Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Particle( Material material )
            Material = material;
            var rand = new Random();

            EasyAnisotropyAxis = new Vector( ( rand.NextDouble() - 0.5 ),
                ( rand.NextDouble() - 0.5 ),
                ( rand.NextDouble() - 0.5 ) );
            EasyAnisotropyAxis = EasyAnisotropyAxis.Norm();

            MagneticVector = new Vector( ( rand.NextDouble() - 0.5 ),
                ( rand.NextDouble() - 0.5 ),
                ( rand.NextDouble() - 0.5 ) );
            MagneticVector = MagneticVector.Norm();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Dot product of two vector: this and that.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="that">Result scalar</param>
 public double Dot( Vector that )
     return X * that.X + Y * that.Y + Z * that.Z;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Cross product of two vector: [ this x that ].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="that">Result vector.</param>
        public Vector Cross( Vector that )
            Vector res;
            res.X = Y * that.Z - Z * that.Y;
            res.Y = Z * that.X - X * that.Z;
            res.Z = X * that.Y - Y * that.X;

            return res;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Main( string[] args )
            var appName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;

            bool needShowHelp = false;

            double anisotropy = Defaults.Anisotropy;
            double saturation = Defaults.Saturation;
            double particleRadius = Defaults.ParticleRadius;

            double dt = Defaults.Dt;
            double epsillon = Defaults.Epsillon;

            double clusterRadius = Defaults.ClusterRadius;

            double minH = Defaults.MinH;
            double maxH = Defaults.MaxH;
            double stepH = Defaults.StepH;

            int particlesCount = 40;

            var p = new OptionSet();
            p.Add( "n|particles-count=", "Count of particles.", (int v ) => particlesCount = v );

            p.Add( "a|anisotropy=", "Magnetic anisotropy of the material.", (double v ) => anisotropy = v );
            p.Add( "s|saturation=", "Magnetic saturation of the material.", (double v ) => saturation = v );
            p.Add( "p|particle-radius=", "Radius of a particular of the material.", (double v ) => particleRadius = v );

            p.Add( "d|dt=", "", (double v ) => dt = v );
            p.Add( "e|epsillon=", "", (double v ) => epsillon = v );

            p.Add( "c|cluster-radius=", "Radius of the sphere.", (double v ) => clusterRadius = v );

            p.Add( "min=", "Min value of H.", (double v ) => minH = v );
            p.Add( "max=", "Max value of H.", (double v ) => maxH = v );
            p.Add( "step=", "Step for H.", (double v ) => stepH = v );

            p.Add( "h|help", "Show this message and exit", v => needShowHelp = v != null );
            p.Add( "v", "Increase debug message verbosity",
                v => {
                    if( v != null )
                } );
                p.Parse( args );
            catch( OptionException e )
                Console.Write( appName + ": " );
                Console.WriteLine( e.Message );
                Console.WriteLine( "Try `" + appName + " --help' for more information." );

            if( needShowHelp )
                Usage( appName, p );

            if( particlesCount <= 0 )
                Console.Write( appName + ": " );
                Console.WriteLine( "Count of the particles must be positive" );
                Console.WriteLine( "Try `" + appName + " --help' for more information." );

            var material = new Material( anisotropy, saturation, particleRadius );

            var cluster = new Sphere( clusterRadius );

            // Generate particles
            cluster.Particles = Utils.GenerateRandromParticlesInSphere( material, clusterRadius, particlesCount );

            var results = new Dictionary<double, double>();

            for( var i = minH; i <= maxH; i += stepH )
                if( Math.Abs( i ) < double.Epsilon )

                var externalMagneticField = new Vector( i, 0, 0 );

                var magneticMomentAverage = cluster.Calculate( externalMagneticField, dt, epsillon );

                results.Add( i, magneticMomentAverage.X );

            Console.WriteLine( "Results:" );
            foreach( var pair in results )
                Console.WriteLine( "ExternalMagneticField:\t" + pair.Key + "\tEffectiveMagneticField:\t" + pair.Value );