Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Things and thing categories
        private void LoadThingCategories()
            IDictionary   dic;
            ThingCategory thingcat;

            // Get thing categories
            dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes", new Hashtable());
            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in dic)
                if (de.Value is IDictionary)
                    // Make a category
                    thingcat = new ThingCategory(cfg, de.Key.ToString(), enums);

                    // Add all things in category to the big list
                    foreach (ThingTypeInfo t in thingcat.Things)
                        if (!things.ContainsKey(t.Index))
                            things.Add(t.Index, t);
                            General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Thing number " + t.Index + " is defined more than once (as '" + things[t.Index].Title + "' and '" + t.Title + "') in game configuration '" + this.Name + "'");

                    // Add category to list
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(int index)
            // Initialize
            this.index          = index;
            this.category       = null;
            this.actor          = null;
            this.title          = "<" + index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ">";
            this.sprite         = DataManager.INTERNAL_PREFIX + "unknownthing";
            this.color          = 0;
            this.arrow          = true;
            this.radius         = 10f;
            this.height         = 20f;
            this.hangs          = false;
            this.blocking       = 0;
            this.errorcheck     = 0;
            this.spritescale    = new SizeF(1.0f, 1.0f);
            this.fixedsize      = false;
            this.spritelongname = long.MaxValue;
            this.args           = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown        = false;
            this.absolutez      = false;

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //mxd. Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, ActorStructure actor, int index)
            // Initialize
            this.index           = index;
            this.category        = cat;
            this.title           = "";
            this.actor           = actor;
            this.classname       = actor.ClassName; //mxd
            this.isknown         = true;
            this.bright          = false;           //mxd
            this.distancechecksq = int.MaxValue;    //mxd
            this.args            = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(i);

            // Read properties
            this.sprite      = cat.Sprite;
            this.spriteframe = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                           Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true),
                                       } };                //mxd
            this.color         = cat.Color;
            this.alpha         = cat.Alpha;                //mxd
            this.alphabyte     = (byte)(this.alpha * 255); //mxd
            this.renderstyle   = cat.RenderStyle;          //mxd
            this.arrow         = (cat.Arrow != 0);
            this.radius        = cat.Radius;
            this.height        = cat.Height;
            this.hangs         = (cat.Hangs != 0);
            this.blocking      = cat.Blocking;
            this.errorcheck    = cat.ErrorCheck;
            this.fixedsize     = cat.FixedSize;
            this.fixedrotation = cat.FixedRotation;             //mxd
            this.absolutez     = cat.AbsoluteZ;
            this.spritescale   = new SizeF(cat.SpriteScale, cat.SpriteScale);
            this.flagsrename   = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);        //mxd

            // Safety
            if (this.hangs && this.absolutez)
                this.hangs = false;                                          //mxd
            // Apply settings from actor

            //mxd. Create sprite frame
            this.spriteframe = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                           Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true)
                                       } };

            this.optional = false; // [ZZ]

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(int index, ThingTypeInfo other)
            // Initialize
            this.index     = index;
            this.category  = other.category;
            this.title     = other.title;
            this.actor     = other.actor;
            this.classname = other.classname;             //mxd
            this.isknown   = true;
            this.args      = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = other.args[i];

            // Copy properties
            this.sprite      = other.sprite;
            this.spriteframe = new SpriteFrameInfo[other.spriteframe.Length]; //mxd
            other.spriteframe.CopyTo(this.spriteframe, 0);                    //mxd
            this.color           = other.color;
            this.alpha           = other.alpha;                               //mxd
            this.alphabyte       = other.alphabyte;                           //mxd
            this.renderstyle     = other.renderstyle;                         //mxd
            this.bright          = other.bright;                              //mxd
            this.arrow           = other.arrow;
            this.radius          = other.radius;
            this.height          = other.height;
            this.distancechecksq = other.distancechecksq;             //mxd
            this.hangs           = other.hangs;
            this.blocking        = other.blocking;
            this.errorcheck      = other.errorcheck;
            this.fixedsize       = other.fixedsize;
            this.fixedrotation   = other.fixedrotation;                                                                     //mxd
            this.absolutez       = other.absolutez;
            this.xybillboard     = other.xybillboard;                                                                       //mxd
            this.spritescale     = new SizeF(other.spritescale.Width, other.spritescale.Height);
            this.flagsrename     = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd

