Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void CheckForMigration(Civilization civ)
     foreach (PlanetData pData in civ.PlanetList)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    private void DetermineMigrationLocation(Pops pop, Civilization civ)
        float topPlanetValue = 0f;
        PlanetData topPlanet = null;

        foreach (PlanetData pData in civ.PlanetList) // determine the top value of each planet and choose the best one
            if (pData != pop.PlanetLocated)
                float currentPlanetValue = MigrationValueOfPlanet(pData, pop);
                if (currentPlanetValue > topPlanetValue)
                    topPlanetValue = currentPlanetValue;
                    topPlanet = pData;

        if (topPlanetValue > Constants.Constants.StellarMigrationThreshold + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,200)) // if the best value is above a certain threshold
            List<Region> eligibleRegionList = new List<Region>();
            foreach (Region rData in topPlanet.RegionList.ToArray())
                if (rData.IsHabitable)

            if (eligibleRegionList.Count > 0)
                int regionChoice = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,eligibleRegionList.Count); // find an eligible region

                // move the pop from one region on a planet to another planet and a suitable region
                string oldPlanetName = pop.PlanetLocated.Name;
                pop.IsMigratingOffPlanet = false; // reset the flag
                pop.RegionLocated.EmigratedLastTurn += 1;
                pop.RegionLocationID = eligibleRegionList[regionChoice].ID;
                pop.RegionLocated.ImmigratedLastTurn += 1;
                pop.PlanetHappinessLevel = 50; // reset planet happiness since they just moved
                Debug.Log("In " + gDataRef.GameDate.ToString("N1") +", a " + pop.PopClass.ToString() + " migrated from " + oldPlanetName + " to " + topPlanet.Name + ".");
                topPlanet.MigratePopsBetweenRegions(); // rerun migration to move the pop to a more suitable region
                pop.UnrestLevel += .05f; // can't leave
                pop.PopSupport -= .05f; // and is pissed

            pop.UnrestLevel += .05f; // can't leave
            pop.PopSupport -= .05f; // and is pissed
    public static Civilization CreateNewCivilization()
        List<String> civNameList = DataManager.civNameList;
        // populate the color list if needed
        if (civColorList.Count == 0)

        Civilization newCiv = new Civilization();
        int dieRoll = 0;
        galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>(); // access galaxy data
        gameDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>(); // access galaxy data

        // Step 1: Generate type of civ
        dieRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7);
        newCiv.Type = (Civilization.eCivType)dieRoll;  // cast to enum

        // Step 2: Generate ID of civ
        newCiv.ID = "CIV" + gameDataRef.CivList.Count.ToString("N0");

        // Step 2: Generate name of civ
        string primaryName = "";
        string surName = "";

        if (civNameList.Count > 0)
            var nameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, civNameList.Count);
            primaryName = civNameList[nameIndex];
            primaryName = "GenericName";

        var surNameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DataManager.civSurNameList.Count);
        surName = DataManager.civSurNameList[surNameIndex];

        newCiv.Name = primaryName + " " + surName;

        // Step 3: Generate other base stats (treasury, size, etc)

        // size/range
        newCiv.Range = 40; // to start with
        int size = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);

        // adjust size/other ratings for civ type
            case Civilization.eCivType.Confederation :
                    size += 55;
            case Civilization.eCivType.MinorEmpire:
                    size += 40;
            case Civilization.eCivType.Satrapy:
                    size += 20;
            case Civilization.eCivType.BrokenCivilization:
                    size -= 30;
            case Civilization.eCivType.Pirates:
                    size -= 15;

        // add a empire type mod here
        if (size < 40)
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.SinglePlanet;
        else if (size < 70)
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.Local;
        else if (size < 90)
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.Minor;
            newCiv.Range = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MultiSystemEmpireRange - 200, MultiSystemEmpireRange + 200);
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.Major;
            newCiv.Range = UnityEngine.Random.Range(MultiRegionEmpireRange - 400, MultiRegionEmpireRange + 400);

        // skill ratings
        newCiv.FarmingBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(70, 100) - (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.MiningBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(50, 90) - (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.ScienceBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 50) + (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.HighTechBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 40) + (int)newCiv.Type * 10;
        newCiv.ManufacturingBaseRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 50) + (int)newCiv.Type * 10;

