Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the file path that a user's document is locally stored at.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">Userdocument from the server</param>
        /// <returns>The file path to the document from the local root directory</returns>
        private string FetchRelativeFilePath(ServiceReference.ServiceUserdocument doc)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            ServiceReference.ServiceFolder folder = null;

            using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                folder = proxy.GetFolder(doc.folderId);

            while (folder != null || folder.parentFolderId != null)
                if (folder.parentFolderId == null)
                    sb.Insert(0, "\\" + folder.name);
                using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                    folder = proxy.GetFolder((int)folder.parentFolderId);

            String userEmail = session.Email;

            sb.Insert(0, "");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronizes a specific document to push changes to the server. If another user made changes meanwhile, a conflict arises and a difference view is displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document content from the UI</param>
        public void SyncDocument(FlowDocument document)
            if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
                //0: docid -> docid 11
                //1: userid -> userid 11
                //2: timestamp -> timestamp 12-12-2012 12:18:19
                object[] metadata   = LocalPersistenceHandler.RetrieveMetadataFromFile(session.CurrentDocumentPath);
                int      documentID = (int)metadata[0];
                DateTime baseDocumentCreationTime = (DateTime)metadata[2];
                //int folderID = (int)metadata[3];

                StringBuilder sb             = new StringBuilder();
                string        metadataString = Metadata.GenerateMetadataString(documentID, session.UserID, DateTime.UtcNow);//, folderID);
                //generate xaml for the document
                String xaml = System.Windows.Markup.XamlWriter.Save(document);

                //get the text from the document
                String content = new TextRange(document.ContentStart, document.ContentEnd).Text;

                String[][] responseArrays = null;
                //connect to the websevice
                using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                    //push the current document
                    responseArrays = proxy.SyncDocument(session.UserID, documentID, session.CurrentDocumentPath, sb.ToString(), session.CurrentDocumentTitle, content);

                if (responseArrays == null) //if there is no conflict
                    if (documentID == 0)
                        //connect to the websevice
                        using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                            documentID = proxy.GetDocumentId(session.UserID, session.CurrentDocumentTitle);
                    //save document with new metadata - basedocument
                    localPersistence.SaveDocumentToFile(document, Metadata.ReplaceDocumentIDInMetadata(metadataString, documentID));
                    session.CurrentDocumentID = documentID;
                else //if there is a conflict
                //No web connection
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to remove a users participation in a document - the document still lives on the server, but the currently online user can no longer access it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">TreeViewItem represetation of the item which is to be removed</param>
        /// <param name="items">An item collection which contains the soon to be removed document</param>
        public void DeleteDocument(System.Windows.Controls.TreeViewItem item, System.Windows.Controls.ItemCollection items)
            //get document id for the file
            int documentId = Metadata.FetchDocumentIDFromFileContent(localPersistence.GetFileContent(item.Tag.ToString()));

            using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                //delete the users document reference
                proxy.DeleteDocumentReference(session.UserID, documentId);
            //delete the file locally
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Add file to server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">Path to the file which should be added to the server</param>
        private void AddDocumentToServer(String filePath)
            //load file content
            String content = localPersistence.GetFileContent(filePath);
            //fetch filename
            String fileName = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1, (filePath.IndexOf(".txt") - filePath.LastIndexOf("\\") - 1));

            //Connect to webservice
            using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                //add document online
                proxy.AddDocumentWithUserDocument(fileName, session.UserID, filePath, content);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Pushes the merged document revision to the server to resolve the conflict.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document content from the UI</param>
        public void SaveMergedDocument(FlowDocument document)
            Object[] oldMetadata = LocalPersistenceHandler.RetrieveMetadataFromFile(session.CurrentDocumentPath);
            int      documentid  = (int)oldMetadata[0];
            int      userid      = session.UserID;
            DateTime timestamp   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //int folderid = (int)oldMetadata[3];

            String metadata    = Metadata.GenerateMetadataString(documentid, userid, timestamp);//, folderid);
            String xamlContent = System.Windows.Markup.XamlWriter.Save(document);
            String content     = metadata + xamlContent;

            using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                proxy.AddDocumentRevision(session.UserID, documentid, content);
            localPersistence.SaveDocumentToFile(content, session.CurrentDocumentPath);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to register a new user in the database
        /// Using an email and 2 identical passwords, in order protect against typoes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email">The users email</param>
        /// <param name="passUnencrypted1">unencrypted first password</param>
        /// <param name="passUnencrypted2">unencrypted second password</param>
        /// <returns>Wheter the creation of the user was successful - return -1 if it was unsuccesful</returns>
        public int RegisterUser(string email, string passUnencrypted1, string passUnencrypted2)
            //boolean which will be returned
            int successful = -1;

