Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void SortbyCustomerNumber(bool dir)
            // Sort by Customer #?
            int x = DataArray.BankNo.Count();

            Bank.form1.ShowText("Processing " + x.ToString() + " BankNo records\r\n", null, 5);
            List <Int32> input = new List <Int32>();

            BankAccount[] output = new BankAccount[x];
            // load the List
            foreach (BankAccount B in DataArray.BankNo)
            //Now sort doubles's into ascending order
            input.Sort();   // This seems to work
            int     bacount     = 0;
            decimal curentvalue = 0.00M;
            int     nullcount   = 0;
            int     indx        = 0;

            // Now sort the bankaccounts based on our sorted Int16 List
            while (true)
                foreach (BankAccount B in DataArray.BankNo)
                    if (B.CustAccountNumber == input[indx])
                        if (B != null)
                            output[bacount++] = B;
                            curentvalue       = B.CustAccountNumber; // blank it to save processing time
                            curentvalue      += 1;
                if (output.Count() > 15)
                    Bank.form1.ShowText("Interim record count is " + output.Count().ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
                    Bank.form1.ShowText("bacount is " + bacount.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
                // we need to get the next balance
                if (indx == DataArray.BankNo.Count)
            foreach (BankAccount B in output)
                if (B != null)
            Bank.form1.ShowText("Final record count is " + DataArray.BankNo.Count.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
            //			BAsort . Text = " [Customer A/C #] ";
            Bank.form1.ShowText("The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Ascending Customer# order]\r\n", null, 5);
            if (nullcount > 0)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("ERROR IDENTIFIED - There were " + nullcount.ToString() + " null entries included\r\n", null, 5);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void SortBankbyCustomer(bool dir)
        {// Sort by A/C balance?
            int max       = DataArray.BankNo.Count();
            int nullcount = 0;

            Bank.form1.ShowText("Processing " + max.ToString() + " BankNo records\r\n", null, 5);
            List <BankAccount> output = new List <BankAccount>();
            //			BankAccount [ ] output = new BankAccount [  ];
            List <decimal> input = new List <decimal>();

            // load the List
            foreach (BankAccount B in DataArray.BankNo)
                if (B != null)
                    nullcount++; continue;
            if (input.Count() != max)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("PROBLEM ?  input[] contains " + input.Count().ToString() + ", while BankNo has " + max.ToString() + " records.\r\n", null, -1);
            nullcount = 0;
            if (input.Count() != max)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("PROBLEM 2  input has" + input.Count().ToString() + " while max was " + max.ToString() + "\r\n", null, -1);

            //Now sort doubles's into ascending order
            input.Sort();   // This seems to work, puts them into alpha sequence I think
            int     bacount     = 0;
            decimal curentvalue = input[0];
            int     passes      = 0;
            int     indx        = 0;
            int     counter     = 0;

            // OK so far to here 6/9/2019
            // Now sort the bankaccounts based on our sorted Int16 List
            while (true)
                foreach (BankAccount B in DataArray.BankNo)
                    // our missing a/c gets lost in this loop
                    if (B == null)
                        Bank.form1.ShowText("PROBLEM  BankNo contains a null at iteration " + counter.ToString() + ".\r\n", null, -1);
                    if (B.CustAccountNumber >= curentvalue)
                    {                                           // only interested in balances matching  our input[] values, which are sorted
                     // the rest will come in in due course
                        if (B.CustAccountNumber == input[indx]) //input[] holds the DECIMAL Bank balance value
                            curentvalue = B.CustAccountNumber; // blank it to save processing time
                            if (indx == max)                   // BankNo count - 1
                }   // end for()

                if (indx == DataArray.BankNo.Count)
            }       // end While (true)

            if (output.Count() != max)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("Interim record count is " + output.Count().ToString() + ", but BankNo has " + max.ToString() + " records !!\r\n", null, 5);
                Bank.form1.ShowText("bacount is " + bacount.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
            }               // we need to get the next balance
            if (dir)
                // gotta sort it to Descending
                // We have it in ASC order in  BankAccount[] output
                BankAccount[] BK      = new BankAccount[max];
                int           upcount = 0;
                for (int w = output.Count() - 1; w >= 0; w--)
                    BK[upcount++] = output[w];
                // nowBK holds the Desc sorted data
                // so get it into  DataArray.BankNo
                int cnt = BK.Count();
                for (int w = 0; w < cnt; w++)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Descending A/c Balance] order\r\n", null, 5);
                Bank.form1.ShowText("BK Count is " + cnt.ToString() + " output[] .Count is " + output.Count().ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
                nullcount = 0;
                foreach (BankAccount B in output)
                    if (B != null)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Ascending A/c Balance] order\r\n", null, 5);
            Bank.form1.ShowText("interim BankNo count is " + DataArray.BankNo.Count.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);

