Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static (FixedPointType, SyntaxTree) GenerateType(FixedPointType fType, in int numDimensions)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static (FixedPointType, SyntaxTree) Generate2x2Type(FixedPointType fType)
            // string dimsName = shape.Select(a => a.ToString()).Aggregate((a, b) => a + "x" + b); // this would be for general tensors...
            string dimsName = string.Format("2x2");
            string typeName = string.Format("mat{0}_{1}", dimsName, fType.name);

            var usingStrings = new List <string> {

            var usings = new SyntaxList <UsingDirectiveSyntax>(
                from s in usingStrings select SF.UsingDirective(SF.ParseName(s)));

            var unit = SF.CompilationUnit().WithUsings(usings);

            var nameSpace = SF.NamespaceDeclaration(SF.ParseName("Ramjet.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra"));

            var type = SF.StructDeclaration(typeName)

            var fields = new List <MemberDeclarationSyntax>();

            var rowTypeName      = $@"vec2_{fType.name}";
            var rowTypeSizeBytes = (fType.wordLength * 2) / 8;

            int fieldOffset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                var row = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"[FieldOffset({fieldOffset})] public {fType.name} c{i};");
                fieldOffset += rowTypeSizeBytes;

            type = type.AddMembers(fields.ToArray());

            // var zero = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"public static readonly {typeName} Zero = {typeName}.FromInt(0);");

            // var constructorArgs = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"{fType.name} {CoefficientNames[index]}").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);
            // var constructorAssignments = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"this.{CoefficientNames[index]} = {CoefficientNames[index]}").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ";\n" + b) + ";";

            // var constructor = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public {typeName}({constructorArgs}) {{
            //         {constructorAssignments}
            //     }}");

            // type = type.AddMembers(
            //     constructor);

            // var fromIntArgs = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"int {CoefficientNames[index]}").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);
            // var fromIntAssignments = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"{fType.name}.FromInt({CoefficientNames[index]})").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ",\n" + b);
            // var fromInt = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public static {typeName} FromInt({fromIntArgs}) {{
            //         return new {typeName}(
            //             {fromIntAssignments}
            //         );
            //     }}");

            // var fromFloatArgs = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"float {CoefficientNames[index]}").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);
            // var fromFloatAssignments = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"{fType.name}.FromFloat({CoefficientNames[index]})").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ",\n" + b);
            // var fromFloat = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public static {typeName} FromFloat({fromFloatArgs}) {{
            //         return new {typeName}(
            //             {fromFloatAssignments}
            //         );
            //     }}");

            // var fromDoubleArgs = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"double {CoefficientNames[index]}").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);
            // var fromDoubleAssignments = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"{fType.name}.FromDouble({CoefficientNames[index]})").Aggregate((a, b) => a + ",\n" + b);
            // var fromDouble = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public static {typeName} FromFloat({fromDoubleArgs}) {{
            //         return new {typeName}(
            //             {fromDoubleAssignments}
            //         );
            //     }}");

            // type = type.AddMembers(
            //     fromInt,
            //     fromFloat,
            //     fromDouble
            // );

            // var opAddInstructions = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"lhs.{CoefficientNames[index]} + rhs.{CoefficientNames[index]}")
            //     .Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", \n" + b);
            // var opAdd = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public static {typeName} operator +({typeName} lhs, {typeName} rhs) {{
            //         return new {typeName}(
            //             {opAddInstructions}
            //         );
            //     }}");

            // var opSubInstructions = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"lhs.{CoefficientNames[index]} - rhs.{CoefficientNames[index]}")
            //     .Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", \n" + b);
            // var opSub = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public static {typeName} operator -({typeName} lhs, {typeName} rhs) {{
            //         return new {typeName}(
            //             {opSubInstructions}
            //         );
            //     }}");

            // var opMulScalarRightInstructions = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"lhs.{CoefficientNames[index]} * rhs")
            //     .Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", \n" + b);
            // var opMulScalarRight = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public static {typeName} operator *({typeName} lhs, {fType.name} rhs) {{
            //         return new {typeName}(
            //             {opMulScalarRightInstructions}
            //         );
            //     }}");

            // var opDivScalarRightInstructions = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"lhs.{CoefficientNames[index]} / rhs")
            //     .Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", \n" + b);
            // var opDivScalarRight = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public static {typeName} operator /({typeName} lhs, {fType.name} rhs) {{
            //         return new {typeName}(
            //             {opDivScalarRightInstructions}
            //         );
            //     }}");

            // type = type.AddMembers(
            //     opAdd,
            //     opSub,
            //     opMulScalarRight,
            //     opDivScalarRight);

            // /* Equality */

            // var eqInstructions = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"this.{CoefficientNames[index]} == rhs.{CoefficientNames[index]}")
            //     .Aggregate((a, b) => a + " &&\n" + b);
            // var equals = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public bool Equals({typeName} rhs) {{
            //         return {eqInstructions};
            //     }}");

            // var equalsObj = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public override bool Equals(object o) {{
            //         if (!(o is {typeName})) {{
            //             return false;
            //         }}
            //         return Equals(({typeName})o);
            //     }}");

            // var opEq = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     public static bool operator ==({typeName} lhs, {typeName} rhs) {{
            //         return lhs.Equals(rhs);
            //     }}");

            // var opNEq = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     public static bool operator !=({typeName} lhs, {typeName} rhs) {{
            //         return !lhs.Equals(rhs);
            //     }}");

            // type = type.AddMembers(
            //     equals,
            //     equalsObj,
            //     opEq,
            //     opNEq);

            // // Other

            // /*
            // GetHashCode

            // Todo: None of these make particular sense for each type yet...
            // */
            // var getHashCodeInstructions = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"this.{CoefficientNames[index]}.v")
            //    .Aggregate((a, b) => a + " ^\n" + b);
            // var getHashCode = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public override int GetHashCode() {{
            //         return (int)({getHashCodeInstructions});
            //     }}");

            // var toStringReplaceList = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"{{{index}:0.000}}")
            //    .Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);
            // var toStringCoeffs = fields.Select((coeff, index) => $@"{fType.name}.ToFloat(this.{CoefficientNames[index]})")
            //    .Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);
            // var toString = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public override string ToString() {{
            //         return string.Format(""{typeName}({toStringReplaceList})"", {toStringCoeffs});
            //     }}");

            // var toStringFormat = SF.ParseMemberDeclaration($@"
            //     [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
            //     public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) {{
            //         return ToString();
            //     }}");

            // type = type.AddMembers(
            //     getHashCode,
            //     toString,
            //     toStringFormat);

            nameSpace = nameSpace.AddMembers(type);
            unit      = unit.AddMembers(nameSpace);

            return(fType, CSharpSyntaxTree.Create(unit));