            //Check if something have been entered as email
            if (email != null && email.Length > 0)
                //Check that something has been entered as been entered as passwords and check that the two passwords are identical
                if (passUnencrypted1 != null && passUnencrypted1.Length > 0 && passUnencrypted2 != null && passUnencrypted1 == passUnencrypted2)
                    //encrypt password
                    string pass = Security.EncryptString(passUnencrypted1);
                    //connect to webservice
                    using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                        //register user
                        successful = proxy.AddUser(email, pass);

                    if (successful == -1) //if the user already exsist
                        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("User aldready exsists", "Creation error");
                    else //the user has been created
                        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("User with email: " + email + " have been successfully created", "Successful");
                else //the passwords does not match
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("User could not be created. Entered passwords does not match", "Creation error");
            else //no email was entered
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Enter email address", "Creation error");
            return(successful); //return the result
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="documentId"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// [x]a new revision
        /// [x][0]timestamp
        /// [x][1]editor name
        /// [x][2]filecontent with metadata
        /// </returns>
        public string[][] GetAllDocumentRevisionsWithContent(int documentId)
            string[][] returnArray = null;
            if (documentId > 0)
                ServiceReference.ServiceDocumentrevision[] revisions = null;
                using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                    revisions = proxy.GetAllDocumentRevisionsByDocumentId(documentId);

                //remove duplicates

                returnArray = new string[revisions.Length][];

                using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                    for (int i = 0; i < revisions.Length; i++)
                        ServiceReference.ServiceDocumentrevision doc = revisions[i];
                        ServiceReference.ServiceDocument         originalDocument = proxy.GetDocumentById(doc.documentId);

                        String creationTime = doc.creationTime.ToString().Replace(":", ".");
                        String filename     = originalDocument.name + "_revision_" + creationTime;
                        String content      = proxy.GetDocumentContent(originalDocument.path, filename);

                        string[] item = new string[3];
                        item[0] = doc.creationTime.ToString();
                        item[1] = proxy.GetUserById(doc.editorId).email;
                        item[2] = Metadata.RemoveMetadataFromFileContent(content);

                        returnArray[i] = item;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public bool LoginUser(string email, string unencrytedPass)
            bool successfulLogin = false;

            if (email != null && email.Length > 0 && unencrytedPass != null && unencrytedPass.Length > 0)
                //encrypt passowrd
                String pass = Security.EncryptString(unencrytedPass);
                ServiceReference.ServiceUser user = null;
                //connect to webservice
                using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                    //get the user id - -1 if no user exists
                    user = proxy.GetUserByEmailAndPass(email, pass);
                if (user != null) //login successful
                    //User logged in
                    session.UserID         = user.id;
                    session.Email          = email;
                    session.RootFolderPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\sliceofpie\\" + email;

                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Logged in successfully", "Login");
                    successfulLogin = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Wrong email or password", "Unable to login");
                MessageBox.Show("Enter email and password", "Login error");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to share the currently opened document with another user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="email">The email of the sue rwhich you want to share the doument</param>
 public void ShareDocument(string email)
     if (email != null && email.Length > 0 && session.CurrentDocumentPath.Length > 0 && session.CurrentDocumentID != -1)
         ServiceReference.ServiceUser shareUser = null;
         using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
             shareUser = proxy.GetUserByEmail(email);
         if (shareUser != null)
             using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                 proxy.AddUserDocumentInRoot(shareUser.id, session.CurrentDocumentID);
             MessageBox.Show("Document shared with " + shareUser.email, "Share success");
             MessageBox.Show("User does not exist", "Email error");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronizes all documents. This includes downloading of files from the server and overwritting of eventual exisiting local saves that can cause conflicts.
        /// Locally absent folders from documents downloaded from the server are created locally.
        /// </summary>
        public void SyncAllDocuments()
            if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
                if (session.UserID != -1) //Check if user is logged in
                    ServiceReference.ServiceUserdocument[] documents;
                    //Connect to webservice
                    using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                        //Retrieve all documents the users documents
                        documents = proxy.GetAllUserDocumentsByUserId(session.UserID);
                    if (documents != null) //check if any documents is found
                        //For each document found
                        foreach (ServiceReference.ServiceUserdocument currentDoc in documents)
                            String relativeDirPath = FetchRelativeFilePath(currentDoc);
                            String dirPath         = session.RootFolderPath + "\\" + relativeDirPath;
                            ServiceReference.ServiceDocument documentReference = null;

                            using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                                //Get the original document from the server
                                documentReference = proxy.GetDocumentById(currentDoc.documentId);
                            String filePath = dirPath + "\\" + documentReference.name + ".txt";

                            String content;
                            //Connect to webservice
                            using (ServiceReference.Service1Client proxy = new ServiceReference.Service1Client())
                                //Get the content of the file on the server
                                content = proxy.GetLatestDocumentContent(documentReference.id);
                                //add a document revision in order to be able to detect merge conflicts later
                                proxy.AddDocumentRevision(session.UserID, documentReference.id, content);
                            //Create the directories needed?
                            //Create a document locally with the content
                            localPersistence.SaveDocumentToFile(content, filePath);
                    else //No documents found by this userId
                    { //loop through all the users folders and add all files to the server
                        List <String> files = new List <String>();
                        foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles(session.RootFolderPath))

                        foreach (String dir in Directory.GetDirectories(session.RootFolderPath))
                            foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
                    //not logged in
                MessageBox.Show("No internet connection", "Internet connection error");