Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Form to manage the Color Organ functionality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlData"></param>
        /// <param name="sequence"></param>
        public ColorOrgan(ref XmlNode xmlData, EventSequence sequence)
            // save the reference to the xml data
            m_xmlData = xmlData;

            // save the list of bands we have available to us
            foreach (int frequency in m_frequencyArray)
                FrequencyBand newBand = new FrequencyBand(frequency);
                m_mapOfFrequencyBands.Add(newBand.CenterFrequency, newBand);
            }             // end build base frequency objects

            // record the sequence
            m_sequence = sequence;

            // go find out what the peaks and valleys are for this sound track

            // process xml data and set up any pre defined groups
            // mark the frequency bands that are a member of this color organ band
            XmlNodeList colorOrganBandNodes = xmlData.SelectNodes(m_xmlName_listOfColorOrganBands + "/*");

            foreach (XmlNode xmlColorOrganBandNode in colorOrganBandNodes)
                ColorOrganBand newBand = new ColorOrganBand(xmlColorOrganBandNode, m_mapOfFrequencyBands, m_sequence, this);
                m_mapOfColorOrganBands.Add(newBand.ID, newBand);
            }             // end build color organ band list

            // did we get any groups?
            if (0 == m_mapOfColorOrganBands.Count)
                createDefaultColorOrganBandSet(-1, 1);
            }     // end create default color band
        }         // ColorOrganForm
Ejemplo n.º 2
        }         // default Color Organ Band

        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of a color organ band.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlData"></param>
        public ColorOrganBand(ColorOrganBand template)
            Sequence     = template.Sequence;
            Name         = template.Name + " - Copy";
            m_id         = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffffff", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            m_colorOrgan = template.m_colorOrgan;

            m_minBinVariableRange = template.m_minBinVariableRange;
            m_maxBinVariableRange = template.m_maxBinVariableRange;
            m_usePeakLevels       = template.m_usePeakLevels;

            m_energySumAvg         = template.m_energySumAvg;
            m_energyPeak           = template.m_energyPeak;
            m_energyMin            = template.m_energyMin;
            m_energyCount          = template.m_energyCount;
            m_clearChannelsOnWrite = template.m_clearChannelsOnWrite;

            m_frequencyBands = template.m_frequencyBands;

            m_mapOfFrequencyBands = new Dictionary <string, ColorOrganFrequencyBand>();
            foreach (var band in template.m_mapOfFrequencyBands)
                m_mapOfFrequencyBands.Add(band.Key, new ColorOrganFrequencyBand(band.Value));
            }             // end copy frequency bands

            m_mapOfChannels = new Dictionary <string, ColorOrganChannel>();
            foreach (var channel in template.m_mapOfChannels)
                m_mapOfChannels.Add(channel.Key, new ColorOrganChannel(channel.Value));
            }     // end copy channels
        }         // ColorOrganBand(template)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        }         // CreateBand

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new band with the default data.
        /// </summary>
        internal ColorOrganBand CreateBand(ColorOrganBand template)
            ColorOrganBand temp = new ColorOrganBand(template);

            // create at least one Color Band that encompases all of the frequency bands
            m_mapOfColorOrganBands.Add(temp.ID, temp);

        }         // CreateBand
Ejemplo n.º 4
        }         // ColorOrganForm

        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new band to the list of bands and open a dialog for it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonNewColorGroup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ColorOrganBand band = m_colorOrgan.CreateBand();


            ColorOrganForm     temp = this;
            ColorOrganBandForm cobf = new ColorOrganBandForm(ref band, ref temp);

        }          // buttonNewColorGroup_Click
Ejemplo n.º 5
        }         // buttonEditColorGroup_Click

        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a band from the list of bands
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonDeleteColorGroup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // are there any bands to delete?
            if (0 < m_mapOfColorOrganBands.Count)
                // get the band to be deleted
                ColorOrganBand band = m_mapOfColorOrganBands[listBoxColorBands.SelectedIndex];

                // tell the color organ to delete the band

                // update the display list
        }         // buttonDeleteColorGroup_Click
Ejemplo n.º 6
        }          // buttonNewColorGroup_Click

        /// <summary>
        /// User has pressed edit or double clicked an entry in the table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonEditColorGroup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // are there any bands to edit?
                if (0 == m_mapOfColorOrganBands.Count)
                }                 // end no bands to edit

                ColorOrganBand     band = m_mapOfColorOrganBands[listBoxColorBands.SelectedIndex];
                ColorOrganForm     temp = this;
                ColorOrganBandForm cobf = new ColorOrganBandForm(ref band, ref temp);
            } while (false);
        }         // buttonEditColorGroup_Click
        public ColorOrganBandForm(ref ColorOrganBand colorOrganBand, ref ColorOrganForm parentForm)