        // tolerance
        newCiv.PlanetMinTolerance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(40, 60); // sets the base minimum habitable world a civilization is willing to tolerate

        // province size
        if (newCiv.Size == Civilization.eCivSize.Major)
            newCiv.CivMaxProvinceSize = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6); // sets a province size between 1 and 5 systems
            newCiv.AdminRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 21); // generates the civ's base admin rating (how efficient they are in adminstering provinces
            newCiv.CivMaxProvinceSize = 0; // no provinces can be created; the civ is essentially one province
            newCiv.AdminRating = 1;

        // admin rating

        // Step 4: Determine planet of origin
        retryPlanet: // beginning of retry loop
        PlanetData civPlanet = new PlanetData();

        dieRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList.Count); // find the planets in the quadrant
        civPlanet = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList[dieRoll];

        if (galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList[dieRoll].AdjustedBio < newCiv.PlanetMinTolerance) // if the bio is too low, throw it out
            goto retryPlanet;

        if (gameDataRef.CivList.Count > 0)
            foreach (Civilization civ in gameDataRef.CivList)
                List<StarData> populatedHomeSystems = new List<StarData>();
                populatedHomeSystems = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetCivSystemList(civ);

                if (civPlanet.ID == civ.CapitalPlanetID)  // check for capital world
                    goto retryPlanet;
                if (civ.PlanetIDList.Exists(p => p == civPlanet.ID)) // then all other worlds
                    goto retryPlanet;
                if (newCiv.ID != civ.ID)
                    if (populatedHomeSystems.Exists(p => p.ID == civPlanet.SystemID)) // check for systems that other civs have claimed
                        goto retryPlanet;

            // assign a name for the civ's planet
            if (DataManager.planetNameList.Count > 0)
                var nameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DataManager.planetNameList.Count);
                civPlanet.Name = DataManager.planetNameList[nameIndex];
                civPlanet.Name = "GenericName";

            // set as capital and send to assign pops, developments, etc.
            newCiv.CapitalPlanetID = civPlanet.ID;
            ClaimCivPlanet(civPlanet, newCiv);
            civPlanet.Rank = PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ImperialCapital;
            newCiv.PlanetIDList.Add(civPlanet.ID); // add the planet

        // Step 5: Determine additional planets
        if (newCiv.Size != Civilization.eCivSize.SinglePlanet)

        // Step 5: Generate color of civ
        retryColor: // beginning of retry loop
        Color civColor = new Color();

        civColor = new Color(UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .99f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .99f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(.01f, .99f)); // select a random color
        if (gameDataRef.CivList.Count > 0)
            foreach (Civilization civ in gameDataRef.CivList)
                if (civColor == civ.Color)
                    goto retryColor;
            newCiv.Color = civColor;

        return newCiv;
    // this 'flags' planets to seed with pops in the next step
    public static void ClaimPlanetsForCiv(Civilization newCiv)
        gameDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>();
        galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>();

        float civMaxDistance = newCiv.Range;
        PlanetData homePlanet = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList.Find(p => p.ID == newCiv.CapitalPlanetID);
        StarData homeStar = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyStarDataList.Find(p => p.ID == homePlanet.SystemID);

        List<StarData> eligibleSystems = new List<StarData>();
        foreach (StarData star in galaxyDataRef.GalaxyStarDataList)
            float distance = HelperFunctions.Formulas.MeasureDistanceBetweenSystems(star, homeStar);
            if ( distance <= civMaxDistance) // must be within range and also include the home system
                eligibleSystems.Add(star); // add systems that are close to the home star

