/// <summary>
        /// Initialize lists that will contain the OrderBook representations for all currency pairs
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeOrderBooksRepresentations()
            foreach (var currencyPair in _currencyPairs)
                OrderRepresentationList bidRepresentationList = new OrderRepresentationList(currencyPair, OrderSide.Buy);
                OrderRepresentationList askRepresentationList = new OrderRepresentationList(currencyPair, OrderSide.Sell);

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the OrderRepresentationlist with new values
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void UpdateOrderRepresentationList(OrderRepresentationBookList orderRepresentationBook, OrderRepresentationList orderRepresentationList, OrderList orderList)
            // If the orderRepresentationLst for this currencyPair is already present, remove it
            if (orderRepresentationList != null)
            // Initialize the Orderlist for this currencyPair
            orderRepresentationList = new OrderRepresentationList(orderList.CurrencyPair, orderList.OrderSide);

            // Add each order(Bid or Ask) in the correponding order list (Bids list or Asks list)
            foreach (Order order in orderList)
                orderRepresentationList.AddRecord(order.OpenQuantity.Value, order.Price.Value, order.DateTime);
                Log.Debug("Order Representation added to Currency Pair : " + order.CurrencyPair +
                          ". OpenQuantity: " + order.OpenQuantity.Value + " | Price: " + order.Price.Value);
            // Add the new orderList (order book for bids or asks) to the OrderBooksList of this memory image