public void CallSiteImplicitAllocation_NonOverridenMethodOnStruct()
            var sampleProgram =
            @"using System;

            var normal = new Normal().GetHashCode();
            var overridden = new OverrideToHashCode().GetHashCode();

            struct Normal


            struct OverrideToHashCode

            public override int GetHashCode()
            return -1;

            var analyser = new CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer();
            var info = ProcessCode(analyser, sampleProgram, ImmutableArray.Create(SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, info.Allocations.Count);
            // Diagnostic: (3,14): warning HeapAnalyzerValueTypeNonOverridenCallRule: Non-overriden virtual method call on a value type adds a boxing or constrained instruction
            AssertEx.ContainsDiagnostic(info.Allocations, id: CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer.ValueTypeNonOverridenCallRule.Id, line: 3, character: 14);
        public void CallSiteImplicitAllocation_Param()
            var sampleProgram =
            @"using System;

            Params(1, 2);
            Params(new [] { 1, 2}); // explicit, so no warning
            ParamsWithObjects(new [] { 1, 2}); // explicit, but converted to objects, so stil la warning?!

            // Only 4 args and above use the params overload of String.Format
            var test = String.Format(""Testing {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}"", 1, ""blah"", 2.0m, 'c');

            public void Params(params int[] args)

            public void ParamsWithObjects(params object[] args)

            var analyser = new CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer();
            var info = ProcessCode(analyser, sampleProgram, ImmutableArray.Create(SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression));

            Assert.AreEqual(4, info.Allocations.Count);
            // Diagnostic: (3,1): warning HeapAnalyzerImplicitParamsRule: This call site is calling into a function with a 'params' parameter. This results in an array allocation even if no parameter is passed in for the params parameter
            AssertEx.ContainsDiagnostic(info.Allocations, id: CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer.ParamsParameterRule.Id, line: 3, character: 1);
            // Diagnostic: (4,1): warning HeapAnalyzerImplicitParamsRule: This call site is calling into a function with a 'params' parameter. This results in an array allocation even if no parameter is passed in for the params parameter
            AssertEx.ContainsDiagnostic(info.Allocations, id: CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer.ParamsParameterRule.Id, line: 4, character: 1);
            // Diagnostic: (6,1): warning HeapAnalyzerImplicitParamsRule: This call site is calling into a function with a 'params' parameter. This results in an array allocation even if no parameter is passed in for the params parameter
            AssertEx.ContainsDiagnostic(info.Allocations, id: CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer.ParamsParameterRule.Id, line: 6, character: 1);
            // Diagnostic: (9,12): warning HeapAnalyzerImplicitParamsRule: This call site is calling into a function with a 'params' parameter. This results in an array allocation even if no parameter is passed in for the params parameter
            AssertEx.ContainsDiagnostic(info.Allocations, id: CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer.ParamsParameterRule.Id, line: 9, character: 12);
 public void Calling_non_overridden_virtual_methods_on_value_types()
     var @script =
         @"enum E { A }
     var analyser = new CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer();
     var info = ProcessCode(analyser, @script, ImmutableArray.Create(SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, info.Allocations.Count);
     // Diagnostic: (2,17): warning HeapAnalyzerValueTypeNonOverridenCallRule: Non-overriden virtual method call on a value type adds a boxing or constrained instruction
     AssertEx.ContainsDiagnostic(info.Allocations, CallSiteImplicitAllocationAnalyzer.ValueTypeNonOverridenCallRule.Id, line: 2, character: 17);