseColumnNames[j].Replace("wghtd_", "wghtd_" + values);
                            Column = values + BaseColumnNames[j];
                        writer.Write("," + Column);


            // Write the row for each person
            People people = new People(DB, PeopleTable);
            int    Total  = people.PersonList.Count;
            int    Number = 0;

            foreach (Person person in people.PersonList)
                StatusCallback(Number, Total, person, false);

                // Skip the person if the Setnb is in SetnbsToSkip
                if ((SetnbsToSkip == null) || (!SetnbsToSkip.Contains(person.Setnb)))
                    // Get the person's publications. If there are no publications for
                    // the person, this will throw an error.
                    Publications pubs;
                        pubs = new Publications(DB, person, PeoplePublicationsTable, false);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        pubs = null;

                    // Sort the list of publications
                    if (pubs != null)
                        PublicationComparer Comparer = new PublicationComparer();
                        Comparer.DB               = DB;
                        Comparer.person           = person;
                        Comparer.publicationTypes = PubTypes;
                        Array.Sort(pubs.PublicationList, Comparer);

                        // Find the minimum and maximum years
                        int YearMinimum = pubs.PublicationList[0].Year;
                        int YearMaximum = pubs.PublicationList[0].Year;
                        if (pubs.PublicationList != null)
                            foreach (Publication pub in pubs.PublicationList)
                                if (pub.Year < YearMinimum)
                                    YearMinimum = pub.Year;
                                if (pub.Year > YearMaximum)
                                    YearMaximum = pub.Year;

                        // Write each row
                        for (int Year = YearMinimum; Year <= YearMaximum; Year++)
                            StatusCallback(Year - YearMinimum, YearMaximum - YearMinimum, person, true);
                            writer.WriteLine(ReportRow(person, pubs, Year));
                    MessageCallback("Skipping " + person.Last + " (" + person.Setnb + ")");