Ejemplo n.º 1
 public bool CheckSquare(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] end)
     bool isValid = false;
     if (board[end[0], end[1]].GetType() == typeof(Space))
         isValid = true;
     else if (board[end[0], end[1]].Color != Color)
         isValid = true;
     return isValid;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public bool IsAvailable(ChessPiece[,] board, int row, int column, int index)
     bool canMove = true;
     if (board[row, column].Color == Color)
         canMove = false;
     if (this.canMove[index] == true)
         this.canMove[index] = canMove;
     return canMove;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public bool CheckMovement(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start, int[] end)
     bool isValid = false;
     List<int[]> available = RestrictMovement(board, start);
     for (int x = 0; x < available.Count; ++x)
         if (available[x][0] == end[0] && available[x][1] == end[1])
             isValid = true;
     return isValid;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Prints out 24 array values before moving on to the next set of 24 values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="boardSqaures">Represents a board. Required size for the 2-D array is 8 rows and 24 columns.</param>
 public void PrintBoard(ChessPiece[,] boardSqaures)
     for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
         for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
             if (x % 2 == 0)
                 if (y % 2 == 0)
                     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta;
                     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
                 if (y % 2 == 0)
                     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
                     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta;
             if (boardSqaures[x, y].Color == 'l')
                 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
             else if(boardSqaures[x, y].Color == 'd')
                 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
             Console.Write(" " + boardSqaures[x, y].Symbol + " ");
     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public List<int[]> RestrictMovement(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start)
     List<int[]> available = new List<int[]>();
     bool isAvailable = false;
     for (int x = 1; x < 8; ++x)
         if (start[0] + x < 8 && start[1] - x >= 0)//down Left
             isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] + x, start[1] - x, 0);
             if (isAvailable == true)
                 if (canMove[0] == true)
                     available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + x, start[1] - x });
         if (start[0] + x < 8 && start[1] + x < 8)//down right
             isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] + x, start[1] + x, 1);
             if (isAvailable == true)
                 if (canMove[1] == true)
                     available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + x, start[1] + x });
         if (start[0] - x >= 0 && start[1] - x >= 0)//up left
             isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] - x, start[1] - x, 2);
             if (isAvailable == true)
                 if (canMove[2] == true)
                     available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - x, start[1] - x });
         if (start[0] - x >= 0 && start[1] + x < 8)//up right
             isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] - x, start[1] + x, 3);
             if (isAvailable == true)
                 if (canMove[3] == true)
                     available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - x, start[1] + x });
     return available;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void Button_PromoteHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Button b = (Button)sender;
            if (b.Name == "Queen")
                _promotion = 1;
            else if (b.Name == "Bishop")
                _promotion = 2;
            else if (b.Name == "Rook")
                _promotion = 3;
            else if (b.Name == "Knight")
                _promotion = 4;

            if (_promotion == 1)
                newPiece = new Queen(pawnColor);
            else if (_promotion == 2)
                newPiece = new Bishop(pawnColor);
            else if (_promotion == 3)
                newPiece = new Rook(pawnColor);
            else if (_promotion == 4)
                newPiece = new Knight(pawnColor);

            if (newPiece != null)
                BitmapImage source = new BitmapImage();
                source.UriSource = new Uri("Images/" + newPiece.ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                Image img = new Image();
                img.Source = source;

                ((Square)g.Children[((square[0] * 8) + square[1])]).Panel.Children.Clear();
                ((Square)g.Children[((square[0] * 8) + square[1])]).Panel.Children.Add(img);
                ((Square)g.Children[((square[0] * 8) + square[1])]).Pic = img;
                Board.Squares[square[0], square[1]].Piece = newPiece;
            for (int x = 0; x < 5; ++x)
                g2.Children[x].Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            g.IsEnabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public List<int[]> RestrictMovement(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start)
            List<int[]> available = new List<int[]>();