            //mxd. Copy GZDoom rendering properties
            this.rendermode = other.rendermode;
            this.rollsprite = other.rollsprite;
            this.rollcenter = other.rollcenter;

            this.dynamiclighttype = other.dynamiclighttype;

            this.optional = other.optional;

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, int index, Configuration cfg, IDictionary <string, EnumList> enums)
            string key = index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Initialize
            this.index    = index;
            this.category = cat;
            this.args     = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown  = true;
            this.actor    = null;

            // Read properties
            this.title      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".title", "<" + key + ">");
            this.sprite     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".sprite", cat.Sprite);
            this.color      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".color", cat.Color);
            this.arrow      = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".arrow", cat.Arrow) != 0);
            this.radius     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".width", cat.Radius);
            this.height     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".height", cat.Height);
            this.hangs      = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".hangs", cat.Hangs) != 0);
            this.blocking   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".blocking", cat.Blocking);
            this.errorcheck = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".error", cat.ErrorCheck);
            this.fixedsize  = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".fixedsize", cat.FixedSize);
            this.absolutez  = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".absolutez", cat.AbsoluteZ);
            float sscale = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".spritescale", cat.SpriteScale);

            this.spritescale = new SizeF(sscale, sscale);

            // Read the args
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(cfg, "thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key, i, enums);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;

            // Make long name for sprite lookup
            if (this.sprite.Length <= 8)
                this.spritelongname = Lump.MakeLongName(this.sprite);
                this.spritelongname = long.MaxValue;

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Constructor
        public ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, int index, string title)
            string key = index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Initialize
            this.index    = index;
            this.category = cat;
            this.title    = title;
            this.actor    = null;
            this.isknown  = true;
            this.args     = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(i);

            // Read properties
            this.sprite      = cat.Sprite;
            this.color       = cat.Color;
            this.arrow       = (cat.Arrow != 0);
            this.radius      = cat.Radius;
            this.height      = cat.Height;
            this.hangs       = (cat.Hangs != 0);
            this.blocking    = cat.Blocking;
            this.errorcheck  = cat.ErrorCheck;
            this.fixedsize   = cat.FixedSize;
            this.absolutez   = cat.AbsoluteZ;
            this.spritescale = new SizeF(cat.SpriteScale, cat.SpriteScale);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;

            // Make long name for sprite lookup
            if (this.sprite.Length <= 8)
                this.spritelongname = Lump.MakeLongName(this.sprite);
                this.spritelongname = long.MaxValue;

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(int index)
            // Initialize
            this.index           = index;
            this.category        = null;
            this.actor           = null;
            this.title           = "<" + index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ">";
            this.sprite          = DataManager.INTERNAL_PREFIX + "unknownthing";
            this.classname       = string.Empty; //mxd
            this.color           = 0;
            this.alpha           = 1f;           //mxd
            this.alphabyte       = 255;          //mxd
            this.renderstyle     = "normal";     //mxd
            this.bright          = false;        //mxd
            this.arrow           = true;
            this.radius          = 10f;
            this.renderradius    = 10f;
            this.height          = 20f;
            this.distancechecksq = int.MaxValue;             //mxd
            this.hangs           = false;
            this.blocking        = 0;
            this.errorcheck      = 0;
            this.spritescale     = new SizeF(1.0f, 1.0f);
            this.fixedsize       = false;
            this.fixedrotation   = false;           //mxd
            this.spriteframe     = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                               Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true)
                                           } };                                                                                                 //mxd
            this.args        = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown     = false;
            this.absolutez   = false;
            this.xybillboard = false;
            this.locksprite  = false;                                                                                   //mxd
            this.flagsrename = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd
            this.thinglink   = 0;
            this.optional    = false;                                                                                   // [ZZ]

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, ActorStructure actor)
            // Initialize
            this.index    = actor.DoomEdNum;
            this.category = cat;
            this.title    = "";
            this.actor    = actor;
            this.isknown  = true;
            this.args     = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(i);

            // Read properties
            this.sprite      = cat.Sprite;
            this.color       = cat.Color;
            this.arrow       = (cat.Arrow != 0);
            this.radius      = cat.Radius;
            this.height      = cat.Height;
            this.hangs       = (cat.Hangs != 0);
            this.blocking    = cat.Blocking;
            this.errorcheck  = cat.ErrorCheck;
            this.fixedsize   = cat.FixedSize;
            this.absolutez   = cat.AbsoluteZ;
            this.spritescale = new SizeF(cat.SpriteScale, cat.SpriteScale);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;

