Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static clsScore GetTopChordSeg(int[] inpercent, int[] basspercent, clsKeyTicks mkey,
                                                clsMTime.clsSegment segment, out string chordname, out List <int> chnotes)
            int length = 0;

            foreach (int percent in inpercent)
                if (percent > 0)
            //if (length <= 2) {
            if (length < (int)P.frmStart.nudMinChordSize.Value) //should be 0 unless advanced...
                chordname = "";
                chnotes   = null;
            List <clsScore> chlist = GetChordsSeg(inpercent, basspercent, mkey, segment);

            if (chlist.Count == 0)
                chnotes   = new List <int>();
                chordname = "";
            chnotes   = chlist[0].ChNotes; //highest score
            chordname = chlist[0].Desc;
            //chordname = ChordAnalysis.UTemplates[chlist[0].TIndex].Name;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 internal clsSegments(clsNoteMap notemap)
     //CSVFileConv = csvfileconv;
     //int barnum = 1;  //tmp debugging
     clsMTime.clsSegment startbar = new clsMTime.clsSegBar(P.F.TicksPerQI, 0, P.F.MaxBBT.QI);
     for (clsMTime.clsSegment bar = startbar; !bar.OOR; bar++)
         //Debug.WriteLine("Bar: " + barnum++
         //  + " TicksLo: " + bar.SegQILo * P.F.TicksPerQI
         //  + " TicksHi: " + bar.SegQIHi * P.F.TicksPerQI);  //temp debugging
         int[] seg = new int[12];
         for (int qi = bar.SegQILo; qi <= bar.SegQIHi; qi++)
             notemap.CalcKeys_CalcSegQI(seg, qi, ref indEmpty);
             //CalcSegQI(notemap, seg, qi, indEmpty);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal void FillSegments(eAlign align, int qilo, int qihi, int fillpercent, int qiwidth)
            //* fill or empty segments (bars/halfbars/beats) by modded note
            if (align == eAlign.Interval && qiwidth == 0)
            int ticksperqi = P.F.TicksPerQI;

            for (int n = 0; n < 12; n++)
                clsMTime.clsSegment startseg = GetStartSeg(align, qilo, qihi, qiwidth, ticksperqi);

                //* quantize
                for (clsMTime.clsSegment segment = startseg; !segment.OOR; segment++)
                    int totqiall = segment.SegQIWidth;
                    int totqion  = 0;
                    int segqilo  = segment.SegQILo;
                    int segqihi  = segment.SegQIHi;
                    for (int qi = segqilo; qi <= segqihi; qi++)
                        if (IsF(qi, n))
                    int  percent = (totqion * 100) / totqiall;
                    bool fill    = false;
                    if (totqion > 0 && percent >= fillpercent)
                        fill = true;                               //fill segment (else clear)
                    for (int qi = segqilo; qi <= segqihi; qi++)
                        SetF(qi, n, fill);                                //fill or clear segment
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal int[] GetFillPercent(clsFileStream filestream, clsMTime.clsSegment segment, bool indbass)
            //* return occupancy as a percent for each modded note in segment
            int  offsetqi  = 0;
            bool offsetpre = false;
            int  swing     = (int)P.frmCfgChords.trkSwing.Value - 50;

            if (segment is clsMTime.clsSegHalfBar && swing != 0)
                offsetqi = swing * segment.SegQIWidth / 50;
                if (segment.SegBBTLo.BeatsRemBar > 0)
                    offsetpre = true;
            int[] ret        = new int[12];
            int   maxpercent = 0;

            for (int n = 0; n < 12; n++)
                int totqiall = 0;
                int totqion  = 0;
                int segqilo  = segment.SegQILo;
                int segqihi  = segment.SegQIHi;
                if (offsetpre)
                    segqilo += offsetqi;
                    segqihi += offsetqi;
                if (indbass || P.frmCfgChords.chkWeightedScores.Checked)
                    foreach (clsTrks.T trk in P.F.Chan.Next)
                        bool select = (indbass) ? P.F.FSTrackMap.TrkType[trk] == clsFileStream.eTrkType.Bass : filestream.TrkSelect[trk];
                        if (select && P.F.Chan[trk] != 9)   //not percussion
                            totqiall += segment.SegQIWidth; //qi * num selectedtrks
                            for (int qi = segqilo; qi <= segqihi; qi++)
                                //* may be trimmed - OK
                                //* may be quantized - not recommended, but should still work
                                if (IsF(qi, n) && this[qi, n, trk])
                            //if (indbass) trk = trk + 1 - 1;
                else //unweighted
                    totqiall = segment.SegQIWidth;
                    for (int qi = segqilo; qi <= segqihi; qi++)
                        if (IsF(qi, n))
                int percent = (totqiall == 0) ? 0 : (totqion * 100) / totqiall;
                maxpercent = Math.Max(maxpercent, percent);
                ret[n]     = percent;

            if (!indbass && maxpercent > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                    if (ret[i] > 0)
                        ret[i] = (ret[i] * 100) / maxpercent;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal void ApplyTrim(eAlign aligntrim, int qilo, int qihi,
                                int qiquant, int qiinner, int qiouter)
            //* trim syncopated notes
            //* uses OnOffPair - apply before other filters
            bool pretrim  = P.frmCfgChords.chkTrimPre.Checked;
            bool posttrim = P.frmCfgChords.chkTrimPost.Checked;