        // now check planets in those systems to see if they can be owned
        foreach (StarData potStar in eligibleSystems)
            foreach(PlanetData pData in potStar.PlanetList)
                if (pData.AdjustedBio >= newCiv.PlanetMinTolerance)
                    bool planetEligible = true;
                    foreach (Civilization civ in gameDataRef.CivList) // check each civ to make sure they don't own the planet
                        if (civ.PlanetIDList.Exists (p => p == pData.ID))
                            planetEligible = false;
                        if (pData.ID == homePlanet.ID)
                            planetEligible = false;
                        if (pData.AdjustedMaxHabitableTiles == 0) // if after traits there are no tiles to put people on, it's not a good planet!
                            planetEligible = false;
                    if (planetEligible) // if they don't, then claim!
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void GenerateAICivs()
     for (int x = 0; x < gameDataRef.NumberOfAICivs; x++)
         Civilization newCiv = new Civilization();
         newCiv = GenerateGameObject.CreateNewCivilization(); // may need to add parameters
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void UpdatePopularSupport(Civilization civ)
     foreach (PlanetData pData in civ.PlanetList)
         pData.UpdatePopularSupport(); // update popular support and unrest levels
Ejemplo n.º 7
    private void UpdateEvents(Civilization civ)
        foreach (PlanetData pData in civ.PlanetList)
            GameEvents.PlanetEventCreator.GeneratePlanetEvents(pData, civ); // generate the events for each planet

        foreach (GameEvents.GameEvent gEvent in civ.LastTurnEvents.ToArray())
            if (!gEvent.EventIsNew) // delete the event if it's already been seen
            if (gEvent.EventIsNew)
                gEvent.EventIsNew = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void ResetCivBudgets(Civilization civ)
     civ.Revenues = 0;
     civ.Expenses = 0; // reset the budgets at the start of the year
        public static List<StarData> GetCivSystems(Civilization civ)
            GalaxyData galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>();
            PlanetData pData = new PlanetData();
            List<PlanetData> pDataList = new List<PlanetData>();
            List<StarData> sDataList = new List<StarData>();

            foreach (string ID in civ.PlanetIDList)
                pData = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList.Find(p => p.ID == ID);
                if (!sDataList.Exists(p => p.ID == pData.SystemID))
                    sDataList.Add(galaxyDataRef.GalaxyStarDataList.Find(p => p.ID == pData.SystemID));

            return sDataList;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static List<StarData> GetCivSystemList(Civilization civ)
            GlobalGameData gameDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>();
            GalaxyData galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>();
            List<StarData> civStarList = new List<StarData>();

            foreach (PlanetData planet in galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList)
                if (civ.PlanetIDList.Exists(p => p == planet.ID))
                    StarData star = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyStarDataList.Find(p => p.ID == planet.SystemID);

                    if (!civStarList.Contains(star))

            return civStarList;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static List<Province> GetCivProvinceList(Civilization civ)
            GlobalGameData gameDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>();
            GalaxyData galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>();
            List<Province> civProvinceList = new List<Province>();

            foreach (Province prov in galaxyDataRef.ProvinceList)
                if (prov.OwningCivID == civ.ID)

            return civProvinceList;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static List<PlanetData> GetCivPlanetList(Civilization civ)
            GlobalGameData gameDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>();
            GalaxyData galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>();
            List<PlanetData> civPlanetList = new List<PlanetData>();

            foreach (PlanetData planet in galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList)
                if (civ.PlanetIDList.Exists(p => p == planet.ID))

            return civPlanetList;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 void GeneratePlanetIntelLevels(Civilization humanCiv)
     List<PlanetData> civPlanetList = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetCivPlanetList(humanCiv);
     foreach (StarData star in gData.GalaxyStarDataList)
         foreach (PlanetData planet in star.PlanetList)
             if (civPlanetList.Exists(p => p.ID == planet.ID))
                 planet.IntelLevel = 10;
                 planet.ScanLevel = 1f;
                 planet.IntelLevel = star.IntelValue / 2;
                 planet.ScanLevel = (float)(star.IntelValue / 10f) * UnityEngine.Random.Range(.2f, 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        void GenerateHumanCiv()
            Civilization newCiv = new Civilization();
            newCiv.Name = gameDataRef.PlayerEmpireName;
            newCiv.Color = Color.cyan; // the color of the empire's system and planet holdings
            newCiv.Type = Civilization.eCivType.PlayerEmpire;  // default empire
            newCiv.CivMaxProvinceSize = 5;
            newCiv.AdminRating = 18; // rating that determines maximum size of governable provinces
            newCiv.Treasury = Random.Range(1000000f, 5000000f);  // starting treasury
            newCiv.Size = Civilization.eCivSize.Major;
            newCiv.Range = (int)(gameDataRef.GalaxySizeWidth / 2.3f);
            newCiv.PlanetMinTolerance = 45;
            newCiv.AstronomyRating = UnityEngine.Random.Range(6,11) * 1000;
            newCiv.ID = "CIV0"; // use this to reference the player's civ
            newCiv.HumanCiv = true;