            // Apply settings from actor

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // Constructor
        internal ThingCategory(Configuration cfg, ThingCategory parent, string name, IDictionary <string, EnumList> enums)
            // Initialize
            this.name     = name;
            this.things   = new List <ThingTypeInfo>();
            this.children = new List <ThingCategory>();

            // Read properties
            this.title = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".title", name);

            //mxd. If current block has no settings, it should be a grouping block, not a thing category.
            if (this.title == name)
                string[] props = new[] { "sprite", "sort", "color", "alpha", "renderstyle", "arrow", "width",
                                         "height", "hangs", "blocking", "error", "fixedsize", "fixedrotation", "absolutez", "spritescale" };

                isinvalid = true;
                foreach (string prop in props)
                    if (cfg.SettingExists("thingtypes." + name + "." + prop))
                        isinvalid = false;

                if (isinvalid)

            if (parent != null)            //mxd
                this.sprite        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".sprite", parent.sprite);
                this.sorted        = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".sort", (parent.sorted ? 1 : 0)) != 0);
                this.color         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".color", parent.color);
                this.alpha         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".alpha", parent.alpha);
                this.renderstyle   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".renderstyle", parent.renderstyle).ToLower();
                this.arrow         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".arrow", parent.arrow);
                this.radius        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".width", parent.radius);
                this.height        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".height", parent.height);
                this.hangs         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".hangs", parent.hangs);
                this.blocking      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".blocking", parent.blocking);
                this.errorcheck    = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".error", parent.errorcheck);
                this.fixedsize     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".fixedsize", parent.fixedsize);
                this.fixedrotation = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".fixedrotation", parent.fixedrotation);
                this.absolutez     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".absolutez", parent.absolutez);
                this.spritescale   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".spritescale", parent.spritescale);
                this.sprite        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".sprite", "");
                this.sorted        = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".sort", 0) != 0);
                this.color         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".color", 0);
                this.alpha         = General.Clamp(cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".alpha", 1f), 0f, 1f);
                this.renderstyle   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".renderstyle", "normal").ToLower();
                this.arrow         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".arrow", 0);
                this.radius        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".width", 10);
                this.height        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".height", 20);
                this.hangs         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".hangs", 0);
                this.blocking      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".blocking", 0);
                this.errorcheck    = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".error", 1);
                this.fixedsize     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".fixedsize", false);
                this.fixedrotation = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".fixedrotation", false);                 //mxd
                this.absolutez     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".absolutez", false);
                this.spritescale   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name + ".spritescale", 1.0f);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;

            // Go for all items in category
            IDictionary dic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + name, new Hashtable());
            Dictionary <string, ThingCategory> cats = new Dictionary <string, ThingCategory>(StringComparer.Ordinal);           //mxd

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in dic)
                // Check if the item key is numeric
                int index;
                if (int.TryParse(de.Key.ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowTrailingWhite, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out index))
                    // Check if the item value is a structure
                    if (de.Value is IDictionary)
                        // Create this thing
                        things.Add(new ThingTypeInfo(this, index, cfg, enums));
                    // Check if the item value is a string
                    else if (de.Value is string)
                        // Interpret this as the title
                        things.Add(new ThingTypeInfo(this, index, de.Value.ToString()));
                //mxd. This should be a child category
                else if (de.Value is IDictionary)
                    ThingCategory child = new ThingCategory(cfg, this, name + "." + de.Key, enums);
                    if (child.IsValid && child.things.Count > 0)
                        if (cats.ContainsKey(child.title.ToLowerInvariant()))
                            General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Warning, "Thing Category \"" + child.title + "\" is double defined in " + this.title);
                        cats[child.title.ToLowerInvariant()] = child;

            //mxd. Add to main collection
            foreach (ThingCategory tc in cats.Values)

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // Constructor
        internal ThingCategory(ThingCategory parent, string name, string title, DecorateCategoryInfo catinfo)
            // Initialize
            this.name     = name;
            this.title    = title;
            this.things   = new List <ThingTypeInfo>();
            this.children = new List <ThingCategory>();