            /*			int x = DataArray . BankNo . Count ( );
             *                                  int max = x;
             *                                  int nullcount = 0;
             *                                  Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "Processing " + x . ToString ( ) + " BankNo records\r\n", null, 5 );
             *                                  List<Int32> input = new List<Int32> ( );
             *                                  // load the List
             *                                  List<Customer> output = new List<Customer> ( );
             *                                  foreach ( BankAccount B in DataArray . BankNo )
             *                                  { input . Add ( B . CustAccountNumber ); }
             *                                  //Now sort Int32's into ascending order
             *                                  input . Sort ( );   // This seems to work
             *                                  int bacount = 0;
             *                                  Int32 curentvalue = input [ 0 ];
             *                                  int indx = 0;
             *                                  // Now sort the bankaccounts based on our sorted Int32List
             *                                  while ( true )
             *                                  {
             *                                          foreach ( BankAccount B in DataArray . BankNo )
             *                                          {
             *                                                  if ( B != null )
             *                                                  {
             *                                                          if ( B . CustAccountNumber == input [ indx ] )
             *                                                          {
             *                                                                  output .Add(B);
             *                                                                  curentvalue = B . CustAccountNumber;
             *                                                                  indx++;
             *                                                                  if ( indx == max - 1 )  // max = BankNo total !
             *                                                                          break;
             *                                                          }
             *                                                  }
             *                                                  else nullcount++;
             *                                          }
             *                                          if ( output . Count ( ) > 15 )
             *                                          {
             *                                                  Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "Interim record count is " + output . Count ( ) . ToString ( ) + "\r\n", null, 5 );
             *                                                  Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "bacount is " + bacount . ToString ( ) + "\r\n", null, 5 );
             *                                          }               // we need to get the next balance
             *                                                                          //				indx++;
             *                                          if ( indx >= max - 1 ) break;   // max = BankNo count
             *                                  }
             *                                  if ( dir )
             *                                  {
             *                                          // gotta sort it to Descending
             *                                          // We have it in ASC order in  BankAccount[] output
             *                                          int cnt = output . Count ( );
             *                                          BankAccount [ ] BK = new BankAccount [ cnt ];
             *                                          int upcount = 0;
             *                                          for ( int w = cnt - 1 ; w >= 0 ; w-- )
             *                                          {
             *                                                  BK [ upcount++ ] = output [ w ];
             *                                          }
             *                                          // nowBK holds the Desc sorted data
             *                                          // so get it into  DataArray.BankNo
             *                                          DataArray . BankNo . Clear ( );
             *                                          for ( int w = 0 ; w < cnt ; w++ )
             *                                                  DataArray . BankNo . Add ( BK [ w ] );
             *                                          Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Descending Customer #] order\r\n", null, 5 );
             *                                  }
             *                                  else
             *                                  {
             *                                          DataArray . BankNo . Clear ( );
             *                                          foreach ( BankAccount B in output )
             *                                          {
             *                                                  if ( B != null )
             *                                                          DataArray . BankNo . Add ( B );
             *                                                  else
             *                                                          nullcount++;
             *                                          }
             *                                          Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Descending Customer #] order\r\n", null, 5 );
             *                                  }
             *                                  Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "Final record count is " + DataArray . BankNo . Count . ToString ( ) + "\r\n", null, 5 );
             *                                  if ( nullcount > 0 )
             *                                          Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "ERROR IDENTIFIED - There were " + nullcount . ToString ( ) + " null entries included\r\n", null, 5 );
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void SortBankbyACType(bool dir)
            // Sort by A/C type ?
            int x         = DataArray.BankNo.Count();
            int max       = x;
            int nullcount = 0;

            Bank.form1.ShowText("Processing " + x.ToString() + " BankNo records\r\n", null, 5);
            List <Int16> input     = new List <Int16>();
            List <Int16> secondkey = new List <Int16>();

            BankAccount[] output = new BankAccount[x];
            //Now sort Int16's into ascending order
            input.Sort();   // This seems to work
            int listcount = 0; int bacount = 0;