            PlanetData pData;
            List<PlanetData> terranSystemPlanetList = gData.GalaxyStarDataList.Find(p => p.Name == "Neo-Sirius").PlanetList;
            pData = terranSystemPlanetList[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, terranSystemPlanetList.Count)];

            // create the human homeworld manually;
            pData.Name = "New Terra";
            pData.ID = "PLANEWT001";
            pData.PlanetSpriteNumber = 43; // the city type
            pData.Type = PlanetData.ePlanetType.Terran;
            pData.Rank = PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ImperialCapital;
            pData.Size = 60;
            pData.Bio = 90;
            pData.Energy = 70;
            pData.HeavyMaterials = 60;
            pData.MaxTiles = 30;
            pData.MaxHabitableTiles = 26;
            pData.RareMaterials = 30;
            pData.BasicMaterials = 88;
            pData.IsTradeHub = true;
            newCiv.CapitalPlanetID = pData.ID;
            GenerateGameObject.GeneratePlanetRegions(pData); // rework the tiles

            // generate the rest of the planet claims for the player empire

            // determine intel level for systems, scan level for planets
            foreach (StarData star in gData.GalaxyStarDataList)
                foreach (StarData civStar in HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetCivSystemList(newCiv))
                    float range = HelperFunctions.Formulas.MeasureDistanceBetweenSystems(civStar, star);
                    if (star.IntelValue < (int)(newCiv.AstronomyRating / (range + 1)))
                        star.IntelValue = (int)(newCiv.AstronomyRating / (range + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 15
    private void LookForTradePartner(Civilization civ, string resource, string planetID)
        PlanetData needyPlanet = HelperFunctions.DataRetrivalFunctions.GetPlanet(planetID);
        SortedList sortedPlanetDistList = new SortedList();

        // create the sorted list
        foreach (PlanetData pData in needyPlanet.System.Province.PlanetList)
            if (pData.ID != planetID && pData.IsInhabited)
                float dist = HelperFunctions.Formulas.MeasureDistanceBetweenSystems(needyPlanet.System,pData.System);
                while (sortedPlanetDistList.ContainsKey(dist))
                    dist += .001f;

        // now check for general ability to create agreement (distance, starbase, support level of viceroy)
        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in sortedPlanetDistList)
            PlanetData exportPlanet = (PlanetData)de.Value; // cast?

            if (exportPlanet.IsTradeAgreementValid(needyPlanet, resource)) // check for food agreement (is there enough food to send?)
                TradeAgreement newTrade = new TradeAgreement();
                newTrade.ExportPlanetID = exportPlanet.ID;
                newTrade.Status = TradeAgreement.eAgreementStatus.Active;
                newTrade.ImportPlanetID = needyPlanet.ID;
                switch (resource)
                    case "food" :
                            if (exportPlanet.FoodExportAvailable >= Math.Abs(needyPlanet.FoodDifference))
                                newTrade.FoodSent = Math.Abs(needyPlanet.FoodDifference);
                            else if (exportPlanet.FoodExportAvailable > 0)
                                newTrade.FoodSent = exportPlanet.FoodExportAvailable;
                                newTrade.FoodSent = 0; // no food avail, error check

                            if (newTrade.FoodSent >= exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining)
                                newTrade.FoodSent = exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining;
                    case "energy":
                            if (exportPlanet.EnergyExportAvailable >= Math.Abs(needyPlanet.EnergyDifference))
                                newTrade.EnergySent = Math.Abs(needyPlanet.EnergyDifference);
                            else if (exportPlanet.EnergyExportAvailable > 0)
                                newTrade.EnergySent = exportPlanet.EnergyExportAvailable;
                                newTrade.EnergySent = 0;