            //mxd. Copy properties from the parent
            if (parent != null)
                this.sprite        = parent.sprite;
                this.sorted        = parent.sorted;
                this.color         = parent.color;
                this.alpha         = parent.alpha;
                this.renderstyle   = parent.renderstyle;
                this.arrow         = parent.arrow;
                this.radius        = parent.radius;
                this.height        = parent.height;
                this.hangs         = parent.hangs;
                this.blocking      = parent.blocking;
                this.errorcheck    = parent.errorcheck;
                this.fixedsize     = parent.fixedsize;
                this.fixedrotation = parent.fixedrotation;
                this.absolutez     = parent.absolutez;
                this.spritescale   = parent.spritescale;
            // Set default properties
                this.sprite        = "";
                this.sorted        = true;
                this.color         = 18;
                this.alpha         = 1f;         //mxd
                this.renderstyle   = "normal";   //mxd
                this.arrow         = 1;
                this.radius        = 10;
                this.height        = 20;
                this.hangs         = 0;
                this.blocking      = 0;
                this.errorcheck    = 1;
                this.fixedsize     = false;
                this.fixedrotation = false;                 //mxd
                this.absolutez     = false;
                this.spritescale   = 1.0f;

            //mxd. Apply DecorateCategoryInfo overrides...
            if (catinfo != null && catinfo.Properties.Count > 0)
                this.sprite        = catinfo.GetPropertyValueString("$sprite", 0, this.sprite);
                this.sorted        = (catinfo.GetPropertyValueInt("$sort", 0, (this.sorted ? 1 : 0)) != 0);
                this.color         = catinfo.GetPropertyValueInt("$color", 0, this.color);
                this.arrow         = catinfo.GetPropertyValueInt("$arrow", 0, this.arrow);
                this.errorcheck    = catinfo.GetPropertyValueInt("$error", 0, this.errorcheck);
                this.fixedsize     = catinfo.GetPropertyValueBool("$fixedsize", 0, this.fixedsize);
                this.fixedrotation = catinfo.GetPropertyValueBool("$fixedrotation", 0, this.fixedrotation);
                this.absolutez     = catinfo.GetPropertyValueBool("$absolutez", 0, this.absolutez);

            // We have no destructor
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, int index, Configuration cfg, IDictionary <string, EnumList> enums)
            string key = index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Initialize
            this.index           = index;
            this.category        = cat;
            this.args            = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown         = true;
            this.actor           = null;
            this.bright          = false;        //mxd
            this.distancechecksq = int.MaxValue; //mxd

            // Read properties
            this.title         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".title", "<" + key + ">");
            this.sprite        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".sprite", cat.Sprite);
            this.color         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".color", cat.Color);
            this.alpha         = General.Clamp(cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".alpha", cat.Alpha), 0f, 1f); //mxd
            this.alphabyte     = (byte)(this.alpha * 255);                                                                           //mxd
            this.renderstyle   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".renderstyle", cat.RenderStyle).ToLower();  //mxd
            this.arrow         = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".arrow", cat.Arrow) != 0);
            this.radius        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".width", cat.Radius);
            this.height        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".height", cat.Height);
            this.hangs         = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".hangs", cat.Hangs) != 0);
            this.blocking      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".blocking", cat.Blocking);
            this.errorcheck    = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".error", cat.ErrorCheck);
            this.fixedsize     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".fixedsize", cat.FixedSize);
            this.fixedrotation = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".fixedrotation", cat.FixedRotation);             //mxd
            this.absolutez     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".absolutez", cat.AbsoluteZ);
            float sscale = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".spritescale", cat.SpriteScale);

            this.spritescale = new SizeF(sscale, sscale);
            this.locksprite  = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".locksprite", false);            //mxd
            this.classname   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".class", String.Empty);          //mxd

            //mxd. Read flagsrename
            this.flagsrename = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            IDictionary maindic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".flagsrename", new Hashtable());

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in maindic)
                string ioname = de.Key.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
                switch (ioname)
                case "doommapsetio":
                case "hexenmapsetio":
                case "universalmapsetio":
                    IDictionary flagdic = de.Value as IDictionary;
                    if (flagdic == null)
                    flagsrename.Add(ioname, new Dictionary <string, string>());
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry fe in flagdic)
                        flagsrename[ioname].Add(fe.Key.ToString(), fe.Value.ToString());

                default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported MapSetIO");

            // Read the args
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(cfg, "thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key, i, enums);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f || this.fixedsize)
                this.radius = THING_FIXED_SIZE;
            if (this.hangs && this.absolutez)
                this.hangs = false;                                          //mxd
            //mxd. Create sprite frame
            this.spriteframe = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                           Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true)
                                       } };

            // We have no destructor