Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ProcProdSched_WriteSchedulingParameters()
            // Testing the writing of scheduling parameters

            // Creating a schedule to be serialised
            var schedule    = new ProductionSchedule();
            var testObject1 = new ProcessProductionSchedule();


            var schedulingParameters = new CMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                { "myparam", new CMeas.Item_Count(3) }

            // Creating a production request with scheduling parameters
            var productionRequest = new ProductionRequest
                // Setting scheduling parameters. Not testing the parameters thorougly
                // because the data record is tested elsewhere.
                SchedulingParameters = schedulingParameters.ToDataRecordPropertyProxy()


            // Serialising validating and deserialising. The test will likely fails here if it fails.
            var xmlData   = testObject1.ToXmlBytes();
            var xmlString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(xmlData); // Just for debugging


            // Asserting
            AssertSchedulingParameters(new ProcessProductionSchedule(xmlData));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Observation()
            // Observation test

            // Creating an observation for testing
            var dataRecord = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                { "mass", new MsgMeas.Item_Measurement("t", 1.2) },
                { "thickness", new MsgMeas.Item_Measurement("cm", 3.5) }
            var observation = new MsgMeas.Observation(dataRecord)
                Name = "Some name"

            var msg = observation.ToXmlBytes();

            // Extracting metadata
            var testObject = MetadataExtractor.Build(msg);

            Assert.AreEqual(ContentTypeType.Xml, testObject.ContentType);
            Assert.AreEqual("Some name", testObject.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("Data record (2 fields)", testObject.PayloadSummary);
            Assert.AreEqual(PayloadTypeType.ObservationXml, testObject.PayloadType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void AddOneProductionRequest(ItemsControl parent, MsgBiz.ProductionRequest req, int nr)
            var prodReqNode = AddNodeToTreeview(parent, "ProductionRequest " + nr);

            // Add hierarchy scope and identifier
            var hierarchyScope = req.HierarchyScopeObj ?? null;

            AddHierarchyScopeIfNotNull(prodReqNode, req.HierarchyScopeObj);
            AddIdentifierIfNotNull(prodReqNode, "ID", req.Identifier);

            // Add segment requirements
            for (int a = 0; a < req.SegmentRequirements.Count; ++a)
                AddSegmentRequirement(prodReqNode, req.SegmentRequirements[a], a + 1);

            // Add scheduling params
            if (req.SchedulingParameters != null)
                    // Expecting a data record
                    var paramsDataRec = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord((System.Xml.XmlNode[])req.SchedulingParameters);
                    AddNodeToTreeview(prodReqNode, "SchedulingParameters", paramsDataRec);
                catch (Exception e)
                    AddNodeToTreeview(prodReqNode, "SchedulingParameters failed to show: " + e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Get()
            // Creating a request object
            var requestObj = new MsgMeas.GetObservationRequest();

            // Setting the conditions of the request

            // Adding a data record; use this to whatever additional parameters you need.
            // This naturally depends on the server.
            var extensionObj = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                { "parameter_x", new MsgMeas.Item_Count(3) }


            // Adding a temporal filter: retrieve all observation after given time
            var tempFilter1 = new MsgMeas.TemporalFilter(
                new MsgMeas.Item_TimeInstant(DateTime.Parse("2018-05-18T08:05:44Z").ToUniversalTime())


            // Serialising the request object
            byte[] requestXml = requestObj.ToXmlBytes();

            // Sending the requestXml to the server and waiting for a response...
            byte[] responseXml = WaitForResponse();

            // Processing the response
            MsgMeas.GetObservationResponse responseObj;
                responseObj = new MsgMeas.GetObservationResponse(responseXml);
            catch (MsgMeas.Neutral.InvalidMessageException e)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to read server response: " + e.Message, e);

            if (responseObj.RequestResult != MsgMeas.RequestResultType.Ok)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected response from server");

            foreach (var obs in responseObj.Observations)
                // Processing the observations...
                // ...
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void AssertSchedulingParameters(ProcessProductionSchedule testObjectIn)
            // Use a separate function for assert to prevent asserting the wrong object.