                            if (newTrade.EnergySent >= exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining)
                                newTrade.EnergySent = exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining;
                    case "alpha":
                            if (exportPlanet.AlphaExportAvailable >= Math.Abs(needyPlanet.AlphaPreProductionDifference))
                                newTrade.AlphaSent = Math.Abs(needyPlanet.AlphaPreProductionDifference);
                            else if (exportPlanet.AlphaExportAvailable > 0)
                                newTrade.AlphaSent = exportPlanet.AlphaExportAvailable;
                                newTrade.AlphaSent = 0;

                            if (newTrade.AlphaSent >= exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining)
                                newTrade.AlphaSent = exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining;
                    case "heavy":
                            if (exportPlanet.HeavyExportAvailable >= Math.Abs(needyPlanet.HeavyPreProductionDifference))
                                newTrade.HeavySent = Math.Abs(needyPlanet.HeavyPreProductionDifference);
                            else if (exportPlanet.HeavyExportAvailable > 0)
                                newTrade.HeavySent = exportPlanet.HeavyExportAvailable;
                                newTrade.HeavySent = 0;

                            if (newTrade.HeavySent >= exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining)
                                newTrade.HeavySent = exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining;
                    case "rare":
                            if (exportPlanet.RareExportAvailable >= Math.Abs(needyPlanet.RarePreProductionDifference))
                                newTrade.RareSent = Math.Abs(needyPlanet.RarePreProductionDifference);
                            else if (exportPlanet.RareExportAvailable > 0)
                                newTrade.RareSent = exportPlanet.RareExportAvailable;
                                newTrade.RareSent = 0;

                            //starbase capacity check
                            if (newTrade.RareSent >= exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining)
                                newTrade.RareSent = exportPlanet.StarbaseCapacityRemaining;

                if (newTrade.TotalSent >= 0.01) // minimum threshold amount for trades, also check for capacity of the trade
                    Debug.Log("Trade of " + newTrade.TotalSent.ToString("N2") + " " + resource + " to " + newTrade.ImportPlanet.Name + " from " + newTrade.ExportPlanet.Name + " over " + newTrade.Distance.ToString("N1") + " LY for $" + newTrade.Cost.ToString("N2") + " with a " + newTrade.CostModifier.ToString("N1") + " modifier.");
                    gDataRef.ActiveTradeAgreements.Add(newTrade); // add the new agreement

                // update the trade info for each planet

Ejemplo n.º 16
 private void MigratePopsBetweenPlanets(Civilization civ)
     foreach (PlanetData pData in civ.PlanetList)
         foreach (Region rData in pData.RegionList)
             foreach (Pops pop in rData.PopsInTile.ToArray())
                 if (pop.IsMigratingOffPlanet)
                     DetermineMigrationLocation(pop, civ);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static StarData GetCivHomeSystem(Civilization civ)
            GlobalGameData gameDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GlobalGameData>();
            GalaxyData galaxyDataRef = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GalaxyData>();
            PlanetData pData = new PlanetData();
            StarData sData = new StarData();

            pData = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyPlanetDataList.Find(p => p.ID == civ.CapitalPlanetID);
            sData = galaxyDataRef.GalaxyStarDataList.Find(p => p.ID == pData.SystemID);

            return sData;
    public static void GenerateNewPop(Civilization civ, Region rData, Boolean isGraduating)
        float PopSkillModifier = 0.0f;
        float HouseFarmingModifier = 1f;
        float HouseMiningModifier = 1f;
        float HouseEngineeringModifier = 1f;
        float HouseScienceModifier = 1f;
        float HouseMerchantModifier = 1f;
        float HouseFluxModifier = 1f;
        float HouseAdminModifier = 1f;

        Pops newPop = new Pops();

        // Step 1: Determine civ of pop and set location
        newPop.EmpireID = civ.ID;
        newPop.RegionLocationID = rData.ID;