            // save the reference to this band
            m_colorOrganBand = colorOrganBand;

            m_parentForm = parentForm;

            // set up the table grid
            dataGridViewFrequencyBands.CellValueChanged       -= dataGridViewFrequencyBands_CellValueChanged;
            dataGridViewFrequencyBands.AllowUserToOrderColumns = false;
            dataGridViewFrequencyBands.AllowUserToAddRows      = false;
            dataGridViewFrequencyBands.AllowUserToDeleteRows   = false;
            dataGridViewFrequencyBands.Enabled           = true;
            dataGridViewFrequencyBands.CellValueChanged += dataGridViewFrequencyBands_CellValueChanged;
        }         // ColorOrganBandForm
Ejemplo n.º 8
        }         // buttonClearChannels_Click

        /// <summary>
        /// user has requested that we make a copy of the current band
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonCopy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // are there any bands to copy?
                if (0 == m_mapOfColorOrganBands.Count)
                }                 // end no bands to copy

                ColorOrganBand destinationBand = m_colorOrgan.CreateBand(m_mapOfColorOrganBands[listBoxColorBands.SelectedIndex]);

                // copy to body of the data

                ColorOrganForm     temp = this;
                ColorOrganBandForm cobf = new ColorOrganBandForm(ref destinationBand, ref temp);
            } while (false);
        }         // buttonCopy_Click
Ejemplo n.º 9
        }         // ClearChans

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a default set of color organ bands
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstChanNumber">-1 means no channels assigned</param>
        /// <param name="numChans"></param>
        internal void createDefaultColorOrganBandSet(Int32 firstChanNumber, Int32 numChans)
            ColorOrganBand band = null;
            Double         frequencyStepPerBand = 31.0 / numChans;
            Double         currentFrequencyStep = 0.0;
            Double         currentFrequencyBand = 0.0;

                if (((firstChanNumber + numChans) > m_sequence.ChannelCount) && (-1 != firstChanNumber))
                    MessageBox.Show("Too many channels requested. The number of outputs is greater than the number of channels available above the starting channel", "ERROR");

                if (numChans > (m_frequencyArray.Length))
                    MessageBox.Show("Too many channels requested. The number of outputs is greater than the number of available frequencies", "ERROR");

                // clear the existing channels

                // create the needed channels
                for (int chanCount = 0; chanCount < numChans; chanCount++)
                    band = new ColorOrganBand(m_mapOfFrequencyBands, m_sequence, this, false);

                    // This is a bit of a hack: prevent duplicates due to going too fast
                    while (true == m_mapOfColorOrganBands.ContainsKey(band.ID))
                        band = new ColorOrganBand(m_mapOfFrequencyBands, m_sequence, this, false);

                    // set the band name
                    band.Name = m_frequencyArray[Convert.ToInt32(currentFrequencyBand)].ToString();

                    // adjust the top of this band
                    currentFrequencyBand += frequencyStepPerBand;

                    // add frequencies
                    while ((currentFrequencyBand > currentFrequencyStep) && (31 > currentFrequencyStep))
                        // set the frequency to an active state

                        // advance to the next step
                        currentFrequencyStep += 1.0;
                    }                     // end add frequencies

                    // set the trigger limits
                    band.minBinVariableRange = Convert.ToSingle(band.Avg * 0.1);
                    band.maxBinVariableRange = Convert.ToSingle((((band.Peak - band.Avg) / 4) * 3) + band.Avg);

                    // make sure the channels get cleared before each write operation
                    band.clearChannelsOnWrite = true;

                    // do we need to activate an output channel for this band?
                    if (-1 != firstChanNumber)
                        int chanNum = (firstChanNumber + chanCount) - 1;
                        ulong chanId = m_sequence.Channels[chanNum].ID;
                        ulong chanId = Convert.ToUInt64(m_sequence.Channels[chanNum].GetHashCode());
                        m_sequence.Channels[chanNum].Name = "CO: " + band.Name;

                        // set up some inter channel color contrast
                        m_sequence.Channels[chanNum].Color = (0 == (chanCount & 0x01)) ? System.Drawing.Color.White : System.Drawing.Color.LightBlue;
                    }                     // end need to turn on a channel

                    // add the new band to the list of bands
                    m_mapOfColorOrganBands.Add(band.ID, band);
                } // end generate bands
            } while (false);
        }         // createDefaultSet