            // Asserting parameters. Just a simple assert, because Item_DataRecord
            // is tested elsewhere.
            var paramNodes   = (SXml.XmlNode[])testObjectIn.ProductionSchedules[0].ProductionRequests[0].SchedulingParameters;
            var paramsRecord = new CMeas.Item_DataRecord(paramNodes);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, paramsRecord.ItemNames.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, ((CMeas.Item_Count)paramsRecord["myparam"]).Value);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void ReadFeatureOfInterest(XsdNs.OM_ObservationType observationRaw)
            var featureProxy = observationRaw.featureOfInterest;

            // Feature of interest specified?
            if (featureProxy == null)
                // No feature of interest specified at all
                FeatureOfInterest        = null;
                FeatureOfInterestDetails = new Item_DataRecord();

            // Consistency check: there must not be both xlink attrs and a complex feature of interest
            if (featureProxy.AbstractFeature != null && featureProxy.XLinkHelperObj.XLinkSpecified)
                throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException("Inconsistent feature of interest: complex feature must not have xlink attributes");

            // Simple feature of interest?
            if (featureProxy.Title != null)
                // No additional metadata expected, just reading the xlink:title attribute
                FeatureOfInterest        = featureProxy.Title;
                FeatureOfInterestDetails = new Item_DataRecord();

            if (featureProxy.AbstractFeature == null)
                // No feature of interest specified at all
                FeatureOfInterest        = null;
                FeatureOfInterestDetails = new Item_DataRecord();

                // Processing complex feature of interest
                var featureCasted = (XsdNs.SweDataComponentAsFeatureType)featureProxy.AbstractFeature;
                var dataRecordRaw = featureCasted.DataRecord;

                FeatureOfInterestDetails = new Item_DataRecord(dataRecordRaw);
                FeatureOfInterest        = FeatureOfInterestDetails.Identifier;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException(ErrorMsgPopulation + " (failed to process complex feature)", e);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private byte[] GetObservation(int taskId)
            // Fabricating a message
            var dataRecord = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                { "TaskId", new MsgMeas.Item_Text(taskId.ToString()) },
                { "SomeField", new MsgMeas.Item_Category("my-category") }
            var observation = new MsgMeas.Observation(dataRecord)
                Name = "Task " + taskId

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void ReadTaskingRequestItemsFromProxy(XsdNs.TaskingRequestType proxy)
            // Setting defaults
            Parameters = new Item_DataRecord();

            // Reading procedure
            ProcedureId = proxy.procedure;

            // Parameters defined in the proxy?
            if (proxy.taskingParameters != null &&
                proxy.taskingParameters.ParameterData != null)
                Parameters = new TaskingParameterProcessor(proxy.taskingParameters.ParameterData).Parameters;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads values from the XML proxy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proxy">Proxy.</param>
        protected void ReadExtensibleResponseItemsFromProxy(XsdNs.ExtensibleResponseType proxy)
            // The default result is "unknown" when reading from XML
            RequestResult = RequestResultType.Unknown;

            // Checking if the status data record is there
            if (proxy.Extension != null && proxy.Extension.Length > 0)
                foreach (var ext in proxy.Extension)
                    // Is it a data record?
                    if (!(ext is XsdNs.DataRecordPropertyType dataRecordProp))

                    // Does the data record have a body with the expected identifier?
                    if (dataRecordProp.DataRecord == null ||
                        dataRecordProp.DataRecord.identifier == null ||

                    // Processing the data record
                    var dataRecord = new Item_DataRecord(dataRecordProp);

                    // Getting status information
                    if (dataRecord.ItemNames.Contains(RESULT_FIELD_NAME))
                        RequestResult = ParseRequestResult(dataRecord[RESULT_FIELD_NAME]);
                        RequestResult = RequestResultType.Unknown;

                    // Getting status message
                    if (dataRecord.ItemNames.Contains(MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME))
                        RequestResultMessage = GetStatusMessage(dataRecord[MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// This method populates the base class data to the given proxy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proxy">Proxy.</param>
        protected void PopulateExtensibleResponseToProxy(XsdNs.ExtensibleResponseType proxy)
            // Creating a data record to enclose result information
            var record     = new Item_DataRecord();
            var resultItem = new Item_Category(RequestResult.ToString());

            record.Add(RESULT_FIELD_NAME, resultItem);
            var messageItem = new Item_Text(RequestResultMessage);

            record.Add(MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME, messageItem);

            // Creating a proxy and adding it as an extension
            proxy.Extension = new object[1];
            var recordProp = (XsdNs.DataRecordPropertyType)record.GetObjectForXml_Result("ExtResp_");

            recordProp.DataRecord.identifier = IDENTIFIER;
            proxy.Extension[0] = recordProp;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proxy">Proxy with parameter data.</param>
        /// <exception cref="XNeut.InvalidMessageException">Thrown if an error is encountered.</exception>
        public TaskingParameterProcessor(XsdNs.ParameterDataType proxy)
            // Setting defaults
            Parameters = new Item_DataRecord();