        // Step 1a: Determine type/age of pop
        int popTypeChance = 0;
        popTypeChance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
        if (isGraduating) // there must always be fewer child pops then worker pops (for Peter Pan issue)
            newPop.Age = 18;
            PopSkillModifier = YoungAdultSkillModifier;

        if (popTypeChance < ChancePopIsYoungAdult && !isGraduating)
            newPop.Type = Pops.ePopType.Worker;
            newPop.Age = UnityEngine.Random.Range(18,25);
            PopSkillModifier = YoungAdultSkillModifier * ((float)newPop.Age/ 18f);

        if (popTypeChance < ChancePopIsWorker && !isGraduating)
            newPop.Type = Pops.ePopType.Worker;
            newPop.Age = UnityEngine.Random.Range(25, 65);
            PopSkillModifier = WorkerSkillModifier;

        if (popTypeChance >= ChancePopIsRetired && !isGraduating)
            newPop.Type = Pops.ePopType.Retired;
            newPop.Age = UnityEngine.Random.Range(66, 85);
            PopSkillModifier = RetiredSkillModifier;
        //    newPop.Type = Pops.ePopType.Worker;
        //    newPop.Age = UnityEngine.Random.Range(18, 65);
        //    PopSkillModifier = WorkerSkillModifier;

        // Step 1A: Get House Skill Modifier;
        if (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse != null)
            //HouseFarmingModifier += ((rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.FarmingTradition - 50) * .01f * (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.TimeInPosition / 100f));
            //HouseMiningModifier += ((rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.MiningTradition - 50) * .01f * (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.TimeInPosition / 100f));
            //HouseEngineeringModifier += ((rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.ManufacturingTradition - 50) * .01f * (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.TimeInPosition / 100f));
            //HouseFluxModifier += (((rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.ScienceTradition + rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.ManufacturingTradition) - 100) * .01f * (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.TimeInPosition / 100f));
            //HouseScienceModifier += ((rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.ScienceTradition - 50) * .01f * (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.TimeInPosition / 100f));
            //HouseAdminModifier += ((rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.GovernmentTradition - 50) * .01f * (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.TimeInPosition / 100f));
            //HouseMerchantModifier += ((rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.AssignedHouse.TradeTradition - 50) * .01f * (rData.PlanetLocated.Viceroy.TimeInPosition / 100f));

        // Step 2: Generate basic stats (eventually blend for civ speciality/tech level)
        int farmSkill = 0;
        int scienceSkill = 0;
        int miningSkill = 0;
        int highTechSkill = 0;
        int manufacturingSkill = 0;
        int merchantSkill = 0;
        int fluxSkill = 0;
        int adminSkill = 0;

        // determine the need in each region for each type of pop
        int farmDeficit = rData.FarmingLevel - rData.TotalFarmers;
        int minerDeficit = rData.MiningLevel - rData.TotalMiners;
        int fluxmenDeficit = rData.HighTechLevel - rData.TotalFluxmen;
        int adminDeficit = rData.GovernmentLevel - rData.TotalAdministrators;
        int engineerDeficit = rData.ManufacturingLevel - rData.TotalEngineers;
        int scientistDeficit = rData.ScienceLevel - rData.TotalScientists;
        int merchantDeficit = (rData.PopsInTile.Count / 4) - rData.TotalMerchants;

        // create the base skills using the house modifiers
        farmSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseFarmingModifier);
        scienceSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseScienceModifier);
        miningSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseMiningModifier);
        highTechSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseEngineeringModifier);
        manufacturingSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseEngineeringModifier);
        fluxSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseFluxModifier);
        merchantSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseMerchantModifier);
        adminSkill = (int)(UnityEngine.Random.Range(45, 55) * PopSkillModifier * HouseAdminModifier);

        // adjust for more 'needed/common' pops based on type of job and current need
        farmSkill += farmDeficit * skillNeedMultiple;
        scienceSkill += scientistDeficit * skillNeedMultiple;
        miningSkill += minerDeficit * skillNeedMultiple;
        highTechSkill += ((fluxmenDeficit + engineerDeficit) / 2) * skillNeedMultiple;
        manufacturingSkill += engineerDeficit * skillNeedMultiple;
        fluxSkill += fluxmenDeficit * skillNeedMultiple;
        merchantSkill +=  merchantDeficit * skillNeedMultiple;
        adminSkill += adminDeficit * skillNeedMultiple;

        // assign the final skill totals
        newPop.FarmingSkill = farmSkill;
        newPop.ScienceSkill = scienceSkill;
        newPop.MiningSkill = miningSkill;
        newPop.HighTechSkill = highTechSkill;
        newPop.ManufacturingSkill = manufacturingSkill;
        newPop.FluxSkill = fluxSkill;
        newPop.MerchantSkill = merchantSkill;
        newPop.AdminSkill = adminSkill;