            return available;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public bool IsAvailable(ChessPiece[,] board, int row, int column, int index)
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public bool CheckMovement(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start, int[] end)
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public bool CheckSquare(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] end)
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public List<int[]> RestrictMovement(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start)
     List<int[]> available = new List<int[]>();
     bool isAvailable = false;
     if (start[0] + 1 < 8)//down 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] + 1, start[1], 0);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if(canMove[0] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + 1, start[1] });
     if (start[0] + 1 < 8 && start[1] - 1 >= 0)//down Left 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] + 1, start[1] - 1, 1);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if (canMove[1] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + 1, start[1] - 1 });
     if (start[0] + 1 < 8 && start[1] + 1 < 8)//down right 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] + 1, start[1] + 1, 2);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if (canMove[2] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + 1, start[1] + 1 });
     if (start[1] + 1 < 8)//right 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0], start[1] + 1, 3);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if (canMove[3] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0], start[1] + 1 });
     if (start[0] - 1 >= 0)//up 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] - 1, start[1], 4);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if (canMove[4] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - 1, start[1] });
     if (start[0] - 1  >= 0 && start[1] - 1 >= 0)//up left 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] - 1, start[1] - 1, 5);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if (canMove[5] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - 1, start[1] - 1 });
     if (start[0] - 1 >= 0 && start[1] + 1 < 8)//up right 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0] - 1, start[1] + 1, 6);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if (canMove[6] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - 1, start[1] + 1 });
     if (start[1] - 1 >= 0)//left 1
         isAvailable = IsAvailable(board, start[0], start[1] - 1, 7);
         if (isAvailable == true)
             if (canMove[7] == true)
                 available.Add(new int[] { start[0], start[1] - 1 });
     return available;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public List<int[]> RestrictMovement(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start)
     return new List<int[]>();
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void MovePiece(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start, int[] end)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void MovePiece(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start, int[] end)
     board[end[0], end[1]] = board[start[0], start[1]];
     board[start[0], start[1]] = new Space();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the parameter if it represents a board piece.
 /// If it does, then it sets _pieceHolder to a the board piece.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="piece">
 /// K = King
 /// Q = Queen
 /// B = Bishop
 /// N = Knight
 /// R = Rook
 /// P = Pawn
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>Returns the name of a board piece</returns>
 public string CheckPiece(string piece)
     string name;
     switch (piece)
         case "K":
             _pieceHolder = new King(' ');
             name = _pieceHolder.Piece;
         case "Q":
             _pieceHolder = new Queen(' ');
             name = _pieceHolder.Piece;
         case "B":
             _pieceHolder = new Bishop(' ');
             name = _pieceHolder.Piece;
         case "N":
             _pieceHolder = new Knight(' ');
             name = _pieceHolder.Piece;
         case "R":
             _pieceHolder = new Rook(' ');
             name = _pieceHolder.Piece;
         case "P":
             _pieceHolder = new Pawn(' ');
             name = _pieceHolder.Piece;
             Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid Piece");
             name = null;
     return name;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public List<int[]> RestrictMovement(ChessPiece[,] board, int[] start)
            List<int[]> available = new List<int[]>();

            if (start[0] - 2 >= 0 && start[1] - 1 >= 0)//up 2 left 1
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - 2, start[1] - 1 });
            if (start[0] - 2 >= 0 && start[1] + 1 < 8)//up 2 right 1
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - 2, start[1] + 1 });
            if (start[0] - 1 >= 0 && start[1] - 2 >= 0)//up 1 left 2
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - 1, start[1] - 2 });
            if (start[0] - 1 >= 0 && start[1] + 2 < 8)//up 1 right 2
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] - 1, start[1] + 2 });
            if (start[0] + 2 < 8 && start[1] - 1 >= 0 )//down 2 Left 1
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + 2, start[1] - 1 });
            if (start[0] + 2 < 8 && start[1] + 1 < 8)//down 2 right 1
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + 2, start[1] + 1 });
            if (start[0] + 1 < 8 && start[1] - 2 >= 0)//down 1 Left 2
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + 1, start[1] - 2 });
            if (start[0] + 1 < 8 && start[1] + 2 < 8)//down 1 right 2
                available.Add(new int[] { start[0] + 1, start[1] + 2 });
            return available;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the parameter if it represents a board piece.
 /// If it does, then it sets _pieceHolder to the board piece.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="piece">
 /// K = King
 /// Q = Queen
 /// B = Bishop
 /// N = Knight
 /// R = Rook
 /// P = Pawn
 /// </param>
 public void CheckPiece(string piece)
     switch (piece)
         case "K":
             _pieceHolder = new King();
         case "Q":
             _pieceHolder = new Queen();
         case "B":
             _pieceHolder = new Bishop();
         case "N":
             _pieceHolder = new Knight();
         case "R":
             _pieceHolder = new Rook();
         case "P":
             _pieceHolder = new Pawn();
             Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid Piece");