            if (qiinner == 0 || qiouter == 0)
            if (!pretrim && !posttrim)
            int ticksperqi = P.F.TicksPerQI;

            if (OnOffPairs == null)
            for (int n = 0; n < 12; n++)
                clsOnOffPairs pairs = OnOffPairs[n];

                if (pretrim)
                    clsMTime.clsSegment startseg = GetStartSeg(aligntrim, qilo, qihi, qiquant, ticksperqi);
                    for (clsMTime.clsSegment segment = startseg; !segment.OOR; segment++)
                        if (qiinner > segment.SegQIWidth / 2)
                            continue;                        //'before' too large
                        if (qiouter < segment.SegQIWidth / 8)
                            continue;                        //'after' too small
                        //* check if trim required
                        int indexoffq = pairs.IndexOffQ(segment.SegQILo); //first ON at or after SeqQILo
                        if (indexoffq < 0)
                            continue;     //after last event
                        int offq = pairs.Off(indexoffq);
                        if (offq > segment.SegQILo + qiinner)
                        int onq = pairs.On(indexoffq);
                        if (onq > segment.SegQILo - qiouter)
                        //* trim
                        //for (int q = offq; q >= segment.SegQILo; q--) SetF(q, n, false);
                        for (int q = segment.SegQILo; q < segment.SegQILo + qiinner; q++)
                            SetF(q, n, false);

                if (posttrim)
                    clsMTime.clsSegment startseg = GetStartSeg(aligntrim, qilo, qihi, qiquant, ticksperqi);
                    for (clsMTime.clsSegment segment = startseg; !segment.OOR; segment++)
                        if (qiinner > segment.SegQIWidth / 2)
                            continue;                        //'before' too large
                        if (qiouter < segment.SegQIWidth / 8)
                            continue;                        //'after' too small
                        //* check if trim required
                        int indexonq = pairs.IndexOnQ(segment.SegQIHi); //first ON at or before SeqQIHi
                        if (indexonq < 0)
                            continue;    //before first event
                        int onq = pairs.On(indexonq);
                        if (onq < segment.SegQIHi + 1 - qiinner)
                        int offq = pairs.Off(indexonq);
                        if (offq < segment.SegQIHi + 1 + qiouter)
                        //* trim
                        //for (int q = onq; q <= segment.SegQIHi; q++) SetF(q, n, false)
                        for (int q = segment.SegQIHi; q > segment.SegQIHi - qiouter; q--)
                            SetF(q, n, false);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal static List <clsScore> GetChordsSeg(int[] inpercent, int[] basspercent, clsKeyTicks mkey, clsMTime.clsSegment segment)
            //* inpc = segment weights for each pitchclass (0 = not present, 100 = occupies whole segment
            //* calculate scores
            //* segment param only used by dumpscores
            List <clsScore> scores = new List <clsScore>();

            bool[] prevpc = new bool[12];
            int    adder  = (int)P.frmCfgChords.nudAdder.Value;       //high value favours 3-note chords...
            int    factor = (int)P.frmCfgChords.nudChordFactor.Value; //high value favours notes present

            for (int t = 0; t < USToTemplate.Count; t++)              //each possible chord (template)
                if (USToTemplate.Values[t].Rank > MaxType)
                if (USToTemplate.Values[t].Length > MaxNotes)
                if (USToTemplate.Values[t].PC.SequenceEqual(prevpc))
                for (int r = 0; r < 12; r++) //for each root
                    int score = 0;
                    for (int p = 0; p < 12; p++) //each pitchclass
                        int pp = p - r;
                        if (pp < 0)
                            pp += 12;
                        //* calc score for this t/r/p
                        //* range: -50 to 50
                        //if (Templates[t].PC[pp]) score += factor * inpc[p] - adder; else score += adder - inpc[p];
                        if (USToTemplate.Values[t].PC[pp])
                            score += (factor * inpercent[p]) / 10 - adder;
                            score += adder - inpercent[p];
                    //* calc template pc relative to current key
                    bool[] temppc = new bool[12];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                        if (USToTemplate.Values[t].PC[i])
                            int tempi = (i + r - mkey.KeyNote).Mod12();
                            temppc[tempi] = true;
                    clsScore newscore = new clsScore(score, t, r, mkey, temppc, basspercent);
                prevpc = USToTemplate.Values[t].PC;

            if (scores.Count == 0)
                return(new List <clsScore>());

            scores.Sort(new SimpleScoreComparer()); //simple sort (score only)
            scores.Reverse();                       //highest score first

#if (DEBUG && DumpTopScores)
            clsMTime.clsBBT bbt = new clsMTime.clsBBT(segment.SegQILo * P.F.TicksPerQI);
            DumpScores(XSWDump, -1, mkey, bbt, scores, "");

            //* create list of top scores, sorted by other criteria
            List <clsScore> topscores = new List <clsScore>(9);
            topscores.Add(scores[0]);              //top score
            for (int i = 1; i < scores.Count; i++) //start at second element
                if (scores[i].Score <= scores[0].Score - (int)P.frmCfgChords.nudScoreRange.Value)

            //topscores.Sort(new SecondaryScoreComparer());  //secondary fields, then score
            topscores.Sort(new AggScoreComparer()); //aggregate score

            if (P.frmCfgChords.chkRemoveDups.Checked)
                topscores = RemoveDups(topscores);

#if (DEBUG && DumpTopScores)
            DumpScores(XSWDumpTop, -1, mkey, bbt, topscores, "");