Ejemplo n.º 1
        // find account
        private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string accno  = AccountNumber.Text;
            string balstr = "";

            if (Cust == null)
                Cust = Customer.GetCustomerAccount(accno);
            if (Cust == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the Customer Record on Disk", "Database system ERROR"); return;
            // now check all the objects first, then finally delete it all
            Bank = Search.FindBankObjectfromCustNo(accno);                  // get the full file name/path
            if (Bank == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to open the Bank Account Record File (Object for deletion)!", "Database system ERROR");
                //						Cu . Dispose ( );     // delete Customer object in memory sraight away
                balstr = Bank.Balance.ToString( );
                if (Bank.Balance > 0)
                    DialogResult result;
                    result = MessageBox.Show("This Customer has a positive balance of " + Bank.Balance.ToString( ) + " in their main account!\nDo you really want to continue to delete it ?", "Financial Adjustment Required", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (result == DialogResult.No)
                // Find CUSTOMER in LINKED LIST and DELETE IT.
                foreach (var L in Customer.CustomersLinkedList)
                    if (L.CustomerNumber == Convert.ToInt32(accno))
//						L.Dispose ( );

                // Find CUSTOMER in ArrayLIST and DELETE IT.
                // remember to also delete ALL other Bank A/cs
                // DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts handles both  LinkedList and ArrayList
                // and the disk file itself
                if (Cust.accountnums[1] > 0)
                    DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[1]);
                if (Cust.accountnums[2] > 0)
                    DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[2]);
                if (Cust.accountnums[3] > 0)
                    DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[3]);
                // dont forget the original account
                DeleteSecondaryBankAccounts(Bank, Cust.accountnums[0]);
                BankTransaction newtransrecord = new BankTransaction(
                    DateTime.Now,                                                                        // Transaction Date
                    Bank.AccountType,                                                                    // Account Type
                    Bank.CustAccountNumber,                                                              // Cust Account #
                    Bank.BankAccountNumber,                                                              // Bank Account #
                    Convert.ToDecimal("0.00"),                                                           // Transaction Amount
                    "Customer " + Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString( ) + " has been deleted",              // Notes
                    Bank.Status);                                                                        // Status

                // remove the customer from our ArrayList
                if (!DataArray.ArrayDeleteCust(Cust))
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to delete the Customer record from ArrayList", "Data processing ERROR");
                // write a transaction record so we rmeeber th eCustomer has GONE...
                // Finally Delete the Customer record
                if (File.Exists(Cust.FullFileName))
                // now delete the Textfile copy
                string fi = Customer.GetCustFilePath( ) + "Textfiles\\custobj" + Bank.CustAccountNumber.ToString( ) + ".txt";
                if (File.Exists(fi))

                File.Delete(Bank.FullFileName);                     // now delete the actual Bank Account file
                // clean up our memeory usage after ourselves so far
                //				Bank . Dispose ( );     // delete BankAccount object in memory
                //				Cust . Dispose ( );     // delete our file wide Customer object in memory
            //			Bank. fc . Text = "Customer # " + accno + " has been deleted from the system successfully..\r\n";
            command.Text   = "Account " + accno + " has been deleted completely";
            FirstName.Text = "";
            LastName.Text  = "";
            //AccountNumber . Text = "";
            info.Text = "including all attached Bank Account(s)";
            if (balstr.Length > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("The selected Customer # had a balance of " + Bank.Balance.ToString( ) + " in their main account!\nbut the account  has still been deleted?", "Financial Adjustment Required", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                MessageBox.Show("The selected Customer # has been deleted succesfully including  their main and auxuiliary accounts?", "Customer Deletion Utility", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            AccountNumber.Focus( );