Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CCTileMap(CCTileMapInfo mapInfo)
            : base(CCCameraProjection.Projection2D)
            Type = mapInfo.MapType;
            MapDimensions = mapInfo.MapDimensions;
            MapInfo = mapInfo;
            TileTexelSize = mapInfo.TileTexelSize;

            ObjectGroups = mapInfo.ObjectGroups;
            MapProperties = mapInfo.MapProperties;
            TileProperties = mapInfo.TileProperties;

                = new CCNode(MapDimensions.Size * TileTexelSize * CCTileMapLayer.DefaultTexelToContentSizeRatios);


            int idx = 0;

            List<CCTileLayerInfo> layers = mapInfo.Layers;
            if (layers != null)
                foreach (CCTileLayerInfo layerInfo in layers)
                    if (layerInfo.Visible)
                        CCTileSetInfo[] tilesets = TilesetsForLayer(layerInfo);
                        CCTileMapLayer child = new CCTileMapLayer(tilesets, layerInfo, mapInfo);
                        TileLayersContainer.AddChild(child, idx, idx);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void createBox2DWorldByLayer(CCTileMapLayer physicsLayer, CCTileMap physicsMap)
            bool[,] Tile = extractHitboxTiles (physicsLayer, physicsMap);
            bool[,] Checked = new bool[(int)physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Width, (int)physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Height];

            //geht das Abbild durch
            int CurrentWidth;
            CurrentWidth = 0;

            int LastX;
            LastX = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Height; y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Width; x++) {
                    if (Tile [x, y] == false) {
                        if (CurrentWidth > 0) {
                            createBoxAt (LastX * (int)physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Width * (int)physicsMap.ScaleX, ((int)physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Height - y - 1) * (int)physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Height * (int)physicsMap.ScaleY, CurrentWidth * physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Width * physicsMap.ScaleX, physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Height * (int)physicsMap.ScaleY);
                        LastX = x + 1;
                        CurrentWidth = 0;
                    } else {
                        CurrentWidth += 1;
                if (CurrentWidth > 0) {
                    createBoxAt (LastX * (int)physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Width, ((int)physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Height - y - 1) * (int)physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Height, CurrentWidth * physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Width, physicsLayer.TileTexelSize.Height);
                LastX = 0;
                CurrentWidth = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Initialize(float mapSizeWidth, Character Character, CCTileMapLayer physicsLayer, CCTileMap physicsMap, Container gameContainer)
            mapSizeWidth /= pixelPerMeter;
            gameWorld = new b2World (new b2Vec2 (0, -9.8f));
            gameWorld.AllowSleep = false;

            //definiert den MainCharacter
            Character.createPhysicsBody (gameWorld);
            defineGround (mapSizeWidth);

            createBox2DWorldByLayer (physicsLayer, physicsMap);

            debugDrawer = new DebugDraw ();
            gameWorld.SetDebugDraw (debugDrawer);
            debugDrawer.AppendFlags (b2DrawFlags.e_shapeBit);

            collusionSensor = new CollusionSensor (gameContainer);
            gameWorld.SetContactListener (collusionSensor);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public CCTileMapDrawBufferManager(int mapCols, int mapRows, CCTileMapLayer tileMapLayer, CCTileSetInfo tileSetInfo)
                Buffers      = new List <CCTileMapVertAndIndexBuffer>();
                TileSetInfo  = tileSetInfo;
                TileMapLayer = tileMapLayer;

                // Create the appropriate number of buffers to hold the map.
                int numOfTiles     = mapCols * mapRows;
                int tilesProcessed = 0;

                while (tilesProcessed < numOfTiles)
                    int tilesLeft         = numOfTiles - tilesProcessed;
                    int tilesInThisBuffer = Math.Min(tilesLeft, MaxTilesPerDrawBuffer);

                    CreateDrawBuffer(tilesInThisBuffer, tilesProcessed);

                    tilesProcessed += tilesInThisBuffer;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public CCTileMap(CCTileMapInfo mapInfo)
            : base(CCCameraProjection.Projection2D)
            Type          = mapInfo.MapType;
            MapDimensions = mapInfo.MapDimensions;
            MapInfo       = mapInfo;
            TileTexelSize = mapInfo.TileTexelSize;

            ObjectGroups   = mapInfo.ObjectGroups;
            MapProperties  = mapInfo.MapProperties;
            TileProperties = mapInfo.TileProperties;

                = new CCNode(MapDimensions.Size * TileTexelSize * CCTileMapLayer.DefaultTexelToContentSizeRatios);


            int idx = 0;