            // Parameters defined in the proxy?
            // The values are mandatory but, for robustness, just skipping if empty
            if (proxy.values != null)
                // Reading parameters; expecting a data record
                if (!(proxy.values is XsdNs.DataRecordPropertyType paramProxy))
                    throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException("Unexpected type of tasking parameters; expected swe:DataRecord");
                    Parameters = new Item_DataRecord(paramProxy);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void ProcProdSched_ReadSchedulingParameters()
            // Testing the reading of scheduling parameters

            var filepath = TestCommon.TestHelper.TestFileFolder + "\\ProcessProductionSchedule_SchedulingParams.xml";
            var xmlBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filepath);

            var testObject = new ProcessProductionSchedule(xmlBytes);

            // Get the parameters data record
            var productionReq = testObject.ProductionSchedules[0].ProductionRequests[0];
            var parameters    = new CMeas.Item_DataRecord((SXml.XmlNode[])productionReq.SchedulingParameters);

            // Asserting just one parameter, because the Item_DataRecord class is
            // not a part of this application.
            var parameter = (CMeas.Item_Measurement)parameters["SomeParam1"];

            Assert.AreEqual(10.6, parameter.Value, 0.0001);
            Assert.AreEqual("t/h", parameter.UnitOfMeasure);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskId">The ID of the related task.</param>
        /// <param name="procId">The ID of the procedure being executed or asked to be executed.</param>
        public TaskStatusReport(string taskId, string procId)
            // #1 in XML schema: task
            // The schema requires a value for this field.
            TaskId = taskId;

            // #5 in XML schema: procedure
            // The schema requires a value for this field.
            ProcedureId = procId;

            // Setting defaults (in the order the fields appear in the XML schema)

            // #2 in XML schema: estimatedToC
            EstimatedTimeOfCompletion = null;

            // #3 in XML schema: event (not implemented)

            // #4 in XML schema: percentCompletion
            PercentCompletion = null;

            // #6 in XML schema: requestStatus
            // The schema requires a value for this field.
            RequestStatus = TaskingRequestStatusCodeType.Accepted;

            // #7 in XML schema: statusMessage
            StatusMessages = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>();

            // #8 in XML schema: taskStatus
            TaskStatusCode = TaskStatusCodeType.Unknown;

            // #9 in XML schema: updateTime
            // The schema requires a value for this field.
            UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();

            // #10 in XML schema: alternative (not implemented)

            // #11 in XML schema: taskingParameters
            TaskingParameters = new Item_DataRecord();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void SendMeasurement(Rmq.IModel channel)
            // In this example, sending an imaginary tank state that consists of a few measurements.

            // Changing tank measurements randomly.
            m_tankTemperature = ChangeValueRandomly(m_tankTemperature, 6, 19, 49);
            m_tankLiquidLevel = ChangeValueRandomly(m_tankLiquidLevel, 27, 12, 100);

            // Creating state object.
            var tankStateValues = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                // Adding measurements.
                { "TI-300", new MsgMeas.Item_Measurement("Cel", m_tankTemperature) },
                { "LI-300", new MsgMeas.Item_Measurement("cm", m_tankLiquidLevel) },

                // Adding state.
                { "state", new MsgMeas.Item_Category(GetRandomTankState()) },

                // Adding alarms. These alarms depend on the level value.
                { "LA-300", new MsgMeas.Item_Boolean(m_tankLiquidLevel < 30) },
                { "LA+300", new MsgMeas.Item_Boolean(m_tankLiquidLevel > 70) }

            // Creating an Observation to enable encoding to XML and adding metadata.
            var timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            var observation = new MsgMeas.Observation(tankStateValues)
                Name              = "T300",
                Description       = "State of T300 at " + timestamp.ToString(),
                FeatureOfInterest = "t300",
                ObservedProperty  = "state",
                // By default, PhenomenonTime is always the creation time, but assigning it explicitly
                PhenomenonTime = timestamp.ToUniversalTime()

            // Sending the message to the message bus.
            SendToMessageBus(channel, TopicNameTankState, observation.ToXmlBytes());
Ejemplo n.º 15
        // This example shows
        // 1) How to create an Item_DataRecord object and enclose it in an Observation
        // 2) How to read an Item_DataRecord enclosed in an Observation

        public void Create()
            // This example creates a data record with the following structure:
            // - dataRecord
            //   - MyMeas: Item_Measurement, 45.3 s, good quality (implicit)
            //   - MyTime: Item_TimeInstant, 2018-03-02T14:22:05Z, bad quality (explicit)
            //   - NestedRecord: Item_DataRecord
            //     - NestedMeas: Item_Measurement, -0.34 m, good quality (implicit)

