Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates all interfering vehicles from registered vehicles.
        /// </summary>
        public List <CrossingVehicleTimes> CalculateInterferingVehicles(IVehicle v, NodeConnection nc)
            Debug.Assert(nc == _aConnection || nc == _bConnection);

            // hopefully these are references... ;)
            List <CrossingVehicleTimes> toReturn = new List <CrossingVehicleTimes>();
            Dictionary <IVehicle, CrossingVehicleTimes> myCrossingVehicles    = (nc == _aConnection ? aCrossingVehicles : bCrossingVehicles);
            Dictionary <IVehicle, CrossingVehicleTimes> otherCrossingVehicles = (nc == _aConnection ? bCrossingVehicles : aCrossingVehicles);
            CrossingVehicleTimes myCvt = myCrossingVehicles[v];

            if (_aConnection.startNode != _bConnection.startNode || (_frontWaitingDistance < aArcPosition && _frontWaitingDistance < bArcPosition))
                // check each vehicle in aCrossingVehicles with each in bCrossingVehicles for interference
                foreach (KeyValuePair <IVehicle, CrossingVehicleTimes> ocv in otherCrossingVehicles)
                    if ((!ocv.Value.willWaitInFrontOfIntersection || ocv.Value.remainingDistance < 0) &&

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the already registered vehicle v crossing on nc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v">Vehicle to update (must already be registered!).</param>
        /// <param name="nc">NodeConnection the vehicle is going to use (must participate on this Intersection!).</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Current distance of the vehicle to the Intersection</param>
        /// <param name="currentTime">current world time.</param>
        public void UpdateVehicle(IVehicle v, NodeConnection nc, double distance, double currentTime)
            Debug.Assert(nc == _aConnection || nc == _bConnection);
            // TODO: add some safety space before and behind
            double blockingStartTime = currentTime + CalculateArrivingTime(v, distance - (_frontWaitingDistance / 2)) - v.SafetyTime / 8;
            double blockingEndTime   = currentTime + CalculateArrivingTime(v, distance + v.length) + v.SafetyTime / 8;

            if (nc == _aConnection)
                CrossingVehicleTimes cvt = aCrossingVehicles[v];                 // CrossingVehicleTimes is a Value-Type!
                cvt.remainingDistance  = distance;
                cvt.blockingTime.left  = blockingStartTime;
                cvt.blockingTime.right = blockingEndTime;
                aCrossingVehicles[v]   = cvt;
                CrossingVehicleTimes cvt = bCrossingVehicles[v];                 // CrossingVehicleTimes is a Value-Type!
                cvt.remainingDistance  = distance;
                cvt.blockingTime.left  = blockingStartTime;
                cvt.blockingTime.right = blockingEndTime;
                bCrossingVehicles[v]   = cvt;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the already registered vehicle v crossing on nc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v">Vehicle to update (must already be registered!).</param>
        /// <param name="nc">NodeConnection the vehicle is going to use (must participate on this Intersection!).</param>
        /// <param name="willWaitInFrontOfIntersection">Set true if vehicle will wait before intersection (and thus not cross it in the meantime).</param>
        public void UpdateVehicle(IVehicle v, NodeConnection nc, bool willWaitInFrontOfIntersection)
            Debug.Assert(nc == _aConnection || nc == _bConnection);

            if (nc == _aConnection)
                CrossingVehicleTimes cvt = aCrossingVehicles[v];                 // CrossingVehicleTimes is a Value-Type!
                cvt.willWaitInFrontOfIntersection = willWaitInFrontOfIntersection;
                aCrossingVehicles[v] = cvt;
                CrossingVehicleTimes cvt = bCrossingVehicles[v];                 // CrossingVehicleTimes is a Value-Type!
                cvt.willWaitInFrontOfIntersection = willWaitInFrontOfIntersection;
                bCrossingVehicles[v] = cvt;