Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a list box item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batch">SpriteBatch to use for drawing.</param>
        /// <param name="item">ListBoxStateMachineItem to draw.</param>
        private void DrawItem(SpriteBatch batch, ListBoxItem item)
            Rectangle source;
            Rectangle destination;
            int clipLeft, clipRight;

            GetDrawingRectangles(item, out source, out destination, out clipLeft, out clipRight);

            // Draw the list box item icon.
            DrawIcon(batch, item.Icon, CenterOf(destination), clipLeft, clipRight);

            // Draw the list box item frame texture.
            batch.Draw(itemDefault, destination, source, SpriteColor, ActualRotation, Vector2.Zero,
                       SpriteEffects, LayerDepth);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a list box item that is pressed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batch"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        private void DrawPressedItem(SpriteBatch batch, ListBoxItem item)
            Rectangle source;
            Rectangle destination;
            int clipLeft, clipRight;

            GetDrawingRectangles(item, out source, out destination, out clipLeft, out clipRight);

            Rectangle frameSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, itemHit.Width, itemHit.Height);
            Vector2 origin = CenterOf(frameSource);
            Vector2 center = CenterOf(destination);

            if (clipRight > 0)
                frameSource = new Rectangle(0, 0,
                                            itemHit.Width - clipLeft - clipRight - glowSize,
                center.X += Convert.ToInt32(clipRight/2f);

            if (clipLeft > 0)
                frameSource = new Rectangle(clipLeft + glowSize, 0,
                                            itemHit.Width - clipLeft - clipRight - glowSize,
                center.X += Convert.ToInt32(clipLeft/2f) + glowSize;

            // Draw the list box item icon.
            DrawIcon(batch, item.Icon, CenterOf(destination), clipLeft, clipRight);

            // Draw the list box item frame texture.
            float zOrder = MathHelper.Clamp(LayerDepth - layerOffset, 0f, 1f);
            batch.Draw(itemHit, center, frameSource, SpriteColor, ActualRotation, origin,
                       item.AnimationScale * ActualScale, SpriteEffects, zOrder);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all of the content for the list box.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            itemDefault = TextureFromFile(@"Content\ItemDefault.png");
            itemHit = TextureFromFile(@"Content\ItemHit.png");
            minBackground = TextureFromFile(@"Content\MinBackground.png");
            maxBackground = TextureFromFile(@"Content\MaxBackground.png");


            animationSteps = (float)(animationDuration.TotalMilliseconds/Game.TargetElapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds);
            widthStep = (float) (maxBackground.Width - minBackground.Width)/animationSteps;


            // Populate the listbox.
            float horizontalSize = (float)itemWidth/listBoxStateMachine.NumberOfPixelsInHorizontalAxis;
            float verticalSize = (float)itemHeight/listBoxStateMachine.NumberOfPixelsInVerticalAxis;
            foreach (Textiles.Theme theme in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Textiles.Theme)))
                Texture2D icon = textiles.GetIcon(theme);
                ListBoxStateMachineItem item = new ListBoxItem(icon, theme, horizontalSize, verticalSize);

            // Initialize button images
            maximizeDefault = TextureFromFile(@"Content\MaximizeDefault.png");
            maximizeHit = TextureFromFile(@"Content\MaximizeHit.png");
            minimizeDefault = TextureFromFile(@"Content\MinimizeDefault.png");
            minimizeHit = TextureFromFile(@"Content\MinimizeHit.png");

            minMaxButton.DefaultImage = maximizeDefault;
            minMaxButton.PressedImage = maximizeHit;