            //			int i = 0;
            // Now sort the bankaccounts based on our sorted Int16 List
            while (true)
                foreach (BankAccount B in DataArray.BankNo)
                    if (B != null)
                        if (B.AccountType == listcount)
                            output[bacount++] = B;
                            if (dir)
                                // add the account type into our temporary list so we can reverse it
                if (output.Count() > 15)
                    Bank.form1.ShowText("Interim record count is " + output.Count().ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
                    Bank.form1.ShowText("bacount is " + bacount.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
                // we need ot get the next on
                if (listcount == 4)
            // by now, output holds BankAccount Obj in a BankAccount[]
            // and secondkey is a List<Int16> in Asc order
            if (dir)
            {   // we have been asked for it in Descending order
                // output[] holds BankAccounts sorted in ascending order
                // force our temp List<Int16> of Account types into the same asc order and assign it to input
                BankAccount[] descbankaccounts = new BankAccount[max];
                descbankaccounts = SortDesc(output);
                //now we have all the BankAccount in descbankaccounts[] in desc order
                // we need ot get he
                // now spit them back out again in reverse order (desc) to our main ListArray DataArray.BankNo
                foreach (BankAccount Bk in descbankaccounts)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Descending Account types]\r\n", null, 5);
                // This is performed for both sort options
                foreach (BankAccount B in output)
                    if (B != null)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Ascending Account types]\r\n", null, 5);
            Bank.form1.ShowText("Final record count is " + DataArray.BankNo.Count.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
            if (nullcount > 0)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("ERROR IDENTIFIED - There were " + nullcount.ToString() + " null entries included\r\n", null, 5);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void SortBankbyBalance(bool dir)
        {// Sort by A/C balance?
            int max       = DataArray.BankNo.Count();
            int nullcount = 0;

            Bank.form1.ShowText("Processing " + max.ToString() + " BankNo records\r\n", null, 5);
            List <BankAccount> output = new List <BankAccount>();
            //			BankAccount [ ] output = new BankAccount [  ];
            List <decimal> input = new List <decimal>();

            // load the List
            foreach (BankAccount B in DataArray.BankNo)
                if (B != null)
                    nullcount++; continue;
            if (input.Count() != max)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("PROBLEM ?  input[] contains " + input.Count().ToString() + ", while BankNo has " + max.ToString() + " records.\r\n", null, -1);
            nullcount = 0;
            if (input.Count() != max)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("PROBLEM 2  input has" + input.Count().ToString() + " while max was " + max.ToString() + "\r\n", null, -1);

            //Now sort doubles's into ascending order
            input.Sort();   // This seems to work, puts them into alpha sequence I think
            int     bacount     = 0;
            decimal curentvalue = input[0];
            int     passes      = 0;
            int     indx        = 0;
            int     counter     = 0;

            // OK so far to here 6/9/2019
            // Now sort the bankaccounts based on our sorted Int16 List
            while (true)
                foreach (BankAccount B in DataArray.BankNo)
                    // our missing a/c gets lost in this loop
                    if (B == null)
                        Bank.form1.ShowText("PROBLEM  BankNo contains a null at iteration " + counter.ToString() + ".\r\n", null, -1);
                    if (B.Balance == curentvalue)
                    {// only interested in balances matching  our input[] values, which are sorted
                     // the rest will come in in due course
                     // got the match,so bustout to the while(true)
                     // and iterate thru the BankNo again for next one
                        if (B.Balance == curentvalue)
                            if (indx < max - 1)
                            curentvalue = input[indx];     // blank it to save processing time
                }   // end for()

                if (output.Count == DataArray.BankNo.Count)
                    break; // were there, bust out
            }              // end While (true)

            if (output.Count() != max)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("Interim record count is " + output.Count().ToString() + ", but BankNo has " + max.ToString() + " records !!\r\n", null, 5);
                Bank.form1.ShowText("bacount is " + bacount.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
            }               // we need to get the next balance
            if (dir)
                // gotta sort it to Descending
                // We have it in ASC order in  BankAccount[] output
                BankAccount[] BK      = new BankAccount[max];
                int           upcount = 0;
                for (int w = output.Count() - 1; w >= 0; w--)
                    BK[upcount++] = output[w];
                // nowBK holds the Desc sorted data
                // so get it into  DataArray.BankNo
                int cnt = BK.Count();
                for (int w = 0; w < cnt; w++)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Descending A/c Balance] order\r\n", null, 5);
                Bank.form1.ShowText("BK Count is " + cnt.ToString() + " output[] .Count is " + output.Count().ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
                nullcount = 0;
                foreach (BankAccount B in output)
                    if (B != null)
                Bank.form1.ShowText("The Bank A/C Array data has been resorted into [Ascending A/c Balance] order\r\n", null, 5);
            Bank.form1.ShowText("interim BankNo count is " + DataArray.BankNo.Count.ToString() + "\r\n", null, 5);
            //			if ( nullcount > 0 )
            //			Bank. form1 . ShowText ( "ERROR IDENTIFIED - There were " + nullcount . ToString ( ) + " null entries included\r\n", null, 5 );