        // put the pop into the workforce
        newPop.Employment = Pops.ePopEmployment.Unemployed;

        // Step 3: Generate popular support and unrest levels
        newPop.PopSupport = .5f; // 50% to start
        newPop.UnrestLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, .1f);
        newPop.PlanetHappinessLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30, 90) - (100-rData.PlanetLocated.AdjustedBio);

        // Step 4: Add the pop
    public static void AddPopsToPlanet(PlanetData pData, Civilization civ)
        // add pops to each region on a planet
        foreach (Region rData in pData.RegionList)
            for (int x = 0; x < rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel; x++ )
                float generationChance = 0;
                int generationTarget = 0;

                // determine base chance for pop generation
                generationChance = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 135);

                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.EstablishedColony)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnStandardColony;
                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.SystemCapital)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnSystemCapital;
                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ProvinceCapital)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnProvinceCapital;
                if (pData.Rank == PlanetData.ePlanetRank.ImperialCapital)
                    generationTarget = ChanceForPopOnCivCapital;

                generationChance -= (float)(rData.HabitatationInfrastructureLevel / 2f);

                // adjust for existing infrastructure
                generationChance += rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel - (rData.MaxSafePopulationLevel - rData.PopsInTile.Count);
                if (rData.PopsInTile.Count == 0 && rData.TotalDevelopmentLevel > 0)
                    generationChance = 0; // always add at least one pop!

                if (rData.TotalDevelopmentLevel == 0)

                if (generationChance <= generationTarget)
                    GenerateNewPop(civ, rData, false); // add a new pop to the region
Ejemplo n.º 20
    // this is where all planet-update functions go to save time
    private void UpdatePlanets(Civilization civ)
        foreach (PlanetData pData in civ.PlanetList)
            pData.UpdateBirthAndDeath(); // update popular support and unrest levels
            pData.MigratePopsBetweenRegions(); // first check to move pops between regions to regions that might better support their talents
            pData.UpdateEmployment(); // once pops have moved, check employment status
            pData.UpdateShortfallConditions(); // update shortfall results (food, power, etc)

            if (gDataRef.GameMonth == 1) // on the first month of every year, do this
                pData.SendTaxUpward(); // determine taxes and send up the chute
                PlanetDevelopmentAI.AdjustViceroyBuildPlan(pData, true); // look at adjusting the build plan for each planet, force every year or when game starts
                PlanetDevelopmentAI.AdjustViceroyBuildPlan(pData, false); // look at adjusting the build plan for each planet

            pData.ExecuteProductionPlan(); // update production of new infrastructure on the planet
            //GameEvents.PlanetEventCreator.GeneratePlanetEvents(pData, civ); // generate the events for each planet
    public static void ClaimCivPlanet(PlanetData pData, Civilization newCiv)
        // assign a name for the civ's planet
        if (DataManager.planetNameList.Count > 0)
            var nameIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, DataManager.planetNameList.Count);
            pData.Name = DataManager.planetNameList[nameIndex];
            pData.Name = "GenericName";

        pData.Rank = PlanetData.ePlanetRank.EstablishedColony;
        newCiv.PlanetIDList.Add(pData.ID); // add the planet
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public bool IsActionValid(Character cData, Civilization civ)
            if (AllValid)
                return true;

            if (cData.Role == Character.eRole.Emperor && !EmperorAction) // if not an Emperor character action, kick
                return false;

            if (cData.Role == Character.eRole.Viceroy && !ViceroyValid)
                return false;

            if (cData.Role == Character.eRole.SystemGovernor && !SysGovValid)
                return false;

            if (cData.Role == Character.eRole.ProvinceGovernor && !ProvGovValid)
                return false;

            if (cData.Role == Character.eRole.DomesticPrime && !PrimeValid)
                return false;

            if (cData.Role == Character.eRole.Inquisitor && !InquisitorValid)
                return false;

            if (EmperorNearValid)
                if (civ.Leader != null)
                    if (cData.PlanetLocationID != civ.Leader.PlanetLocationID)
                        return false;

                    return false; // no leader, so false anyway
            return true; // passed all tests so it's true
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void AddNewCivilization(Civilization civ)