            // The easiest way to add fields is to use the collection initialiser as below.
            // In each row, the items are as follows:
            // 1) the name of the data record field,
            // 2) the related Item_* object,
            // 3) data quality information (optional)
            var dataRecord = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                // Adding a measurement value
                { "MyMeas", new MsgMeas.Item_Measurement("s", 45.3) },

                // Adding a time instant
                { "MyTime", new MsgMeas.Item_TimeInstant(DateTime.Parse("2018-03-02T14:22:05Z").ToUniversalTime()),
                  MsgMeas.DataQuality.CreateBad() }

            // You can also use the "Add" method. The code below shows this. In addition,
            // it shows that a data record can nest another data record.
            var nestedDataRecord = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                { "NestedMeas", new MsgMeas.Item_Measurement("m", -0.34) }

            dataRecord.Add("NestedRecord", nestedDataRecord);

            // Now, you can include the data record in an Observation, for instance.
            var observation = new MsgMeas.Observation(dataRecord);
            var xmlBytes    = observation.ToXmlBytes();
            // Send XML bytes to network...
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private MsgMeas.TaskStatusReport GetStatusReport()
            var taskingParams = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord
                { "myparam", new MsgMeas.Item_Category("myctg") }

            var statusReport = new MsgMeas.TaskStatusReport(CurrentTaskId, MySupportedProcedure)
                EstimatedTimeOfCompletion = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(4).ToUniversalTime(),
                PercentCompletion         = 3.2,
                RequestStatus             = MsgMeas.TaskingRequestStatusCodeType.Accepted,
                StatusMessages            = new SysColl.List <string>()
                    "Creation was successful", "Start was successful"

                TaskStatusCode    = CurrentTaskStatus,
                UpdateTime        = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),
                TaskingParameters = taskingParams

Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pm">Parameter values.</param>
 public TaskingParameterProcessor(Item_DataRecord pm)
     Parameters = pm;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private void ReadFieldValuesFromXmlDoc(XsdNs.StatusReportType proxy)
                // #1 in XML schema: task
                // The schema requires a value for this field.
                TaskId = proxy.task;

                // #2 in XML schema: estimatedToC
                if (proxy.estimatedToCSpecified)
                    EstimatedTimeOfCompletion = XNeut.Helper.DateTimeToUtcIfPossible(proxy.estimatedToC);
                    EstimatedTimeOfCompletion = null;

                // #3 in XML schema: event (not implemented)

                // #4 in XML schema: percentCompletion
                if (proxy.percentCompletionSpecified)
                    PercentCompletion = proxy.percentCompletion;
                    PercentCompletion = null;

                // #5 in XML schema: procedure
                // The schema requires a value for this field.
                ProcedureId = proxy.procedure;

                // #6 in XML schema: requestStatus
                // The schema requires a value for this field.
                    RequestStatus = (TaskingRequestStatusCodeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskingRequestStatusCodeType), proxy.requestStatus);
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException("Failed to parse request status", e);

                // #7 in XML schema: statusMessage
                StatusMessages = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>();

                if (proxy.statusMessage != null)
                    foreach (var s in proxy.statusMessage)

                // #8 in XML schema: taskStatus
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy.taskStatus))
                        TaskStatusCode = (TaskStatusCodeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TaskStatusCodeType), proxy.taskStatus);
                        // Default
                        TaskStatusCode = TaskStatusCodeType.Unknown;
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException("Failed to parse task status", e);

                // #9 in XML schema: updateTime
                // The schema requires a value for this field.
                UpdateTime = XNeut.Helper.DateTimeToUtcIfPossible(proxy.updateTime);

                // #10 in XML schema: alternative (not implemented)

                // Tasking parameters defined?
                // #11 in XML schema: taskingParameters
                if (proxy.taskingParameters != null &&
                    proxy.taskingParameters.ParameterData != null)
                    var paramsProxy = proxy.taskingParameters.ParameterData;
                    TaskingParameters = new TaskingParameterProcessor(paramsProxy).Parameters;
                    TaskingParameters = new Item_DataRecord();
            catch (NullReferenceException e)
                throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException("Failed to read status report from XML (something required missing?)", e);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void ProcessOneField(XsdNs.DataRecordTypeField field)
            string fieldName = field.name;
            var    fieldObj  = field.dataComponent;