            List <CCTileLayerInfo> layers = mapInfo.Layers;

            if (layers != null)
                foreach (CCTileLayerInfo layerInfo in layers)
                    if (layerInfo.Visible)
                        CCTileSetInfo  tileset = TilesetForLayer(layerInfo);
                        CCTileMapLayer child   = new CCTileMapLayer(tileset, layerInfo, mapInfo);
                        TileLayersContainer.AddChild(child, idx, idx);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        //Handles individual tiles at individual layers
        //Some things shouldn't be done by the loop such as exiting the game - so use the calledByLoop to differentiate between the two
        //if this gets messy could split this function into two for each use
        void tileHandler(CCPoint world, CCTileMapLayer layer, character oldUser, Boolean calledByLoop=false)
            CCTileMapCoordinates tileAtXy = layer.ClosestTileCoordAtNodePosition(world); // get tile coordinates corresponding to our touch location
            CCTileGidAndFlags info = layer.TileGIDAndFlags(tileAtXy.Column, tileAtXy.Row);
            //Tilemaps made in the "tiled" program can hold properties - get the properties of the tile
            Dictionary<string, string> properties = TilePropertiesForGID(info.Gid); 

            //Clicking a walkable tile
            if (!calledByLoop && properties != null && properties.ContainsKey("walkable") && properties["walkable"] == "true")
                //if tile has an enemy and user is near it
                if(isTileOccupied(tileAtXy) && isUserNear(tileAtXy))
                    character attackedEnemy = getEnemyAt(tileAtXy);
                    if (attackedEnemy.attacked(user.weapon.attack))

                    foreach (character enemy in enemiesList)
                        CCTileMapCoordinates positionAsTile = LayerNamed("Map").ClosestTileCoordAtNodePosition(enemy.Position);
                        if (!isUserNear(positionAsTile))
                                if (user.attacked(enemy.weapon.attack) && !ifdied)
                //TODO - if tile has an item, pick it up
                    userMoves = user.move(world); //get new pathfind
            //Spawning in the user - only happens once - not called by user
            if (user == null && calledByLoop && properties != null && properties.ContainsKey("name") && properties["name"] == "exit")
                    user = new character("userChar", 20, world, availableWeapons[0]);
                    user = new character(oldUser, world);
                    layer.AddChild(user);                }
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public PathFinder(CCTileMap setMap)
     map = setMap;
     mapLayer = map.LayerNamed("Map");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void LoadLevel(int levelNumber)
			currentLevel = new CCTileMap ("level" + levelNumber + ".tmx");
			currentLevel.Antialiased = false;
			backgroundLayer = currentLevel.LayerNamed ("Background");

			// CCTileMap is a CCLayer, so we'll just add it under all entities
			this.AddChild (currentLevel);

			// put the game layer after

			this.RemoveChild (hudLayer);
			this.AddChild (hudLayer);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void PopulateFrom(CCTileMap tileMap)

            collisions=new List<RectWithDirection> ();

            tileDimensionWidth = (int)(tileMap.TileTexelSize.Width + .5f);
            tileDimensionHeight = (int)(tileMap.TileTexelSize.Height + .5f);
            mBrickLayer = tileMap.LayerNamed ("BrickLayer");

            TileMapPropertyFinder finder = new TileMapPropertyFinder (tileMap);

            foreach (var propertyLocation in finder.GetPropertyLocations())
                if (propertyLocation.Properties.ContainsKey ("SolidCollision"))
                    //worldX worldY 是每个瓦片的中心的坐标
                    float centerX = propertyLocation.WorldX;
                    float centerY = propertyLocation.WorldY;

                    float left = centerX - tileDimensionWidth/2.0f;
                    float bottom = centerY - tileDimensionHeight/2.0f;

                    RectWithDirection rectangle = new RectWithDirection {
                        Left = left,
                        Bottom = bottom,
                        Width = tileDimensionWidth,
                        Height = tileDimensionHeight,


                    collisions.Add (rectangle);

            // Sort by XAxis to speed future searches:
            collisions = collisions.OrderBy(item=>item.Left).ToList();

            // now let's adjust the directions that these point

            for (int i = 0; i < collisions.Count; i++)
                var rect = collisions [i];

                // By default rectangles can reposition objects in all directions:
                int valueToAssign = (int)Directions.All; //15

                float centerX = rect.CenterX;
                float centerY = rect.CenterY;

