Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static GraphFIR.IO.IContainerIO VisitRef(VisitHelper helper, FIRRTL.Expression exp, GraphFIR.IO.IContainerIO currContainer, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender gender)
            GraphFIR.IO.IContainerIO refContainer;
            if (exp is FIRRTL.Reference reference)
                refContainer = currContainer.GetIO(reference.Name);
            else if (exp is FIRRTL.SubField subField)
                var subContainer = VisitExp(helper, subField.Expr, gender);
                refContainer = subContainer.GetIO(subField.Name);
            else if (exp is FIRRTL.SubIndex subIndex)
                var subVec = VisitExp(helper, subIndex.Expr, gender);
                var vec    = (GraphFIR.IO.Vector)subVec;

                refContainer = vec.GetIndex(subIndex.Value);
            else if (exp is FIRRTL.SubAccess subAccess)
                var subVec = VisitExp(helper, subAccess.Expr, gender);
                var vec    = (GraphFIR.IO.Vector)subVec;
                var index  = (GraphFIR.IO.Output)VisitExp(helper, subAccess.Index, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);

                if (gender == GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male)
                    GraphFIR.Mux node = new GraphFIR.Mux(vec.GetIOInOrder().ToList(), index, null, true);

                    refContainer = node.Result;
                    GraphFIR.VectorAssign vecAssign = new GraphFIR.VectorAssign(vec, index, helper.Mod.EnableCon, null);

                    refContainer = vecAssign.GetAssignIO();
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (refContainer is GraphFIR.IO.MemPort memPort)
                //Memory ports in high level firrtl are acceses in a different
                //way compared to low level firrtl. In high level firrtl, a
                //memory port is treated like a wire connected to its datain/out
                //sub field whereas in low level firrtl the subfield has to be
                if (memPort.FromHighLevelFIRRTL)
                    return(GetIOGender(helper, memPort, gender));
                //Never return bigender io. Only this method should have to deal
                //with that mess so the rest of the code doesn't have to.
                //Dealing with it is ugly which is why i want to contain it.
                if (refContainer is GraphFIR.IO.FIRIO firIO)
                    return(GetIOGender(helper, firIO, gender));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static GraphFIR.IO.FIRIO VisitExp(VisitHelper helper, FIRRTL.Expression exp, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender gender)
            if (exp is FIRRTL.RefLikeExpression)
                return((GraphFIR.IO.FIRIO)VisitRef(helper, exp, helper.Mod, gender));

            if (exp is FIRRTL.Literal lit)
                GraphFIR.ConstValue value = new GraphFIR.ConstValue(lit);

            else if (exp is FIRRTL.DoPrim prim)
                var args = prim.Args.Select(x => VisitExp(helper, x, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male)).Cast <GraphFIR.IO.Output>().ToArray();
                GraphFIR.FIRRTLPrimOP nodePrim;
                if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Add)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRAdd(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Sub)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRSub(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Mul)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRMul(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Div)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRDiv(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Rem)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRRem(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Dshl)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRDshl(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Dshr)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRDshr(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Cat)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRCat(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Eq)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIREq(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Neq)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRNeq(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Geq)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRGeq(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Leq)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRLeq(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Gt)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRGt(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Lt)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRLt(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.And)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRAnd(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Or)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIROr(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Xor)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRXor(args[0], args[1], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Head)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.Head(args[0], prim.Type, (int)prim.Consts[0], prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Tail)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.Tail(args[0], prim.Type, (int)prim.Consts[0], prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Bits)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.BitExtract(args[0], prim.Type, (int)prim.Consts[1], (int)prim.Consts[0], prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Pad)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.Pad(args[0], prim.Type, (int)prim.Consts[0], prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.AsUInt)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRAsUInt(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.AsSInt)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRAsSInt(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.AsClock)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRAsClock(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Cvt)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRCvt(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Neg)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRNeg(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Not)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRNot(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Andr)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRAndr(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Orr)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIROrr(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Xorr)
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRXorr(args[0], prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Shl)
                    var constLit    = new FIRRTL.UIntLiteral(prim.Consts[0], (int)prim.Consts[0].GetBitLength());
                    var constOutput = (GraphFIR.IO.Output)VisitExp(helper, constLit, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRShl(args[0], constOutput, prim.Type, prim);
                else if (prim.Op is FIRRTL.Shr)
                    var constLit    = new FIRRTL.UIntLiteral(prim.Consts[0], (int)prim.Consts[0].GetBitLength());
                    var constOutput = (GraphFIR.IO.Output)VisitExp(helper, constLit, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);
                    nodePrim = new GraphFIR.FIRShr(args[0], constOutput, prim.Type, prim);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            else if (exp is FIRRTL.Mux mux)
                var cond    = (GraphFIR.IO.Output)VisitExp(helper, mux.Cond, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);
                var ifTrue  = VisitExp(helper, mux.TrueValue, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);
                var ifFalse = VisitExp(helper, mux.FalseValue, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);

                GraphFIR.Mux node = new GraphFIR.Mux(new List <GraphFIR.IO.FIRIO>()
                    ifTrue, ifFalse
                }, cond, mux);

            else if (exp is FIRRTL.ValidIf validIf)
                var cond    = (GraphFIR.IO.Output)VisitExp(helper, validIf.Cond, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);
                var ifValid = VisitExp(helper, validIf.Value, GraphFIR.IO.IOGender.Male);

                GraphFIR.Mux node = new GraphFIR.Mux(new List <GraphFIR.IO.FIRIO>()
                }, cond, validIf);

                throw new NotImplementedException();