            Item        itemRead        = null;
            DataQuality dataQuality     = null;
            var         simpleComponent = true;

                if (fieldObj is XsdNs.AbstractSimpleComponentType)
                    // Simple component (as of SWE schemata)
                    simpleComponent = true;
                    itemRead        = ReadSimpleData(field);
                    // Complex component
                    simpleComponent = false;

                    switch (field.dataComponentTypeInfo)
                    case XsdNs.DataRecordFieldTypeType.DataRecord:
                        var dataRec = (XsdNs.DataRecordType)fieldObj;
                        itemRead = new Item_DataRecord(dataRec);

                    case XsdNs.DataRecordFieldTypeType.AbstractGmlAsSweDataComponent:
                        itemRead = ProcessTimeSeriesField((XsdNs.AbstractGmlAsSweDataComponentType)fieldObj);

                    case XsdNs.DataRecordFieldTypeType.DataArray:
                        itemRead = new Item_Array((XsdNs.DataArrayType)fieldObj);

                        // For robustness, just skip unknown field types
                        itemRead = null;
            // Datetime values
            catch (FormatException e)
                throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException("Data record field is invalid: " + fieldName, e);
            // Other errors
            catch (XNeut.InvalidMessageException e)
                throw new XNeut.InvalidMessageException("Data record field is invalid: " + fieldName, e);

            if (itemRead == null)
                // Unknown field type -> skip for robustness

            if (simpleComponent)
                // Getting data quality
                var simpleComp = (XsdNs.AbstractSimpleComponentType)fieldObj;

                if (simpleComp.quality != null && simpleComp.quality.Length > 0)
                    var qualityProp = simpleComp.quality[0];
                    dataQuality = new DataQuality(qualityProp.Title);

            if (dataQuality == null)
                Add(fieldName, itemRead);
                Add(fieldName, itemRead, dataQuality);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void SendSchedule(Rmq.IModel channel)
            // Creating an imaginary schedule for two tanks, T300 and T400.

            // It helps to create a "base DateTime", because the message API requires all DateTimes in UTC
            var dateTimeBase = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();

            // Creating material requirements for the production requests
            var matReqLoad   = CreateMaterialReqForSchedule(MsgBiz.MaterialUseType.Consumed, "liquid_422", 1.3);
            var matReqUnload = CreateMaterialReqForSchedule(MsgBiz.MaterialUseType.Produced, "liquid_429", 1.1);

            // Creating scheduling parameters
            var schedulingParams = new MsgMeas.Item_DataRecord()
                { "scheduling-method", new MsgMeas.Item_Category("default") },
                { "scheduling-horizon", new MsgMeas.Item_Measurement("min", 120) }

            // Creating production requests
            var prodReqT300 = new MsgBiz.ProductionRequest()
                HierarchyScopeObj = new MsgBiz.HierarchyScope(
                    new MsgBiz.IdentifierType("T300"),

                SegmentRequirements = new SysColl.List <MsgBiz.SegmentRequirement>()
                    CreateSegmentForSchedule(dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(29), dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(49), "load", matReqLoad),
                    CreateSegmentForSchedule(dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(62), dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(82), "unload", matReqUnload),

                SchedulingParameters = schedulingParams.ToDataRecordPropertyProxy()
            var prodReqT400 = new MsgBiz.ProductionRequest()
                HierarchyScopeObj = new MsgBiz.HierarchyScope(
                    new MsgBiz.IdentifierType("T400"),

                SegmentRequirements = new SysColl.List <MsgBiz.SegmentRequirement>()
                    CreateSegmentForSchedule(dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(19), dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(39), "load", matReqLoad),
                    CreateSegmentForSchedule(dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(52), dateTimeBase.AddMinutes(72), "unload", matReqUnload),

                SchedulingParameters = schedulingParams.ToDataRecordPropertyProxy()

            // Creating a request to process the schedule
            var processScheduleRequest = new MsgBiz.ProcessProductionSchedule()
                // This is the current time by default, but setting it explicitly
                CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(),

                ProductionSchedules = new SysColl.List <MsgBiz.ProductionSchedule>
                    new MsgBiz.ProductionSchedule()

            // Adding the production requests to the message

            // Sending the message to the message bus
            SendToMessageBus(channel, TopicNameSchedules, processScheduleRequest.ToXmlBytes());