Ejemplo n.º 1
 public bool TryGetAnimationMapping(string animateActionName, out AnimationMapping animationMapping)
     animationMapping = findAnimationMapping(animateActionName);
     if (animationMapping == null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static CM.Animation getEffectingAnimation(IStoryAction <UintT> storyAction, CM.DomainAction domainAction)
            //find effector if any
            CM.AnimateAction effectorAnimateAction = domainAction.AnimateActions.Find(x => x.Effector);
            //didn't find an effector for this domain action...move along; nothing to see here
            if (effectorAnimateAction == null)

            string effectorActorName = null;

            CM.AnimationMapping effectorAnimationMapping = null;
            CM.Animation        effectingAnimation       = null;
            foreach (CM.DomainActionParameter domainActionParameter in domainAction.Params)
                if (domainActionParameter.Name == effectorAnimateAction.ActorNameParamName)
                    IActionProperty actorNameProperty;
                    if (storyAction.TryGetProperty(domainActionParameter.Name, out actorNameProperty))
                        effectorActorName = actorNameProperty.Value.Name;
                    if (effectorActorName == null)
                        Debug.LogError("actorName not set for stepId[" + storyAction.Name + "]");
                    string abstractEffectorActorName;
                    if (!getAbstractActorName(effectorActorName, out abstractEffectorActorName))
                        Extensions.Log("Failed to find effectorActorName[{0}] in hierarchy for stepid[{1}]", effectorActorName, storyAction.Name);

                    CM.Actor effectorActor;
                    if (!cm.TryGetActor(abstractEffectorActorName, out effectorActor))
                        Extensions.Log("effector actor [{0}] undefined for step[{1}]", effectorActorName, storyAction.Name);
                    if (!effectorActor.TryGetAnimationMapping(effectorAnimateAction.Name, out effectorAnimationMapping))
                        Extensions.Log("cinematic model animation instance undefined for actor[" +
                                       effectorActorName + "] action[" + domainAction.Name + "] paramName[" + domainActionParameter.Name + "]");
                    effectingAnimation = cm.FindAnimation(effectorAnimationMapping.AnimationName);
                    if (effectingAnimation == null)
                        Debug.LogError(string.Format("animation name [{0}] undefined.", effectingAnimation));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private static bool getAnimationMapping(string actorName, string animateActionName, out CM.AnimationMapping animationMapping)
     animationMapping = null;
     CM.Actor actor = null;
     if (cm.TryGetActor(actorName, out actor) &&
         actor.TryGetAnimationMapping(animateActionName, out animationMapping))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void enqueueAnimateActions(IStoryAction <UintT> storyAction, CM.DomainAction domainAction,
                                                  CM.Animation effectingAnimation, FireBoltActionList aaq,
                                                  string parentActionId, bool implicitActorInstantiation)
            foreach (CM.AnimateAction animateAction in domainAction.AnimateActions)
                string actorName                   = null;
                string abstractActorName           = null;
                float  startTick                   = 0;
                float  endTick                     = 0;
                CM.AnimationMapping animMapping    = null;
                CM.AnimationMapping stateMapping   = null;
                CM.Animation        animation      = null;
                CM.Animation        stateAnimation = new CM.Animation();

                string endName           = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(animateAction.End) ? animateAction.End : string.Empty;
                string animateActionName = animateAction.Name;

                //PURPOSE: if domain action parameter is the name of an animateAction for that domain action as defined in the cinematic model,
                //then use the parameter value as the animateAction name.
                // Used when a domain action has a variable for accepting an action to play, handy for spawn actions that require an initial state
                foreach (CM.DomainActionParameter domainActionParameter in domainAction.Params)
                    //endName = string.Empty; //The endName should not be string.Empty if the below propety is never true.
                    // Extensions.Log("beforeset: " + animateAction.Name + " " +  domainActionParameter.Name);
                    if (domainActionParameter.Name.Equals(animateAction.Name))
                        getActionParameterValue(storyAction, domainActionParameter, out animateActionName);
                        endName = animateActionName;

                foreach (CM.DomainActionParameter domainActionParameter in domainAction.Params)
                    if (domainActionParameter.Name == animateAction.ActorNameParamName)
                        if (getActionParameterValue(storyAction, domainActionParameter, out actorName) &&
                            (!implicitActorInstantiation || actorWillBeInstantiated(actorName)))
                            //abstractActorName = actorName;
                            if (!getAbstractActorName(actorName, out abstractActorName))
                                //can't figure out what this actor name is supposed to be.  don't try to animate it.
                                //this forces all levels of hierarchy to implement all animations if we want them played
                                //we can't partially look up levels above for some things
                                //iterate back and forth between finding matching hierarchical parents and looking for mappings to alleviate
                                if (!getAnimationMapping(abstractActorName, animateActionName, out animMapping))
                                    Extensions.Log("cinematic model animation instance undefined for actor[" +
                                                   abstractActorName + "] animateAction[" + animateActionName + "]");

                            //we have a valid mapping, let's use it to find an animation for this actor
                            animation = cm.FindAnimation(animMapping.AnimationName);
                            if (animation == null)
                                Extensions.Log("animation name [{0}] undefined", animMapping.AnimationName);

                            //end name is optional, we don't have to do this for the animation to be valid
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endName))
                                getAnimationMapping(abstractActorName, endName, out stateMapping);
                                if (!(stateMapping == null))
                                    stateAnimation = cm.FindAnimation(stateMapping.AnimationName);

                                    if (stateAnimation == null)
                                        Extensions.Log("state animation name [{0}] undefined", stateMapping.AnimationName);
                startTick = getStartTick(storyAction, animateAction, effectingAnimation);
                endTick   = getEndTick(storyAction, animateAction, effectingAnimation, startTick);

                if (AnimateMecanim.ValidForConstruction(actorName, animation))
                    //   Extensions.Log("actor: " + actorName + " animMappingName: " + animMapping.AnimationName + " animateActionName: " + animMapping.AnimateActionName + " loop: " + animMapping.LoopAnimation);
                    aaq.Add(new AnimateMecanim(startTick, endTick, actorName, animation.FileName,
                                               animMapping.LoopAnimation, stateAnimation.FileName)
                        ParentActionId = parentActionId