                // If there are collisions on the sides, then this
                // rectangle can no longer repositon objects in that direction.
                // 一开始小瓦片的方向valueToAssign可能是所有的方向,每次减去一种不可能的方向值,最后得到的就是正确的方向的值的和
                if (HasCollisionAt (centerX - tileDimensionWidth, centerY))
                    valueToAssign -= (int)Directions.Left;
                if (HasCollisionAt (centerX + tileDimensionWidth, centerY))
                    valueToAssign -= (int)Directions.Right;
                if (HasCollisionAt (centerX, centerY + tileDimensionHeight))
                    valueToAssign -= (int)Directions.Up;
                if (HasCollisionAt (centerX, centerY - tileDimensionHeight))
                    valueToAssign -= (int)Directions.Down;

                rect.Directions = (Directions)valueToAssign;
                collisions [i] = rect;

            for (int i = collisions.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                if (collisions [i].Directions == Directions.None)
                    collisions.RemoveAt (i);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        void loadTileMap()

            mLevelTest = new CCTileMap ("LevelTest.tmx");
            mLevelTest.Antialiased = false;
            mTiledLayer = mLevelTest.LayerNamed("BrickLayer");
            gameplayLayer.AddChild (mTiledLayer);

            levelCollision = new LevelCollision ();
            levelCollision.PopulateFrom (mLevelTest);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void LoadLevel(int levelNumber)
            currentLevel = new CCTileMap ("level" + levelNumber + ".tmx");
            currentLevel.Antialiased = false;
            //backgroundLayer是游戏中不动的背景图, 每个currentLevel都有一个对应的backgroundLayer, currentLevel中的其他部分随画面滚动
            backgroundLayer = currentLevel.LayerNamed ("Background");

            // CCTileMap is a CCLayer, so we'll just add it under all entities
            this.AddChild (currentLevel);

            //levelCollision 是确定地图中哪些部分是游戏人物不可以进入的
            levelCollision = new LevelCollision ();
            levelCollision.PopulateFrom (currentLevel);

            // put the game layer after

            this.RemoveChild (hudLayer);
            this.AddChild (hudLayer);
Ejemplo n.º 12
            public CCTileMapDrawBufferManager(int mapCols, int mapRows, CCTileMapLayer tileMapLayer, CCTileSetInfo tileSetInfo)
                Buffers = new List<CCTileMapVertAndIndexBuffer>();
                TileSetInfo = tileSetInfo;
                TileMapLayer = tileMapLayer;

                // Create the appropriate number of buffers to hold the map.
                int numOfTiles = mapCols * mapRows;
                int tilesProcessed = 0;
                while (tilesProcessed < numOfTiles)
                    int tilesLeft = numOfTiles - tilesProcessed;
                    int tilesInThisBuffer = Math.Min(tilesLeft, MaxTilesPerDrawBuffer);

                    CreateDrawBuffer(tilesInThisBuffer, tilesProcessed);

                    tilesProcessed += tilesInThisBuffer;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private bool[,] extractHitboxTiles(CCTileMapLayer physicsLayer, CCTileMap physicsMap)
            bool[,] Tile = new bool[(int)physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Width, (int)physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Height];

            //erstellt ein bool Abbild der Map
            Dictionary<string,string> tileProperties;
            for (int x = 1; x < physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Width - 1; x++) {
                for (int y = 1; y < physicsLayer.LayerSize.Size.Height - 1; y++) {
                    //wenn das tile allein steht, dann ist es ein Element der Hitbox
                    tileProperties = physicsMap.TilePropertiesForGID (physicsLayer.TileGIDAndFlags (new CCTileMapCoordinates (x, y)).Gid);
                    if (tileProperties != null) {
                        tileProperties = physicsMap.TilePropertiesForGID (physicsLayer.TileGIDAndFlags (new CCTileMapCoordinates (x - 1, y)).Gid);
                        if (tileProperties == null) {
                            Tile [x, y] = true;
                        tileProperties = null;
                        tileProperties = physicsMap.TilePropertiesForGID (physicsLayer.TileGIDAndFlags (new CCTileMapCoordinates (x + 1, y)).Gid);
                        if (tileProperties == null) {
                            Tile [x, y] = true;
                        tileProperties = null;
                        tileProperties = physicsMap.TilePropertiesForGID (physicsLayer.TileGIDAndFlags (new CCTileMapCoordinates (x, y - 1)).Gid);
                        if (tileProperties == null) {
                            Tile [x, y] = true;
                        tileProperties = null;
                        tileProperties = physicsMap.TilePropertiesForGID (physicsLayer.TileGIDAndFlags (new CCTileMapCoordinates (x, y + 1)).Gid);
                        if (tileProperties == null) {
                            Tile [x, y] = true;
                        tileProperties = null;

            return Tile;